Parotis ×
- Klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] (8)
- Klinische Studie, Phase III [Dokumenttyp] (6)
- Exanthem (6)
- Masern-Mumps-Röteln-Vakzine (5)
- Krämpfe, Fieber- (5)
- Adverse event (4)
- Vakzine (3)
- Haemophilus influenzae Typ b (3)
- On-Study Form (3)
- Fieber (3)
- Neisseria meningitidis (3)
- Sicherheit (2)
- Krankheitszeichen und Symptome (2)
- Körpertemperatur (2)
- Arzneimittelbezogene Randeffekte und Nebenwirkungen (2)
- Speichel (1)
- Speicheldrüsen (1)
- Vakzination (1)
- Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) (1)
- Concomitant Medication (1)
- Treatment Form (1)
- Wiederimpfung (1)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.
8 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Temperature Log, Reminder, Rash / Exanthem, Rash Event Log, Parotid/Salivary Gland Swelling Events, Febrile Convulsions - Suspected Signs of Meningitis, Concomitant Vaccination, Concomitant Vaccination Details, Concomitant Medications, Concomitant Medications Details, Non-Serious Adverse Events, Non-Serious Adverse Events Log
Itemgruppen: Administrative documentation, Swelling of salivary gland, parotid gland swelling
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Temperature, Temperature Log, Rash / Exanthem, Rash Event Log, Parotid / Salivary Gland Swelling, Parotid/Salivary Gland Swelling Events, Febrile Convulsions - Suspected Signs of Meningism, Febrile Convulsions Log, Reminder
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Rash Episode
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Rash Episode
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, General Symptoms, General Symptom 1, Symptom 2, Symptom 3, Symptom 4, Please report serious adverse events to GSK by telephone within 24 hours
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, General Symptoms, General Symptom 1, Symptom 2, Symptom 3, Symptom 4, Please report serious adverse events to GSK by telephone within 24 hours
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Parotid/Salivary Gland Swelling Events, Further Details (For GSK), Saliva Sample, Relationship to Investigational products, Outcome