Naproxen ×
- Sumatriptan (28)
- Migräne (27)
- Klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] (24)
- Klinische Studie, Phase III [Dokumenttyp] (15)
- Neurologie (13)
- Adverse event (6)
- End of Study (4)
- Concomitant Medication (3)
- Demographie (3)
- Anamnesenerhebung (3)
- Schwangerschaft (2)
- Klassifikation (2)
- Kontrazeption (2)
- Behandlungsbedürftigkeit, Begutachtung (2)
- Produktkennzeichnung (1)
- Randomisierung (1)
- Arzneimittel, Prüf- (1)
- Comorbidität (1)
- Kommentar [Dokumenttyp] (1)
- Investigational New Drug Application (1)
- Patientenauswahl (1)
- Fortpflanzungsverhalten (1)
- Protocol Deviation (1)
- Doppelblindmethode (1)
- Fertilität (1)
- Kopfschmerz (1)
- Laboratorien (1)
- Krankenunterlagen (1)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.
28 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Investigational Product Use, Status Of Treatment Blind
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Concomitant Medication, Concomitant Medication Record
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Previous Migraine Treatment, Best Medication Response
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Child-Bearing Potential, Birth Control Methods
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Demography, Race
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Medical Conditions
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Migraine Symptoms, Date and Time Study Medication Taken, Details of Migraine Headache Pain and Symptoms, ALLODYNIA QUESTIONNAIRE (Complete at time of dosing), Details of Work Ability, ALLODYNIA QUESTIONNAIRE (Complete 2 hours after dosing), Recurrence, Medications Taken, Productivity, Productivity: Affect of Migraine Attack on work and non-work related activities, PATIENT PERCEPTION OF MIGRAINE QUESTIONNAIRE - REVISED (PPMQ-R)
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Child-bearing Potential (Complete for Female Subjects Only), Birth Control Methods, Medical Conditions
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Serious Adverse Event, SECTION 1, SECTION 2: Seriousness, SECTION 3 Demography Data, SECTION 4 If Investigational Product(s) was Stopped, Did the Reported Event(s) Recur After Further Investigational Product(s) were Administered?, SECTION 5 Possible Causes of SAE Other Than Investigational Product(s), SECTION 6 RELEVANT Medical Conditions, SECTION 7 Other RELEVANT Risk Factors, SECTION 8 RELEVANT Concomitant Medications, SECTION 9 Details of Investigational Product(s), SECTION 10 Details of relevant Assessments, SECTION 11 Narrative Remarks, Investigator's name and signature
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Demography
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Investigational Product Use, Status of Treatment Blind
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Subject Recruitment, Randomisation Number, Investigational Product Container Number, Previous Clinical Trial Participation (Migraine Treatment), Prior Participation in Sumatriptan 85mg / Naproxen Sodium 500mg Tablet Studies