- Routine documentation (15)
- Histology (8)
- Pathology (8)
- EHR (4)
- Prostatic Neoplasms (3)
- Breast Neoplasms (3)
- Skin (1)
- General Surgery (1)
- Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms (1)
- Clinical Conference (1)
- Biopsy (1)
- Cancer Care Facilities (1)
- AML (1)
- ALL (1)
- CML (1)
- Treatment Form (1)
- Aftercare (1)
- Dermatology (1)
- Laboratories (1)
- Liver (1)
- Medical Oncology (1)
- Neoplasm Staging (1)
- Neoplasms (1)
Modelli di dati selezionati
Devi effettuare il log in per selezionare i modelli di dati da scaricare per successive analisi
15 Risultati di ricerca.
ItemGroup: Pathology request
UKHD - Universitäts-Frauenklinik, Sektion Senologie Verlaufsblatt - Mamma Carcinom - Verlaufsangaben
Itemgroups: Verlaufsangaben, Präoperative Vorbereitung - Checkliste, OP und Verlauf
Empfehlung des postoperativen Tumorboards
1 ItemGroup 26 elementiPoststationäre Ergänzungen
1 ItemGroup 2 elementiPathologie
3 itemgroups 121 elementiProcedere
1 ItemGroup 27 elementiPrätherapeutische und präoperative Konferenz(en)
5 itemgroups 46 elementiAllgemeines: Personalien, Diagnose, Therapie und Anamnese
3 itemgroups 43 elementi Itemgroups: Admininstrative Daten, Tumordiagnose, Tumorhistologie, Histologie, Gleason-Score, verschiedene Kriterien, Pathologischer TNM, Gewebeprobe Anzahl, Größe der Tumorprobe, Lokalisation von Fernmetastasen
ItemGroup: Inpatient treatment
Itemgroups: Histology and Staging, pTpN Classification
Itemgroups: pathology liver, resection, staging
Itemgroups: Information, Clinical findings, laboratory tests, laboratory tests, differential hematopoietic, Information
Itemgroups: Demographic Information, General urological information, Gleason Score, Pathology report
Itemgroups: Patient Information, Material testing
Itemgroups: Adminstrative Data, Histology, Histology Results
ItemGroup: Routing slip
ItemGroup: Histological finding