- 14/12/2017 - 1 Formulaire, 6 Groupes Item, 17 Eléments de données, 1 Langue
Groupes Item: Patient basic data, Microbiological data, Basic clinical chemistry lab, Basic hematology lab, Genomic data, Movement data
- 06/12/2019 - 11 Formulaires, 17 Groupes Item, 46 Eléments de données, 1 Langue
Groupes Item: Rheumatoid factor, Thyroglobulin Ab, Neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab.perinuclear, Neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab.classic, Thyroperoxidase Ab, Thyrotropin receptor Ab, Smith extractable nuclear Ab, Nuclear Ab, SCL-70 extractable nuclear Ab, Mitochondria Ab, Tissue transglutaminase Ab.IgA, Mitochondria M2 Ab, PM-SCL extractable nuclear Ab, Cyclic citrullinated peptide Ab, Jo-1 extractable nuclear Ab, DNA double strand Ab, Myeloperoxidase Ab
The Top 300 Dataset (Kerndatensatz Labor) was developed by the Medical Informatics Initiative Germany (MII) and contains frequency-sorted, LOINC-coded analyses of the university clinics in Göttingen, Gießen, Munich, Greifswald and Erlangen. This form shows a detailed description containing primary and secondary LOINC codes of the 300 most common laboratory parameters. For each of the 300 laboratory parameters an itemgroup was created with all accepted variants of the laboratory parameters as items (secondary LOINC codes), the first item being the preferred LOINC variant of the MII (primary LOINC code). The itemgroup title is based on the primary LOINC code. The list is divided into subforms by the associated classes of laboratory parameters. If more than one class, the parameters can be found in the MIXED subform. An overview of the preferred presentation can also be found in the MDM portal (Laboratory Tests (Overview)). https://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de/de/labordaten-in-der-medizininformatik-initiative Explanation of abbreviations for types of specimen and classes/subforms: Type of specimen: Bld = Blood BldA = arterial blood Ser = Serum Plas = Plasma RBC = Red blood cells PPP = Platelet poor plasma Urine sed = Urine sediment CSF = Cerebral spinal fluid Body fld = Body fluid Classes (Subforms): CHEM = Chemistry HEM/BC = Hematology/Blood Cell Count COAG = Coagulation study UA = Urinalysis CELLMARK = Cell markers CLIN = clinical not elsewhere classified DRUG/TOX = drug levels & toxicology SERO = serology MICRO = Microbiology SPEC = Specimen characteristics


17 Groupes Item 55 Eléments de données


10 Groupes Item 15 Eléments de données


12 Groupes Item 30 Eléments de données


5 Groupes Item 9 Eléments de données


5 Groupes Item 5 Eléments de données


1 Groupe Item 1 Élément de données
- 04/04/2019 - 1 Formulaire, 1 Groupe Item, 7 Eléments de données, 2 Langues
Groupe Item: Urination

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