Coronavirus Disease 2019 ×
- Registries (3)
- Baseline (1)
- Ethics (1)
- Palliative Care (1)
Modelli di dati selezionati
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3 Risultati di ricerca.
Itemgroups: Reasons for change of therapeutic goals from life-prolonging to palliative, Ethics consultation, Patient declined life-prolonging measures in case of life threatening diseases, Specialist palliative care setting, Specialist palliative care type, Specialist palliative care professionals involved, Drugs prescribed for symptom control (e.g. breathlessness, pain, death rattle), Is data entry for this section finished?
Itemgroups: Reasons for change of therapeutic goals from life-prolonging to palliative, Ethics consultation, Patient declined life-prolonging measures in case of life threatening diseases, Specialist palliative care setting, Specialist palliative care type, Specialist palliative care professionals involved, Drugs prescribed for symptom control (e.g. breathlessness, pain, death rattle), Is data entry for this section finished?
Baseline I
39 itemgroups 280 elementi Itemgroups: Sociodemography, Comorbidities, Central nervous system / Neurological disesases, Comorbidities, Cardiovascular diseases, Comorbidities, Pulmonary diseases, Comorbidities, Hematological / oncological diseases, Comorbidities, Rheumatological diseases, Comorbidities, Allergology, Comorbidities, Other internal disorders, Comorbidities, Other conditions, Body-Mass-Index (BMI), Smoking status, Use of e-cigarettes and / or vaporizer?, Pre-existing treatment, Recent immunosuppressive medication, Colonisation with multi-resistant pathogens, Disease limiting life expectancy before positive SARS-CoV-2 testing, Follow-up duration after SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis, Last known status, Diagnosis context, COVID-19 diagnosis details, Complications at baseline: Thrombotic and thromboembolic manifestations, Complications at baseline: Neurological, Complications at baseline: Other severe organ damage, Complications at baseline: Other, Disease course, Duration (days) of..., Symptoms: Please click all symptoms which occurred in the respective clinical phase, Vitals, Lung ultrasound results at SARS-CoV-2 detection, Baseline: Chest CT results at SARS-CoV-2 detection, Heart function, Echocardiography: Ejection fraction (EF) at SARS-CoV-2 detection, Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) performed in any clinical phase, Neurological diagnostic in various phases, Complementary and/or integrative medicine (CIM) used in any phase, Discussion of limitation of therapy during SARS-CoV-2 infection, Specialist palliative care during SARS-CoV-2 infection, Agreement to share data for scientific purposes, Biomaterial availability for research proposes, Participation in interventional clinical trials