- 5/1/23 - 13 formularios, 7 itemgroups, 80 items, 1 idioma
Itemgroups: Symptome, Atemwegssymptome, Systemische Symptome, Neurologische/Psychiatrische Symptome, Schmerzen, Magendarmsymptome, Andere Symptome
Disclaimer: Der „GECCO - German Corona Consensus - Covid-19 Research-Dataset“ Inhalt, der auf dem Portal für medizinische Datenmodelle (MDM Portal) zu finden ist, ersetzt nicht den GECCO Datensatz auf simplifier.net. Für die Nutzung von GECCO-FHIR-Profilen verwenden Sie bitte die auf https://simplifier.net/ForschungsnetzCovid-19/ verfügbaren Profile. Der FHIR-Download auf MDM erzeugt lediglich eine FHIR-Fragebogenresource. Ziel Überarbeitung August 2021: höhere Kompatibilität mit der NUM-COMPASS-App bzw. der Schnittstelle zur zentralen Datenbank; Zwischenstand, gewisse Module sind noch nicht kompatibel mit der Schnittstelle (u.a. Medikation und Laborwerte; Beatmungstherapie ist aktuell doppelt hinterlegt) This version of the GECCO logical model is based on https://art-decor.org/art-decor/decor-datasets--covid19f-, and the implementation for REDCap by the University of Tübingen (3.3.2021), partially updated with https://simplifier.net/guide/GermanCoronaConsensusDataSet-ImplementationGuide/Home information. For actual use of FHIR profiles, please use the actual profiles available on https://simplifier.net/ForschungsnetzCovid-19/ResearchDatasetGECCO/~overview (FHIR download on MDM is only a FHIR questionnaire resource). This version is not compatible with the REDCap to FHIR GECCO converter of the University of Tübingen. It aims at a higher compatibility with the app generated for the NUM-COMPASS project (conversion to COMPASS-compatible FHIR questionnaire necessary) and from there with the central platform of the NUM-CODEX project. A few modules are not yet compatible (e.g. Medication and lab values; ventilation is currently double). Official German text from http://cocos.team/datasets.html: Zur Bewältigung der aktuellen Pandemie und der damit einhergehenden Behandlung von Patienten fördert das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) ein nationales Netzwerk der Universitätsmedizin im Kampf gegen COVID-19. Unter anderem soll das Netzwerk die Daten der behandelten COVID-19 Patienten systematisch erfassen und bündeln. Die Forschenden sollen die Behandlung der COVID-19-Patienten standardisiert erheben, verfolgen und analysieren. Die hohe Bedrohungslage hat zu intensiver wissenschaftlicher Aktivität zu COVID-19 geführt, wozu zahlreiche regionale, nationale und internationale epidemiologische Erhebungen und Registerstudien zählen. Der Konsensusdatensatz gibt der Wissenschaft um COVID-19 eine gemeinsame Sprache und Arbeitsgrundlage. Inofficial translation: In order to cope with the current pandemic and the associated treatment of patients, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding a national network of university medicine in the fight against COVID-19. Among other things, the network will systematically collect and bundle the data of the treated COVID-19 patients. The researchers are to collect, track and analyze the treatment of COVID-19 patients in a standardized way. The high threat level has led to intensive scientific activity on COVID-19, including numerous regional, national and international epidemiological surveys and register studies. The consensus data set provides a common language and working basis for the science around COVID-19.


2 itemgroups 18 items


1 itemgroup 11 items


26 itemgroups 78 items


16 itemgroups 101 items


5 itemgroups 56 items
- 24/6/22 - 1 formulario, 5 itemgroups, 57 items, 3 idiomas
Itemgroups: Screening Tool, Symptoms, Optional Questions, Data use for future research, Informed Consent
Mischung Beispielfragebogen von Virusfinder und Screening-Tool-Vorschläge von COMPASS vom 22 Okt. 2020, vs3.1 https://www.virus-finder.de Research study of Heidelberg University Hospital and Heidelberg University New Corona testing strategies for the general public Die Studie wurde von einem Team der Universität Heidelberg im Rahmen des bundesweiten Forschungsnetzes zur angewandten Surveillance und Testung durchgeführt, das wiederum zum Nationalen Forschungsnetzwerk der Universitätsmedizin zu Covid-19 gehört. Sie wurden von den örtlichen Gesundheitsämtern unterstützt und vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung finanziert. "Das neuartige Coronavirus, wissenschaftlich SARS-CoV-2 genannt, stellt uns alle vor große Herausforderungen und wir mussten uns alle in den letzten Monaten wegen der Pandemie stark einschränken. Aktuell wird auf steigende Fallzahlen in der Regel mit einer Verschärfung der Maßnahmen reagiert. Das liegt vor allem daran, dass auch viele Personen ohne Symptome das Virus unerkannt weitertragen und damit nicht rechtzeitig lokal begrenzt reagiert werden kann. Dafür bräuchte es eine Strategie, die frühzeitig auch infizierte Personen ohne Symptome erkennen kann. Mit der Corona-Forschungsstudie erproben wir neue Verfahren hierzu. Im Zeitraum vom 18. November bis 08. Dezember [2020] werden ca. 28.000 Einwohner im Rhein-Neckar-Raum von uns ein Einladungsschreiben zur Teilnahme der Studie erhalten. Die Einladungen werden dabei gleichmäßig verteilt über die Tage verschickt. Sollten Sie in diesem Zeitraum kein Einladungsschreiben erhalten, können Sie leider nicht an der Studie teilnehmen und wir bitten Sie, von Anfragen rund um eine mögliche Teilnahme an der Studie abzusehen. Die Probandinnen und Probanden, d. h. die Menschen, die an der Corona-Forschungsstudie teilnehmen können, wurden dafür zufällig aus den Einwohnermeldeämtern der Gemeinden im Rhein-Neckar-Raum ausgewählt. Solche sogenannten Einwohnermeldestichproben sind nach §46 des Bundesmeldegesetzes zulässig, falls die Studie im öffentlichen Interesse stattfindet." Vielen Dank an Dr. Andreas Deckert für die Erlaubnis zum Upload.
- 26/10/24 - 26 formularios, 1 itemgroup, 6 items, 2 idiomas
Itemgroup: t1.signinfect2


1 itemgroup 12 items


1 itemgroup 32 items


1 itemgroup 24 items


1 itemgroup 7 items


1 itemgroup 37 items


1 itemgroup 75 items
- 18/8/22 - 1 formulario, 10 itemgroups, 99 items, 1 idioma
Itemgroups: Background, IG.3, Life changes last two weeks, Daily behaviors past two weeks, Emotions/ Worries past two weeks, Media use past two weeks, Substance use past two weeks, Supports disrupted, Additional concerns and comments, Comment section - Adult Selfreport Baseline Form
The CRISIS Survey is designed to enable the researchers and care providers to examine the extent and impact of life changes induced by the epidemic on the mental health and behavior of individuals and families across diverse international settings. Our hope is that such data will enable the identification of pre-, peri, and post-COVID19 demographic, social, and clinical predictors of both short- and long-term impairment and distress induced by COVID19 and its sequelae. The CRISIS can be used to track impact of the survey in diverse clinical, population and research settings. It may be even more informative for identifying predictors of impact and service needs from studies that have well characterized information from prior to COVID19. A broad range of behaviors and function are probed in the survey, including daily behaviors, emotional status, media usage, and substance use. The survey is designed to allow for follow-ups on a regular basis, with recommended frequencies of twice monthly or monthly. To facilitate multicultural perspectives, translations in a broad range of languages are available. Investigators: K. Merikangas, M. Milham, A. Stringaris Collaborators: E. Bromet, S. Colcombe, V. Zipunnikov The team encourages advanced notification of any media, scientific reports or publications of data that have been collected with the CRISIS (merikank@mail.nih.gov), though this is not required. We also encourage voluntary data sharing for the purpose of psychometric studies that will be led by Dr. Stringaris (argyris.stringaris@nih.gov).
- 18/8/22 - 1 formulario, 14 itemgroups, 189 items, 1 idioma
Itemgroups: Background, Exposure status last two weeks, Life changes last two weeks, Daily behaviors past three month, Emotions/ Worries past three month, Media use past three month, Substance use past three month, Daily behaviors past two weeks, Emotions/ Worries past two weeks, Media use past two weeks, Substance use past two weeks, Supports disrupted, Additional concerns and comments, Comment section - Adult Selfreport Baseline Form
The CRISIS Survey is designed to enable the researchers and care providers to examine the extent and impact of life changes induced by the epidemic on the mental health and behavior of individuals and families across diverse international settings. Our hope is that such data will enable the identification of pre-, peri, and post-COVID19 demographic, social, and clinical predictors of both short- and long-term impairment and distress induced by COVID19 and its sequelae. The CRISIS can be used to track impact of the survey in diverse clinical, population and research settings. It may be even more informative for identifying predictors of impact and service needs from studies that have well characterized information from prior to COVID19. A broad range of behaviors and function are probed in the survey, including daily behaviors, emotional status, media usage, and substance use. The survey is designed to allow for follow-ups on a regular basis, with recommended frequencies of twice monthly or monthly. To facilitate multicultural perspectives, translations in a broad range of languages are available. Investigators: K. Merikangas, M. Milham, A. Stringaris Collaborators: E. Bromet, S. Colcombe, V. Zipunnikov The team encourages advanced notification of any media, scientific reports or publications of data that have been collected with the CRISIS (merikank@mail.nih.gov), though this is not required. We also encourage voluntary data sharing for the purpose of psychometric studies that will be led by Dr. Stringaris (argyris.stringaris@nih.gov).
- 18/8/22 - 1 formulario, 14 itemgroups, 182 items, 1 idioma
Itemgroups: Background, Exposure status last two weeks, Life changes last two weeks, Daily behaviors past three month, Emotions/ Worries past three month, Media use past three month, Substance use past three month, Daily behaviors past two weeks, Emotions/ Worries past two weeks, Media use past two weeks, Substance use past two weeks, Supports disrupted, Additional concerns and comments, Comment section - Adult Selfreport Baseline Form
The CRISIS Survey is designed to enable the researchers and care providers to examine the extent and impact of life changes induced by the epidemic on the mental health and behavior of individuals and families across diverse international settings. Our hope is that such data will enable the identification of pre-, peri, and post-COVID19 demographic, social, and clinical predictors of both short- and long-term impairment and distress induced by COVID19 and its sequelae. The CRISIS can be used to track impact of the survey in diverse clinical, population and research settings. It may be even more informative for identifying predictors of impact and service needs from studies that have well characterized information from prior to COVID19. A broad range of behaviors and function are probed in the survey, including daily behaviors, emotional status, media usage, and substance use. The survey is designed to allow for follow-ups on a regular basis, with recommended frequencies of twice monthly or monthly. To facilitate multicultural perspectives, translations in a broad range of languages are available. Investigators: K. Merikangas, M. Milham, A. Stringaris Collaborators: E. Bromet, S. Colcombe, V. Zipunnikov The team encourages advanced notification of any media, scientific reports or publications of data that have been collected with the CRISIS (merikank@mail.nih.gov), though this is not required. We also encourage voluntary data sharing for the purpose of psychometric studies that will be led by Dr. Stringaris (argyris.stringaris@nih.gov).
- 18/8/22 - 1 formulario, 10 itemgroups, 96 items, 1 idioma
Itemgroups: Background, IG.3, Life changes last two weeks, Daily behaviors past two weeks, Emotions/ Worries past two weeks, Media use past two weeks, Substance use past two weeks, Supports disrupted, Additional concerns and comments, Comment section - Adult Selfreport Baseline Form
The CRISIS Survey is designed to enable the researchers and care providers to examine the extent and impact of life changes induced by the epidemic on the mental health and behavior of individuals and families across diverse international settings. Our hope is that such data will enable the identification of pre-, peri, and post-COVID19 demographic, social, and clinical predictors of both short- and long-term impairment and distress induced by COVID19 and its sequelae. The CRISIS can be used to track impact of the survey in diverse clinical, population and research settings. It may be even more informative for identifying predictors of impact and service needs from studies that have well characterized information from prior to COVID19. A broad range of behaviors and function are probed in the survey, including daily behaviors, emotional status, media usage, and substance use. The survey is designed to allow for follow-ups on a regular basis, with recommended frequencies of twice monthly or monthly. To facilitate multicultural perspectives, translations in a broad range of languages are available. Investigators: K. Merikangas, M. Milham, A. Stringaris Collaborators: E. Bromet, S. Colcombe, V. Zipunnikov The team encourages advanced notification of any media, scientific reports or publications of data that have been collected with the CRISIS (merikank@mail.nih.gov), though this is not required. We also encourage voluntary data sharing for the purpose of psychometric studies that will be led by Dr. Stringaris (argyris.stringaris@nih.gov).
- 18/8/22 - 1 formulario, 10 itemgroups, 101 items, 1 idioma
Itemgroups: Background, IG.3, Life changes last two weeks, Daily behaviors past two weeks, Emotions/ Worries past two weeks, Media use past two weeks, Substance use past two weeks, Supports disrupted, Additional concerns and comments, adult_selfreport_follow_up_form.surveycomments
The CRISIS Survey is designed to enable the researchers and care providers to examine the extent and impact of life changes induced by the epidemic on the mental health and behavior of individuals and families across diverse international settings. Our hope is that such data will enable the identification of pre-, peri, and post-COVID19 demographic, social, and clinical predictors of both short- and long-term impairment and distress induced by COVID19 and its sequelae. The CRISIS can be used to track impact of the survey in diverse clinical, population and research settings. It may be even more informative for identifying predictors of impact and service needs from studies that have well characterized information from prior to COVID19. A broad range of behaviors and function are probed in the survey, including daily behaviors, emotional status, media usage, and substance use. The survey is designed to allow for follow-ups on a regular basis, with recommended frequencies of twice monthly or monthly. To facilitate multicultural perspectives, translations in a broad range of languages are available. Investigators: K. Merikangas, M. Milham, A. Stringaris Collaborators: E. Bromet, S. Colcombe, V. Zipunnikov The team encourages advanced notification of any media, scientific reports or publications of data that have been collected with the CRISIS (merikank@mail.nih.gov), though this is not required. We also encourage voluntary data sharing for the purpose of psychometric studies that will be led by Dr. Stringaris (argyris.stringaris@nih.gov).
- 18/8/22 - 1 formulario, 14 itemgroups, 192 items, 1 idioma
Itemgroups: Background, Exposure status last two weeks, Life changes last two weeks, Daily behaviors past three month, Emotions/ Worries past three month, Media use past three month, Substance use past three month, Daily behaviors past two weeks, Emotions/ Worries past two weeks, Media use past two weeks, Substance use past two weeks, Supports disrupted, Additional concerns and comments, Comment section - Adult Selfreport Baseline Form
The CRISIS Survey is designed to enable the researchers and care providers to examine the extent and impact of life changes induced by the epidemic on the mental health and behavior of individuals and families across diverse international settings. Our hope is that such data will enable the identification of pre-, peri, and post-COVID19 demographic, social, and clinical predictors of both short- and long-term impairment and distress induced by COVID19 and its sequelae. The CRISIS can be used to track impact of the survey in diverse clinical, population and research settings. It may be even more informative for identifying predictors of impact and service needs from studies that have well characterized information from prior to COVID19. A broad range of behaviors and function are probed in the survey, including daily behaviors, emotional status, media usage, and substance use. The survey is designed to allow for follow-ups on a regular basis, with recommended frequencies of twice monthly or monthly. To facilitate multicultural perspectives, translations in a broad range of languages are available. Investigators: K. Merikangas, M. Milham, A. Stringaris Collaborators: E. Bromet, S. Colcombe, V. Zipunnikov The team encourages advanced notification of any media, scientific reports or publications of data that have been collected with the CRISIS (merikank@mail.nih.gov), though this is not required. We also encourage voluntary data sharing for the purpose of psychometric studies that will be led by Dr. Stringaris (argyris.stringaris@nih.gov).
- 5/11/21 - 1 formulario, 3 itemgroups, 13 items, 12 idiomas
Itemgroups: Vitalzeichen, Symptome, Medikamente
- 5/11/21 - 1 formulario, 5 itemgroups, 25 items, 12 idiomas
Itemgroups: Symptome, Kontakt, Risikogebiet, Allgemeine Angaben, Ergänzungen

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