- 2021-09-20 - 1 Formulär, 6 Item-grupper, 44 Dataelement, 2 Språk
Item-grupper: General information, Medical history, Medical examination, General findings, Current pregnancy, Current pregnancy complications
- 2021-09-20 - 6 Formulär, 9 Item-grupper, 100 Dataelement, 2 Språk
Item-grupper: Ultrasonography screening, Ultrasonography screening, Ultrasonography screening, check up Ultrasonography, Ultrasound examination, Doppler sonography, Ultrasound scan for fetal growth graph, Ultrasound scan for fetal growth graph, Ultrasound scan for fetal growth graph

Medical history and findings

6 Item-grupper 83 Dataelement

Final examination/discharge summary

4 Item-grupper 72 Dataelement

Laboratory tests and rubella protection

1 Item-grupp 45 Dataelement

Pregnancy chart

3 Item-grupper 32 Dataelement


2 Item-grupper 8 Dataelement
- 2017-07-30 - 1 Formulär, 11 Item-grupper, 58 Dataelement, 2 Språk
Item-grupper: Beginning of labor, Rupture of membranes, Birth, Birth, Medical procedures, Placental expulsion, Placenta, Amniotic membranes, Umbilical cord blood loss, Perineum; vagina, Further information

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