Hudutslett ×
- Windpockenvakzine (12)
- Körperliche Untersuchung (10)
- Klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] (9)
- Windpocken (9)
- Adverse event (9)
- Herpes zoster (9)
- Krämpfe, Fieber- (8)
- Parotis (7)
- Klinische Studie, Phase III [Dokumenttyp] (6)
- Masern-Mumps-Röteln-Vakzine (5)
- Krankheitszeichen und Symptome (4)
- Körpertemperatur (4)
- On-Study Form (4)
- Vakzine (3)
- Behandlungsergebnis (3)
- Haemophilus influenzae Typ b (3)
- Ökonomie (3)
- Fieber (3)
- Neisseria meningitidis (3)
- Berufliche Kompetenz (2)
- Sicherheit (2)
- Anfälle (2)
- Arzneimittelbezogene Randeffekte und Nebenwirkungen (2)
- Demographie (2)
- Arzneimittelzubereitungen (2)
- Pharmakologie (1)
- Psychiatrie (1)
- Röteln (1)
- Technologie, medizinische (1)
- Vakzination (1)
- Bipolare Störung (1)
- Vitalzeichen (1)
- Kind (1)
- Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) (1)
- Concomitant Medication (1)
- Treatment Form (1)
- Diagnostic Procedure (1)
- Wiederimpfung (1)
- Laboratorien (1)
- Masern (1)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.
23 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Temperature Log, Reminder, Rash / Exanthem, Rash Event Log, Parotid/Salivary Gland Swelling Events, Febrile Convulsions - Suspected Signs of Meningitis, Concomitant Vaccination, Concomitant Vaccination Details, Concomitant Medications, Concomitant Medications Details, Non-Serious Adverse Events, Non-Serious Adverse Events Log
Itemgruppen: Administrative documentation, Exanthema
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Temperature, Temperature Log, Rash / Exanthem, Rash Event Log, Parotid / Salivary Gland Swelling, Parotid/Salivary Gland Swelling Events, Febrile Convulsions - Suspected Signs of Meningism, Febrile Convulsions Log, Reminder
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Record of Rash, Conclusion
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Rash Episode
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Rash Episode
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, General Symptoms, General Symptom 1, Symptom 2, Symptom 3, Symptom 4, Please report serious adverse events to GSK by telephone within 24 hours
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, General Symptoms, General Symptom 1, Symptom 2, Symptom 3, Symptom 4, Please report serious adverse events to GSK by telephone within 24 hours
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Rash/Exanthem, Further Event Details (For GSK)
Itemgruppe: Expert - Independent data monitoring committee
Itemgruppen: Rash, Fever, Systemic signs, Subjective assessment of the illness by investigator, Varicella Clinical Case?, PCR result, Classification varicella, Expert signature
Itemgruppen: Varicella or zoster case, Varicella intensity, Subjective assessment of the illness by investigator, Photographs, Weekdays location, Varicella or zoster index case, Confirmation of index case, Biological sample varicella, Biological sample varicella, Rash, Lesion - Intensity, Vesicles - Intensity, Temperature, Temperature, End Date Varicella or zoster, Health economics, Pain, Complications, Treatment, Outcome