- 9/13/20 - 1 form, 1 itemgroup, 7 items, 1 language
Itemgroup: DCAI-R (7/88)
Carey, M. P., Jorgensen, R. S., Weinstock, R. S., Sprafkin, R. P., Lantinga, L. J., Carnrike, C. L. M., Jr., Baker, M. T., & Meisler, A. W. (1991). Appraisal of Diabetes Scale (ADS). Measurement Instrument Database for the Social Science. Retrieved 13.09.20, from www.midss.ie Key references: Carey, M. P., Jorgensen, R. S., Weinstock, R. S., Sprafkin, R. P., Lantinga, L. J., Carnrike, C. L. M., Jr., Baker, M. T., & Meisler, A. W. (1991). Reliability and validity of the appraisal of diabetes scale. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 14, 43-51. Garratt, A.M., L. Schmidt, and R. Fitzpatrick (2002) Patient-assessed health outcome measures for diabetes: a structured review. Diabetic Med., 19, 1-11. Trief, P.M., W. Grant, K. Elbert, and R.S. Weinstock (1998) Family environment, glycemic control, and the psychosocial adaptation of adults with diabetes. Diabetes Care 21, 241-245. Trief, P.M., C. Aquilino, K. Paradies, and R.S. Weinstock (1999) Impact of the work environment on glycemic control and adaptation to diabetes. Diabetes Care 22, 569-574. Primary use / Purpose: The Appraisal of Diabetes Scale (ADS) is a 7-item self-report scale assessing the individual's appraisal of his or her diabetes. Respondents rate each statement on a 5 point Likert scale. The scale's author state that the ADS can be incisive as a relatively quick (5 minute) screening tool to examine a patient’s adjustment to diabetes or risk for noncompliance with a care regimen. The test is easily administered (written or oral form) and is simple to score and interpret. The smaller the total score, the more positive the appraisal strategy. Thus, lower scores are better. Background: The Appraisal of Diabetes Scale (ADS) was developed and tested with 200 male subjects, two thirds of whom were taking insulin treatment with an mean age of 58 years. All subjects provided blood for routine monitoring of HbA1c, half the subjects completed the ADS as well as five other self-report measures, and the other half completed the ADS on three time points over the course of one week. No significant difference was observed between ADS scores for insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent subjects. The ADS has been used in studies parsing the effects of family environment (Trief et al. 1998) and work environment (Trief et al. 1999) on glycemic control and psychosocial adaptation in adults with diabetes. Psychometrics: The psychometric properties of the ADS are examined in Carey et al. (1991). Digital Object Identifier (DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.13072/midss.274 Scoring the ADS is easy: 1. Reverse score items # 2 and 6. ADS2R = 5 - ADS2 ADS6R = 5 - ADS6 2. Then sum all items, using the reversed scored items 2 and 6. Total score = ADS1 + ADSR2 + ADS3 + ADS4 + ADS5 + ADSR6 + ADS7 There is no manual. Interpretation is straightforward: The smaller the total score, the more positive the appraisal strategy. Thus, lower scores are better.
- 9/20/21 - 1 form, 12 itemgroups, 37 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Patient ID, Demographic Factors, Diagnosis Profile, Lifestyle and Social Factors, Treatment variables, Clinician Reported Outcomes: Glycemic Control, Clinician Reported Outcomes: Acute Events, Clinician-reported Outcomes: Chronic Complications, Patient reported Outcomes: Financial Barriers to Care, Patient reported Outcome: Psychological Well-being, Patient-reported outcomes: Diabetes Distress, Patient-reported outcomes: Depression
Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in Adults DATA COLLECTION Version 1.0.0 Revised February 28th, 2019 www.ichom.org Notice: This work was conducted using resources from ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (www.ICHOM.org). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ICHOM. Conditions: Type 1 Diabetes | Type 2 Diabetes Excluded Conditions: Diabetes mellitus types other than 1 and 2 | Secondary Diabetes | Gestational Diabetes Population: Adults Aged 18 years and Above Excluded Populations: Children and Young persons below 18 years Treatment Approaches: Non-Pharmacological Therapy | Non-Insulin-based Pharmacological Therapy | Insulin-based Pharmacological Therapy This form is for documentation of baseline characteristics to be reported by the patient. Use of the following Scores for this standard set: WHO (Five) Well-Being Index (WHO-5): The WHO-5 is free for all health care organizations, and a license is not needed. There are translations available. The total raw score, ranging from 0 to 25, is multiplied by 4 to give the final score, with 0 representing the worst imaginable well-being and 100 representing the best imaginable well-being. More information (including the WHO-5 Scoring Guide) may be found at www.who-5.org. Problem Areas in Diabetes Questionnaire (PAID): The PAID, authored by Joslin Diabetes Center (http://www.joslin.org), is the copyright of Joslin Diabetes Center (Copyright ©2000, Joslin Diabetes Center). The PAID, provided under license from Joslin Diabetes Center may not be copied, distributed or used in any way without the prior written consent of Joslin Diabetes Center. Contact Susan D. Sjostrom at Joslin Diabetes Center at: susan.sjostrom@joslin.harvard.edu for licensing details and scoring guide. Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9): Copyright by Pfizer: "content found on the PHQ Screeners site is free for download and use as stated within the PHQ Screeners site", please visit http://www.phqscreeners.com/ for more information. For this standard set ICHOM was supported by Imperial College London Diabetes Centre and JDRF. Publication: Nano J, Carinci F, Okunade O, et al. A standard set of person-centred outcomes for diabetes mellitus: results of an international and unified approach. Diabetic Medicine [Internet]. [cited 2020 Mar 4];n/a(n/a). Available from: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/dme.14286 For this version of the standard set, semantic annotation with UMLS CUIs has been added.
- 4/30/20 - 1 form, 3 itemgroups, 6 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Patient ID, Clinician Reported Outcomes: Glycemic Control, Clinician Reported Outcomes: Acute Events
Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in Adults DATA COLLECTION Version 1.0.0 Revised February 28th, 2019 www.ichom.org Notice: This work was conducted using resources from ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (www.ICHOM.org). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ICHOM. Conditions: Type 1 Diabetes | Type 2 Diabetes Excluded Conditions: Diabetes mellitus types other than 1 and 2 | Secondary Diabetes | Gestational Diabetes Population: Adults Aged 18 years and Above Excluded Populations: Children and Young persons below 18 years Treatment Approaches: Non-Pharmacological Therapy | Non-Insulin-based Pharmacological Therapy | Insulin-based Pharmacological Therapy This form is for documentation of characteristics to be reported every 6 months by the patient. Maybe left out, if the questions were already answered in the Clinician-reported 6-monthly form. Use of the following Scores for this standard set: WHO (Five) Well-Being Index (WHO-5): The WHO-5 is free for all health care organizations, and a license is not needed. There are translations available. The total raw score, ranging from 0 to 25, is multiplied by 4 to give the final score, with 0 representing the worst imaginable well-being and 100 representing the best imaginable well-being. More information (including the WHO-5 Scoring Guide) may be found at www.who-5.org. Problem Areas in Diabetes Questionnaire (PAID): The PAID, authored by Joslin Diabetes Center (http://www.joslin.org), is the copyright of Joslin Diabetes Center (Copyright ©2000, Joslin Diabetes Center). The PAID, provided under license from Joslin Diabetes Center may not be copied, distributed or used in any way without the prior written consent of Joslin Diabetes Center. Contact Susan D. Sjostrom at Joslin Diabetes Center at: susan.sjostrom@joslin.harvard.edu for licensing details and scoring guide. Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9): Copyright by Pfizer: "content found on the PHQ Screeners site is free for download and use as stated within the PHQ Screeners site", please visit http://www.phqscreeners.com/ for more information. For this standard set ICHOM was supported by Imperial College London Diabetes Centre and JDRF. Publication: Nano J, Carinci F, Okunade O, et al. A standard set of person-centred outcomes for diabetes mellitus: results of an international and unified approach. Diabetic Medicine [Internet]. [cited 2020 Mar 4];n/a(n/a). Available from: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/dme.14286 For this version of the standard set, semantic annotation with UMLS CUIs has been added.
- 9/20/21 - 1 form, 9 itemgroups, 32 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Patient ID, Demographic Factors, Lifestyle and Social Factors, Treatment variables, Clinician-reported Outcomes: Chronic Complications, Patient reported Outcomes: Financial Barriers to Care, Patient reported Outcome: Psychological Well-being, Patient-reported outcomes: Diabetes Distress, Patient-reported outcomes: Depression
Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in Adults DATA COLLECTION Version 1.0.0 Revised February 28th, 2019 www.ichom.org Notice: This work was conducted using resources from ICHOM, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (www.ICHOM.org). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of ICHOM. Conditions: Type 1 Diabetes | Type 2 Diabetes Excluded Conditions: Diabetes mellitus types other than 1 and 2 | Secondary Diabetes | Gestational Diabetes Population: Adults Aged 18 years and Above Excluded Populations: Children and Young persons below 18 years Treatment Approaches: Non-Pharmacological Therapy | Non-Insulin-based Pharmacological Therapy | Insulin-based Pharmacological Therapy This form is for documentation of characteristics to be reported annually by the patient. If necessary (i.e. information not already on the 6-monthly clinician-reported form) please also fill in the 6-monthly patient-reported form. It is sufficient for the educational status to only be updated every 5 years. Use of the following Scores for this standard set: WHO (Five) Well-Being Index (WHO-5): The WHO-5 is free for all health care organizations, and a license is not needed. There are translations available. The total raw score, ranging from 0 to 25, is multiplied by 4 to give the final score, with 0 representing the worst imaginable well-being and 100 representing the best imaginable well-being. More information (including the WHO-5 Scoring Guide) may be found at www.who-5.org. Problem Areas in Diabetes Questionnaire (PAID): The PAID, authored by Joslin Diabetes Center (http://www.joslin.org), is the copyright of Joslin Diabetes Center (Copyright ©2000, Joslin Diabetes Center). The PAID, provided under license from Joslin Diabetes Center may not be copied, distributed or used in any way without the prior written consent of Joslin Diabetes Center. Contact Susan D. Sjostrom at Joslin Diabetes Center at: susan.sjostrom@joslin.harvard.edu for licensing details and scoring guide. Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9): Copyright by Pfizer: "content found on the PHQ Screeners site is free for download and use as stated within the PHQ Screeners site", please visit http://www.phqscreeners.com/ for more information. For this standard set ICHOM was supported by Imperial College London Diabetes Centre and JDRF. Publication: Nano J, Carinci F, Okunade O, et al. A standard set of person-centred outcomes for diabetes mellitus: results of an international and unified approach. Diabetic Medicine [Internet]. [cited 2020 Mar 4];n/a(n/a). Available from: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/dme.14286 For this version of the standard set, semantic annotation with UMLS CUIs has been added.

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