Patient reported outcome (PRO) Common Measures (CDM) V4.1 This table is used to store responses to patient-reported outcome measures (PROs) or questionnaires. This table can be used to store item-level responses as well as the overall score for each measure. PCORnet Common Data Model (CDM) The PCORnet Common Data Model (CDM) is a specification that defines a standard organization and representationof data for the PCORnet Distributed Research Network. The PCORnet CDM is a key component of the PCORnet Distributed Research Network (DRN) infrastructure.
Versions (3)
- 12/17/16 12/17/16 -
- 7/1/19 7/1/19 -
- 3/30/20 3/30/20 -
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PCORnet Common Data Model (CDM)
Patient reported outcome (PRO) Common Measures (CDM) V4.1
- StudyEvent: ODM
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Patient reported outcome (PRO) Common Measures (CDM) V4.1
- StudyEvent: ODM
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