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- Pulmonary Fibrosis (1)
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- Pulmonary Medicine (1)
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- Lung Diseases, Interstitial (1)
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17 Sökresultat.
Item-grupper: Survival status and Lung transplant, Lung trasplant, Survival status and Lung transplant, <div class="rich-text-field-label"><p>FATAL EVENT QUESTIONNAIRE</p></div>, Survival status and Lung transplant
Lung Function and Diffusion Capacity at Site
5 Item-grupper 22 DataelementLung function - handheld spirometers measurements
2 Item-grupper 14 DataelementK-BILD Questionnaire
2 Item-grupper 16 DataelementLeicester Cough Questionnaire
2 Item-grupper 20 DataelementMDT board diagnosis
3 Item-grupper 70 DataelementSupportive therapy and immunisation
4 Item-grupper 14 Dataelement Item-grupper: Chronic pulmonary disease other than asthma and copd, Oxygen ventilation/ oxygen support before SARS-CoV-2 detection, Regular use of inhaler, Prior pulmonary function (Spirometrie) before COVID-19, Pulmonary function (Spirometrie) at diagnosis of COVID-19, Is data entry for this section finished?
Item-grupper: Chronic pulmonary disease other than asthma and copd, Oxygen ventilation/ oxygen support before SARS-CoV-2 detection, Regular use of inhaler, Prior pulmonary function (Spirometrie) before COVID-19, Pulmonary function (Spirometrie) at diagnosis of COVID-19, Is data entry for this section finished?
Baseline I
39 Item-grupper 280 DataelementEmergency care details
11 Item-grupper 43 DataelementRecovery Phase
15 Item-grupper 80 DataelementUncomplicated Phase
20 Item-grupper 120 DataelementComplicated Phase
28 Item-grupper 155 DataelementCritical Phase
32 Item-grupper 188 Dataelement Item-grupper: Basic Data, Telephone instructions for CPR, Time end of instructions, Instructions complete, Instructed Ventilation, Used algorithm, Headquarters dispatcher trained, Indication Cardiopulmonary Arrest correct, bystander resuscitation conducted
Item-grupper: Basic Data, Admittance dates and status, Clinical measures, Temperature management, Temperature management Induction, Temperature management Maintenance, Temperature management Rewarming, Temperature management Fever prevention, Neuroprognostic tests, Result, Acquisition Status
Item-grupper: Daten der Patientin, Schwangerschaft, Relevante Anamnese (Grunderkrankung, Begleiterkrankungen, Allergien, Risikofaktoren, ...), MS-Medikation, Andere Medikation vor / während der Schwangerschaft
Follow Up Pregnancy Part 1
5 Item-grupper 24 DataelementBaseline Main Sheet
25 Item-grupper 116 Dataelement Item-grupper: Basic Data, Admission Status, Temperature management, Clinical Course, Complications, Outcome Data on discharge from acute care, Aquisition Status
Item-grupper: Emergency Anamnesis, Medication Anamnesis, Prehospital emergency Medication, Medical condition leading to Emergency Room contact, Patient Basic Clinical Data, Multiple Drug Resistence, Allergies
Item-grupper: 6 Minute Walking Test details, Examination, Borg Scale, Aids/Examination equipment and 6MWT stop criteria
Item-grupper: Sociodemography, Comorbidities, Central nervous system / Neurological disesases, Comorbidities, Cardiovascular diseases, Comorbidities, Pulmonary diseases, Comorbidities, Hematological / oncological diseases, Comorbidities, Rheumatological diseases, Comorbidities, Allergology, Comorbidities, Other internal disorders, Comorbidities, Other conditions, Body-Mass-Index (BMI), Smoking status, Use of e-cigarettes and / or vaporizer?, Pre-existing treatment, Recent immunosuppressive medication, Colonisation with multi-resistant pathogens, Disease limiting life expectancy before positive SARS-CoV-2 testing, Follow-up duration after SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis, Last known status, Diagnosis context, COVID-19 diagnosis details, Complications at baseline: Thrombotic and thromboembolic manifestations, Complications at baseline: Neurological, Complications at baseline: Other severe organ damage, Complications at baseline: Other, Disease course, Duration (days) of..., Symptoms: Please click all symptoms which occurred in the respective clinical phase, Vitals, Lung ultrasound results at SARS-CoV-2 detection, Baseline: Chest CT results at SARS-CoV-2 detection, Heart function, Echocardiography: Ejection fraction (EF) at SARS-CoV-2 detection, Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) performed in any clinical phase, Neurological diagnostic in various phases, Complementary and/or integrative medicine (CIM) used in any phase, Discussion of limitation of therapy during SARS-CoV-2 infection, Specialist palliative care during SARS-CoV-2 infection, Agreement to share data for scientific purposes, Biomaterial availability for research proposes, Participation in interventional clinical trials
Item-grupper: Daten der Patientin, Schwangerschaft, Relevante Anamnese (Grunderkrankung, Begleiterkrankungen, Allergien, Risikofaktoren, ...), MS-Medikation, Andere Medikation vor / während der Schwangerschaft
Baseline Main Sheet
25 Item-grupper 116 Dataelement Item-grupper: Berichterstatters, Patientendaten, Schwangerschaft, Relevante Anamnese (Grunderkrankung, Begleiterkrankungen, Allergien, Risikofaktoren, ...), relevante Anamnese 2, Medizinische Angaben, MS-Medikdation 2: Medikation / Dosis / Einheit, Andere Medikation vor / wahrend der Schwangerschaft, Begleitmedikation 2: Handelsname / Dosis / Einheit, Begleitmedikation 3: Handelsname / Dosis / Einheit