- 6/17/20 - 1 form, 12 itemgroups, 62 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, Date of hepatic or liver imaging test, method used for imaging test, images technically adequate, liver size, liver texture, diffuse and/or geographic fatty infiltrate of the liver, Ascites present, Focal Hepatic Lesions characterisable, Gallstones or gallbladder lesions, Biliary ductal lesions, Portal/Hepatic vein abnormalities
- 6/16/20 - 1 form, 15 itemgroups, 158 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, Date of liver biopsy, Liver Biopsy size, Liver Biopsy Final Diagnosis, Liver Architecture, Description of Liver Cells or Hepatocytes, Liver Cell or Hepatocyte Inclusions or Vacuoles, Hepatocyte or Liver Cell Nuclear Abnormalities, Liver or Lobular Infiltrates, Portal Tract Inflammation, Bile Ducts, Portal Veins, Liver Infections, Liver: Parasites or Ova, Histologic Staining or Additional Studies Obtained
- 11/25/18 - 1 form, 4 itemgroups, 29 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, Liver Events Assessment, Investigational Product (Liver), Pharmacokinetics
- 11/25/18 - 1 form, 6 itemgroups, 28 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, Liver Disease Medical Conditions, Drug Related Liver Disease Conditions (All Drugs including Investigational Product), Other Liver Disease Conditions, Other Medical Conditions, Alcohol Intake

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