Palliativpflege ×
- Hospizpflege (26)
- Dokumentation (21)
- Routine documentation (3)
- Einwilligungsformulare (2)
- Common Data Elements (CDE) (2)
- Persönliche Befriedigung (1)
- Prognose (1)
- Register (1)
- Klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] (1)
- Patientenzufriedenheit (1)
- Kosten, Krankheits- (1)
- Spiritualität (1)
- Privatinitiative (1)
- Karzinom (1)
- Checkliste (1)
- On-Study Form (1)
- Physiotherapy (1)
- Patient information (1)
- Diagnostic Procedure (1)
- Anticoagulation (1)
- Scores & Instrumente (1)
- COVID-19 (1)
- Entscheidungsfindung (1)
- Arzneimittelapplikationsplan (1)
- Behandlungsbedürftigkeit, Begutachtung (1)
- Ethik (1)
- Gram (1)
- Kopf- und Halstumoren (1)
- Versicherung, Kranken- (1)
- Antibakterielle Mittel (1)
- Antitumormittel (1)
- Patientenaufnahme (1)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.
34 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppen: Administrative data, Recent major problems, Recent impairment, Impairment caused by other symptoms, Last three days (Part 1), Last three days (Part 2), Last three days (Part 3)
Itemgruppen: Patient information, Medical Conditions
Itemgruppen: Main diagnosis, Initial status, Psychological insight, Religious/spiritual assistance, Communication between family/others and nursing team, assistance after death, Documentation, Comments
Itemgruppen: CRF Header, Head & Neck: Form Administration, Head & Neck: Patient Assessment, Head & Neck: Disease Description - Initial Diagnosis of Disease, Head & Neck: Disease Description - Current Diagnosis, Head & Neck: Prior Health History - Palliative, Head & Neck: Prior Treatment - Systemic Therapy, Head & Neck: Prior Treatment - Radiation Therapy, Head & Neck: Prior Treatment - Surgery
Itemgruppen: Date, TT1. Type of therapy, TT2. Number of previous treatments, TT3. Indications, TT4. Agents/Regime/Modus, TT5. Medical indication assessed by, TT6. Palliative prognostic index PPI in pre-treatment/ starting the new indicated tumor treatment, TT7. Was proceding/start of tumor therapy based on consensus in the palliative team?, TT8. What was the subjective success of the tumor therapy?, TT9. Was the tumor therapy determined early?, TT10. If yes, what were the reasons for the discontinuation of tumor therapy?, TT11. Was discontinuation of tumor therapy based on consensus in the palliative team?, TT12. Who completes this questionnaire?
Itemgruppen: Reasons for change of therapeutic goals from life-prolonging to palliative, Ethics consultation, Patient declined life-prolonging measures in case of life threatening diseases, Specialist palliative care setting, Specialist palliative care type, Specialist palliative care professionals involved, Drugs prescribed for symptom control (e.g. breathlessness, pain, death rattle), Is data entry for this section finished?
Itemgruppen: First meeting before start of therapy, start of therapy, symptoms and other issues, Information and time, Expertise and support, After patient death
Itemgruppen: First meeting before start of therapy, start of therapy, symptoms and other issues, Information and time, Expertise and support, After patient death
Itemgruppen: Header, Diagnosis, Symptoms, Medication, Measures, Application of insured person, details of medical provider, Insurance authorization, Patient administration
KBV Prescription of specialized outpatient palliative care Template 63b
5 Itemgruppen 36 DatenelementeKBV Prescription of specialized outpatient palliative care Template 63c
5 Itemgruppen 36 DatenelementeKBV Prescription of specialized outpatient palliative care Template 63d
5 Itemgruppen 36 Datenelemente Itemgruppen: Inclusion Criteria, Exclusion Criteria
Itemgruppen: Episode of admitted patient care, Episode of care, Establishment, Hospital service, Patient, Person
Itemgruppen: General information, Palliative checklist