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- COVID-19 (31)
- Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin (30)
- Medical History Taking (25)
- Follow-Up Studies (21)
- Routine documentation (19)
- Neurology (17)
- Stroke (14)
- Cardiology (14)
- Neoplasms (14)
- Cardiovascular Diseases (13)
- Pediatrics (13)
- Sweden (12)
- Brain Injuries (12)
- Psychiatry (11)
- Bipolar Disorder (11)
- Documentation (11)
- Emergency Medical Services (11)
- Medical Oncology (11)
- Multiple Sclerosis (11)
- Myelodysplastic Syndromes (9)
- Breast Neoplasms (8)
- Leukemia (8)
- Ophthalmology (8)
- AML (7)
- Anemia, Sickle Cell (7)
- Quality of Life (6)
- Cerebral Palsy (6)
- Pandemics (6)
- Proposed Standard (6)
- GMDS-Challenge (6)
- Urology (5)
- Interview (5)
- Acute Coronary Syndrome (5)
- Emergency protocol (5)
- Health Services Research (5)
- Anesthesiology (5)
- Rehabilitation (4)
- Urinary Bladder Neoplasms (4)
- Critical Care (4)
- Glaucoma (4)
- Hematology (4)
- Mortality (4)
- Myocardial Infarction (4)
- Patient Admission (4)
- Physical Examination (3)
- Back Pain (3)
- Mammaplasty (3)
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (3)
- Intensive Care (3)
- Disease Management (3)
- Physical Therapy Specialty (3)
- Stem Cell Transplantation (3)
- Cataract (3)
- CML (3)
- Adverse event (3)
- Registration (3)
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- Treatment Form (3)
- CLL (3)
- Eligibility Determination (3)
- Emergency Treatment (3)
- Patient Care (3)
- Craniocerebral Trauma (3)
- Lymphoma (3)
- Mastectomy (3)
- Postoperative Complications (2)
- Risk Factors (2)
- Scoliosis (2)
- General Surgery (2)
- Surgical Procedures, Operative (2)
- Therapeutics (2)
- Glasgow Coma Scale (2)
- Bone Marrow Transplantation (2)
- Caregivers (2)
- Neck Pain (2)
- Hormone Replacement Therapy (2)
- Vital Signs (2)
- Perioperative Period (2)
- Organ Dysfunction Scores (2)
- Patient Outcome Assessment (2)
- Visual Analog Scale (2)
- Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (2)
- Common Data Elements (CDE) (2)
- Anticoagulation (2)
- Released Standard (2)
- Diagnosis (2)
- Disability Evaluation (2)
- Emergency Medicine (2)
- Epidemiology (2)
- Exercise Test (2)
- Family Planning Services (2)
- Alzheimer Disease (2)
- Geriatrics (2)
- Heart (2)
- Heart Failure (2)
- Anesthesia (2)
- Laboratories (2)
- Myeloproliferative Disorders (2)
- Nephrology (2)
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305 Sökresultat.
Item-grupper: Symptome, Atemwegssymptome, Systemische Symptome, Neurologische/Psychiatrische Symptome, Schmerzen, Magendarmsymptome, Andere Symptome
1 Item-grupp 3 DataelementVitalparameter
2 Item-grupper 18 DataelementTherapie
1 Item-grupp 11 DataelementLaborwerte
26 Item-grupper 78 DataelementAnamnese/Risikofaktoren
16 Item-grupper 101 DataelementMedikation
5 Item-grupper 56 Dataelement Item-grupper: EDTA blood for Haematology and HbA1c, Serum and heparin plasma for clinical chemistry, Citrate Plasma (Coagulation), Urinalysis
Item-grupper: Klinische Untersuchungsdaten T0-Prä+T2, Klinische Untersuchungsdaten T0-Prä+T2, Klinische Untersuchungsdaten T0-Prä+T2
Op Informationen zur Spende T0-Prä
1 Item-grupp 9 DataelementPHQ-15 T0-Prä
1 Item-grupp 1 DataelementPHQ-Stress-PT
1 Item-grupp 1 DataelementRS-13
1 Item-grupp 1 Dataelement Item-grupper: Allgemeines, Grund dieser Visite bzw. dieses Kontaktes (Mehrfachauswahl), Ist seit der letzten Dokumentation für REGIMS (o. REGIMS-Visite)..., Eigene Bemerkungen / Klinischer Verlauf / Kommentar
Baseline Pregnancy Part 1
5 Item-grupper 24 DataelementFollow Up Pregnancy Part 1
5 Item-grupper 24 DataelementFollow Up Medication Change
3 Item-grupper 11 DataelementBaseline Pregnancy Part 2
5 Item-grupper 21 DataelementFollow Up Pregnancy Part 2
5 Item-grupper 21 DataelementFollow Up Multiple Sclerosis Progression
2 Item-grupper 8 Dataelement Item-grupper: DNR (do not resuscitate) / AND (allowed natural death), Procedures and complications
1 Item-grupp 28 DataelementAufnahmestatus
2 Item-grupper 37 DataelementEntlassung aus dem Krankenhaus
1 Item-grupp 2 DataelementTägliche Datenerhebung
2 Item-grupper 25 Dataelement Item-grupper: Identity, Diagnosis, Therapy, Study, Follow-up
Item-grupper: CancerRegistry, Previous cancer, Current Neoplasm, Treatment, surgery, radiotherapy
Item-grupper: Medical History (PGID 272) , Diseases, conditions , Treatment, Indication for treatment, Treatment target, Involved sites, Risk Factors, APACHE Score, Immunosuppressants, Types of isolation, Other Antifungals BEFORE initiation, Other Antifungals AFTER initiation, Temperature, Diagnostic procedures, Sites of Mycosis, CT finding, Sites of Mycosis, MRT finding, Sites of Mycosis, Sonography finding, Sites of Mycosis, Fundoscopy finding, Sites of Mycosis, microbiological culture finding, Sites of Mycosis, Tissue specimen finding, Method of biopsy, Micafungin Treatment (PGID 280), CYP450 inductors DURING treatment, Breakthrough Infections (PGID 281), Adverse Events, Laboratory Parameters (PGID 283) , Outcome Micafungin (PGID 284) , Other Antifungal, Outcome Final Antifungal Treatment (PGID 286), Follow Up (PGID 287)
Item-grupp: Pruritus intensity scales
Item-grupper: Unfallgeschehen, Straßenverkehr
Item-grupper: General information, First Symptoms, Diagnostic procedure within the past 12 months, Fatigability Multiple Sclerosis, Course, Aid, manufactured, Medical benefits, Medical benefits past 12 months, Treatment satisfaction, Family history, Symptoms within past 12 months, Medication within last 7 days, Demographics, Doctor visit, Quality of life
Item-grupper: Patient data, Treating Clinic, General practitioner, Patient Characteristics, Professional career, Comments, Signature