Renal Insufficiency, Chronic ×
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Table of contents
  1. 1. Clinical Trial
  2. 2. Routine Documentation
  3. 3. Registry/Cohort Study
  4. 4. Quality Assurance
  5. 5. Data Standard
  6. 6. Patient-Reported Outcome
  7. 7. Medical Specialty
    1. 7.1. Anesthesiology
    1. 7.2. Dermatology
    1. 7.3. ENT
    1. 7.4. Geriatrics
    1. 7.5. Gynecology/Obstetrics
    1. 7.6. Internal Medicine
      1. Hematology
      1. Infectious Diseases
      1. Cardiology/Angiology
      1. Pneumology
      1. Gastroenterology
      1. Nephrology
      1. Endocrinology/Metabolic Diseases
      1. Rheumatology
    1. 7.7. Neurology
    1. 7.8. Ophthalmology
    1. 7.9. Palliative Care
    1. 7.10. Pathology/Forensics
    1. 7.11. Pediatrics
    1. 7.12. Psychiatry/Psychosomatics
    1. 7.13. Radiology
    1. 7.14. Surgery
      1. General/Visceral Surgery
      1. Neurosurgery
      1. Plastic Surgery
      1. Thoracic Surgery
      1. Trauma/Orthopedics
      1. Vascular Surgery
    1. 7.15. Urology
    1. 7.16. Dental Medicine/OMS
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- 4/30/20 - 1 form, 2 itemgroups, 41 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, Patient-Reported Health and Wellbeing
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE DATA COLLECTION Version 1.0.0 Revised October 25th, 2017 Notice: This work was conducted using resources from ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement ( The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ICHOM. Conditions: Chronic Kidney Disease Stage G3a/A3 | Chronic Kidney Disease StageG 3b/A2/A3 | Chronic Kidney Disease Stage G4 | Chronic Kidney Disease Stage G5 (KDIGO 2012 Stages) Treatment Approaches: Pre-RRT = Pre-Renal Replacement Therapy | HD = Haemodialysis | PD = Peritoneal Dialysis | Tx = Renal Transplantation | CC = Conservative Care This ODM-file contains patient reported outcome variables, to be collected at baseline and 6-monthly (HD, PD and CC) or annually (Pre-RRT and Tx) after that, from the following surveys: PROMIS-Global Health and PROMIS-29: Free for use in clinical practice. As is the official distribution site for PROMIS questionnaires and translations, only the total score will be included in this version of the standard set. RAND-36: The RAND 36-Item Short Form Survey (SF-36) was developed at RAND as part of the Medical Outcomes Study: . Publication: Verberne WR, Das-Gupta Z, Allegretti AS, et al. Development of an International Standard Set of Value-Based Outcome Measures for Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: A Report of the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) CKD Working Group. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. Volume 73, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 372-384, ISSN 0272-6386, ICHOM was supported for the Chronic Kidney Disease Standard Set by NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation, Providence Health and Services, ERCPA, santeon and Dutch Kidney Foundation. For this version of the standard set, semantic annotation with UMLS CUIs has been added.
- 4/30/20 - 1 form, 2 itemgroups, 35 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, Treatment-Specific
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE Version 1.0.0 Revised October 25th, 2017 Notice: This work was conducted using resources from ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement ( The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ICHOM. Conditions: Chronic Kidney Disease Stage G3a/A3 | Chronic Kidney Disease StageG 3b/A2/A3 | Chronic Kidney Disease Stage G4 | Chronic Kidney Disease Stage G5 (KDIGO 2012 Stages) Treatment Approaches: Pre-RRT = Pre-Renal Replacement Therapy | HD = Haemodialysis | PD = Peritoneal Dialysis | Tx = Renal Transplantation | CC = Conservative Care This ODM-file contains Treatment-specific variables, clinical or administrative. To be collected 6-monthly or annually. Surveys used: The OptumTM SF-36v2® Health Survey: The SF-36v2 Health Survey requires a license agreement prior to the use or reprodution of the tool. Information on how to obtain a license can be found here: . The scoring guide for the SF36v2 is only available upon a license agreement being made. Due to the requirement of a license the Score cannot be found in this version of the standard set. PROMIS-Global Health and PROMIS-29: Free for use in clinical practice and a license is not required. Information . The scoring guides for the two PROMIS Scores can be found at and . RAND-36: Free for use in clinical practice and a license is not required. The RAND-36 is available in English and Arabic. . The Scoring guide can be found at . Publication: Verberne WR, Das-Gupta Z, Allegretti AS, et al. Development of an International Standard Set of Value-Based Outcome Measures for Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: A Report of the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) CKD Working Group. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. Volume 73, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 372-384, ISSN 0272-6386, ICHOM was supported for the Chronic Kidney Disease Standard Set by NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation, Providence Health and Services, ERCPA, santeon and Dutch Kidney Foundation. For this version of the standard set, semantic annotation with UMLS CUIs has been added.
- 4/30/20 - 1 form, 4 itemgroups, 43 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Patient ID, Baseline Characteristics, Baseline Condition Factors, Treatment-specific
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE Version 1.0.0 Revised October 25th, 2017 Notice: This work was conducted using resources from ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement ( The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ICHOM. Conditions: Chronic Kidney Disease Stage G3a/A3 | Chronic Kidney Disease StageG 3b/A2/A3 | Chronic Kidney Disease Stage G4 | Chronic Kidney Disease Stage G5 (KDIGO 2012 Stages) Treatment Approaches: Pre-RRT = Pre-Renal Replacement Therapy | HD = Haemodialysis | PD = Peritoneal Dialysis | Tx = Renal Transplantation | CC = Conservative Care This ODM-file contains Baseline Characteristics, Baseline Condition factors and Treatment-specific variables, clinical or administrative. To be collected at Baseline Visit. Surveys used: The OptumTM SF-36v2® Health Survey: The SF-36v2 Health Survey requires a license agreement prior to the use or reprodution of the tool. Information on how to obtain a license can be found here: . The scoring guide for the SF36v2 is only available upon a license agreement being made. Due to the requirement of a license the Score cannot be found in this version of the standard set. PROMIS-Global Health and PROMIS-29: Free for use in clinical practice and a license is not required. Information . The scoring guides for the two PROMIS Scores can be found at and . RAND-36: Free for use in clinical practice and a license is not required. The RAND-36 is available in English and Arabic. . The Scoring guide can be found at . Publication: Verberne WR, Das-Gupta Z, Allegretti AS, et al. Development of an International Standard Set of Value-Based Outcome Measures for Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: A Report of the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) CKD Working Group. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. Volume 73, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 372-384, ISSN 0272-6386, ICHOM was supported for the Chronic Kidney Disease Standard Set by NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation, Providence Health and Services, ERCPA, santeon and Dutch Kidney Foundation. For this version of the standard set, semantic annotation with UMLS CUIs has been added.
- 4/30/20 - 1 form, 3 itemgroups, 14 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, Survival, Burden of Care
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE DATA COLLECTION Version 1.0.0 Revised October 25th, 2017 Notice: This work was conducted using resources from ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement ( The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ICHOM. Conditions: Chronic Kidney Disease Stage G3a/A3 | Chronic Kidney Disease StageG 3b/A2/A3 | Chronic Kidney Disease Stage G4 | Chronic Kidney Disease Stage G5 (KDIGO 2012 Stages) Treatment Approaches: Pre-RRT = Pre-Renal Replacement Therapy | HD = Haemodialysis | PD = Peritoneal Dialysis | Tx = Renal Transplantation | CC = Conservative Care This ODM-file contains Outcome variables, clinical or administrative. To be collected 6-monthly, annually or ongoing. Surveys used: The OptumTM SF-36v2® Health Survey: The SF-36v2 Health Survey requires a license agreement prior to the use or reprodution of the tool. Information on how to obtain a license can be found here: . The scoring guide for the SF36v2 is only available upon a license agreement being made. Due to the requirement of a license the Score cannot be found in this version of the standard set. PROMIS-Global Health and PROMIS-29: Free for use in clinical practice and a license is not required. Information . The scoring guides for the two PROMIS Scores can be found at and . RAND-36: Free for use in clinical practice and a license is not required. The RAND-36 is available in English and Arabic. . The Scoring guide can be found at . Publication: Verberne WR, Das-Gupta Z, Allegretti AS, et al. Development of an International Standard Set of Value-Based Outcome Measures for Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: A Report of the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) CKD Working Group. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. Volume 73, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 372-384, ISSN 0272-6386, ICHOM was supported for the Chronic Kidney Disease Standard Set by NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation, Providence Health and Services, ERCPA, santeon and Dutch Kidney Foundation. For this version of the standard set, semantic annotation with UMLS CUIs has been added.
- 6/1/19 - 1 form, 2 itemgroups, 10 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Inclusion Criteria, Exclusion Criteria
Immunosenescence and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Vaccine Efficacy in Chronic Renal Disease Patient; ODM derived from: Brief Summary: The aim of this study is to investigate the role of immunosenescence in the HBV vaccination response in patients with renal insufficiency. Detailed Description: The risk of infection with hepatitis B during exposure to blood is high (30% against 1.8% for Hepatitis C Virus and HIV 1%) and dialysis patients are a population at risk. Vaccination against this virus, which is very effective in the general population (vaccine response: 90 to 95%), is highly recommended in dialysis patients. However, numerous studies have shown that HBV vaccination was less effective in patients with chronic renal disease than in the general population. The reasons for low vaccine response are poorly understood. However, recent data suggest that renal failure could induce accelerated immunosenescence. The aging of the immune system, or immunosenescence, is a complex and profound phenomenon of the immune system during life. The gradual reduction of the generation of naive T cells in the thymus is the major cause of immunosenescence. But this process is also associated with an accumulation of lymphocytes at the end of differentiation. In this context, the decrease in vaccine response and increased infections in renal insufficiency might be correlated, as in the elderly population, with the aging of the immune system. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of immunosenescence in the HBV vaccination response in patients with renal insufficiency. Vaccination against HBV is not performed for the purposes of the study, but due to the existing vaccine indication for the subject. Included patients receive vaccination as routine care according to the recommendations and the vaccination schedule recommended by the Health Authority.
- 4/30/20 - 1 form, 3 itemgroups, 5 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Patient ID, Demographic Factors, Baseline Characteristics
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE DATA COLLECTION REFERENCE GUIDE Version 1.0.0 Revised October 25th, 2017 Notice: This work was conducted using resources from ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement ( The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ICHOM. Conditions: Chronic Kidney Disease Stage G3a/A3 | Chronic Kidney Disease StageG 3b/A2/A3 | Chronic Kidney Disease Stage G4 | Chronic Kidney Disease Stage G5 (KDIGO 2012 Stages) Treatment Approaches: Pre-RRT = Pre-Renal Replacement Therapy | HD = Haemodialysis | PD = Peritoneal Dialysis | Tx = Renal Transplantation | CC = Conservative Care This ODM-file contains Patient reported Forms for Demographics and Smoking Status. To be collected at Baseline Visit. Surveys used: The OptumTM SF-36v2® Health Survey: The SF-36v2 Health Survey requires a license agreement prior to the use or reprodution of the tool. Information on how to obtain a license can be found here: . The scoring guide for the SF36v2 is only available upon a license agreement being made. Due to the requirement of a license the Score cannot be found in this version of the standard set. PROMIS-Global Health and PROMIS-29: Free for use in clinical practice and a license is not required. Information . The scoring guides for the two PROMIS Scores can be found at and . RAND-36: Free for use in clinical practice and a license is not required. The RAND-36 is available in English and Arabic. . The Scoring guide can be found at . Publication: Verberne WR, Das-Gupta Z, Allegretti AS, et al. Development of an International Standard Set of Value-Based Outcome Measures for Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: A Report of the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) CKD Working Group. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. Volume 73, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 372-384, ISSN 0272-6386, ICHOM was supported for the Chronic Kidney Disease Standard Set by NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation, Providence Health and Services, ERCPA, santeon and Dutch Kidney Foundation. For this version of the standard set, semantic annotation with UMLS CUIs has been added.
- 1/29/25 - 5 forms, 1 itemgroup, 2 items, 1 language
Itemgroup: pht003484
Principal Investigator: Craig Wong, MD, MPH, University of New Mexico, Health Sciences Center and UNM Children's Hospital, Albuquerque, NM, USA MeSH: Kidney Diseases,Renal Insufficiency,Renal Insufficiency, Chronic The Pediatric Investigation for Genetic Factors Associated with Renal Progression (PediGFR) (RO1-DK082394) is an international collaborative study among three large prospective cohort studies of children with chronic kidney disease. The participating parent cohort studies are the "Chronic Kidney Disease in Children (CKiD)", the "Effect of Strict Blood Pressure Control and ACE Inhibition on CRF Progression in Pediatric Patients (ESCAPE)", and the "Cardiovascular Comorbidity in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease (4C)" study. In these cohorts, pediatric subjects with CKD have been prospectively followed with standardized measurements for renal progression. The current version of the upload includes the genotype and baseline phenotype for the CKiD cohort. In brief the CKiD study is a prospective study of children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) between the ages of 1 year to 16 years of age and an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) by Schwartz equation between 30 and 75 ml/min per 1.73msup2/sup. Included in this upload are the phenotypic data for anemia traits utilized for the sub-study, "Role of Genetic Variation in the Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease" (K24DK078737), with the RBC trait and anemia data pertaining to CKiD as well.


1 itemgroup 3 items


1 itemgroup 5 items


1 itemgroup 1 item


1 itemgroup 21 items

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