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- 17/10/2019 - 1 Formulaire, 11 Groupes Item, 91 Eléments de données, 2 Langues
Groupes Item: General anamnesis information, Physical Examination and Sociodemographic Data, Cardiovascular risk factors, Cardiac Diagnoses (Anamnesis and Previous Findings), Previous cardiovascular interventions, Current secondary diagnoses, Anamnesis women, Resting blood pressure, Resting heart rate, Further diagnoses, Laboratory diagnostics (blood)
With permission from the DZHK administrative office. The DZHK (Deutsches Zentrum für Herz-Kreislauf-Forschung e.V.; German Center for Cardiovascular Research) is a joint cooperation of twenty-eight institutions in seven locations throughout Germany to develop a common research strategy. They developed a data catalogue with metadata and data as well as information about available biological materials from all their studies. For more information on the data catalogue and access to actual data and biosamples please visit . This version contains the metadata part only. This form contains the mandatory basic data set with 42 items, which are recorded in all of the DZHK's studies, as well as other items related to Anamnesis and Clinical Diagnosis. This form is used to accurately record known cardiovascular risk factors, previous diagnoses and interventions, enabling a detailed assessment of a patient’s cardiovascular risk. The 42 basic items are marked as mandatory. The examination is to be performed according to the DZHK's SOPs, which can be accessed at (or for the German language versions). The SOPs for this form are "Basic data - Anamnesis/Clinical Diagnoses/physical examination" (version 1.0, valid as of 01/09/2014) and "Anamnesis/Clinical Diagnoses" (version 1.0, valid as of 01/09/2014) for the English language version, and "Basisdatensatz – Anamnese/Klinische Diagnosen/Körperliche Untersuchung" (version 1.1, valid as of June 2019) and "Anamnese/Klinische Diagnosen" (version 1.0, valid as of 01/09/2014) for the German language version.

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