Health sector data set specifications from METeOR, Australia's repository for national metadata standards, developed by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16: The scope of the Mental health establishments national minimum data set (MHE NMDS) is all specialised mental health services managed or funded by state or territory health authorities. The concept of a specialised mental health service is not dependent on the inclusion of the service within the state or territory mental health budget. Services funded by government from non-mental health specific budgets are considered in-scope for collection if they meet the definition of a specialised mental health service. Services funded wholly by the Australian Government are considered out-of-scope for the MHE NMDS. All services operated within the budget of a specialised mental health service organisation are considered in-scope for the MHE NMDS. These services are also expected to report client level data, that is, they are expected to report to the Community mental health care NMDS, Residential mental health care NMDS, Admitted patient care NMDS and the Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection. There are some services reporting to the MHE NMDS for which the collection of client level data is not warranted, however, these services are uncommon and any omission of client level data must be justified by jurisdictions. Specialised mental health services are those with a primary function to provide treatment, rehabilitation or community support targeted towards people with a mental disorder or psychiatric disability. These activities are delivered from a service or facility that is readily identifiable as both ‘specialised’ and ‘serving a mental health care function’. A service is not defined as a specialised mental health service solely because its clients include people affected by a mental illness or psychiatric disability. The definition excludes specialist drug and alcohol services and services for people with intellectual disabilities, except where they are specifically established to assist people affected by a mental disorder who also have drug and alcohol related disorders or intellectual disability. The services can be sub-units of hospitals that are not, themselves, specialised mental health establishments (e.g. designated psychiatric units and wards, outpatient clinics etc). There is a hierarchy of statistical units used within the MHE NMDS. Information is provided at each level: State/Territory; Region; Organisation; Hospital/Service unit cluster; and Service unit (Admitted patient services, Residential services and Ambulatory services). Each level has a unique set of attributes which comprise the NMDS data elements and additional supplementary information. The statistical units are specialised mental health services. These are the specialised mental health components of the state and territory health authorities, and of regions within states and territories; specialised mental health service organisations; service units within those organisations; hospitals or service unit clusters; service units; and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals, and non-government residential service units in receipt of state or territory government funding. Specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals and non-government residential mental health services that receive state or territory government funding are included as service units for this NMDS. Ambulatory services managed by non-government organisations (NGOs) are not defined as statistical units for this NMDS. Institute of Health and Welfare GPO Box 570 Canberra ACT 2601
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Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)
Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)
Address—statistical area, level 2 (SA2) code (ASGS 2011) N(9) Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Statistical area level 2 (SA2) Synonymous names: SA2 METeOR identifier: 457289 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/12/2011 Definition: A designated region describing location and contact details that represents a medium-sized area built from a number of Statistical areas level 1 (SA1s), as represented by a code. The aim is to represent a community that interacts together socially and economically. Data Element Concept: Address—statistical area Value domain attributes Representational attributes Classification scheme: Australian Statistical Geography Standard 2011 Representation class: Code Data type: String Format: N(9) Maximum character length: 9 Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: SA2 coding structure: An SA2 is identifiable by a 9-digit fully hierarchical code. The SA2 identifier is a 4-digit code, assigned in alphabetical order within an SA3. An SA2 code is only unique within a state/territory if it is preceded by the state/territory identifier. For example: State/territory SA4 SA3 SA2 N NN NN NNNN Comments: There are 2,196 SA2 spatial units. In aggregate, they cover the whole of Australia without gaps or overlaps. Jervis Bay Territory, the Territory of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and the Territory of Christmas Island are each represented by an SA2. Source and reference attributes Origin: 1270.0.55.001 - Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 1 - Main Structure and Greater Capital City Statistical Areas, July 2011 1270.0.55.001July%202011?OpenDocument Data set specification specific attributes Mental health organisation details cluster DSS specific information: The SA2 code reported in the Mental health organisation details cluster should represent the primary address for the organisation. Counselling—face-to-face mental health service type cluster DSS specific information: Multiple SA2 codes are available to enable the recording of more than one geographical site of operation of the mental health service type. Group support activities mental health service type cluster DSS specific information: Multiple SA2 codes are available to enable the recording of more than one geographical site of operation of the mental health service type. Staffed residential services mental health service type cluster DSS specific information: Multiple SA2 codes are available to enable the recording of more than one geographical site of operation of the mental health service type. Personalised support—linked to housing mental health service type cluster DSS specific information: This refers to the geographical location of the service delivery outlet rather than where the service is provided. Multiple SA2 codes are available to enable the recording of more than one geographical site of operation of the mental health service type. The location of each service delivery outlet should be reported. Personalised support—other mental health service type cluster DSS specific information: Multiple SA2 codes are available to enable the recording of more than one geographical site of operation of the mental health service type. Family and carer support mental health service type cluster DSS specific information: Multiple SA2 codes are available to enable the recording of more than one geographical site of operation of the mental health service type. Individual advocacy mental health service type cluster DSS specific information: Multiple SA2 codes are available to enable the recording of more than one geographical site of operation of the mental health service type. Care coordination mental health service type cluster DSS specific information: Multiple SA2 codes are available to enable the recording of more than one geographical site of operation of the mental health service type. Service integration infrastructure mental health service type cluster DSS specific information: Multiple SA2 codes are available to enable the recording of more than one geographical site of operation of the mental health service type. Education, employment and training mental health service type cluster DSS specific information: Multiple SA2 codes are available to enable the recording of more than one geographical site of operation of the mental health service type. Sector development and representation mental health service type cluster DSS specific information: Multiple SA2 codes are available to enable the recording of more than one geographical site of operation of the mental health service type. Mental health promotion mental health service type cluster DSS specific information: Multiple SA2 codes are available to enable the recording of more than one geographical site of operation of the mental health service type. Mental illness prevention mental health service type cluster DSS specific information: Multiple SA2 codes are available to enable the recording of more than one geographical site of operation of the mental health service type. Data element attributes Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Address—Australian postcode, code (Postcode datafile) {NNNN} Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Early Childhood, Standard 09/03/2012, Homelessness, Standard 01/05/2013, Tasmanian Health, Final 30/06/2014, WA Health, Endorsed 04/03/2014, Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 31/10/2012, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015, National Health Performance Authority, Standard 09/08/2013, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 25/05/2015, Disability, Standard 07/10/2014, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 See also Address—suburb/town/locality name, text X[X(45)] Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Early Childhood, Standard 09/03/2012, Homelessness, Standard 01/05/2013, Tasmanian Health, Draft 12/09/2012, WA Health, Draft 23/08/2012, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 See also Address—suburb/town/locality name, text X[X(49)] WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Alcohol and other drug treatment services NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Care coordination mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Counselling—face-to-face mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Disability services provider details cluster Disability, Superseded 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 10/04/2013 Disability services provider details cluster Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Education, employment and training mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Family and carer support mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Group support activities mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Individual advocacy mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health organisation details cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health promotion mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health seclusion and restraint DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental illness prevention mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Personalised support—linked to housing mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Personalised support—other mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Public hospital establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Radiotherapy waiting times NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Sector development and representation mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Service integration infrastructure mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Staffed residential services mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Available bed
Available bed—overnight-stay admitted care, average number of beds N[NNN.N] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Average available beds for overnight-stay patients METeOR identifier: 374151 Registration status: Health, Standard 03/12/2008 Definition: The number of beds available to provide overnight accommodation for patients (other than neonatal cots (non-special-care) and beds occupied by hospital-in-the-home patients), averaged over the counting period. Context: Public hospital establishments Data Element Concept: Available bed—overnight-stay admitted care Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: N[NNN.N] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Bed Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Average available beds, rounded to the nearest decimal or whole number. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The number of available beds should be collected at least monthly at the same time on the same day. To improve accuracy data could be collected more frequently (e.g. daily). If so it should be collected at the same time on each day. More frequent data collection is preferable if a single monthly count is likely to be significantly different from the monthly average. Inclusions: Both occupied and unoccupied beds are included in the count as they are deemed as available beds. The number of beds available to provide overnight accommodation is recorded, e.g. maternity ward beds are counted but beds in the delivery suite are not. However, if in a delivery suite patients are admitted, deliver and are discharged from the same bed, such beds should be included because these beds are available for use for overnight-stay patients. Exclusions: surgical tables, recovery trolleys, delivery beds, discharge lounges for patients who have been formally discharged, medi-hotel beds, beds exclusively or predominantly for same-day admitted care, neonatal cots (non-special-care), hospital-in-the home beds, and beds exclusively or predominantly for non-admitted patients (e.g. emergency trolleys) or residential care. No adjustment should be made for contracted services, either provided by, or to this hospital. Collection methods: Beds exclusively or predominantly for overnight-stay admitted care, beds exclusively or predominantly for same-day admitted care and, if required, non-special care neonatal cots are to be collected and reported in separate categories. Hospitals should establish clear recording and reporting practices. Criteria should exist to ensure that each available bed is counted once and only once. A bed should first be assessed as available and then categorised to its predominant use. For large hospitals, a reconciliation of the sum of the bed types and an unduplicated establishment bed count is advisable. The assessment of availability must reflect the ability of the hospital to provide the necessary resources. This can be significantly impacted by seasonal demand or events such as a strike, clinical staff shortage, fire or renovation. This is illustrated by the following examples. Example 1: A large hospital, which conducts a daily bed count, has a ward containing 20 beds suitably equipped for overnight admitted patient care. The funding for this ward would allow an average of 15 beds to be staffed over the year. Provided demand is constant and there are no circumstances which prevent these beds from being available for patients, such as a strike, clinical staff shortage, fire or renovation, the hospital would report 15 available beds for this ward. Example 2: A small hospital, which conducts a monthly bed count, is located in a summer holiday area and has 30 beds suitably equipped for overnight admitted patient care. It manages its resources in such a way that 30 beds are fully staffed during the four months from December to March, but only 15 beds are staffed during the remaining eight months from April to November. The annual average number of available beds is the average of the twelve counts – i.e. ((30 beds x 4 months) + (15 beds x 8 months) divided by 12 counting periods) = 20 beds. Example 3: A hospital conducts a monthly bed count. Ward A containing 20 beds is closed for six months for a planned renovation. During this period a temporary 10 bed ward (B) is established and the necessary resources are provided. The annual average number of available beds for Ward A is the average of the twelve counts i.e. (20 beds X 6 months) + (0 beds X 6 months) divided by 12 counting periods = 10 beds. The annual average number of available beds for Ward B is (0 beds X 6 months) + (10 beds X 6 months) divided by 12 counting periods = 5 beds. Example 4: A hospital conducts a daily bed count. A 20 bed ward is closed during the first week of June because of a strike, but for the remainder of June it is fully staffed so that all 20 beds are available. So the average number of beds available for this ward in June is ((0 beds X 7 days) + (20 beds X 23 days) = 460/30 = 15.3. Comments: This data element is necessary to provide an indicator of the availability and type of service for an establishment. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Victorian Department of Human Services Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Establishment—number of available beds for admitted patients/residents, average N[NNN] Health, Superseded 03/12/2008 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Public hospital establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015
Data type
Measurement units
- beds
Available bed—residential mental health care, average number of beds N[NNN.N] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Average available beds for residential mental health patients METeOR identifier: 373650 Registration status: Health, Standard 03/12/2008 Definition: The number of beds available in the specialised residential mental health services for overnight accommodation, averaged over the counting period. Data Element Concept: Available bed—residential mental health care Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: N[NNN.N] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Bed Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Average available beds, rounded to the nearest decimal or whole number. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Residential mental health beds are available only if they are suitably located and equipped to provide residential mental health care and the necessary financial and human resources can be provided. Average available residential mental health beds are the average bed counts conducted during the year as required. Inclusions: Both occupied and unoccupied residential mental health beds are included. Collection methods: Specialised residential mental health care services should establish clear recording and reporting practices and criteria that ensure that each available residential mental health bed is counted and that no available residential mental health bed is counted more than once. The assessment of availability must reflect the ability of the specialised residential mental health care service to provide the necessary resources, and this can be significantly impacted by events such as a strike, clinical staff shortage, fire or renovation. This is illustrated by the following examples. Example 1: A specialised residential mental health care service containing 20 residential mental health beds (A) is closed for several months, either for a planned renovation or in response to an unplanned event such as a fire. During this period a temporary 10 specialised residential mental health bed facility (B) is established and the necessary resources are provided. The specialised residential mental health care service would not report the residential mental health beds in facility A, but it would report the 10 residential mental health beds in facility B. Example 2: A 20 bed specialised residential mental health service is closed during the first week of February because of a strike, but for the remaining three weeks of February it is fully staffed so that all 20 residential mental health beds can be occupied during those three weeks. So the average number of residential mental health beds available for this service in February is 15. Comments: This data element is necessary to provide an indicator of the capacity of the residential service. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- beds
Episode of residential care
Episode of residential care—number of episodes of residential care, total NNNN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Number of episodes of residential care METeOR identifier: 534013 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Definition: The total number of episodes of completed residential care occurring during the reference period (between 1 July and 30 June each year). This includes both formal and statistical episodes of residential care. Data Element Concept: Episode of residential care—number of episodes of residential care Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Number Format: NNNN Maximum character length: 4 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The sum of the number of episodes of residential care where the Episode of residential care end date has a value: · Equal to or greater than the beginning of the reference period (01 July each year); and · Less than or equal to the end of the reference period (30 June each year at midnight). Collection methods: To be reported for all specialised residential mental health care services, including non-government residential mental health care services and less than 24-hour residential mental health care services. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Episode of residential care—number of episodes of residential care, total NNNN Health, Superseded 07/03/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Staffed residential services mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment (mental health)
Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure (mental health)—non-salary operating costs Synonymous names: Non-salary operating costs excluding depreciation METeOR identifier: 287979 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Total expenditure by a mental health establishment relating to non-salary operating items. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Report all expenditure in thousands of dollars (i.e. $ 000’s). Expenditure should include both the specific costs directly associated with the service and indirect costs, for example personnel services. Research and academic units that function as an integral part of ambulatory care should be reported against the appropriate service. Depreciation is to be excluded from the non-salary operating costs. Collection methods: Non-salary recurrent expenditure, excluding depreciation, is to be reported by service setting (admitted patient care, residential care, ambulatory care). For the admitted patient care setting non-salary recurrent expenditure, excluding depreciation, is to be disaggregated by specialised mental health service program type and specialised mental health service target population, together. The sub-components of non-salary recurrent expenditure, and depreciation, are to be reported at the organisation level for the Mental health establishments NMDS. However, if the organisation is not reporting on an accrual basis then it does not need to report depreciation. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (administrative expenses) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (domestic services) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (drug supplies) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is used in the formation of Establishment—recurrent expenditure (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (food supplies) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (interest payments) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (medical and surgical supplies) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other recurrent expenditure) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (patient transport cost) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (repairs and maintenance) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (superannuation employer contributions) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (visiting medical officer payments) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (total salaries and wages) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure (mental health)—salaries and wages METeOR identifier: 296577 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Total salary and wage payments to all staff of a mental health establishment, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provide by private hospitals that receive state and territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (administrative and clerical staff) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (carer consultants) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Superseded 07/02/2013 Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (consumer consultants) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Superseded 07/02/2013 Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (diagnostic and health professionals) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (domestic and other staff) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (enrolled nurses) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (other personal care staff) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (registered nurses) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is formed using Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (salaried medical officers) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—accrued mental health care days, total N[N(7)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Accrued mental health care days METeOR identifier: 286770 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: The total number of accrued mental health care days provided by admitted patient care services and residential mental health care services within the reference period (from 1 July to 30 June inclusive). Data Element Concept: Establishment—accrued mental health care days Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Number Format: N[N(7)] Maximum character length: 8 Unit of measure: Day Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The days to be counted are only those days occurring within the reference period, i.e. from 1 July to the following 30 June for the relevant period, even if the patient/resident was admitted prior to the reference period or discharged after the reference period. A day is measured from midnight to 2359 hours. The following basic rules are used to calculate the number of accrued mental health care days: · Admission and discharge on the same day is equal to one mental health care day. · For a patient/resident admitted and discharged on different days all days are counted as mental health care days, except the day of discharge and any leave days. · If the patient/resident remains in hospital or residential care facility from midnight to 2359 hours count as a mental health care day. · The day a patient/resident goes on leave is not counted as a mental health care day, unless this was also the admission day. · The day the patient/resident returns from leave is counted as a mental health care day, unless the patient/resident goes on leave again on the same day of return or is discharged. · Leave days involving an overnight absence are not counted as mental health care days. · If a patient/resident goes on leave the day they are admitted and does not return from leave until the day they are discharged, count as one mental health care day. · If the patient/resident remains in a hospital or residential care facility from 1 July to 30 June (the whole of the reference period) count as 365 days (or 366 days in a leap year). · If the patient/resident remains in a hospital or residential care facility after the end of the reference period (i.e. after 30 June) do not count any days after the end of the reference period. The following additional rules cover special circumstances and in such cases, override the basic rules: When calculating accrued mental health care days for the reference period: · Count the mental health care days of those patients/residents separated during the reference period. Exclude any days that may have occurred before the beginning of the reference period. · Count the mental health care days of those patients/residents admitted during the reference period who did not separate until the following reference period. Exclude the days after the end of the reference period. · For patients/residents admitted before the reference period and who remain in after the reference period (i.e. after 30 June), count the mental health care days within the reference period only. Exclude all days before and after the reference period. Examples of mental health care day counting for a reference period 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2005: Patient/resident A was admitted to hospital on 4 June 2004 and separated on 6 July 2004. If no leave or transfer occurred counting starts on 1 July. Count would be 5 days as day of discharge is not counted. Patient/resident B was admitted to hospital on 1 August 2004 and separated on 8 August 2004. If no leave or transfer occurred counting starts on 1 August. Count would be 7 days as day of discharge is not counted. Patient/resident C was admitted to hospital on 1 June 2005 and separated on 6 July 2005. If no leave or transfer occurred counting starts on 1 June. Count would be 30 days as patient/resident was not discharged on 30 June, so every day up to and including 30 June would be counted. Patient/resident D was admitted to hospital on 1 August 2003 and has remained continuously in hospital to the present time. If no leave or transfer occurred counting starts on 1 July 2004 and concludes on 30 June 2005. Count would be 365 days as there is no day of discharge. Collection methods: To be reported for admitted patient care services, including services that are staffed for less than 24 hours, and non-government organisation services where included. NOTE: These data need to be disaggregated by Specialised mental health service setting (excluding Ambulatory care settings). For admitted patient care settings these counts also need to be disaggregated by Specialised mental health service program type and Specialised mental health service target population. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health seclusion and restraint DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Staffed residential services mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- days
Establishment—Australian state/territory identifier, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Australian State/Territory identifier (establishment) METeOR identifier: 269941 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Definition: An identifier of the Australian state or territory in which an establishment is located, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Establishment—Australian state/territory identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 New South Wales 2 Victoria 3 Queensland 4 South Australia 5 Western Australia 6 Tasmania 7 Northern Territory 8 Australian Capital Territory 9 Other territories (Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Christmas Island and Jervis Bay Territory) Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The order presented here is the standard for the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Other organisations (including the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) publish data in state order based on population (that is, Western Australia before South Australia and Australian Capital Territory before Northern Territory). Source and reference attributes Reference documents: Australian Bureau of Statistics. Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC). Cat No. 1216.0. Canberra: ABS. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This metadata item applies to the location of the establishment and not to the patient's area of usual residence. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: National Health Data Committee National Community Services Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Australian State/Territory identifier, version 4, DE, Int. NCSDD & NHDD, NCSIMG & NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (18.8 KB) Is used in the formation of Establishment—Local Hospital Network identifier, code NNN Health, Superseded 13/11/2014 Is used in the formation of Establishment—Local Hospital Network identifier, code NNN Health, Standard 13/11/2014, Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Is used in the formation of Establishment—geographical location, code (ASGC 2005) NNNNN Health, Superseded 14/09/2006 Is used in the formation of Establishment—geographical location, code (ASGC 2006) NNNNN Health, Superseded 05/02/2008 Is used in the formation of Establishment—geographical location, code (ASGC 2007) NNNNN Health, Superseded 04/02/2009 Is used in the formation of Establishment—geographical location, code (ASGC 2008) NNNNN Health, Superseded 02/10/2009 Is used in the formation of Establishment—geographical location, code (ASGC 2009) NNNNN Health, Superseded 17/12/2010 Is used in the formation of Establishment—geographical location, code (ASGC 2010) NNNNN Health, Superseded 07/12/2011 Is used in the formation of Establishment—geographical location, code (ASGC 2011) NNNNN Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Is used in the formation of Establishment—organisation identifier (Australian), NNX[X]NNNNN Health, Standard 01/03/2005, WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015, Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 31/10/2012, Indigenous, Draft 18/10/2012, National Health Performance Authority, Standard 25/07/2013, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 30/07/2015 Is used in the formation of Hospital—Local Hospital Network identifier, code NNN Health, Superseded 07/03/2014 Is used in the formation of Maternity model of care—identifier, NNNNNN Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Is used in the formation of Service delivery outlet—geographic location, code (ASGC 2004) NNNNN Health, Superseded 21/03/2006 Is used in the formation of Service delivery outlet—geographic location, code (ASGC 2005) NNNNN Health, Superseded 14/09/2006 Is used in the formation of Service delivery outlet—geographic location, code (ASGC 2006) NNNNN Health, Superseded 05/02/2008 Is used in the formation of Service delivery outlet—geographic location, code (ASGC 2007) NNNNN Health, Superseded 04/02/2009 Is used in the formation of Service delivery outlet—geographic location, code (ASGC 2008) NNNNN Health, Superseded 02/10/2009 Is used in the formation of Service delivery outlet—geographic location, code (ASGC 2009) NNNNN Health, Superseded 17/12/2010 Is used in the formation of Service delivery outlet—geographic location, code (ASGC 2010) NNNNN Health, Superseded 07/12/2011 Is used in the formation of Service delivery outlet—geographic location, code (ASGC 2011) NNNNN Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Admitted patient care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Bowel cancer diagnostic assessment cluster Health, Standard 29/08/2014 Community mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health seclusion and restraint DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Prison entrants DSS Health, Standard 25/08/2011 Prison establishments DSS Health, Standard 25/08/2011 Public hospital establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Residential mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator National Healthcare Agreement: PI 20a-Waiting times for elective surgery: waiting times in days, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 20b-Waiting times for elective surgery: proportion seen on time, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015
Data type
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (administrative and clerical staff), average N[NNN{.N}] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—administrative and clerical staff METeOR identifier: 270496 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all administrative and clerical staff within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (administrative and clerical staff) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: N[NNN{.N}] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Staff engaged in administrative and clerical duties. Medical staff and nursing staff, diagnostic and health professionals and any domestic staff primarily or partly engaged in administrative and clerical duties are excluded. Civil engineers and computing staff are included in this metadata item. The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. If under the relevant award of agreement a full-time employee is paid for an 80 (ordinary time) hour fortnight, the full-time equivalent for a part-time employee who works 64 hours is 0.8. If a full-time employee under the same award is paid for a 100 hours for that fortnight (20 hours overtime), then the full-time equivalent is 100 divided by 80 = 1.25. Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure data items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—full-time equivalent staff (paid), total N[NNN{.N}] Health, Retired 11/04/2014 Supersedes Full-time equivalent staff, version 2, Derived DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.9 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (consultant psychiatrists and psychiatrists), average N[NNN{.N}] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—consultant psychiatrists and psychiatrists METeOR identifier: 287509 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all consultant psychiatrists and psychiatrists within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (consultant psychiatrists and psychiatrists) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: N[NNN{.N}] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Medical officers who are registered to practice psychiatry under the relevant state or territory Medical Registration Board; or who are fellows of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists or registered with Health Insurance Commission as a specialist in Psychiatry. The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure metadata items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (diagnostic and health professionals), average N[NNN{.N}] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—diagnostic and health professionals METeOR identifier: 270495 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all diagnostic and health professionals within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (diagnostic and health professionals) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: N[NNN{.N}] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Qualified staff (other than qualified medical and nursing staff) engaged in duties of a diagnostic, professional or technical nature (but also including diagnostic and health professionals whose duties are primarily or partly of an administrative nature). This metadata item includes all allied health professionals and laboratory technicians (but excludes civil engineers and computing staff). This metadata item includes full-time equivalent staff units of occupational therapists, social workers, psychologists, and other diagnostic and health professionals. The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. If under the relevant award of agreement a full-time employee is paid for an 80 (ordinary time) hour fortnight, the full-time equivalent for a part-time employee who works 64 hours is 0.8. If a full-time employee under the same award is paid for a 100 hours for that fortnight (20 hours overtime), then the full-time equivalent is 100 divided by 80 = 1.25. Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure data items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—full-time equivalent staff (paid), total N[NNN{.N}] Health, Retired 11/04/2014 Supersedes Full-time equivalent staff, version 2, Derived DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.9 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (domestic and other staff), average N[NNN{.N}] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—domestic and other staff METeOR identifier: 270498 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all domestic and other staff within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (domestic and other staff) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: N[NNN{.N}] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Domestic staff are staff engaged in the provision of food and cleaning services including domestic staff primarily engaged in administrative duties such as food services manager. Dieticians are excluded. This metadata item also includes all staff not elsewhere included (primarily maintenance staff, trades people and gardening staff). The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. If under the relevant award of agreement a full-time employee is paid for an 80 (ordinary time) hour fortnight, the full-time equivalent for a part-time employee who works 64 hours is 0.8. If a full-time employee under the same award is paid for a 100 hours for that fortnight (20 hours overtime), then the full-time equivalent is 100 divided by 80 = 1.25. Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure data items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—full-time equivalent staff (paid), total N[NNN{.N}] Health, Retired 11/04/2014 Supersedes Full-time equivalent staff, version 2, Derived DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.9 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (enrolled nurses), average N[NNN{.N}] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—enrolled nurses METeOR identifier: 270497 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all enrolled nurses within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (enrolled nurses) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: N[NNN{.N}] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Enrolled nurses are second level nurses who are enrolled in all states except Victoria where they are registered by the state registration board to practise in this capacity. Includes general enrolled nurse and specialist enrolled nurse (e.g. mothercraft nurses in some states). The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. If under the relevant award of agreement a full-time nurse is paid for an 80 (ordinary time) hour fortnight, the full-time equivalent for a part-time nurse who works 64 hours is 0.8. If a full-time nurse under the same award is paid for a 100 hours for that fortnight (20 hours overtime), then the full-time equivalent is 100 divided by 80 = 1.25. Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure data items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—full-time equivalent staff (paid), total N[NNN{.N}] Health, Retired 11/04/2014 Supersedes Full-time equivalent staff, version 2, Derived DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.9 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (mental health carer workers), average NNNN.NN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—mental health carer workers METeOR identifier: 450762 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/02/2013 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all mental health carer workers within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (mental health carer workers) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: NNNN.NN Maximum character length: 6 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Unit of measure precision: 2 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Mental health carer workers are persons employed (or engaged via contract) on a part-time or full-time basis, i.e. the person received a salary or contract fee on a regular basis. It does not refer to arrangements where the carer worker only received reimbursements of expenses or occasional sitting fees for attendance at meetings. Mental health carer workers employed at the jurisdictional or regional level are considered in-scope and should be apportioned between all establishments, as deemed appropriate by the jurisdiction. The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure data items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff figures should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (carer consultants), average N[NNN{.N}] Health, Superseded 07/02/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (mental health consumer and carer workers), average NNNN.NN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—mental health consumer and carer workers METeOR identifier: 494044 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/02/2013 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all mental health consumer workers and mental health carer workers within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (mental health consumer and carer workers) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: NNNN.NN Maximum character length: 6 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Unit of measure precision: 2 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Includes mental health consumer workers and mental health carer workers employed by the organisation on a full-time or part-time salaried basis. The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. If under the relevant award of agreement a full-time nurse is paid for an 80 (ordinary time) hour fortnight, the full-time equivalent for a part-time nurse who works 64 hours is 0.8. If a full-time nurse under the same award is paid for a 100 hours for that fortnight (20 hours overtime), then the full-time equivalent is 100 divided by 80 = 1.25. Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure data items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (mental health consumer workers), average NNNN.NN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—mental health consumer workers METeOR identifier: 450821 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/02/2013 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all mental health consumer workers within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (mental health consumer workers) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: NNNN.NN Maximum character length: 6 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Unit of measure precision: 2 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Mental health consumer workers are persons employed (or engaged via contract) on a part-time or full-time basis, i.e. the person received a salary or contract fee on a regular basis. It does not refer to arrangements where the consumer worker only received reimbursements of expenses or occasional sitting fees for attendance at meetings. Mental health consumer workers employed at the jurisdictional or regional level are considered in-scope and should be apportioned between all establishments, as deemed appropriate by the jurisdiction. The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure data items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff figures should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (consumer consultants), average N[NNN{.N}] Health, Superseded 07/02/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (nurses), average NNNN.NN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—nurses METeOR identifier: 426703 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all nurses within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (nurses) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: NNNN.NN Maximum character length: 6 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Unit of measure precision: 2 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Includes registered and enrolled nurses employed by the organisation on a full-time or part-time salaried basis. Excludes trainee/pupil and student nurses. The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. If under the relevant award of agreement a full-time nurse is paid for an 80 (ordinary time) hour fortnight, the full-time equivalent for a part-time nurse who works 64 hours is 0.8. If a full-time nurse under the same award is paid for a 100 hours for that fortnight (20 hours overtime), then the full-time equivalent is 100 divided by 80 = 1.25. Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure data items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Enrolled nurse Health, Standard 01/03/2005 See also Registered nurse Health, Standard 01/03/2005, Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 16/10/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (occupational therapists), average N[NNN{.N}] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—occupational therapists METeOR identifier: 287603 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all occupational therapists within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (occupational therapists) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: N[NNN{.N}] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Persons who have completed a course of recognised training and are eligible for membership of the Australian Association of Occupational Therapists. The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure data items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (other diagnostic and health professionals), average N[NNN{.N}] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—other diagnostic and health professionals METeOR identifier: 287611 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all other diagnostic and health professionals within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (other diagnostic and health professionals) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: N[NNN{.N}] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Includes qualified staff (other than qualified medical or nursing staff) engaged in duties of a diagnostic, professional or technical nature. This metadata item covers all allied health professionals and laboratory technicians (but excludes civil engineers and computing staff). The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure data items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (other medical officers), average N[NNN{.N}] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—other medical officers METeOR identifier: 287531 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all other medical officers within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (other medical officers) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: N[NNN{.N}] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Medical officers employed or engaged by the organisation who are neither registered as psychiatrists within the state or territory nor formal trainees within the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Postgraduate Training Program. The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure metadata items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (other personal care staff), average N[NNN{.N}] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—other personal care staff METeOR identifier: 270171 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all other personal care staff within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (other personal care staff) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: N[NNN{.N}] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This metadata item includes attendants, assistants or home assistance, home companions, family aides, ward helpers, warders, orderlies, ward assistants and nursing assistants engaged primarily in the provision of personal care to patients or residents, who are not formally qualified or undergoing training in nursing or allied health professions The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. If under the relevant award of agreement a full-time employee is paid for an 80 (ordinary time) hour fortnight, the full-time equivalent for a part-time employee who works 64 hours is 0.8. If a full-time employee under the same award is paid for a 100 hours for that fortnight (20 hours overtime), then the full-time equivalent is 100 divided by 80 = 1.25. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure data items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Source and reference attributes Steward: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—full-time equivalent staff (paid), total N[NNN{.N}] Health, Retired 11/04/2014 Supersedes Full-time equivalent staff, version 2, Derived DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.9 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (psychiatry registrars and trainees), average N[NNN{.N}] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—psychiatry registrars and trainees METeOR identifier: 287529 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all psychiatry registrars and trainees within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (psychiatry registrars and trainees) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: N[NNN{.N}] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Medical officers who are formal trainees within the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Postgraduate Training Program. The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure data items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (psychologists), average N[NNN{.N}] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—psychologists METeOR identifier: 287609 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all psychologists within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (psychologists) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: N[NNN{.N}] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Persons who are registered as psychologists with the relevant state and territory registration board. The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure data items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (registered nurses), average N[NNN{.N}] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—registered nurses METeOR identifier: 270500 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all registered nurses within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (registered nurses) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: N[NNN{.N}] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. If under the relevant award of agreement a full-time nurse is paid for an 80 (ordinary time) hour fortnight, the full-time equivalent for a part-time nurse who works 64 hours is 0.8. If a full-time nurse under the same award is paid for a 100 hours for that fortnight (20 hours overtime), then the full-time equivalent is 100 divided by 80 = 1.25. Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure data items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—full-time equivalent staff (paid), total N[NNN{.N}] Health, Retired 11/04/2014 Supersedes Full-time equivalent staff, version 2, Derived DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.9 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (salaried medical officers), average N[NNN{.N}] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—salaried medical officers METeOR identifier: 270494 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all salaried medical officers within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (salaried medical officers) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: N[NNN{.N}] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Medical officers employed by the hospital on a full time or part time salaried basis. This excludes visiting medical officers engaged on an honorary, sessional or fee for service basis. This metadata item includes salaried medical officers who are engaged in administrative duties regardless of the extent of that engagement (for example, clinical superintendent and medical superintendent). The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. If under the relevant award of agreement a full-time employee is paid for an 80 (ordinary time) hour fortnight, the full-time equivalent for a part-time employee who works 64 hours is 0.8. If a full-time employee under the same award is paid for a 100 hours for that fortnight (20 hours overtime), then the full-time equivalent is 100 divided by 80 = 1.25. Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure data items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). If under the relevant award of agreement a full-time nurse is paid for an 80 (ordinary time) hour fortnight, the full-time equivalent for a part-time nurse who works 64 hours is 0.8. If a full-time nurse under the same award is paid for a 100 hours for that fortnight (20 hours overtime), then the full-time equivalent is 100 divided by 80 = 1.25. Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—full-time equivalent staff (paid), total N[NNN{.N}] Health, Retired 11/04/2014 Supersedes Full-time equivalent staff, version 2, Derived DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.9 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (social workers), average N[NNN{.N}] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent staff—social workers METeOR identifier: 287607 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all social workers within an establishment. Data Element Concept: Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (social workers) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: N[NNN{.N}] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Persons who have completed a course of recognised training and are eligible for membership of the Australian Association of Social Workers. The average is to be calculated from pay period figures. The length of the pay period is assumed to be a fortnight. Data on full-time equivalent staffing numbers by category should be consistent with data on salaries and wages by staffing category. If the full-time equivalent for contract staff is not collected then salaries for those contract staff should be included in other recurrent expenditure data items. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each (salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Comments: This metadata item was amended during 1996-97. Until then, both average and end of year counts of full-time equivalent staff were included, and the end of year counts used as surrogates for the average counts if the latter were unavailable. The average count is more useful for accurate analysis of staffing inputs for establishment outputs and for assessments and comparisons of labour costs. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—Local Hospital Network identifier, code NNN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Local Hospital Network identifier Synonymous names: LHN ID; Local Health District identifier (NSW); Hospital and Health Service identifier (Qld); Local Health Network identifier (SA); Tasmanian Health Organisation identifier METeOR identifier: 584333 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Definition: A unique Local Hospital Network (LHN) identifier for an establishment within a jurisdiction, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Establishment—Local Hospital Network identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: NNN Maximum character length: 3 Permissible values: Value Meaning 101 South Eastern Sydney 102 Sydney 103 South Western Sydney 104 Western Sydney 105 Nepean Blue Mountains 106 Northern Sydney 107 Central Coast 108 Illawarra Shoalhaven 109 Hunter New England 110 Mid North Coast 111 Northern NSW 112 Western NSW 113 Southern NSW 114 Murrumbidgee 115 Far West 117 Sydney Children's Hospitals Network 118 St Vincent's Health Network 119 Justice Health & Forensic Mental Health 201 Beaufort and Skipton Health Service 202 East Grampians Health Service 203 Ballarat Health Services 204 Stawell Regional Health 205 East Wimmera Health Service 206 Hepburn Health Service 207 Maryborough District Health Service 208 Djerriwarrh Health Service (Vic) 209 Western Health (Vic) 210 Bendigo Health Care Group 211 Heathcote Health 212 Swan Hill District Health 213 Cohuna District Hospital 214 Echuca Regional Health 215 Kerang District Health 216 Maldon Hospital 218 Boort District Health 219 Rochester and Elmore District Health Service 220 Inglewood and District Health Service 221 Castlemaine Health 222 Kyneton District Health Service 223 Royal Children's Hospital (Melbourne) 224 Royal Women's Hospital (Melbourne) 225 Melbourne Health 226 Northern Health (Vic) 227 Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health 228 Colac Area Health 229 Hesse Rural Health Service (Winchelsea) 230 Otway Health and Community Services (Apollo Bay) 231 Barwon Health 232 Lorne Community Hospital 233 Alexandra District Hospital 234 Eastern Health (Vic) 235 Goulburn Valley Health 236 Kyabram and District Health Service 237 Numurkah and District Health Service 238 Nathalia District Hospital 239 Cobram District Hospital 240 Seymour District Memorial Hospital 241 Kilmore and District Hospital 242 Yea and District Memorial Hospital 243 Northeast Health Wangaratta 244 Yarrawonga District Health Service 245 Alpine Health (Vic) 246 Mansfield District Hospital 247 Benalla and District Memorial Hospital 248 Tallangatta Health Service 249 Albury Wodonga Health 250 Upper Murray Health and Community Services (Corryong) 251 Beechworth Health Service 252 West Gippsland Healthcare Group 253 Bass Coast Regional Health 254 Gippsland Southern Health Service 255 South Gippsland Hospital (Foster) 256 Bairnsdale Regional Health Service 257 Yarram and District Health Service 258 Omeo District Health 259 Central Gippsland Health Service 260 Latrobe Regional Hospital 261 Orbost Regional Health 262 St Vincent's Hospital (Melbourne) Limited 263 Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital 264 Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute (Vic) 266 Austin Health (Vic) 267 Mercy Public Hospital Inc. (Vic) 268 Alfred Health (Vic) 269 Monash Health 270 Peninsula Health (Vic) 271 Kooweerup Regional Health Service 274 Rural Northwest Health (Vic) 275 Wimmera Health Care Group 276 Dunmunkle Health Services 277 West Wimmera Health Service 278 Edenhope and District Memorial Hospital 279 Mildura Base Hospital 280 Mallee Track Health and Community Service 281 Robinvale District Health Services 282 Western District Health Service (Vic) 283 Casterton Memorial Hospital 284 South West Healthcare (Vic) 285 Heywood Rural Health 286 Timboon and District Healthcare Service 287 Moyne Health Services (Port Fairy) 288 Portland District Health 289 Terang and Mortlake Health Service (Terang) 290 Calvary Health Care Bethlehem Limited 312 Cairns and Hinterland 313 Townsville 314 Mackay 315 North West (Qld) 316 Central Queensland 317 Central West (Qld) 318 Wide Bay 319 Sunshine Coast 320 Metro North (Qld) 321 Children's Health Queensland 322 Metro South (Qld) 323 Gold Coast 324 West Moreton 325 Darling Downs 326 South West (Qld) 327 Torres and Cape 401 Northern Adelaide 402 Central Adelaide 403 Southern Adelaide 404 Country Health SA 405 Women's and Children's Health Network (SA) 501 North Metropolitan Health Service (WA) 502 South Metropolitan Health Service (WA) 503 WA Country Health Service 580 Child Adolescent Health Service (WA) 590 Notional Local Hospital Network (Royal St.) 601 Tasmanian Health Organisation - South 602 Tasmanian Health Organisation - North 603 Tasmanian Health Organisation - North West 701 Top End (NT) 702 Central Australia (NT) 801 Australian Capital Territory Supplementary values: 199 New South Wales Virtual Local Hospital Network 299 Victoria Virtual Local Hospital Network 399 Queensland Virtual Local Hospital Network 499 South Australia Virtual Local Hospital Network 599 Western Australia Virtual Local Hospital Network 699 Tasmania Virtual Local Hospital Network 799 Northern Territory Virtual Local Hospital Network 899 Australian Capital Territory Virtual Local Hospital Network 900 Virtual Local Hospital Network - Unknown 997 Not applicable 998 Unknown 999 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: A total of 136 Local Hospital Networks have been established across the states and territories. Of these, 122 are geographically based networks and 14 are state or territory-wide networks that may deliver specialised hospital services across some jurisdictions. CODE 101 South Eastern Sydney Includes Lord Howe Island. Codes 217, 265, 272, 310 and 311 have been deleted from previous versions of the list of permissible values and are not to be reused. For activity based funding purposes, a virtual Local Hospital Network identifier exists for each jurisdiction. Virtual Local Hospital Networks are entities that are only used for reporting services that are in-scope for activity based funding but which cannot be allocated to an established Local Hospital Network. The various virtual Local Hospital Network identifiers are intended to be primarily used to enable reconciliation of activity reported for funding purposes. Comments: Some jurisdictions have their own local terminology for the areas and administrative units known nationally as Local Hospital Networks. For example, in New South Wales they are known as 'Local Health Districts', in Queensland they are known as 'Hospital and Health Services', in Western Australia they are known as Health Services, in South Australia they are known as 'Local Health Networks', and in Tasmania they are known as 'Tasmanian Health Organisations'. More information about Local Hospital Networks is available through the Local Hospital Network portal on the Department of Health website: Department of Health, Canberra. Viewed 15 November 2013, Content/lochospnetwork Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: A concatenation of: Australian state/territory identifier (character position 1); State/Territory-specific hospital network identifier (character positions 2-3). Comments: The Local Hospital Network identifier should be able to distinguish between all public hospital administrative areas or units nationally. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is formed using Establishment—Australian state/territory identifier, code N Health, Standard 01/03/2005, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Supersedes Establishment—Local Hospital Network identifier, code NNN Health, Superseded 13/11/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Local Hospital Networks DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Non-admitted patient care hospital aggregate NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 24/10/2014 Non-admitted patient care Local Hospital Network aggregate DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 13/09/2014 Non-admitted patient DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 23/07/2014 Public hospital establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015
Data type
Establishment—number of separations (financial year), total N[NNNNN] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Separations Synonymous names: Discharge METeOR identifier: 270407 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The total number of separations occurring during the reference period. This includes both formal and statistical separations. Data Element Concept: Establishment—number of separations Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Number Format: N[NNNNN] Maximum character length: 6 Unit of measure: Separation Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: May be calculated at: · individual establishment level; or · system (i.e. state/territory) level i.e. the sum of the number of establishments. The sum of the number of separations where the separation date has a value: · >= the beginning of the reference period (typically a financial year); and · <= the end of the reference period. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is formed using Episode of admitted patient care—separation date, DDMMYYYY Health, Standard 01/03/2005, Tasmanian Health, Final 01/07/2014, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Supersedes Separations, version 2, Derived DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (14.3 KB) See also Specialised mental health service—number of episodes of admitted care, total episodes N[NNNN] Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (administrative expenses) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—administrative expenses METeOR identifier: 270107 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The expenditure measured in Australian dollars incurred by establishments (but not central administrations) of a management expenses/administrative support nature such as any rates and taxes, printing, telephone, stationery and insurance (including workers compensation), for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (administrative expenses) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provide by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Administrative expenses, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (13.8 KB) Is used in the formation of Establishment (community mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Is used in the formation of Establishment—recurrent expenditure (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$)
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (Department of Veterans' Affairs funded), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—Department of Veterans' Affairs funded METeOR identifier: 377992 Registration status: Health, Standard 02/12/2009 Definition: Total recurrent expenditure measured in Australian dollars funded by block grants or activity payments provided by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) for provision of mental health services and payments made for mental health treatment and care of DVA clients. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (Department of Veterans' Affairs funded) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Australian dollars. Rounded to nearest whole dollar. Collection methods: DVA-funded expenditure to be reported only once and for the specific statistical unit level at which the expenditure is available. Where DVA-funded expenditure could be allocated to more than one level it is important to allocate it to the single most appropriate statistical unit level to avoid the possibility of counting the expended funds more than once. For example, funding provided for service delivery expenditure should be reported at the lowest statistical unit level possible only. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Establishment—recurrent expenditure (Department of Veterans' Affairs funded), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Superseded 02/12/2009 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (depreciation) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—depreciation METeOR identifier: 270279 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Depreciation charges measured in Australian dollars for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (depreciation) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record values up to hundreds of millions of dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Depreciation is to be reported by service setting (admitted patient care, residential care, ambulatory care). For admitted patient care settings, depreciation is to be disaggregated by specialised mental health service program type and specialised mental health service target population, together. Comments: With the long-term trend towards accrual accounting in the public sector, this metadata item will ultimately become significant for public sector establishments. Public sector establishments in some states have adopted modified accrual accounting identifying depreciation only, before reaching full accrual accounting. Depreciation is now reported for most public sector establishments and should be reported as a separate recurrent expenditure. Depreciation should be identified separately from other recurrent expenditure categories. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Depreciation, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (15.1 KB) Is used in the formation of Establishment (community mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (domestic services) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—domestic services METeOR identifier: 270283 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The costs measured in Australian dollars of all domestic services including electricity, other fuel and power, domestic services for staff, accommodation and kitchen expenses but not including salaries and wages, food costs or equipment replacement and repair costs, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (domestic services) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record values up to hundreds of millions of dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Gross expenditure should be reported with no revenue offsets, except for inter-hospital transfers. Comments: The possibility of separating fuel, light and power from domestic services which would bring the overall non-salary recurrent expenditure categories closer to the old Hospitals and Allied Services Advisory Council categories was briefly considered by the Resources Working Party but members did not hold strong views in this area. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Domestic services, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (14.6 KB) Is used in the formation of Establishment (community mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Is used in the formation of Establishment—recurrent expenditure (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (drug supplies) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—drug supplies METeOR identifier: 270282 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The cost measured in Australian dollars of all drugs including the cost of containers, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (drug supplies) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record values up to hundreds of millions of dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Gross expenditure should be reported with no revenue offsets, except for inter-hospital transfers. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Drug supplies, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (13.7 KB) Is used in the formation of Establishment (community mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Is used in the formation of Establishment—recurrent expenditure (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (food supplies) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—food supplies METeOR identifier: 270284 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The cost measured in Australian dollars of all food and beverages but not including kitchen expenses such as utensils, cleaning materials, cutlery and crockery, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (food supplies) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record values up to hundreds of millions of dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Gross expenditure should be reported with no revenue offsets, except for inter-hospital transfers. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (community mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Is used in the formation of Establishment—recurrent expenditure (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Supersedes Food supplies, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (13.8 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$)
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (interest payments) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—interest payments METeOR identifier: 270186 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Payments in Australian dollars made by or on behalf of the establishment in respect of borrowings (e.g. interest on bank overdraft) provided the establishment is permitted to borrow, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (interest payments) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record values up to hundreds of millions of dollars. Rounded to nearest whole dollar. Comments: The item would not have been retained if the data set was restricted to the public sector. In some States, public hospitals may not be permitted to borrow funds or it may be entirely a State treasury matter, not identifiable by the health authority. Even where public sector establishment borrowings might be identified, this appears to be a sensitive area and also of less overall significance than in the private sector. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (community mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Is used in the formation of Establishment—recurrent expenditure (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Supersedes Interest payments, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (14.9 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
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Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (medical and surgical supplies) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—medical and surgical supplies METeOR identifier: 270358 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The cost in Australian dollars of all consumables of a medical or surgical nature (excluding drug supplies) but not including expenditure on equipment repairs, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (medical and surgical supplies) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Gross expenditure should be reported with no revenue offsets, except for inter-hospital transfers. Collection methods: Record values up to hundreds of millions of dollars. Rounded to nearest whole dollar. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (community mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Is used in the formation of Establishment—recurrent expenditure (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Supersedes Medical and surgical supplies, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (13.9 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
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Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other Commonwealth Government funded expenditure), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—other Commonwealth Government funded METeOR identifier: 288031 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Total recurrent expenditure by an organisation, region or central administration funded from other revenue paid directly by the Commonwealth Government and used to resource recurrent expenditure on services within the scope of the NMDS—Mental Health Establishments. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other Commonwealth Government funded expenditure) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Australian dollars. Rounded to nearest whole dollar. Includes expenditure where the funding is from nursing home and hostel subsidies for the care of patients in specialised mental health services, and any other special purpose grants including rural health support, education and training funds and incentive package funds made available under the Australian Health Care Agreements. Excludes expenditure funded by the Commonwealth under grants from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs or from the National Mental Health Strategy. Collection methods: Other Commonwealth Government-funded expenditure to be reported only once and for the specific statistical unit level at which the expenditure actually occurred e.g. at the state, regional or organisational level. Where other Commonwealth Government-funded expenditure could be allocated to more than one level it is important to allocate it to the single most appropriate statistical unit level to avoid the possible of counting the expended funds more than once. For example, funding provided for service delivery expenditure should be reported at the lowest statistical unit level possible only. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment—recurrent expenditure (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 See also Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other revenue funded expenditure), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other patient revenue funded expenditure), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—other patient revenue funded METeOR identifier: 290583 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Recurrent expenditure funded from other revenue paid directly by patients or third parties, such as private health insurers, on behalf of patients under care of the organisation, region or central administration mental health services, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other patient revenue funded expenditure) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Australian dollars. Rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Collection methods: Other patient revenue funded expenditure to be reported only once and for the specific statistical unit level at which the expenditure actually occurred e.g. at the State, regional or organisational level. Note: this excludes expenditure funded by Department of Veterans’ Affairs payments in respect of specific patients, or funded by the Commonwealth nursing home or hostel subsidies which should be reported in Department of Veterans’ Affairs funded expenditure or Commonwealth Government funded expenditure respectively. Where other patient revenue funded expenditure could be allocated to more than one level, it is important to allocate it to the single most appropriate statistical unit level to avoid the possibility of counting the expended funds more than once. For example, funding provided for service delivery expenditure should be reported at the lowest statistical unit level possible only. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment—recurrent expenditure (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 See also Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other revenue funded expenditure), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
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Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other recurrent expenditure) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—other recurrent expenditure METeOR identifier: 270126 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: All other recurrent expenditure measured in Australian dollars not included elsewhere in any of the recurrent expenditure categories, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other recurrent expenditure) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record values up to hundreds of millions of dollars. Rounded to nearest whole dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Minimum Data Set Working Parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (community mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Is used in the formation of Establishment—recurrent expenditure (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
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Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other revenue funded expenditure), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—other revenue funded METeOR identifier: 288071 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: The total recurrent expenditure funded from all other revenue that was received by the organisation, region and central administration and has not been reported elsewhere. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other revenue funded expenditure) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Australian dollars. Rounded to nearest whole dollar. Collection methods: Expenditure funded from all other revenue, excluding those reported separately, to be reported only once and for the specific statistical unit level at which the expenditure actually occurred e.g. at the State, regional or organisational level. Expenditure reported separately are listed below under the Relational attributes section. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Establishment—recurrent expenditure (Department of Veterans' Affairs funded), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Superseded 02/12/2009 See also Establishment—recurrent expenditure (National Mental Health Strategy funded), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Is used in the formation of Establishment—recurrent expenditure (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 See also Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other Commonwealth Government funded expenditure), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 See also Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other patient revenue funded expenditure), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 See also Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other state or territory funded expenditure), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 See also Establishment—recurrent expenditure (recoveries funded expenditure), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 See also Establishment—recurrent expenditure (state or territory health authority funded), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
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Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other state or territory funded expenditure), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—other State or Territory funded METeOR identifier: 288075 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: The total recurrent expenditure from state or territory funding sources from government departments external to the health department portfolio which were used to support the delivery and/or administration of mental health services. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other state or territory funded expenditure) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: State or territory-funded expenditure to be reported only once and for the specific statistical unit level at which the expenditure actually occurred, e.g. at the state, regional or organisational level. Collection methods: Where state or territory-funded expenditure could be allocated to more than one level it is important to allocate it to the single most appropriate statistical unit level to avoid the possible of counting the expended funds more than once. For example, funding provided for service delivery expenditure should be reported at the lowest statistical unit level possible only. Expenditure funded from all other revenue, excluding those reported separately, to be reported only once and for the specific statistical unit level at which the expenditure actually occurred e.g. at the state, regional or organisational level. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment—recurrent expenditure (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 See also Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other revenue funded expenditure), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
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Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (patient transport cost) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—patient transport METeOR identifier: 270048 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The direct cost in Australian dollars of transporting patients excluding salaries and wages of transport staff where payment is made by an establishment, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (patient transport cost) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record as currency up to hundreds of millions of dollars. Rounded to nearest whole dollar. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (community mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Is used in the formation of Establishment—recurrent expenditure (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Supersedes Patient transport, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (13.7 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
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Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (recoveries funded expenditure), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—recoveries funded METeOR identifier: 288685 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Recurrent expenditure funded from revenue that is in the nature of a recovery of expenditure incurred, including income from provision of meals and accommodation, use of facilities, etc. for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (recoveries funded expenditure) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Australian dollars. Rounded to nearest whole dollar. Collection methods: Expenditure funded from recoveries to be reported only once and for the specific statistical unit level at which the expenditure actually occurred e.g. at the state, regional or organisational level. Where expenditure funded from recoveries could be allocated to more than one level it is important to allocate it to the single most appropriate statistical unit level to avoid the possible of counting the expended funds more than once. For example, recoveries received through service delivery expenditure should be reported at the lowest statistical unit level possible only. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment—recurrent expenditure (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 See also Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other revenue funded expenditure), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (repairs and maintenance) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—repairs and maintenance METeOR identifier: 269970 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The costs in Australian dollars incurred in maintaining, repairing, replacing and providing additional equipment, maintaining and renovating building and minor additional works, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (repairs and maintenance) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record values up to hundreds of millions of dollars. Rounded to nearest whole dollar. Expenditure of a capital nature should not be included here. Do not include salaries and wages of repair and maintenance staff. Gross expenditure should be reported with no revenue offsets (except for inter-hospital transfers). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Minimum Data Set Working Parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (community mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Is used in the formation of Establishment—recurrent expenditure (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Supersedes Repairs and maintenance, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (14.1 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (administrative and clerical staff) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages)—administrative and clerical staff METeOR identifier: 270275 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Salary and wage payments measured in Australian dollars to administrative and other clerical staff of an establishment, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (total salaries and wages) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Supersedes Salaries and wages, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (16.5 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (consultant psychiatrists and psychiatrists) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages)—consultant psychiatrists and psychiatrists METeOR identifier: 288767 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Salary and wage payments to consultant psychiatrists and psychiatrists of an establishment, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (domestic and other staff) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages)—domestic and other staff METeOR identifier: 270276 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Salary and wage payments measured in Australian dollars to domestic and other staff of an establishment, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (total salaries and wages) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Supersedes Salaries and wages, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (16.5 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (enrolled nurses) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages)—enrolled nurses METeOR identifier: 270270 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Salary and wage payments measured in Australian dollars to enrolled nurses of an establishment, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (total salaries and wages) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Supersedes Salaries and wages, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (16.5 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
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Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (mental health carer workers) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages)—mental health carer workers METeOR identifier: 451432 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/02/2013 Definition: Salary and wage payments to mental health carer workers of an establishment, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Mental health carer workers are persons employed (or engaged via contract) on a part-time or full-time basis, i.e. the person received a salary or contract fee on a regular basis. It does not refer to arrangements where the carer worker only received reimbursements of expenses or occasional sitting fees for attendance at meetings. Mental health carer workers employed at the jurisdictional or regional level are considered in-scope. Salary costs should be apportioned between all establishments, as deemed appropriate by the jurisdiction (full-time-equivalent staff figures should be apportioned on the same basis). Collection methods: Note: This code is only to be reported for the Mental Health Establishments NMDS. For Public hospital establishments NMDS data are to be reported in a category according to specific state and territory arrangements. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (carer consultants) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Superseded 07/02/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (mental health consumer workers) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages)—mental health consumer workers METeOR identifier: 451428 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/02/2013 Definition: Salary and wage payments to mental health consumer workers of an establishment, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Mental health consumer workers are persons employed (or engaged via contract) on a part-time or full-time basis, i.e. the person received a salary or contract fee on a regular basis. It does not refer to arrangements where the consumer worker only received reimbursements of expenses or occasional sitting fees for attendance at meetings. Mental health consumer workers employed at the jurisdictional or regional level are considered in-scope. Salary costs should be apportioned between all establishments, as deemed appropriate by the jurisdiction (full-time-equivalent staff figures should be apportioned on the same basis). Collection methods: Note: This code is only to be reported for the Mental Health Establishments NMDS. For Public hospital establishments NMDS data are to be reported in a category according to specific state and territory arrangements. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (consumer consultants) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Superseded 07/02/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
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Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (occupational therapists) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages)—occupational therapists METeOR identifier: 288778 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Salary and wage payments to occupational therapists of an establishment, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (other diagnostic and health professionals) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages)—other diagnostic and health professionals METeOR identifier: 288786 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Salary and wage payments to other diagnostic and health professionals of an establishment, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (other medical officers) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages)—other medical officers METeOR identifier: 288776 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Salary and wage payments to other medical officers of an establishment, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Other medical officers are those who are neither registered as psychiatrists within the State or Territory nor formal trainees within the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Postgraduate Training Program. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (other personal care staff) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages)—other personal care staff METeOR identifier: 270273 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Salary and wage payments measured in Australian dollars to other personal care staff of an establishment, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (total salaries and wages) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Supersedes Salaries and wages, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (16.5 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (psychiatry registrars and trainees)(financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages)—psychiatry registrars and trainees METeOR identifier: 288774 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Salary and wage payments to psychiatry registrars and trainees of an establishment, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (psychologists) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages)—psychologists METeOR identifier: 288784 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Salary and wage payments to psychologists of an establishment, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (registered nurses) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages)—registered nurses METeOR identifier: 270269 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Salary and wage payments measured in Australian dollars to registered nurses of an establishment, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (total salaries and wages) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Supersedes Salaries and wages, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (16.5 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) (social workers) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages)—social workers METeOR identifier: 288780 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Salary and wage payments to social workers of an establishment, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (salaries and wages) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National minimum data set working parties Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (state or territory health authority funded), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—State or Territory health authority funded METeOR identifier: 288965 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: The total recurrent expenditure from funds provided by the State or Territory health authority which were used to support the delivery and/or administration of mental health services reported by the organisation, region or central administration. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (state or territory health authority funded) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Australian dollars. Rounded to nearest whole dollar. Includes specific mental health allocations as well as health funds appropriated for general or other specific purpose. Collection methods: State or Territory health authority-funded expenditure to be reported only once and for the specific statistical unit level at which the expenditure actually occurred e.g. at the state, regional or organisational level. Where State or Territory health authority-funded expenditure could be allocated to more than one level it is important to allocate it to the single most appropriate statistical unit level to avoid the possible of counting the expended funds more than once. For example, funding provided for service delivery expenditure should be reported at the lowest statistical unit level possible only. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment—recurrent expenditure (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 See also Establishment—recurrent expenditure (other revenue funded expenditure), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (superannuation employer contributions) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—superannuation employer contributions METeOR identifier: 270371 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: Contributions paid in Australian dollars or (for an emerging cost scheme) that should be paid (as determined by an actuary) on behalf of establishment employees either by the establishment or a central administration such as a state health authority, to a superannuation fund providing retirement and related benefits to establishment employees, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (superannuation employer contributions) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record as currency up to hundreds of millions of dollars. Rounded to nearest whole dollar. Comments: The definition specifically excludes employee superannuation contributions (not a cost to the establishment) and superannuation final benefit payments. In private enterprise some superannuation schemes are partially funded but this is considered too complex a distinction for national minimum data sets. It is noted that the emergence of salary sacrifice schemes allows employees to forego salary for higher superannuation contributions. If these become significant, national minimum data sets may have to take them into account at a future stage. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Minimum Data Set Working Parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (community mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Supersedes Superannuation employer contributions (including funding basis), version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (16.4 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—recurrent expenditure (visiting medical officer payments) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Recurrent expenditure—payments to visiting medical officers METeOR identifier: 270049 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: All payments measured in Australian dollars made by an institutional health care establishment to visiting medical officers for medical services provided to hospital (public) patients on an honorary, sessionally paid, or fee for service basis, for a financial year. Data Element Concept: Establishment—recurrent expenditure (visiting medical officer payments) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Reporting of this data element is not compulsory for non-government residential mental health services and specialised mental health services provided by private hospitals that receive state or territory government funding. However, these services are still encouraged to report this data where available. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record as currency up to hundreds of millions of dollars. Rounded to nearest whole dollar. Comments: Although accepting the need to include visiting medical officer payments, the Resources Working Party decided not to include data on visiting medical officer services (whether hours or number of sessions or number of services provided) due to collection difficulties and the perception that use of visiting medical officers was purely a hospital management issue. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Minimum Data Set Working Parties Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment (community mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is used in the formation of Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Is used in the formation of Establishment—recurrent expenditure (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Supersedes Payments to visiting medical officers, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (15.2 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Establishment—region identifier, X[X] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Region code METeOR identifier: 269940 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Definition: An alphanumeric identifier for the location of health services in a defined geographic or administrative area. Data Element Concept: Establishment—region identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: X[X] Maximum character length: 2 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Domain values are specified by individual states/territories. Regions may also be known as Areas or Districts. Any valid region code created by a jurisdiction is permitted. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Establishment—organisation identifier (Australian), NNX[X]NNNNN Health, Standard 01/03/2005, WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015, Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 31/10/2012, Indigenous, Draft 18/10/2012, National Health Performance Authority, Standard 25/07/2013, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 30/07/2015 Supersedes Region code, version 2, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (14.3 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Admitted patient care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Community mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health seclusion and restraint DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Residential mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—region name, text XXX[X(57)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Region name METeOR identifier: 407187 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Definition: The appellation by which an administrative region is known or called, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Establishment—region name Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: XXX[X(57)] Maximum character length: 60 Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Mental health data collections are hierarchical in nature. An identical reporting structure, including region name, should be common between all mental health collections, including the Mental health establishments (MHE), Community mental health care (CMHC) and Residential mental health care (RMHC) NMDSs, the Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix collection and any future mental health collections. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The names of regions are determined by the relevant state or territory. The region refers to an administrative concept, not a geographical one, because the intent is to capture expenditure and other related data. States and territories may have one or more regions into which the state or territory is divided and to which its service organisations belong. In those cases, region should be reported using the Region identifier data element. In the smaller states or territories there may only be one or no region. In these cases, the region name would repeat the name of the state or territory. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Community mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Residential mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—sector, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Establishment sector METeOR identifier: 269977 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Definition: A section of the health care industry with which a health care establishment can identify, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Establishment—sector Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Public 2 Private Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This data element is used to differentiate between establishments run by the government sector (code 1) and establishments that receive some government funding but are run by the non-government sector (code 2). CODE 1 is to be used when the establishment: · operates from the public accounts of a Commonwealth, state or territory government or is part of the executive, judicial or legislative arms of government, · is part of the general government sector or is controlled by some part of the general government sector, · provides government services free of charge or at nominal prices, and · is financed mainly from taxation. CODE 2 is to be used only when the establishment: · is not controlled by government, · is directed by a group of officers, an executive committee or a similar body · elected by a majority of members, and · may be an income tax exempt charity. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Establishment sector, version 4, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (15.8 KB) Is used in the formation of Establishment—organisation identifier (Australian), NNX[X]NNNNN Health, Standard 01/03/2005, WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015, Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 31/10/2012, Indigenous, Draft 18/10/2012, National Health Performance Authority, Standard 25/07/2013, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 30/07/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Admitted patient care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Community mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Public hospital establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Residential mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator National Healthcare Agreement: PI 09-Incidence of heart attacks (acute coronary events), 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 23-Unplanned hospital readmission rates, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 Used as denominator National Healthcare Agreement: PI 23-Unplanned hospital readmission rates, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015
Data type
Establishment—service unit cluster identifier, XXXXX Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Service unit cluster identifier METeOR identifier: 404858 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Definition: A unique identifier for a service unit cluster, which groups specialised mental health ambulatory and residential service units, as represented by a combination of numeric and/or alphabetic characters. Data Element Concept: Establishment—service unit cluster identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: XXXXX Maximum character length: 5 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: A Specialised mental health service organisation may consist of one or more clusters of service units providing services in admitted patient, residential and ambulatory settings. For example, a Specialised mental health service organisation may consist of several hospitals (clusters of admitted patient service units) and/or ambulatory or residential service unit clusters (for example, a cluster of child and adolescent ambulatory service units, and a cluster of aged residential service units). To allow service units to be individually identified, but still also to be identified as part of a hospital (for the admitted patient service setting), or as part of another type of cluster (e.g. other cluster types for ambulatory or residential service setting), a separate reporting level called Hospital for admitted patient service units and Service unit cluster for ambulatory service units and residential service units is necessary. The concept of Service unit cluster only applies to ambulatory and residential service units. The equivalent entity for the grouping of admitted patient service units is the Hospital. However, for some ambulatory service units, the service unit may 'belong' to a hospital that contains both admitted patient and ambulatory service units. In this instance, the service unit cluster identifier for the ambulatory service unit would be the 'hospital identifier'. Other groups of ambulatory and residential service units could also be usefully identified as clusters. For example, clusters may exist of groups of residential services for aged persons, or groups of ambulatory service units in particular geographical areas. The complete identifier string, including State/Territory identifier, Region identifier, Organisation identifier and Service unit cluster identifier, should be a unique code for the cluster in that state/territory. Service unit reporting structures should be identical between all mental health collections (e.g., Mental Health National Minimum Data Sets and the Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection (NOCC)). If no cluster applies, set to 00000. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Community mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Residential mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Establishment—service unit cluster name, text XXX[X(97)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Service unit cluster name METeOR identifier: 409209 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Definition: The appellation by which a service unit cluster, which groups specialised mental health ambulatory and residential service units, is known or called, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Establishment—service unit cluster name Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: XXX[X(97)] Maximum character length: 100 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: A Specialised mental health service organisation may consist of one or more clusters of service units providing services in admitted patient, residential and ambulatory settings. For example, a Specialised mental health service organisation may consist of several hospitals (clusters of admitted patient service units) and/or ambulatory or residential service unit clusters (for example, a cluster of child and adolescent ambulatory service units, and a cluster of aged residential service units). To allow service units to be individually identified, but still also to be identified as part of a hospital (for the admitted patient service setting), or as part of another type of cluster (e.g. other cluster types for ambulatory or residential service setting), a separate reporting level called Hospital for admitted patient service units and Service unit cluster for ambulatory service units and residential service units is necessary. The concept of Service unit cluster only applies to ambulatory and residential service units. The equivalent entity for the grouping of admitted patient service units is the Hospital. However, for some ambulatory service units, the service unit may 'belong' to a hospital that contains both admitted patient and ambulatory service units. In this instance, the service unit cluster identifier for the ambulatory service unit would be the Hospital identifier. Other groups of ambulatory and residential service units could also be usefully identified as clusters. For example, clusters may exist of groups of residential services for aged persons, or groups of ambulatory service units in particular geographical areas. Where there is no Service unit cluster, then the Service unit cluster name would be the relevant organisation name. The Service unit cluster name should be unique for the cluster in that state/territory. Service unit reporting structures should be identical between all mental health collections (e.g., Mental Health National Minimum Data Sets and the Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection (NOCC)). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Community mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Residential mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Hospital—hospital identifier, XXXXX Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Hospital identifier METeOR identifier: 404239 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Definition: A unique identifier for a hospital, as represented by a combination of numeric and/or alphabetic characters. Data Element Concept: Hospital—hospital identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: XXXXX Maximum character length: 5 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The complete identifier string, including State/Territory identifier, Region identifier, Organisation identifier and Hospital identifier, should be a unique code for the hospital in that state/territory. The management of mental health services across a jurisdiction or area may result in a number of separate Specialised mental health service organisations reporting various mental health service units from a single hospital entity. In these cases, the Hospital identifier should be identical across all entries for the same hospital, within the same jurisdiction, regardless of the overarching organisational reporting structure. The Hospital identifier should be identical to the Organisation identifier component, of the Establishment—organisation identifier (Australian) reported to the Public Hospital Establishments NMDS. A Specialised mental health service organisation may consist of one or more clusters of service units providing services in admitted patient, residential and ambulatory settings. For example, a Specialised mental health service organisation may consist of several hospitals (clusters of admitted patient service units) and/or ambulatory or residential service unit clusters (for example, a cluster of child and adolescent ambulatory service units, and a cluster of aged residential service units). To allow service units to be individually identified, but still also to be identified as part of a hospital (for the admitted patient service setting), or as part of another type of cluster (e.g. other cluster types for ambulatory or residential service setting), a separate reporting level called Hospital for admitted patient service units and Service unit cluster for ambulatory service units and residential service units is necessary. The concept of hospital only applies to admitted service units. The equivalent entity for the grouping of ambulatory and residential service units is cluster. Where applicable, service unit reporting structures should be identical between all mental health collections (e.g., Mental Health National Minimum Data Sets and the Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection (NOCC)). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Establishment—organisation identifier (Australian), NNX[X]NNNNN Health, Standard 01/03/2005, WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015, Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 31/10/2012, Indigenous, Draft 18/10/2012, National Health Performance Authority, Standard 25/07/2013, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 30/07/2015 See also Establishment—organisation identifier (state/territory), NNNNN Health, Standard 01/03/2005, National Health Performance Authority, Standard 27/11/2013, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health seclusion and restraint DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Hospital—hospital name, text XXX[X(97)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Hospital name METeOR identifier: 407430 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 13/03/2014 Definition: The appellation by which a hospital is known or called, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Hospital—hospital name Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: XXX[X(97)] Maximum character length: 100 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Generally, the complete hospital name should be used to avoid any ambiguity in identification. This should usually be the same as company registration name. However, in certain circumstances (e.g. internal use), a short name (i.e. an abbreviated name by which the hospital is known) or a locally used name (e.g. where a hospital is known by a name that is different to the company registration name) can be used. At least one hospital name must be recorded for each hospital. The management of mental health services across a jurisdiction or area may result in a number of separate Specialised mental health service organisations reporting various mental health service units from a single hospital entity. In these cases, the Hospital name need not be identical across all entries for the same hospital. A Specialised mental health service organisation may consist of one or more clusters of service units providing services in admitted patient, residential and ambulatory settings. For example, a Specialised mental health service organisation may consist of several hospitals (clusters of admitted patient service units) and/or ambulatory or residential service unit clusters (for example, a cluster of child and adolescent ambulatory service units, and a cluster of aged residential service units). To allow service units to be individually identified, but still also to be identified as part of a hospital (for the admitted patient service setting), or as part of another type of cluster (e.g. other cluster types for ambulatory or residential service setting), a separate reporting level called Hospital for admitted patient service units and Service unit cluster for ambulatory service units and residential service units is necessary. The concept of hospital only applies to admitted service units. The equivalent entity for the grouping of ambulatory service units is cluster. Where applicable, service unit reporting structures should be identical between all mental health collections (e.g., Mental Health National Minimum Data Sets and the Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection (NOCC)). Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health seclusion and restraint DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: National Staphylococcus aureus Bacteraemia Dataset 2013-14 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 09/04/2015
Data type
Mental health non-government organisation
Mental health non-government organisation—grants to non-government organisations, total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Grants to non-government organisations METeOR identifier: 567363 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Definition: The total grants, expressed in Australian dollars, made to mental health non-government organisations by state/territory governments for services where the principal intent of the service is targeted at improving mental health and well-being and delivered to people affected by mental illness, their families and carers, or the broader community. Data Element Concept: Mental health non-government organisation—grants to non-government organisations Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: The scope of the Mental health establishments national minimum data set (MHE NMDS) is all Specialised mental health services managed or funded by state or territory health authorities. Services funded wholly by the Australian Government are considered out-of-scope for the MHE NMDS. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Grants are to be reported at the lowest statistical unit level at which the expenditure occurred (state/territory or region level), and should not be reported at more than one level. For payment to non-government organisations receiving grants for more than one service type, grants should be apportioned to the service type categories based on the specific provisions of the grant. Grants for Staffed residential services (Code 7) must exclude any grants reported as expenditure elsewhere, such as residential service unit expenditure, organisational, regional or state level indirect expenditure. Grants not allocatable to specific service types should be reported under other and unspecified services grants to non-government organisations. Where the exact dollar amount for services is unable to be provided an estimate should be derived from available local information. Collection methods: Data reported as grants to non-government organisations should exclude any capital expenditure grants, where the primary purpose of the grant is known to be specifically for the purpose of capital investment. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Mental health non-government organisation—service type, code N[N] Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health non-government organisation grants cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Mental health non-government organisation—service type, code N[N] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Mental health NGO service type METeOR identifier: 567352 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Definition: The type of mental health service funded by Australian and/or state or territory governments and delivered by a non-government organisation, where the principal intent is targeted at improving mental health and well-being and delivered to people affected by mental illness, their families and carers, or the broader community, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Mental health non-government organisation—service type Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Counselling—face-to-face 2 Counselling, support, information and referral—telephone 3 Counselling, support, information and referral—online 4 Self-help—online 5 Group support activities 6 Mutual support and self-help 7 Staffed residential services 8 Personalised support—linked to housing 9 Personalised support—other 10 Family and carer support 11 Individual advocacy 12 Care coordination 13 Service integration infrastructure 14 Education, employment and training 15 Sector development and representation 16 Mental health promotion 17 Mental illness prevention 88 Other and unspecified services Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: The scope of the Mental health establishments national minimum data set (MHE NMDS) is all Specialised mental health services managed or funded by state or territory health authorities. Services funded wholly by the Australian Government are considered out-of-scope for the MHE NMDS. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: Where an organisation provides more than one service type, data should be apportioned to the relevant service type categories. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Mental health non-government organisation—grants to non-government organisations, total Australian currency N[N(8)] Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health non-government organisation grants cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service organisation
Specialised mental health service organisation—carer representation arrangements indicator, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Carer representation arrangements indicator METeOR identifier: 529383 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether a specialised mental health service organisation has formal mental health carer representation at the highest level of governance to include the participation of mental health carers in the planning, delivery and evaluation of the service, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service organisation—carer representation arrangements indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is not for use in primary data collections. Data element attributes Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service organisation—consumer committee representation arrangements, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Consumer committee representation arrangements METeOR identifier: 288855 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Extent to which a specialised mental health service organisation has formal committee mechanisms in place to promote the participation of mental health consumers in the planning, delivery and evaluation of the service, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service organisation—consumer committee representation arrangements Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Formal position(s) for consumers exist on the organisation’s management committee for the appointment of person(s) to represent the interests of consumers 2 Specific consumer advisory committee(s) exists to advise on all relevant mental health services managed by the organisation 3 Specific consumer advisory committee(s) exists to advise on some but not all relevant mental health services managed by the organisation 4 Consumers participate on a broadly based advisory committee which include a mixture of organisations and groups representing a wide range of interests 5 Consumers are not represented on any advisory committee but are encouraged to meet with senior representatives of the organisation as required 6 No specific arrangements exist for consumer participation in planning and evaluation of services Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Select the option above that best describes the type of formal committee mechanisms within your organisation for ensuring participation by mental health consumers in the planning and evaluation of services. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Select the option above that best describes the type of formal committee mechanisms with in your organisation for ensuring participation by mental health consumers in the planning and evaluation of services. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service organisation—consumer representation arrangements indicator, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Consumer representation arrangements indicator METeOR identifier: 529103 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether a specialised mental health service organisation has formal mental health consumer representation at the highest level of governance to include the participation of mental health consumers in the planning, delivery and evaluation of the service, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service organisation—consumer representation arrangements indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is not for use in primary data collections. Data element attributes Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service organisation—organisation identifier, XXXX Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Organisation identifier METeOR identifier: 404186 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Definition: A unique identifier assigned to a specialised mental health service organisation, as represented by a combination of numeric and/or alphabetic characters. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service organisation—organisation identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: XXXX Maximum character length: 4 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The complete identifier string, including State/Territory identifier, Region identifier and Organisation identifier, should be a unique code for the specialised mental health service organisation in that state/territory. Service unit reporting structures should be identical between all mental health collections (e.g. Mental Health National Minimum Data Sets and the Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection (NOCC)). Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Community mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health seclusion and restraint DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Residential mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service organisation—organisation name, text XXX[X(97)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Organisation name—specialised mental health service METeOR identifier: 405767 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Definition: The appellation by which a specialised mental health service organisation is known or called, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service organisation—organisation name Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: XXX[X(97)] Maximum character length: 100 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The name of specialised mental health service organisations are determined by the relevant state or territory. Note that organisation is defined according to the object class Specialised mental health service organisation. The name should be unique for the organisation in that state/territory. Mental health data collections are hierarchical in nature. An identical reporting structure, including organisation name, should be common between all mental health collections, including the Mental Health Establishments (MHE), Community Mental Health Care (CMHC) and Residential Mental Health Care (RMHC) NMDS's, the Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix collection and any future mental health collections. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Community mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Residential mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service organisation—service delivery setting, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Specialised mental health service setting METeOR identifier: 493347 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/02/2013 Definition: The service delivery setting for the components of a specialised mental health service organisation, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service organisation—service delivery setting Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Admitted patient care setting 2 Residential care setting 3 Ambulatory care setting 4 Organisational overhead setting Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Admitted patient care setting The component of specialised mental health service organisations that provides admitted patient care within Admitted patient mental health care services. CODE 2 Residential care setting The component of specialised mental health organisations that provides residential care within Residential mental health care services. CODE 3 Ambulatory care setting The component of specialised mental health service organisations that provides ambulatory care (service contacts) by Ambulatory mental health care services. CODE 4 Organisational overhead setting The components of specialised mental health service organisations not directly involved in the delivery of patient care services in the admitted patient, residential or ambulatory mental health care service settings, or in the operations of those settings. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The intention of the ‘Organisation overhead setting’ category is to separately identify staff not directly involved in the delivery of patient care services in the Admitted patient, Residential or Ambulatory mental health care service settings, or in the operations of those settings. Note that this does not imply that these roles do not have an impact on service delivery. Staff employed to deliver patient care services should be reported in the Admitted patient (code 1), Residential (code 2) or Ambulatory (code 3) mental health care settings, as appropriate. Staff employed in the administration of a particular service would also be reported against the appropriate service setting. For example, administrative and domestic staff specifically attached to an admitted patient unit would be reported at the Admitted patient care service setting. Organisational staff not directly involved in the delivery of patient care services should be reported in the Organisational overhead setting (code 4). For example, a chief operating officer not directly providing patient care, nor involved in the operation of services in a specific service setting, would be reported in the Organisational overhead setting. Some staff may require apportioning across a number of service settings. For example, a clinical director, with oversight of all services provided by the organisation, would be apportioned across the service settings based on the level of involvement with each of these services. This data element permits staffing data related to service settings to be identified and reported separately. Regional and jurisdictional level staff are excluded from full-time equivalent staff data for the MHE NMDS. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Specialised mental health service—service setting, code N Health, Superseded 07/02/2013 See also Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N Health, Standard 07/02/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service organisation—use of formal complaints mechanism for carer participation arrangements indicator, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Use of formal complaints mechanism for carer participation arrangements indicator Synonymous names: Carer participation arrangements indicator—formal complaints mechanism METeOR identifier: 564666 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether a specialised mental health service organisation has a formal internal complaints mechanism in which complaints can be made by carers and are regularly (at least quarterly over the reporting period) reviewed by a committee that includes carers, in order to include the participation of mental health carers in the planning, delivery and evaluation of the service, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service organisation—use of formal complaints mechanism for carer participation arrangements indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is not for use in primary data collections. Data element attributes Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Specialised mental health service organisation—use of formal complaints mechanism for carer participation arrangements indicator, code N Health, Superseded 13/11/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service organisation—use of formal complaints mechanism for consumer participation arrangements indicator, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Use of formal complaints mechanism for consumer participation arrangements indicator Synonymous names: Consumer participation arrangements indicator—formal complaints mechanism METeOR identifier: 564674 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether a specialised mental health service organisation has a formal internal complaints mechanism in which complaints can be made by consumers and are regularly (at least quarterly over the reporting period) reviewed by a committee that includes consumers, in order to include the participation of mental health consumers in the planning, delivery and evaluation of the service, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service organisation—use of formal complaints mechanism for consumer participation arrangements indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is not for use in primary data collections. Data element attributes Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Specialised mental health service organisation—use of formal complaints mechanism for consumer participation arrangements indicator, code N Health, Superseded 13/11/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service organisation—use of formal participation policy for carer participation arrangements indicator, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Use of formal participation policy for carer participation arrangements indicator Synonymous names: Carer participation arrangements indicator—formal participation policy METeOR identifier: 529235 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether a specialised mental health service organisation has a formal and documented policy on participation by carers, in order to include the participation of mental health carers in the planning, delivery and evaluation of the service, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service organisation—use of formal participation policy for carer participation arrangements indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is not for use in primary data collections. Data element attributes Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Specialised mental health service organisation—carer participation arrangements status (formal participation policy), code N Health, Superseded 07/03/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service organisation—use of formal participation policy for consumer participation arrangements indicator, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Use of formal participation policy for consumer participation arrangements indicator Synonymous names: Consumer participation arrangements indicator—formal participation policy METeOR identifier: 529185 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether a specialised mental health service organisation has a formal and documented policy on participation by consumers, in order to include the participation of mental health consumers in the planning, delivery and evaluation of the service, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service organisation—use of formal participation policy for consumer participation arrangements indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is not for use in primary data collections. Data element attributes Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Specialised mental health service organisation—consumer participation arrangements (formal participation policy), code N Health, Superseded 07/03/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service organisation—use of regular carer experience surveys for carer participation arrangements indicator, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Use of regular carer experience surveys for carer participation arrangements indicator Synonymous names: Carer participation arrangements indicator—carer experience surveys METeOR identifier: 529231 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether a specialised mental health service organisation conducts regular (at least once over the reporting period) system level focused mental health carer experience surveys, as represented as a code. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service organisation—use of regular carer experience surveys for carer participation arrangements indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is not for use in primary data collections. Data element attributes Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Specialised mental health service organisation—carer participation arrangements status (carer satisfaction surveys), code N Health, Superseded 07/03/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service organisation—use of regular consumer experience surveys for consumer participation arrangements indicator, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Use of regular consumer experience surveys for consumer participation arrangements indicator Synonymous names: Consumer participation arrangements indicator—consumer experience surveys METeOR identifier: 529170 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether a specialised mental health service organisation conducts regular (at least once over the reporting period) system level focused mental health consumer experience surveys, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service organisation—use of regular consumer experience surveys for consumer participation arrangements indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is not for use in primary data collections. Data element attributes Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Specialised mental health service organisation—consumer participation arrangements (consumer satisfaction surveys), code N Health, Superseded 07/03/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service organisation—use of regular discussion groups for carer participation arrangements indicator, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Use of regular discussion groups for carer participation arrangements indicator Synonymous names: Carer participation arrangements indicator—regular discussion groups METeOR identifier: 529237 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether a specialised mental health service organisation holds regular (at least once over the reporting period) discussion groups to seek the views of carers about the service, in order to include the participation of mental health carers in the planning, delivery and evaluation of the service, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service organisation—use of regular discussion groups for carer participation arrangements indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is not for use in primary data collections. Data element attributes Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Specialised mental health service organisation—carer participation arrangements status (regular discussion groups), code N Health, Superseded 07/03/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service organisation—use of regular discussion groups for consumer participation arrangements indicator, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Use of regular discussion groups for consumer participation arrangements indicator Synonymous names: Consumer participation arrangements indicator—regular discussion groups METeOR identifier: 529224 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether a specialised mental health service organisation holds regular (at least once over the reporting period) consumer discussion groups to seek the views of consumers about the service in order to include the participation of mental health consumers in the planning, delivery and evaluation of services, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service organisation—use of regular discussion groups for consumer participation arrangements indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is not for use in primary data collections. Data element attributes Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Specialised mental health service organisation—consumer participation arrangements (regular discussion groups), code N Health, Superseded 07/03/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service unit
Specialised mental health service unit—implementation of National standards for mental health services status, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: National standards for mental health services review status METeOR identifier: 573549 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Definition: The extent of progress made by a specialised mental health service unit in implementing the National Standards for Mental Health Services by or at 30 June, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service unit—implementation of National standards for mental health services status Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 The service unit had been reviewed and was judged to have met all of the applicable National standards as determined by the accrediting agency 2 The service unit had been reviewed by an external accrediting agency and was judged to have met some but not all of the National standards 3 The service unit was in the process of being reviewed by an external accrediting agency but the outcomes were not known 4 The service unit was booked for review by an external accrediting agency and was engaged in self-assessment preparation prior to the formal external review 5 The service unit was engaged in self-assessment in relation to the National standards but did not have a contractual arrangement with an external accrediting agency for review 6 The service unit had not commenced the preparations for review by an external accrediting agency but this was intended to be undertaken in the future 7 It had not been resolved whether the service unit would undertake review by an external accrediting agency under the National standards 8 The National standards are not applicable to this service unit Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 The service unit had been reviewed and was judged to have met all of the applicable National standards as determined by the accrediting agency For more information on the determination of applicable standards please refer to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care website ( CODE 8 The National standards are not applicable to this service unit This code should only be used for: · non-government organisation mental health services and private hospitals (that receive some government funding to provide specialised mental health services) where implementation of National standards for mental health services has not been agreed with the relevant state or territory; or · those aged care residential services (e.g. psychogeriatric nursing homes) in receipt of funding under the Aged Care Act and subject to Commonwealth residential aged care reporting and service standards requirements. Data set specification specific attributes Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 DSS specific information: Data should be reported against the National Standards for Mental Health Services 2010. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: Report the review/accreditation status at 30 June for each service unit for the National standards for mental health services using the standard set of codes shown in the value domain. For organisations that include more than one service unit the codes relating to each service should be completed. Reporting of progress at the individual service unit level recognises that parts rather than whole organisations may be implementing the standards. NOTE: for admitted patient setting only, these data need to be disaggregated by specialised mental health service program type and specialised mental health service target population. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Specialised mental health service unit—implementation of National standards for mental health services status, code N Health, Superseded 13/11/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service
Specialised mental health service—admitted patient care program type, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Specialised mental health service program type METeOR identifier: 288889 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Type of admitted patient care program provided by a specialised mental health service, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—admitted patient care program type Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Acute care 2 Other Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The categorisation of the admitted patient program is based on the principal purpose(s) of the program rather than the classification of the individual patients. CODE 1 Acute care Programs primarily providing specialist psychiatric care for people with acute episodes of mental disorder. These episodes are characterised by recent onset of severe clinical symptoms of mental disorder that have potential for prolonged dysfunction or risk to self and/or others. The key characteristic of acute services is that this treatment effort is focused on short-term treatment. Acute services may be focused on assisting people who have had no prior contact or previous psychiatric history, or individuals with a continuing mental disorder for whom there has been an acute exacerbation of symptoms. This category applies only to services with a mental health service setting of overnight admitted patient care or residential care. CODE 2 Other Refers to all other programs primarily providing admitted patient care. Includes programs providing rehabilitation services that have a primary focus on intervention to reduce functional impairments that limit the independence of patients. Rehabilitation services are focused on disability and the promotion of personal recovery. They are characterised by an expectation of substantial improvement over the short to mid-term. Patients treated by rehabilitation services usually have a relatively stable pattern of clinical symptoms. Also includes programs providing extended care services that primarily provide care over an indefinite period for patients who have a stable but severe level of functional impairment and an inability to function independently, thus requiring extensive care and support. Patients of extended care services present a stable pattern of clinical symptoms, which may include high levels of severe unremitting symptoms of mental disorder. Treatment is focused on preventing deterioration and reducing impairment; improvement is expected to occur slowly. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This data element is used to disaggregate data on beds, activity, expenditure and staffing for admitted patient settings in mental health service units (see Specialised mental health service—service setting, code N data element). Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Specialised mental health service—admitted patient service unit identifier, XXXXXX Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service—admitted patient service unit identifier, XXXXXX Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Admitted patient service unit identifier METeOR identifier: 404390 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Definition: A unique identifier for a specialised mental health admitted patient service unit, as represented by a combination of numeric and/or alphabetic characters. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—admitted patient service unit identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: XXXXXX Maximum character length: 6 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Admitted patient service units should be differentiated by target population and program type. For example, if a hospital had separate wards for child and adolescent and general adult populations, these should be reported as separate service units. Similarly, if the hospital provided separate wards for older persons acute and older persons other program types, such as rehabilitation or extended care, this would require separate service units to be identified (that is, defined by the Specialised mental health service—admitted patient care program type, code N data element as well as the Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N data element). Where a hospital has, for example, two older persons acute admitted patient service units, these only need to be reported as one combined older persons acute admitted patient service unit to satisfy the minimum reporting requirements for NMDS purposes, but could be reported as two separate service units if desired. For additional information, please refer to the glossary item Admitted patient mental health care service. The complete identifier string, including State/Territory identifier, Region identifier, Organisation identifier, Hospital identifier and Admitted patient service unit identifier, should be a unique code for the service unit in that state/territory. Where applicable, service unit reporting structures should be identical between all mental health collections (e.g., Mental Health National Minimum Data Sets and the Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection (NOCC)). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Specialised mental health service—admitted patient care program type, code N Health, Standard 08/12/2004 See also Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N Health, Standard 07/02/2013 See also Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N Health, Superseded 07/02/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service—admitted patient service unit name, text XXX[X(97)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Admitted patient service unit name METeOR identifier: 407462 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Definition: The appellation by which a specialised mental health admitted patient service unit is known or called, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—admitted patient service unit name Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: XXX[X(97)] Maximum character length: 100 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Admitted patient service units should be differentiated by target population and program type. For example, if a hospital had separate wards for child and adolescent and general adult populations, these should be reported as separate service units. Similarly, if the hospital provided separate wards for older persons acute and older persons other program types, such as rehabilitation or extended care, this would require separate service units to be identified (that is, defined by the Specialised mental health service—admitted patient care program type, code N data element as well as the Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N data element). Where a hospital has, for example, two older persons acute admitted patient service units, these only need to be reported as one combined older persons acute admitted patient service unit to satisfy the minimum reporting requirements for NMDS purposes, but could be reported as two separate service units if desired. For additional information, please refer to the glossary item Admitted patient mental health care service. The Admitted patient service unit name should be unique for the service unit in that state/territory. Where applicable, service unit reporting structures should be identical between all mental health collections (e.g., Mental Health National Minimum Data Sets and the Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection (NOCC)). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N Health, Standard 07/02/2013 See also Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N Health, Superseded 07/02/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service—ambulatory service unit identifier, XXXXXX Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Ambulatory service unit identifier METeOR identifier: 404829 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Definition: A unique identifier for a specialised mental health ambulatory service unit, as represented by a combination of numeric and/or alphabetic characters. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—ambulatory service unit identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: XXXXXX Maximum character length: 6 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: For the ambulatory service setting, the service unit is equivalent to an organisation's ambulatory services as a whole. However, ambulatory service units should be differentiated by target population. Where an organisation provides multiple teams serving the same target population, these may be grouped and reported as a single service unit, or identified as individual service units in their own right. Ambulatory services would be separately identifiable as service units using the Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N data element. For additional information, please refer to the glossary item Ambulatory mental health care service. The complete identifier string, including State/Territory identifier, Region identifier, Organisation identifier, Service unit cluster identifier and Ambulatory service unit identifier, should be a unique code for the service unit in that state/territory. Service unit reporting structures should be identical between all mental health collections (e.g., Mental Health National Minimum Data Sets and the Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection (NOCC)). Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N Health, Standard 07/02/2013 See also Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N Health, Superseded 07/02/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Community mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service—ambulatory service unit name, text XXX[X(97)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Ambulatory service unit name METeOR identifier: 409038 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Definition: The appellation by which a specialised mental health ambulatory service unit is known or called, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—ambulatory service unit name Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: XXX[X(97)] Maximum character length: 100 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: For the ambulatory service setting, the service unit is equivalent to an organisation's ambulatory services as a whole. However, ambulatory service units should be differentiated by target population. Where an organisation provides multiple teams serving the same target population, these may be grouped and reported as a single service unit, or identified as individual service units in their own right. Ambulatory services would be separately identifiable as service units using the Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N data element. For additional information, please refer to the glossary item Ambulatory mental health care service. The Ambulatory service unit name should be unique for the service unit in that state/territory. Service unit reporting structures should be identical between all mental health collections (e.g., Mental Health National Minimum Data Sets and the Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection (NOCC)). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N Health, Standard 07/02/2013 See also Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N Health, Superseded 07/02/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Community mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service—co-location with acute care hospital, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Co-location status of mental health service METeOR identifier: 286995 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Whether a mental health service is co-located with an acute care hospital, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—co-location with acute care hospital Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Co-located 2 Not co-located Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Co-located Co-located health services are those that are established physically and organisationally as part of an acute care hospital service. There are two forms of co-location: · a health service that is built and managed as a ward or unit within an acute care hospital; or · the health service operates in a separate building but is located on, or immediately adjoining, the acute care hospital campus. In the second option, units and wards within a psychiatric hospital may be classified as co-located when all the following criteria apply: · a single organisational or management structure covers the acute care hospital and the psychiatric hospital; · a single employer covers the staff of the acute care hospital and the psychiatric hospital; · the location of the acute care hospital and psychiatric hospital can be regarded as part of a single overall hospital campus; and · the patients of the psychiatric hospital are regarded as patients of the single integrated health service. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: To be reported for mental health services that primarily provide overnight admitted patient care. Excludes residential mental health services and ambulatory mental health services. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health seclusion and restraint DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service—non-government non-profit indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Non-government non-profit indicator METeOR identifier: 378745 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/12/2010 Definition: An indicator of whether a specialised mental health service is operated as part of a non-government non-profit entity, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—non-government non-profit indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is not for use in primary data collections. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This data element is used to differentiate between services that receive some government funding but are run by the non-government non-profit sector (code 1) and other services (code 2). CODE 1 is to be used when the service is managed by an organisation that: · is not controlled by government, and is either, · an income tax exempt charity; and/or · does not distribute any profits to members or external parties. CODE 2 is to be used for all other services. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service—number of clients receiving services from an ambulatory mental health care service, total clients NNNNNN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Number of clients receiving services METeOR identifier: 494391 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/02/2013 Definition: The total number of people or clients who received services provided by an ambulatory mental health care service unit. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—number of clients receiving services from an ambulatory mental health care service Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Number Format: NNNNNN Maximum character length: 6 Unit of measure: Person Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The total number of clients is reported by ambulatory mental health care service units to the Mental health establishments NMDS. The total should be a count of uniquely identifiable individuals at the service unit level, regardless of the registration status of the client, who are reported to the Community mental health care NMDS. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Specialised mental health service—number of clients receiving services, total NNNNNN Health, Superseded 07/02/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service—number of hours staffed, average hours NN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Specialised mental health service—hours staffed METeOR identifier: 288877 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: The average number of hours per day during which a residential mental health service has appropriately trained staff employed on-site. Training may include formal qualifications and/or on the job training. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—number of hours staffed Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Average Data type: Number Format: NN Maximum character length: 2 Supplementary values: Value Meaning 99 Unknown/not stated/inadequately described Unit of measure: Hour (h) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Whole numbers of hours staffed (no decimals or fractions). Valid numbers are 1 to 24. The hours staffed provides a measure of service intensity for the reporting and analysis of staff, financial and activity data. For residential mental health services, this refers to the number of hours per day during which appropriately trained staff (either with formal qualifications and/or on the job training) are employed on site, as their normal place of employment, within the service unit. It excludes periods where the service unit is only staffed by a resident sleepover staff member or any period where staff are present but not employed on site at the service unit. Excludes ambulatory and admitted patient services. Round to nearest whole hour. Where the number of hours staffed varies by day, average the number of hours staffed over a week, including the weekend. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- h
Specialised mental health service—number of service contacts provided to clients by an ambulatory mental health care service, total contacts NNNNNN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Number of service contacts METeOR identifier: 494401 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/02/2013 Definition: The total number of service contacts provided to individual patients or clients by an ambulatory mental health care service. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—number of service contacts provided to clients by an ambulatory mental health care service Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Number Format: NNNNNN Maximum character length: 6 Unit of measure: Service contact Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The total number of mental health service contacts is reported by ambulatory mental health care service units to the Mental Health Establishments NMDS. The total should be a count of contacts at the service unit level, regardless of the registration status of the client. Each patient or client attending a group contact should be counted individually. For example, ten consumers in a group contact equates to ten contacts. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Mental health service contact Health, Superseded 07/02/2013 See also Mental health service contact Health, Standard 07/02/2013 Supersedes Specialised mental health service—number of service contacts, total NNNNNN Health, Superseded 07/02/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service—residential service unit identifier, XXXXXX Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Residential service unit identifier METeOR identifier: 404837 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Definition: A unique identifier for a specialised mental health residential service unit, as represented by a combination of numeric and/or alphabetic characters. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—residential service unit identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: XXXXXX Maximum character length: 6 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: For the residential service setting, as a minimum, 24-hour staffed residential services that employ mental health trained staff on-site 24 hours per day and other services with less intensive staffing (but the trained staff on-site for a minimum of 6 hours a day and at least 50 hours per week) should be defined as separate service units. This applies to both government-operated residential services and government-funded residential services operated by non-government organisations. In addition, residential service units should be differentiated by target population. Residential services would be separately identifiable as service units using the Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N data element. For additional information, please refer to the glossary item Residential mental health care service. The complete identifier string, including State/Territory identifier, Region identifier, Organisation identifier, Service unit cluster identifier and Residential service unit identifier, should be a unique code for the service unit in that state/territory. Service unit reporting structures should be identical between all mental health collections (e.g., Mental Health National Minimum Data Sets and the Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection (NOCC)). Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N Health, Standard 07/02/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Residential mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service—residential service unit name, text XXX[X(97)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Residential service unit name METeOR identifier: 407496 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Definition: The appellation by which a specialised mental health residential service unit is known or called, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—residential service unit name Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: XXX[X(97)] Maximum character length: 100 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: For the residential service setting, as a minimum, 24-hour staffed residential services that employ mental health trained staff on-site 24 hours per day and other services with less intensive staffing (but the trained staff on-site for a minimum of 6 hours a day and at least 50 hours per week) should be defined as separate service units. This applies to both government-operated residential services and government-funded residential services operated by non-government organisations. In addition, residential service units should be differentiated by target population. Residential services would be separately identifiable as service units using the Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N data element. For additional information, please refer to the glossary item Residential mental health care service. The Residential service unit name should be unique for the service unit in that state/territory. Service unit reporting structures should be identical between all mental health collections (e.g., Mental Health National Minimum Data Sets and the Mental Health National Outcomes and Casemix Collection (NOCC)). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N Health, Superseded 07/02/2013 See also Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N Health, Standard 07/02/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Residential mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (academic positions), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Residual expenditure (mental health service)—academic positions METeOR identifier: 290151 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Expenditure in Australian dollars by specialised mental health services that cannot be directly related to programs operated by a particular organisation or service unit (that is, can only be indirectly related to a particular organisation or service unit). Academic positions refer to grants from the organisation, region or state/territory administration to academic institutions for the establishment and maintenance of academic positions in psychiatry or related disciplines. This item also includes the costs of the other academic positions associated with the professional position where these are financed from within the organisation, region or central administration’s recurrent budget. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (academic positions) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Excludes grants to non-government organisations for services that are to be reported separately. These are grants for accommodation services, advocacy services, community awareness services, counselling services, independent living skills support services, pre-vocational training services, psychosocial support services, recreational services, respite services, self-help support group services and other unspecified services grants. This item also includes the costs of the other academic positions associated with the professional position where these are financed from within the organisation, region or central administration’s recurrent budget. Collection methods: Residual mental health expenditure is to be reported only at the level at which the expenditure occurred (state/territory, region or organisational), and should not be counted at more than one level. Expenditure should be reported for these categories, where applicable: · Report academic expenditure in this section only where the academic unit operates independently. Where the academic unit or position operates as an integral part of the service (e.g. an acute inpatient unit), the expenditure should be reported for the relevant organisation. · Where academic grants are paid directly by organisation, region or state/territory administration, these should be reported at that level. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (education and training), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Residual expenditure (mental health service)—education and training METeOR identifier: 290149 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Expenditure in Australian dollars by specialised mental health services that cannot be directly related to programs operated by a particular organisation or service unit (that is, can only be indirectly related to a particular organisation or service unit). Education and training refers to the cost of professional training and staff development activity within the mental health services managed by the organisation, region or state/territory administration that have not been included in expenditure reported elsewhere. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (education and training) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Excludes grants to non-government organisations for services that are to be reported separately. These are grants for accommodation services, advocacy services, community awareness services, counselling services, independent living skills support services, pre-vocational training services, psychosocial support services, recreational services, respite services, self-help support group services and other unspecified services grants. Grants made to external agencies for the development of training-related resources materials or programs may also be reported under this category. Collection methods: Residual mental health expenditure is to be reported only at the level at which the expenditure occurred (state/territory, region or organisational), and should not be counted at more than one level. Expenditure should be reported for these categories, where applicable. Where they do exist, expenditure on schools of nursing should be reported at the organisation level. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (insurance), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Residual expenditure (mental health service)—insurance METeOR identifier: 290164 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Expenditure in Australian dollars by specialised mental health services that cannot be directly related to programs operated by a particular organisation or service unit (that is, can only be indirectly related to a particular organisation or service unit). Insurance refers to public risk and other insurance amounts paid by the organisation, region or central administration in respect to its mental health services and not reported elsewhere. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (insurance) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Excludes grants to non-government organisations for services that are to be reported separately. These are grants for accommodation services, advocacy services, community awareness services, counselling services, independent living skills support services, pre-vocational training services, psychosocial support services, recreational services, respite services, self-help support group services and other unspecified services grants. Collection methods: Residual mental health expenditure is to be reported only at the level at which the expenditure occurred (state/territory, region or organisational), and should not be counted at more than one level. Expenditure should be reported for these categories, where applicable. Note: insurance expenditure already included in an establishment's expenditure should not be included in this data element. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (Mental Health Act Regulation or related legislation), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Residual expenditure (mental health service)—Mental Health Act Regulation or related legislation METeOR identifier: 376828 Registration status: Health, Standard 02/12/2009 Definition: Total residual expenditure measured in Australian dollars incurred in the establishment and operation of Mental Health Act review bodies. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (Mental Health Act Regulation or related legislation) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Excludes grants to non-government organisations for services that are to be reported separately. These are grants for accommodation services, advocacy services, community awareness services, counselling services, independent living skills support services, pre-vocational training services, psychosocial support services, recreational services, respite services, self-help support group services and other unspecified services grants. Collection methods: Residual mental health expenditure is to be reported only at the level at which the expenditure occurred (state/territory, region or organisational), and should not be counted at more than one level. Report Mental Health Act Regulation or related legislation expenditure only where the activity occurred independently to service units and where that expenditure is not reported elsewhere. Where the Mental Health Act Regulation or related legislation activity occurs as an integral component of service delivery (e.g. in cases where the service is already reporting activity data), the expenditure should be reported under the relevant service unit. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (mental health promotion), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Residual expenditure (mental health service)—mental health promotion METeOR identifier: 290156 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Expenditure in Australian dollars by specialised mental health services that cannot be directly related to programs operated by a particular organisation or service unit (that is, can only be indirectly related to a particular organisation or service unit). It refers to the organisation, region or state/territory administration expenditure dedicated specifically to mental health promotion objectives. Mental health promotion is defined as activities designed to lead to improvement of the mental health functioning of persons through prevention, education and intervention activities and services. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (mental health promotion) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Excludes grants to non-government organisations for services that are to be reported separately. These are grants for accommodation services, advocacy services, community awareness services, counselling services, independent living skills support services, pre-vocational training services, psychosocial support services, recreational services, respite services, self-help support group services and other unspecified services grants. Reporting expenditure against this item is not intended to be based on costing of activities that retrospectively, entailed a significant mental health promotion component. Instead it should be confined to financial allocations that were clearly targeted towards mental health promotion objectives. Collection methods: Residual mental health expenditure is to be reported only at the level at which the expenditure occurred (state/territory, region or organisational), and should not be counted at more than one level. Do not count these costs if they have been included in the expenditure reported by service delivery organisations within the region. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (mental health research), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Residual expenditure (mental health service)—mental health research METeOR identifier: 290153 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Expenditures by specialised mental health services that cannot be directly related to programs operated by a particular organisation or service unit (that is, can only be indirectly related to a particular organisation or service unit). It refers to expenditure on basic or applied research in the mental health field funded by the organisation, region or state/territory administration. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (mental health research) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Excludes grants to non-government organisations for services that are to be reported separately. These are grants for accommodation services, advocacy services, community awareness services, counselling services, independent living skills support services, pre-vocational training services, psychosocial support services, recreational services, respite services, self-help support group services and other unspecified services grants. Collection methods: Residual mental health expenditure is to be reported only at the level at which the expenditure occurred (state/territory, region or organisational), and should not be counted at more than one level. Expenditure should be reported for these categories, where applicable: Report research expenditure for this category only where the research operated independently and where that expenditure is not reported elsewhere. Where the research activity occurs as an integral component of service delivery (e.g. in cases where research staff are also clinical staff within a hospital unit), the expenditure should be reported under the relevant service unit (at the organisation-level). Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (other indirect expenditure), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Residual expenditure (mental health service)—other indirect expenditure METeOR identifier: 290187 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Expenditure in Australian dollars by specialised mental health services that cannot be directly related to programs operated by a particular organisation or service unit (that is, can only be indirectly related to a particular organisation or service unit). Includes any other indirect expenditure (excluding grants to non-government organisations to provide mental health services other than residential services) that is incurred in the delivery of mental health services and is not reported elsewhere. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (other indirect expenditure) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Excludes grants to non-government organisations for services that are to be reported separately. These are grants for accommodation services, advocacy services, community awareness services, counselling services, independent living skills support services, pre-vocational training services, psychosocial support services, recreational services, respite services, self-help support group services and other unspecified services grants. Collection methods: Residual mental health expenditure is to be reported only at the level at which the expenditure occurred (state/territory, region or organisational), and should not be counted at more than one level. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (patient transport services), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Residual expenditure (mental health service)—patient transport services METeOR identifier: 290183 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Expenditure in Australian dollars by specialised mental health services that cannot be directly related to programs operated by a particular organisation or service unit (that is, can only be indirectly related to a particular organisation or service unit). It refers to direct cost of transporting patients of mental health services. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (patient transport services) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Excludes grants to non-government organisations for services that are to be reported separately. These are grants for accommodation services, advocacy services, community awareness services, counselling services, independent living skills support services, pre-vocational training services, psychosocial support services, recreational services, respite services, self-help support group services and other unspecified services grants. Collection methods: Residual mental health expenditure is to be reported only at the level at which the expenditure occurred (state/territory, region or organisational), and should not be counted at more than one level. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (program administration), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Residual expenditure (mental health service)—program administration METeOR identifier: 290145 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Expenditure in Australian dollars by specialised mental health services that cannot be directly related to programs operated by a particular organisation or service unit (that is, can only be indirectly related to a particular organisation or service unit). It refers to costs of administration and other support services (such as program management, admissions reception office, medical records etc.) at the mental health program-level (i.e. at state or territory, region or organisation level). Generally, these are resources that are specifically dedicated to the mental health program, are under the direct management control of the program and are funded by the program. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (program administration) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Generally, these are resources that are specifically dedicated to the mental health program, are under the direct management control of the program and are funded by the program. Excludes grants to non-government organisations for services that are to be reported separately. These include grants for accommodation services, advocacy services, community awareness services, counselling services, independent living skills support services, pre-vocational training services, psychosocial support services, recreational services, respite services, self-help support group services and other unspecified services grants. Collection methods: Residual mental health expenditure is to be reported only at the level at which the expenditure occurred (state/territory, region or organisational), and should not be counted at more than one level. Expenditure should be reported for these categories, where applicable: Do not count these costs if they have been included in the expenditure reported by service delivery organisations within the region. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (property leasing costs), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Residual expenditure (mental health service)—property leasing costs METeOR identifier: 290185 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Expenditure in Australian dollars by specialised mental health services that cannot be directly related to programs operated by a particular organisation or service unit (that is, can only be indirectly related to a particular organisation or service unit). It refers to the costs of leasing premises used for the provision of mental health services (e.g. community clinics). Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (property leasing costs) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Excludes grants to non-government organisations for services that are to be reported separately. These are grants for accommodation services, advocacy services, community awareness services, counselling services, independent living skills support services, pre-vocational training services, psychosocial support services, recreational services, respite services, self-help support group services and other unspecified services grants. Collection methods: Residual mental health expenditure is to be reported only at the level at which the expenditure occurred (state/territory, region or organisational), and should not be counted at more than one level. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (service development), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Residual expenditure (mental health service)—service development METeOR identifier: 373040 Registration status: Health, Standard 02/12/2009 Definition: Residual expenditure measured in Australian dollars relating to the development of new mental health services funded by the organisation, region or state/territory administration that are not yet operational and providing activity data. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (service development) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Excludes grants to non-government organisations for services that are to be reported separately. These are grants for accommodation services, advocacy services, community awareness services, counselling services, independent living skills support services, pre-vocational training services, psychosocial support services, recreational services, respite services, self-help support group services and other unspecified services grants. Residual expenditures by specialised mental health services that cannot be directly related to programs operated by a particular organisation or service unit (that is, can only be indirectly related to a particular organisation or service unit). Collection methods: Residual mental health expenditure is to be reported only at the level at which the expenditure occurred (state/territory, region or organisational), and should not be counted at more than one level. Expenditure should be reported for these categories, where applicable. Report service development expenditure only where the service development operates independently and where that expenditure is not reported elsewhere. Where the service development activity occurs as an integral component of service delivery (e.g. in cases where the service is already reporting activity data), the expenditure should be reported under the relevant service unit. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (superannuation), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Residual expenditure (mental health service)—superannuation METeOR identifier: 290158 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Expenditure in Australian dollars by specialised mental health services that cannot be directly related to programs operated by a particular organisation or service unit (that is, can only be indirectly related to a particular organisation or service unit). It includes superannuation employer contributions paid, or for an emerging cost scheme, that should be paid on behalf of the employee and that are not reported elsewhere. Emerging cost schemes are those in which the cost of benefits is met at the time a benefit becomes payable, that is, there is no ongoing invested fund from which benefits are paid. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (superannuation) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Excludes grants to non-government organisations for services that are to be reported separately. These are grants for accommodation services, advocacy services, community awareness services, counselling services, independent living skills support services, pre-vocational training services, psychosocial support services, recreational services, respite services, self-help support group services and other unspecified services grants. Collection methods: Residual mental health expenditure is to be reported only at the level at which the expenditure occurred (state/territory, region or organisational), and should not be counted at more than one level. Expenditure should be reported for these categories, where applicable. Note: Superannuation expenditure already included in establishments expenditure should not be included in this data element. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (support services), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Residual expenditure (mental health service)—support services METeOR identifier: 290147 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Expenditure in Australian dollars by specialised mental health services that cannot be directly related to programs operated by a particular organisation or service unit (that is, can only be indirectly related to a particular organisation or service unit). It refers to the cost of administration and other support services provided at the region-level. Such services include regional administration, information systems, personnel, finance and accounting functions. These services are usually provided from a central pool of resources managed at a regional level. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (support services) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Excludes grants to non-government organisations for services that are to be reported separately. These are grants for accommodation services, advocacy services, community awareness services, counselling services, independent living skills support services, pre-vocational training services, psychosocial support services, recreational services, respite services, self-help support group services and other unspecified services grants. Collection methods: Residual mental health expenditure is to be reported only at the level at which the expenditure occurred (state/territory, region or organisational), and should not be counted at more than one level. Expenditure should be reported for these categories, where applicable: These services are usually provided from a central pool of resources managed at a regional level. Do not count these costs if they have been included in the expenditure reported by service delivery organisations within the region. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (workers compensation), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Residual expenditure (mental health service)—workers compensation METeOR identifier: 290160 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/12/2004 Definition: Expenditures in Australian dollars specialised mental health services that cannot be directly related to programs operated by a particular organisation or service unit (that is, can only be indirectly related to a particular organisation or service unit). It refers to workers compensation premiums and payments made by the organisation, region or central administration on behalf of its employees and not reported elsewhere. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—residual expenditure (workers compensation) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Excludes grants to non-government organisations for services that are to be reported separately. These are grants for accommodation services, advocacy services, community awareness services, counselling services, independent living skills support services, pre-vocational training services, psychosocial support services, recreational services, respite services, self-help support group services and other unspecified services grants. Collection methods: Residual mental health expenditure is to be reported only at the level at which the expenditure occurred (state/territory, region or organisational), and should not be counted at more than one level. Note: Workers compensation expenditure already included in establishments expenditure should not be included in this data element. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$
Specialised mental health service—supported mental health housing places, total NNNNNN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Supported mental health housing places METeOR identifier: 390929 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Definition: The total number of housing places supported by specialised mental health services available at 30 June, targeted to people affected by mental illness or psychiatric disability. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—supported mental health housing places Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Number Format: NNNNNN Maximum character length: 6 Source and reference attributes Steward: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: These are places made available by public housing authorities, health departments or non-government organisations (NGOs) under an agreement with the relevant State or Territory government authority responsible for funding mental health services. Such agreements commit the State or Territory funding authority to ensure provision of assistance to people within their homes through ongoing clinical and/or psychosocial rehabilitation support for their mental illness, including outreach services. To be counted as a supported mental health housing place there must be a clear link between the housing place and the provision of clinical or psychosocial support by trained staff. 'Place' refers to number of supported places (beds) available for mental health consumers as at 30 June. It is not a count of consumers supported through the year or a count of physical residences. Excludes residential mental health services defined as specialised mental health services. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Specialised mental health service—number of supported public housing places, total N[N(5)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N Maximum occurences: 4 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Specialised mental health service target population METeOR identifier: 493010 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/02/2013 Definition: The population group primarily targeted by a specialised mental health service, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Specialised mental health service—specialised mental health service target population group Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: String Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Child and adolescent 2 Older person 3 Forensic 4 General 5 Youth Supplementary values: 7 Not applicable 9 Not stated/inadequately described Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This data element is used to disaggregate data on beds, activity, expenditure and staffing for patients in mental health service units (see the Specialised mental health service—service setting, code N data element). CODE 1 Child and adolescent These services principally target children and young people under the age of 18 years. The classification of a service into this category requires recognition by the regional or central funding authority of the special focus of the service. These services may include a forensic component. CODE 2 Older person These services principally target people in the age group of 65 years and over. The classification of a service into this category requires recognition by the regional or central funding authority of the special focus of the service. These services may include a forensic component. CODE 3 Forensic Health services that provide services primarily for people whose health condition has led them to commit, or be suspected of, a criminal offence or make it likely that they will reoffend without adequate treatment or containment. This includes prison-based services, but excludes services that are primarily for children and adolescents and for older people even where they include a forensic component. CODE 4 General These services principally target the general adult population (aged 18–64 years) but may also provide services to children, adolescents or older people. These services are those services that cannot be described as specialist child and adolescent services, youth services or services for older people. It excludes forensic services. CODE 5 Youth These services principally target children and young people generally aged 16-24 years. The classification of a service into this category requires recognition by the regional or central funding authority of the special focus of the service. These services may include a forensic component. The order of priority for coding is: · where the forensic services are for children/adolescents, youth or older persons these services should be coded to the category for that age group; and · where the forensic services are for adults these services should be coded to forensic. CODE 7 Not applicable The code is only for use to identify those components of specialised mental health service organisations not directly involved in the delivery of patient care services in the admitted patient, residential or ambulatory mental health care services, nor in the operations of those services. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Specialised mental health service organisation—service delivery setting, code N Health, Standard 07/02/2013 See also Specialised mental health service—admitted patient service unit identifier, XXXXXX Health, Standard 07/12/2011 See also Specialised mental health service—admitted patient service unit name, text XXX[X(97)] Health, Standard 07/12/2011 See also Specialised mental health service—ambulatory service unit identifier, XXXXXX Health, Standard 07/12/2011 See also Specialised mental health service—ambulatory service unit name, text XXX[X(97)] Health, Standard 07/12/2011 See also Specialised mental health service—residential service unit identifier, XXXXXX Health, Standard 07/12/2011 See also Specialised mental health service—residential service unit name, text XXX[X(97)] Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Supersedes Specialised mental health service—target population group, code N Health, Superseded 07/02/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Community mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health seclusion and restraint DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
State or Territory Government
State or Territory Government—mental health services grants to non-government organisations by non-health departments, total Australian currency N[N(8)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Mental health services grants to non-government organisations by non-health departments METeOR identifier: 298940 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2005 Definition: Total amount of money in the form of grants made by state or territory departments outside the health portfolios directly to non-government organisations specifically for the provision of mental health activities or programs (other than staffed residential services). Data Element Concept: State or Territory Government—mental health services grants to non-government organisations by non-health departments Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Currency Format: N[N(8)] Maximum character length: 9 Unit of measure: Australian currency (AU$) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Where the exact dollar amount is unable to be provided an estimate should be derived from information available to the state or territory health department. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Mental health establishments NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Measurement units
- AU$