Treatment Form ×
- Klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] (385)
- Mammatumoren, Mensch (133)
- Lungentumoren (45)
- Kolorektale Tumoren (41)
- Prostatatumoren (38)
- Hirntumoren (30)
- Zentralnervensystemtumoren (25)
- Endometriumtumoren (18)
- Zervixtumoren (17)
- Kopf- und Halstumoren (17)
- Pankreastumoren (17)
- Harnblasentumoren (11)
- Tumoren (8)
- Tumoren, Keimzell- und embryonale (8)
- Released Standard (5)
- Ösophagustumoren (5)
- Nierentumoren (5)
- Behandlungsergebnisbeurteilung (Gesundheitswesen) (4)
- Scores & Instrumente (4)
- Urologie (3)
- Gynäkologie (3)
- Lebertumoren (3)
- Chirurgie (2)
- Knochentumoren (2)
- Bone metastasis (2)
- Klinische Protokolle (2)
- Gastrointestinale Neoplasien (2)
- Hypertonie (2)
- Tumormetastasierung (2)
- Ovarialtumoren (2)
- Peritonealtumoren (1)
- Strahlentherapie (1)
- Register (1)
- Magentumoren (1)
- Salvage-Therapie (1)
- Chemotherapie, adjuvante (1)
- Radiotherapie, adjuvante (1)
- Tumorbehandlungszentren (1)
- Adenokarzinom (1)
- Common Data Elements (CDE) (1)
- Routine documentation (1)
- Nachsorge (1)
- Entscheidungsfindung (1)
- Eileitertumoren (1)
- Laboratorien (1)
- Leukämie (1)
- Anamnesenerhebung (1)
- Medizinische Onkologie (1)
- Tumorstadieneinteilung (1)
- Oropharynxtumoren (1)
- Pathologie (1)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.
392 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppen: Header, Prior Therapy
Itemgruppen: Header Module, Header, Completed by VIEW Personnel:
Itemgruppen: Header Module, Vital Status, Patient Characteristics, Therapy Administered, Non-Protocol Therapy
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Treatment Factors
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Prior Ovarian Cancer Treatment - Chemotherapy, Has the patient received radiotherapy?, Prior Ovarian Cancer Treatment - Radiotherapy , Has the patient received prior cancer-related surgery?, Prior Ovarian Cancer Treatment - Surgical Treatment , Has the patient received other cancer-related treatments?, Other Cancer Related Treatments, Laboratory Tests (within 7 days prior to Day 1) - Haematology, Laboratory Tests (within 7 days prior to Day 1) - Haematology , Laboratory Tests (within 7 days prior to Day 1) - Chemistry, Laboratory Tests (within 7 days prior to Day 1) - Chemistry , Lesion Assessment Record
Itemgruppen: Header, Patient characteristics, Treatment, Concomitant Medication, New Cancer, Follow-Up, Adverse event
Itemgruppen: Header Module, Inclusion Criteria, Footer Module