Otolaryngologie ×
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- 13.12.22 - 5 Formulare, 1 Itemgruppe, 7 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppe: IG.elig
Principal Investigator: Isaac S. Kohane, MD, PhD, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA MeSH: Autistic Disorder,Heart Defects, Congenital,Asthma,Attention Deficit Disorders,Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1,Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2,Epilepsy,Gastrointestinal Diseases,Hypersensitivity,Autoimmune Diseases,Hematologic Diseases,Neoplasms,Arrhythmias, Cardiac,Chromosome Aberrations,Congenital Abnormalities,Dermatology,Developmental Disabilities,Endocrine System,Otolaryngology,Syndrome,Urogenital System,Hearing Loss,Immune System Diseases,Musculoskeletal Abnormalities,Nervous System Diseases,Neuromuscular Diseases,Metabolic Diseases,Nutrition Disorders,Vision Disorders,Mouth Diseases,Mental Disorders,Kidney Diseases,Respiration Disorders,Thyroid Diseases,Vascular Diseases The Gene Partnership (TGP) is a prospective longitudinal registry at Boston Children's Hospital (BCH) to study the genetic and environmental contributions to childhood health and disease, collect genetic information on a large number of children who have been phenotyped, and implement the Informed Cohort and the Informed Cohort Oversight Board (ICOB). The term "*The Gene Partnership*" reflects a partnership between researchers and participants. Children seen at BCH are offered enrollment, as are their parents and siblings. DNA is collected on all enrollees. BCH has a comprehensive EMR system, and virtually all inpatient and outpatient data are captured electronically. Clinical data in the BCH EMR is loaded in the i2b2 data warehouse which is available to investigators. Cases, phenotypes, and covariates are ascertained using the i2b2 database. Participants at BCH in TGP have consented to receive any research result and/or incidental finding that arises from studies using TGP that is approved by the Informed Cohort Oversight Board (ICOB) and is in accordance with the participants' preferences; results are returned through the Personally Controlled Health Record (PCHR). BCH and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) have partnered as the *P*ediatric *A*lliance for *G*enomic and *E*lectronic Medical Record (EMR) *R*esearch (*PAGER*) site for the eMERGE Phase II network for pediatric institutions, and the cohort for eMERGE at BCH is TGP.


1 Itemgruppe 4 Datenelemente


1 Itemgruppe 5 Datenelemente


1 Itemgruppe 42 Datenelemente


1 Itemgruppe 4 Datenelemente
- 17.09.21 - 1 Formular, 10 Itemgruppen, 49 Datenelemente, 1 Sprache
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Basic information, Symptoms, History of nasal sinus surgery, Hypersensitivity, Other comorbidities, Obstructive sleep apnea, History of malignant diseases, Multiresistant germs and antibiotic intake, Asthma

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