Gynäkologie ×
- Routine documentation (15)
- Versicherung, Kranken- (3)
- Geburtshilfe (3)
- Therapie (2)
- Mammatumoren, Mensch (2)
- Rezepte (2)
- Treatment Form (2)
- Diagnostik, bildgebende (2)
- Insemination, artifizielle (2)
- Anamnesenerhebung (2)
- Medizinische Onkologie (2)
- Körperliche Untersuchung (1)
- Intensivpflege, Neugeborenen- (1)
- Sonographie, Mamma- (1)
- Elternurlaub (1)
- Frühgeburt (1)
- Früherkennung von Krebs (1)
- Gynäkologische Untersuchung (1)
- Zytologische Techniken (1)
- Menstruation (1)
- Tumoren (1)
- Patientenaufnahme (1)
- Pädiatrie (1)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.
15 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppen: Patient demographics, Cervical Score, Amnioscopy, Birth, Delivery, Sonography, Diagnostic, Examination, Footer module
Itemgruppen: Ultrasound examination, Ultrasound examination
Itemgruppen: Header, Header, Follow-Up treatment plan, Indications, Planned therapy, Estimated costs, single time, Estimated costs per cycle, Insurance authorization,male, Insurance authorization,female
KBV Follow-Up Treatment Plan In-vitro fertilization Template 70Ab
9 Itemgruppen 56 Datenelemente Itemgruppen: Header, Header, Indications, Planned therapy, Estimated costs, single time, Estimated costs per cycle, Insurance authorization,male, Insurance authorization,female
KBV Treatment Plan In-vitro fertilization Template 70b
8 Itemgruppen 55 Datenelemente Itemgruppen: Header, Past Medical History, Current Medical History, Finding, Cytologic finding, Footer
KBV Early Detection of Cancer Women Template 39d
6 Itemgruppen 59 DatenelementeKBV Early Detection of Cancer Women Template 39a
4 Itemgruppen 17 Datenelemente Itemgruppen: Header, Certificate of premature birth for grant of maternity benefit, Reason, Footer
Itemgruppen: Header, Certificate estimated delivery day, Footer, Account details of insured, Occupational details
KBV Certificate estimated delivery day Template 3b
3 Itemgruppen 13 Datenelemente Itemgruppen: Beginning of labor, Rupture of membranes, Birth, Birth, Medical procedures, Placental expulsion, Placenta, Amniotic membranes, Umbilical cord blood loss, Perineum; vagina, Further information
Itemgruppen: A. umbilicalis, A. cerebri media, A. uterina right, A. uterina left, Findings
Itemgruppen: General information, Admission, Medical history, pregnancy, Miscarriages, deliveries
Itemgruppe: Gynecological tumor board request
Itemgruppen: Breast center, Request Data, Breast center, Finding Mammary Ultrasonography, BIRADS Classification