Derived from . Allows recording of an assessment of the state of a neonate explicitly as 1, 2, 3, 5 and/or 10 minute events after birth, plus additional events as required. Usual practice is to document the Apgar score at 1 and 5 minutes; further scores can be recorded as clinically indicated. It is possible to record the Apgar score at any time after birth using this archetype. Common clinical practice is to record all 5 parameters plus the total, however this archetype allows any partial information to be recorded, if that is all that is available eg from historical data. If the total is to be calculated, it is necessary for all 5 ordinal values to be recorded. The total is the sum of the five ordinal values (min 0, max 10). It is recognised that mnemonic learning aid for APGAR is commonly taught. For example, in English: A for Appearance (skin color), P for Pulse (heart rate), G for Grimace (reflex irritability), A for Activity (muscle tone), and R for Respiration. As this is not universally applicable for all languages, it is suggested that this mnemonic can be applied by renaming the data elements within templates if desired for a specific clinical scenario.
Versions (4)
- 7/8/17 7/8/17 - Martin Dugas
- 7/8/17 7/8/17 - Martin Dugas
- 7/8/17 7/8/17 - Martin Dugas
- 7/8/17 7/8/17 - Martin Dugas
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July 8, 2017
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Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
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APGAR Score (EHR Archetype)
- StudyEvent: apgarv2
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- StudyEvent: apgarv2
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