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- 30-04-20 - 1 Formulier, 3 Itemgroepen, 35 Data-elementen, 1 Taal
Itemgroepen: Patient ID, EPIC-26, Libido Questions
LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER DATA COLLECTION Version 2.0.5 Revised: April 7th , 2017 Notice: This work was conducted using resources from ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement ( The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ICHOM. Conditions: Localized prostate cancer Treatment Approaches: Active Surveillance | Watchful Waiting | Radical Prostatectomy* | External Beam Radiation Therapy* | Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT)* | Focal Therapy* | Other* * These should also be collected as salvage treatments where necessary This ODM-file contains Patient-reported Health Status. To be used before treatment, 6 months after treatment and annually up to ten years after treatment. Surveys used: Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite (EPIC-26): The EPIC-26 is free for all health care organizations, and a license is not needed. The scoring guide may be found at ; Wei J, Dunn R, Litwin M, Sandler H, and Sanda M. "Development and Validation of the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite (EPIC) for Comprehensive Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life in Men with Prostate Cancer", Urology. 56: 899-905, 2000. For registries choosing to implement the EPIC-CP rather than the EPIC-26, we recommend using the same variable IDs as the corresponding EPIC-26 questions. This means that only questions 2, 3, 4a, 4b, 4d, 4e, 5, 6e, 6b, 7, 8b, 9, 12, 13a, 13c, and 13d of the EPIC-26 are administered. Utilization of Sexual Medications/Devices: The Utilization of Sexual Medications/Devices is free for all health care organizations, and a license is not needed (according to ICHOM). This standard set uses questions 2 and 3 a-e. Refer to for more information European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ- PR25): The EORTC QLQ-PR25 is free for all health care organizations, but a license is needed for use. Therefore it will not be integrated verbatim in this Version of the questionnaire. This standard set uses only question 50. For more information, please visit . ICHOM was supported for the Localized Prostate Cancer Standard Set by the Movember Foundation. Publication: Martin NE, Massey L, Stowell C, et al. Defining a standard set of patient-centered outcomes for men with localized prostate cancer. Eur Urol. 2015;67(3):460‐467. doi:10.1016/j.eururo.2014.08.075 For this version of the standard set, semantic annotation with UMLS CUIs has been added.
- 30-04-20 - 1 Formulier, 4 Itemgroepen, 17 Data-elementen, 1 Taal
Itemgroepen: Administrative Data, Acute Complications of Treatment, Disease Recurrence, Patient-Reported Health Status
LOW BACK PAIN DATA COLLECTION Version 2.0.3 Revised August 24th, 2017 Notice: This work was conducted using resources from ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement ( The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ICHOM. Conditions: Lumbar Disc Herniation | Lumbar Stenosis | Lumbar Spondylolisthesis | Degenerative Scoliosis | Adult Idiopathic Scoliosis | Degenerative Disc Disorder | Other Degenerative Lumbar Disorders | Mechanical, Acute, and Chronic Lumbar Back Pain and Back-Related Leg Pain Conditions Not Covered: Individuals < 18 Years of Age | Spinal Infection | Spinal Tumor | Spinal Fractures | Traumatic Dislocation | Congenital Scoliosis Documented as >20 Degrees, Moderate, Large, or Severe Treatment Approaches: Conservative Therapy (e.g. physical therapy, chiropractic, drug therapy, injections, etc.) | Surgical Therapy (e.g. spinal fusion, decompression, or discectomy) This ODM-file contains Patient reported Outcome Variables to be assessed at different timepoints: 3*, 6 months, 1, 2, 5* year after index event or when occurs (*recommended, but not essential). With use of the following Scores: Surveys used: ODI - Oswestry Disability Index Version 2.1a: The ODI is free for all health care organizations, but a license is needed for use (therefore not included verbatimly in this version of the standard set). Please visit eprovide: NPRS - Numerical Pain Rating Scale: The NPRS is free for all health care organizations, and a license is not needed. EQ-5D-3L - EuroQol‐5D descriptive system (EQ-­5D‐3L) and visual analogue scale (EQ-­VAS): The EQ-5D-3L is free for non-profits and academic research, but a license is needed for use (therefore not included verbatimly in this version of the standard set). Publication: R Carter Clement, Adina Welander, Caleb Stowell, Thomas D Cha, John L Chen, Michelle Davies, Jeremy C Fairbank, Kevin T Foley, Martin Gehrchen, Olle Hagg, Wilco C Jacobs, Richard Kahler, Safdar N Khan, Isador H Lieberman, Beth Morisson, Donna D Ohnmeiss, Wilco C Peul, Neal H Shonnard, Matthew W Smuck, Tore K Solberg, Bjorn H Stromqvist, Miranda L Van Hooff, Ajay D Wasan, Paul C Willems, William Yeo & Peter FRitzell (2015) A proposed set of metrics for standardized outcome reporting in the management of low back pain, Acta Orthopaedica, 86:5, 523-533 ICHOM was supported for the Low Back Pain Standard Set by Arthritis Research UK. For this version of the standard set, semantic annotation with UMLS CUIs has been added.
- 30-04-20 - 1 Formulier, 3 Itemgroepen, 8 Data-elementen, 1 Taal
Itemgroepen: Patient ID, Demographic factors, Baseline clinical status
PARKINSON‘S DISEASE DATA COLLECTION Version 2.2.1 Revised April 10th, 2017 otice: This work was conducted using resources from ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement ( The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ICHOM. Conditions Covered: Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Approaches: Pharmacotherapy | Behavioral Therapy | Exercise-Based Therapy | Deep Brain Stimulation | Infusion/Injection-Based Delivery This ODM-file contains a form to be administered at the first visit to the doctor with Parkinson's disease. Mainly Patient-reported, some items may alternatively have a clinical reporting source. Surveys used: Movement Disorder Society (MDS-UPDRS), Part I: Non-Motor Aspects of Experiences of Daily Living (nM- EDL). Both clinical- and patient-reported portions; Part II: Motor Aspects of Experiences of Daily Living (M-EDL). Patient-reported: The MDS-UPDRS requires a license (by International Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Society), therefore the used items are not integrated into this version of the Parkinson's Disease Standard Set. International Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Society (IPMDS) Non-motor symptoms questionnaire (NMSQ): The NMSQ requires a license. However, in ICHOM's Parkinson's Disease Standard Set only one question derived from 2 NMSQ items is used. Parkinson’s Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (PDQ-8): The PDQ-8 requires a license (by Innovation, Oxford University), therefore the used items are not integrated into this version of the Parkinson's Disease Standard Set. ICHOM was supported for this standard set by the International Association for Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. Publication: De Roos P, Bloem BR, Kelley TA, et al. A Consensus Set of Outcomes for Parkinson’s Disease from the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement. Journal of Parkinson’s disease. 2017;7(3):533-543. doi:10.3233/JPD-161055. For this version of the standard set, semantic annotation with UMLS CUIs has been added.
- 30-04-20 - 1 Formulier, 3 Itemgroepen, 14 Data-elementen, 1 Taal
Itemgroepen: Administrative Data, Survival, Burden of Care
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE DATA COLLECTION Version 1.0.0 Revised October 25th, 2017 Notice: This work was conducted using resources from ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement ( The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ICHOM. Conditions: Chronic Kidney Disease Stage G3a/A3 | Chronic Kidney Disease StageG 3b/A2/A3 | Chronic Kidney Disease Stage G4 | Chronic Kidney Disease Stage G5 (KDIGO 2012 Stages) Treatment Approaches: Pre-RRT = Pre-Renal Replacement Therapy | HD = Haemodialysis | PD = Peritoneal Dialysis | Tx = Renal Transplantation | CC = Conservative Care This ODM-file contains Outcome variables, clinical or administrative. To be collected 6-monthly, annually or ongoing. Surveys used: The OptumTM SF-36v2® Health Survey: The SF-36v2 Health Survey requires a license agreement prior to the use or reprodution of the tool. Information on how to obtain a license can be found here: . The scoring guide for the SF36v2 is only available upon a license agreement being made. Due to the requirement of a license the Score cannot be found in this version of the standard set. PROMIS-Global Health and PROMIS-29: Free for use in clinical practice and a license is not required. Information . The scoring guides for the two PROMIS Scores can be found at and . RAND-36: Free for use in clinical practice and a license is not required. The RAND-36 is available in English and Arabic. . The Scoring guide can be found at . Publication: Verberne WR, Das-Gupta Z, Allegretti AS, et al. Development of an International Standard Set of Value-Based Outcome Measures for Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: A Report of the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) CKD Working Group. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. Volume 73, Issue 3, 2019, Pages 372-384, ISSN 0272-6386, ICHOM was supported for the Chronic Kidney Disease Standard Set by NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation, Providence Health and Services, ERCPA, santeon and Dutch Kidney Foundation. For this version of the standard set, semantic annotation with UMLS CUIs has been added.
- 30-04-20 - 1 Formulier, 6 Itemgroepen, 28 Data-elementen, 1 Taal
Itemgroepen: Administrative Data, Demographic factors, Baseline clinical status, Non-motor aspects of experiences of daily living, Motor aspects of experiences of daily living, Overall health status
PARKINSON‘S DISEASE DATA COLLECTION Version 2.2.1 Revised April 10th, 2017 Notice: This work was conducted using resources from ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement ( The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ICHOM. Conditions Covered: Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Approaches: Pharmacotherapy | Behavioral Therapy | Exercise-Based Therapy | Deep Brain Stimulation | Infusion/Injection-Based Delivery This ODM-file contains patient-reported variables to be administered at baseline and annually from then on. Surveys used: Movement Disorder Society (MDS-UPDRS), Part I: Non-Motor Aspects of Experiences of Daily Living (nM- EDL). Both clinical- and patient-reported portions; Part II: Motor Aspects of Experiences of Daily Living (M-EDL). Patient-reported: The MDS-UPDRS requires a license (by International Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Society), therefore the used items are not integrated into this version of the Parkinson's Disease Standard Set. International Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Society (IPMDS) Non-motor symptoms questionnaire (NMSQ): The NMSQ requires a license. However, in ICHOM's Parkinson's Disease Standard Set only one question derived from 2 NMSQ items is used. Parkinson’s Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (PDQ-8): The PDQ-8 requires a license (by Innovation, Oxford University), therefore the used items are not integrated into this version of the Parkinson's Disease Standard Set. ICHOM was supported for this standard set by the International Association for Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. Publication: De Roos P, Bloem BR, Kelley TA, et al. A Consensus Set of Outcomes for Parkinson’s Disease from the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement. Journal of Parkinson’s disease. 2017;7(3):533-543. doi:10.3233/JPD-161055. For this version of the standard set, semantic annotation with UMLS CUIs has been added.
- 30-04-20 - 1 Formulier, 2 Itemgroepen, 3 Data-elementen, 1 Taal
Itemgroepen: Administrative Data, Cognitive and psychiatric functioning
PARKINSON‘S DISEASE DATA COLLECTION Version 2.2.1 Revised April 10th, 2017 Notice: This work was conducted using resources from ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement ( The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ICHOM. Conditions Covered: Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Approaches: Pharmacotherapy | Behavioral Therapy | Exercise-Based Therapy | Deep Brain Stimulation | Infusion/Injection-Based Delivery This ODM-file contains clinical variables to be administered at baseline and annually from then on. Surveys used: Movement Disorder Society (MDS-UPDRS), Part I: Non-Motor Aspects of Experiences of Daily Living (nM- EDL). Both clinical- and patient-reported portions; Part II: Motor Aspects of Experiences of Daily Living (M-EDL). Patient-reported: The MDS-UPDRS requires a license (by International Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Society), therefore the used items are not integrated into this version of the Parkinson's Disease Standard Set. International Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Society (IPMDS) Non-motor symptoms questionnaire (NMSQ): The NMSQ requires a license. However, in ICHOM's Parkinson's Disease Standard Set only one question derived from 2 NMSQ items is used. Parkinson’s Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (PDQ-8): The PDQ-8 requires a license (by Innovation, Oxford University), therefore the used items are not integrated into this version of the Parkinson's Disease Standard Set. ICHOM was supported for this standard set by the International Association for Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. Publication: De Roos P, Bloem BR, Kelley TA, et al. A Consensus Set of Outcomes for Parkinson’s Disease from the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement. Journal of Parkinson’s disease. 2017;7(3):533-543. doi:10.3233/JPD-161055. For this version of the standard set, semantic annotation with UMLS CUIs has been added.
- 30-04-20 - 1 Formulier, 2 Itemgroepen, 7 Data-elementen, 1 Taal
Itemgroepen: Administrative Data, Treatment Variables
PARKINSON‘S DISEASE DATA COLLECTION Version 2.2.1 Revised April 10th, 2017 Notice: This work was conducted using resources from ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement ( The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ICHOM. Conditions Covered: Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Approaches: Pharmacotherapy | Behavioral Therapy | Exercise-Based Therapy | Deep Brain Stimulation | Infusion/Injection-Based Delivery This ODM-file contains clinically reported Treatment variables to be administered annually. Surveys used: Movement Disorder Society (MDS-UPDRS), Part I: Non-Motor Aspects of Experiences of Daily Living (nM- EDL). Both clinical- and patient-reported portions; Part II: Motor Aspects of Experiences of Daily Living (M-EDL). Patient-reported: The MDS-UPDRS requires a license (by International Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Society), therefore the used items are not integrated into this version of the Parkinson's Disease Standard Set. International Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Society (IPMDS) Non-motor symptoms questionnaire (NMSQ): The NMSQ requires a license. However, in ICHOM's Parkinson's Disease Standard Set only one question derived from 2 NMSQ items is used. Parkinson’s Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (PDQ-8): The PDQ-8 requires a license (by Innovation, Oxford University), therefore the used items are not integrated into this version of the Parkinson's Disease Standard Set. ICHOM was supported for this standard set by the International Association for Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. Publication: De Roos P, Bloem BR, Kelley TA, et al. A Consensus Set of Outcomes for Parkinson’s Disease from the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement. Journal of Parkinson’s disease. 2017;7(3):533-543. doi:10.3233/JPD-161055. For this version of the standard set, semantic annotation with UMLS CUIs has been added.
- 30-04-20 - 1 Formulier, 2 Itemgroepen, 15 Data-elementen, 1 Taal
Itemgroepen: Patient ID, Patient Factors
LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER DATA COLLECTION Version 2.0.5 Revised: April 7th , 2017 Notice: This work was conducted using resources from ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement ( The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ICHOM. Conditions: Localized prostate cancer Treatment Approaches: Active Surveillance | Watchful Waiting | Radical Prostatectomy* | External Beam Radiation Therapy* | Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT)* | Focal Therapy* | Other* * These should also be collected as salvage treatments where necessary This ODM-file contains Baseline Patient-reported Form. To be used at baseline, i.e., post-diagnosis, pre-treatment. Excluding the Patient Reported Outcome questionnaires (separate form, as asked at multiple timepoints). Please timestamp all variables. Some Standard Set variables are collected at multiple timepoints, and we will ask you to submit these variables in a concatenated VARIABLEID_TIMESTAMP form for future analyses. TEST StudyFor example, VARIABLEID_BASE (baseline); VARIABLEID_6MO (6 month follow-up); VARIABLEID_1YR (1 year follow-up), etc. Survey used: Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite (EPIC-26): The EPIC-26 is free for all health care organizations, and a license is not needed. The scoring guide may be found at ; Wei J, Dunn R, Litwin M, Sandler H, and Sanda M. "Development and Validation of the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite (EPIC) for Comprehensive Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life in Men with Prostate Cancer", Urology. 56: 899-905, 2000. For registries choosing to implement the EPIC-CP rather than the EPIC-26, we recommend using the same variable IDs as the corresponding EPIC-26 questions. This means that only questions 2, 3, 4a, 4b, 4d, 4e, 5, 6e, 6b, 7, 8b, 9, 12, 13a, 13c, and 13d of the EPIC-26 are administered. Utilization of Sexual Medications/Devices: The Utilization of Sexual Medications/Devices is free for all health care organizations, and a license is not needed. Refer to for more information European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ- PR25): The EORTC QLQ-PR25 is free for all health care organizations, but a license is needed for use. Therefore it will not be integrated in this Version of the questionnaire. For more information, please visit . ICHOM was supported for the Localized Prostate Cancer Standard Set by the Movember Foundation. Publication: Martin NE, Massey L, Stowell C, et al. Defining a standard set of patient-centered outcomes for men with localized prostate cancer. Eur Urol. 2015;67(3):460‐467. doi:10.1016/j.eururo.2014.08.075 For this version of the standard set, semantic annotation with UMLS CUIs has been added.
- 30-04-20 - 1 Formulier, 2 Itemgroepen, 11 Data-elementen, 1 Taal
Itemgroepen: Administrative Data, Patient-reported visual function
- 30-04-20 - 1 Formulier, 3 Itemgroepen, 16 Data-elementen, 1 Taal
Itemgroepen: Administrative Data, Post-operative visual status, Post-operative complications
- 30-04-20 - 1 Formulier, 2 Itemgroepen, 7 Data-elementen, 1 Taal
Itemgroepen: Patient ID, Pathological Information
LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER DATA COLLECTION Version 2.0.5 Revised: April 7th , 2017 Notice: This work was conducted using resources from ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement ( The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ICHOM. Conditions: Localized prostate cancer Treatment Approaches: Active Surveillance | Watchful Waiting | Radical Prostatectomy* | External Beam Radiation Therapy* | Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT)* | Focal Therapy* | Other* * These should also be collected as salvage treatments where necessary This ODM-file contains a Clinical Form to be used after primary or salvage surgery. Please timestamp all variables. Some Standard Set variables are collected at multiple timepoints, and we will ask you to submit these variables in a concatenated VARIABLEID_TIMESTAMP form for future analyses. TEST StudyFor example, VARIABLEID_BASE (baseline); VARIABLEID_6MO (6 month follow-up); VARIABLEID_1YR (1 year follow-up), etc. Survey used: Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite (EPIC-26): The EPIC-26 is free for all health care organizations, and a license is not needed. The scoring guide may be found at ; Wei J, Dunn R, Litwin M, Sandler H, and Sanda M. "Development and Validation of the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite (EPIC) for Comprehensive Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life in Men with Prostate Cancer", Urology. 56: 899-905, 2000. For registries choosing to implement the EPIC-CP rather than the EPIC-26, we recommend using the same variable IDs as the corresponding EPIC-26 questions. This means that only questions 2, 3, 4a, 4b, 4d, 4e, 5, 6e, 6b, 7, 8b, 9, 12, 13a, 13c, and 13d of the EPIC-26 are administered. Utilization of Sexual Medications/Devices: The Utilization of Sexual Medications/Devices is free for all health care organizations, and a license is not needed. Refer to for more information European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ- PR25): The EORTC QLQ-PR25 is free for all health care organizations, but a license is needed for use. Therefore it will not be integrated in this Version of the questionnaire. For more information, please visit . ICHOM was supported for the Localized Prostate Cancer Standard Set by the Movember Foundation. Publication: Martin NE, Massey L, Stowell C, et al. Defining a standard set of patient-centered outcomes for men with localized prostate cancer. Eur Urol. 2015;67(3):460‐467. doi:10.1016/j.eururo.2014.08.075 For this version of the standard set, semantic annotation with UMLS CUIs has been added.
- 30-04-20 - 1 Formulier, 2 Itemgroepen, 10 Data-elementen, 1 Taal
Itemgroepen: Patient ID, Baseline Tumor Factors
LOCALIZED PROSTATE CANCER DATA COLLECTION Version 2.0.5 Revised: April 7th , 2017 Notice: This work was conducted using resources from ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement ( The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ICHOM. Conditions: Localized prostate cancer Treatment Approaches: Active Surveillance | Watchful Waiting | Radical Prostatectomy* | External Beam Radiation Therapy* | Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT)* | Focal Therapy* | Other* * These should also be collected as salvage treatments where necessary This ODM-file contains Baseline Clinical Form. To be used at baseline, i.e., post-diagnosis, pre-treatment. Please timestamp all variables. Some Standard Set variables are collected at multiple timepoints, and we will ask you to submit these variables in a concatenated VARIABLEID_TIMESTAMP form for future analyses. TEST StudyFor example, VARIABLEID_BASE (baseline); VARIABLEID_6MO (6 month follow-up); VARIABLEID_1YR (1 year follow-up), etc. Survey used: Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite (EPIC-26): The EPIC-26 is free for all health care organizations, and a license is not needed. The scoring guide may be found at ; Wei J, Dunn R, Litwin M, Sandler H, and Sanda M. "Development and Validation of the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite (EPIC) for Comprehensive Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life in Men with Prostate Cancer", Urology. 56: 899-905, 2000. For registries choosing to implement the EPIC-CP rather than the EPIC-26, we recommend using the same variable IDs as the corresponding EPIC-26 questions. This means that only questions 2, 3, 4a, 4b, 4d, 4e, 5, 6e, 6b, 7, 8b, 9, 12, 13a, 13c, and 13d of the EPIC-26 are administered. Utilization of Sexual Medications/Devices: The Utilization of Sexual Medications/Devices is free for all health care organizations, and a license is not needed. Refer to for more information European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ- PR25): The EORTC QLQ-PR25 is free for all health care organizations, but a license is needed for use. Therefore it will not be integrated in this Version of the questionnaire. For more information, please visit . ICHOM was supported for this Localized Prostate Cancer Standard Set by the Movember Foundation. Publication: Martin NE, Massey L, Stowell C, et al. Defining a standard set of patient-centered outcomes for men with localized prostate cancer. Eur Urol. 2015;67(3):460‐467. doi:10.1016/j.eururo.2014.08.075 For this version of the standard set, semantic annotation with UMLS CUIs has been added.

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