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- 12-10-22 - 1 Formular, 1 Itemgruppe, 4 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppe: IG.elig
Principal Investigator: Sharon Kardia, PhD, University of Michigan, Department of Epidemiology, Ann Arbor, MI, USA MeSH: Peripheral Arterial Disease,Coronary Atherosclerosis,Leukoaraiosis,Kidney Diseases *The Genetic Epidemiology Network of Arteriopathy (GENOA):* GENOA is one of four research networks that form the NHLBI Family Blood Pressure Program (FBPP). From its inception in 1995, GENOA's long-term objective was to elucidate the genetics of hypertension and its arteriosclerotic target-organ damage, including both atherosclerotic (macrovascular) and arteriolosclerotic (microvascular) complications involving the heart, brain, kidneys, and peripheral arteries. Two GENOA cohorts were originally ascertained (1995-2000) through sibships in which at least 2 siblings had essential hypertension diagnosed prior to age 60 years. All siblings in the sibship were invited to participate, both normotensive and hypertensive. These include non-Hispanic White Americans from Rochester, MN (n =1583 at the 1st exam) and African Americans from Jackson, MS (N=1854 at the 1st exam). During the second exam (2000-2005), approximately 80% of participants were re-recruited. The GENOA data consists of biological samples (DNA, serum, urine) as well as demographic, anthropometric, environmental, clinical, biochemical, physiological, and genetic data for understanding the genetic predictors of diseases of the heart, brain, kidney, and peripheral arteries. *Family Blood Pressure Program (FBPP):* GENOA's parent program, the FBPP, is an unprecedented collaboration to identify genes influencing blood pressure (BP) levels, hypertension, and its target-organ damage. This program has conducted over 21,000 physical examinations, assembled a shared database of several hundred BP and hypertension-related phenotypic measurements, completed genome-wide linkage analyses for BP, hypertension, and hypertension associated risk factors and complications, and published over 130 manuscripts on program findings. The FBPP emerged from what was initially funded as four independent networks of investigators (HyperGEN, GenNet, SAPPHIRe and GENOA) competing to identify genetic determinants of hypertension in multiple ethnic groups. Realizing the greater likelihood of success through collaboration, the investigators began working together during the first funding cycle (1995-2000) and formalized this arrangement in the second cycle (2000-2005), creating a single confederation with program-wide and network-specific goals.
- 05-03-23 - 4 Formulare, 1 Itemgruppe, 6 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppe: IG.elig
Principal Investigator: Sharon L.R. Kardia, PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA MeSH: Hypertension,Aging,Arterial Pressure,Arteriosclerosis,Atherosclerosis,Biomarkers,Blood Pressure,Cardiovascular Diseases,Cholesterol,Cholesterol, HDL,Cholesterol, LDL,Coronary Artery Disease,Diabetes Mellitus,Echocardiography,Endophenotypes,Hyperglycemia,Hyperinsulinism,Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular,Inflammation,Kidney Failure, Chronic,Leukoaraiosis,Lipids,Obesity,Obesity, Abdominal,Peripheral Arterial Disease,Renal Insufficiency, Chronic,Triglycerides,Vascular Calcification The Genetic Epidemiology Network of Arteriopathy (GENOA) is one of four networks in the NHLBI Family-Blood Pressure Program (FBPP). GENOA's long-term objective is to elucidate the genetics of target organ complications of hypertension, including both atherosclerotic and arteriolosclerotic complications involving the heart, brain, kidneys, and peripheral arteries. The longitudinal GENOA Study recruited European-American and African-American sibships with at least 2 individuals with clinically diagnosed essential hypertension before age 60 years. All other members of the sibship were invited to participate regardless of their hypertension status. Participants were diagnosed with hypertension if they had either 1) a previous clinical diagnosis of hypertension by a physician with current anti-hypertensive treatment, or 2) an average systolic blood pressure = 140 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure = 90 mm Hg based on the second and third readings at the time of their clinic visit. Only participants of the African-American Cohort were sequenced through TOPMed. The Family Blood Pressure Program (FBPP), GENOA's parent program, is an unprecedented collaboration to identify genes influencing blood pressure (BP) levels, hypertension, and its target-organ damage. This program has conducted over 21,000 physical examinations, assembled a shared database of several hundred BP and hypertension-related phenotypic measurements, completed genome-wide linkage analyses for BP, hypertension, and hypertension associated risk factors and complications, and published over 130 manuscripts on program findings. The FBPP emerged from what was initially funded as four independent networks of investigators (HyperGEN, GenNet, SAPPHIRe and GENOA) competing to identify genetic determinants of hypertension in multiple ethnic groups. Realizing the greater likelihood of success through collaboration, the investigators created a single confederation with program-wide and network-specific goals. Comprehensive phenotypic data for GENOA study participants are available through dbGaP phs001238.


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