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- 15-03-21 - 1 Formulier, 6 Itemgroepen, 49 Data-elementen, 2 Talen
Itemgroepen: CancerRegistry, Previous cancer, Current Neoplasm, Treatment, surgery, radiotherapy
- 02-11-15 - 1 Formulier, 5 Itemgroepen, 16 Data-elementen, 19 Talen
Itemgroepen: Identity, Diagnosis, Therapy, Study, Follow-up
- 11-11-22 - 4 Formulieren, 1 Itemgroep, 19 Data-elementen, 1 Taal
Itemgroep: IG.elig
Principal Investigator: Arul M. Chinnaiyan, MD, PhD, University of Michigan, MI, USA MeSH: Neoplasms,Cholangiocarcinoma,Breast Neoplasms,Prostatic Neoplasms,Urinary Bladder Neoplasms,Mouth Neoplasms In this study, patients with advanced cancer across all histologies were enrolled in our IRB approved clinical sequencing program, called MI-ONCOSEQ, to go through an integrative sequencing which includes whole exome sequencing of the tumor and matched normal, and transcriptome sequencing. Four index cases were identified which harbor gene rearrangements of FGFR2 including two cholangiocarcinoma cases, a metastatic breast cancer case, and a metastatic prostate cancer case. After extending our assessment of FGFR rearrangements across multiple tumor cohorts, including TCGA, we identified FGFR gene fusions with intact kinase domains of FGFR1, FGFR2, or FGFR3 in cholangiocarcinoma, breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung squamous cell cancer, bladder cancer, thyroid cancer, oral cancer, glioblastoma, and head and neck squamous cell cancer. All FGFR fusion partners tested exhibit oligomerization capability, suggesting a shared mode of kinase activation. Overexpression of FGFR fusion proteins in vitro induced cell proliferation, and bladder cancer cell lines that harbors FGFR3 fusion proteins exhibited enhanced susceptibility to pharmacologic inhibition in vitro and in vivo. Due to the combinatorial possibilities of FGFR family fusion to a variety of oligomerization partners, clinical sequencing efforts which incorporate transcriptome analysis for gene fusions are poised to identify rare, targetable FGFR fusions across diverse cancer types.


1 Itemgroep 5 Data-elementen


1 Itemgroep 6 Data-elementen


1 Itemgroep 5 Data-elementen
- 29-01-25 - 5 Formulieren, 1 Itemgroep, 1 Data-element, 1 Taal
Itemgroep: IG.elig


1 Itemgroep 5 Data-elementen


1 Itemgroep 5 Data-elementen


1 Itemgroep 7 Data-elementen


1 Itemgroep 5 Data-elementen
- 23-06-23 - 4 Formulieren, 1 Itemgroep, 3 Data-elementen, 1 Taal
Itemgroep: pht006108
Principal Investigator: Levi Garraway, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA MeSH: Neoplasms,Colonic Neoplasms,Lung Neoplasms,Adenocarcinoma of lung The overall goal of the CanSeq U01 project is to study the impact of whole-exome sequencing (WES) on the clinical care of cancer patients and oncology provider practices. The aims of Project 1 are to implement and establish the feasibility of germline and somatic WES in patients with advanced solid tumors (lung and colon); to develop a framework for interpreting and reporting for exome sequencing data; to determine the proportion of patients with "actionable items" compared to existing technologies; and to report on the percentage of patients in whom unique WES findings led to a clinical action. The aims of Project 2 are to implement a production-scale platform for WES from archival (FFPE) material; to identify biologically relevant somatic and germline alterations existing in tumor/normal DNA from individual patients; to produce an evidence-based list of clinically "actionable" genetic alterations; and to develop inferential models that predict the utility of tumor genomic data within the larger clinical context. The goals of Project 3 are to describe the impact of information derived through WES on cancer patients; to test the hypothesis that patients will want to receive information about all potentially informative somatic and germline variants; to study patients' understanding of disclosed genomic information; and to describe the experiences of oncology providers as they implement WES into cancer care delivery.


1 Itemgroep 3 Data-elementen


1 Itemgroep 3 Data-elementen


1 Itemgroep 2 Data-elementen

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