Myelodysplastic Syndromes ×
Table of contents
  1. 1. Clinical Trial
  2. 2. Routine Documentation
  3. 3. Registry/Cohort Study
  4. 4. Quality Assurance
  5. 5. Data Standard
  6. 6. Patient-Reported Outcome
  7. 7. Medical Specialty
    1. 7.1. Anesthesiology
    1. 7.2. Dermatology
    1. 7.3. ENT
    1. 7.4. Geriatrics
    1. 7.5. Gynecology/Obstetrics
    1. 7.6. Internal Medicine
      1. Hematology
      1. Infectious Diseases
      1. Cardiology/Angiology
      1. Pneumology
      1. Gastroenterology
      1. Nephrology
      1. Endocrinology/Metabolic Diseases
      1. Rheumatology
    1. 7.7. Neurology
    1. 7.8. Ophthalmology
    1. 7.9. Palliative Care
    1. 7.10. Pathology/Forensics
    1. 7.11. Pediatrics
    1. 7.12. Psychiatry/Psychosomatics
    1. 7.13. Radiology
    1. 7.14. Surgery
      1. General/Visceral Surgery
      1. Neurosurgery
      1. Plastic Surgery
      1. Thoracic Surgery
      1. Trauma/Orthopedics
      1. Vascular Surgery
    1. 7.15. Urology
    1. 7.16. Dental Medicine/OMS
Selected data models

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- 8/5/14 - 1 form, 11 itemgroups, 24 items, 2 languages
Itemgroups: Show identification of patient, Severe infection occurred, Severe pulmonary complications, Severe cardio-vascular complications, Severe renal complications, Severe hepatic complications, Severe neurological complications, Severe gastrointestinal complications, Severe endocrinologic complications, Severe sceletal complications, Other severe complications
- 8/5/14 - 1 form, 10 itemgroups, 20 items, 2 languages
Itemgroups: Show identification of patient, Severe infection occurred, Severe pulmonary complications, Severe cardio-vascular complications, Severe renal complications, Severe hepatic complications, VOD, Severe neurological complications, Severe gastrointestinal complications, Other severe complications
- 8/5/14 - 1 form, 15 itemgroups, 57 items, 2 languages
Itemgroups: Show identification of patient, Complications - Infection, Complications - EBV PCR, Complications - EBV LPD, Complications - EBV LPD symptoms, Complications - EBV LPD site, Complications - EBV LPD treatment, Complications - Hemorrhage, Complications - Renal/Metabolic Lab., Creatinine, Complications - Other type of complication, Transfusions, Transfusion PLT, Transfusion RBC, Complete blood count, Study centre specific variables

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