- 17.09.21 - 4 Formulare, 11 Itemgruppen, 41 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppen: Serious Adverse Event (SAE) Section 1, SECTION 2 Seriousness, SECTION 3 Demography Data, SECTION 4, SECTION 5, SECTION 6, SECTION 7, Document section Concomitant Medications, Drug Details, Assessments, Narrative Remarks


6 Itemgruppen 78 Datenelemente

Subject diary

7 Itemgruppen 30 Datenelemente


2 Itemgruppen 13 Datenelemente
- 16.04.19 - 1 Formular, 8 Itemgruppen, 55 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Reporter Information, Mother's relevant medical/family history, Father's relevant medical/family history, GSK Drug/Vaccine Information and Concomitant Medications, Current pregnancy information/status, Infant information, Relevant Laboratory Test and Procedures

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