End of Study ×
  1. 1. Estudo clínico
  2. 2. Documentação de rotina
  3. 3. Estudos de registo/coortes
  4. 4. Garantia da qualidade
  5. 5. Padrão de dados
  6. 6. Questionário do paciente
  7. 7. Especialidade médica
    1. 7.1. Anestesia
    1. 7.2. Dermatologia
    1. 7.3. Otorrinolaringologia
    1. 7.4. Geriatria
    1. 7.5. Ginecologia/obstetrícia
    1. 7.6. Medicina interna
      1. Hematologia
      1. Infecciologia
      1. Cardiologia/angiologia
      1. Pneumologia
      1. Gastroenterologia
      1. Nefrologia
      1. Endocrinologia/metabolismo
      1. Reumatologia
    1. 7.7. Neurologia
    1. 7.8. Oftalmologia
    1. 7.9. Medicina paliativa
    1. 7.10. Patologia/medicina Legal
    1. 7.11. Pediatria
    1. 7.12. Psiquiatria/psicossomática
    1. 7.13. Radiologia
    1. 7.14. Cirurgia
      1. Cirurgia geral/abdominal
      1. Neurocirurgia
      1. Cirurgia plástica
      1. Cirurgia cardíaca/torácica
      1. Cirurgia de trauma/ortopedia
      1. Cirurgia vascular
    1. 7.15. Urologia
    1. 7.16. Odontologia/cirurgia bucomaxilofacial
Modelos de dados selecionados

Deve ter sessão iniciada para selecionar vários modelos de dados e para os transferir ou analisar.

- 02/01/2019 - 1 Formulário, 37 Grupos de itens, 183 Elementos de dados, 1 Idioma
Grupos de itens: Administrative data, (Serious) Hypoglycaemic Events, Serious Adverse Events, Injection Site Reaction, Pancreatitis, Symptoms of Gastrointestinal Illness Associated with Pancreatitis, Pain in the Epigastrium, Pain in the Periumbical Region, Pain in the Right Upper Quadrant, Pain in the Left Upper Quadrant, Pain in the Left Lower Quadrant, Pain in the Right Lower Quadrant, Pain in the Right Flank, Pain in the Left Flank, Pain in the Back, Other Symptoms, Nausea, Vomiting, Fever, Biochemistry, Alkaline phosphatase, Total bilirubin, Direct bilirubin, Creatinine, Other lab test, Diagnostic Studies - Pancreatitis, Abdominal CT Scan, MRI, New Thyroid Nodules, Bidimensional Measurement, Thyroid Nodules AE Details, Thyroid function tests, Free T4, T4, TSH, Free T3, T3 Uptake
- 27/06/2018 - 1 Formulário, 7 Grupos de itens, 19 Elementos de dados, 1 Idioma
Grupos de itens: Administrative Data, Liver Events Assessment, Status of Treatment Blind, Pregnancy Information, Study Conclusion, Investigator Comment Log, Investigator's signature
This ODM file contains Study Conclusion, Liver Event Check, Status of Treatment Blind, Pregnancy Information, Comment Log and Signature. To be filled if study concluded or withdrawal from study for any reason. Study ID: 109710 Clinical Study ID: DAN109710 Study Title: A single-blind, randomized, placebo controlled, two-period crossover fMRI study to investigate the effects of the D3 antagonist GSK598809 on neural and behavioural responses to food reward and reinforcement after a single oral dose of GSK598809 in overweight and obese subjects. Patient Level Data: Study Listed on Identifier: NCT01039454 Sponsor: GlaxoSmithKline Collaborators: N/A Phase: Phase 1 Study Recruitment Status: Completed Generic Name: GSK598809 Trade Name: Study Indication: Substance Dependence Brief Summary: This novel compound is a new experimental treatment that may help people to stop compulsive overeating. Compulsive overeating or binge eating is one of the main reasons why people are overweight or obese. Recent research has shown that some kinds of overeating may be linked to a brain chemical called dopamine. There is some evidence that blocking the action of this chemical in animals can reduce food intake, particularly of foods that are high in fat and sugar. The purpose of this study is to find out if this compound (which blocks the effects of dopamine) has the same effect in overweight or obese people, as it does in animals.
- 17/09/2021 - 1 Formulário, 3 Grupos de itens, 16 Elementos de dados, 1 Idioma
Grupos de itens: Administrative Data, Adverse Event/Concomitant Medication/Repeat Assessment, Liver Event
Study ID: 111592 Clinical Study ID: 111592 Study Title: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Doseescalation Study to Assess the Anti-inflammatory Activity, Efficacy, and Safety of Intravenous SB-681323 in Subjects at Risk for Development of Acute Lung Injury or ARDS Patient Level Data: Study Listed on Identifier: NCT00996840 See Sponsor: GlaxoSmithKline Collaborators: N/A Phase: Phase 2 Study Recruitment Status: Completed Generic Name: Placebo, SB-681323 Trade Name: N/A Study Indication: Lung Injury, Acute The primary objective of this phase 2 trial is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of intravenous dilmapimod/SB-681323 given in escalating dosages and over different intervals for three days in trauma patients at risk for the development of ALI or ARDS. This study consists of Screening, infusion of dilmapimod/SB-681323 on days 1-3, examination/sampling up to early day 5 (denoted as "Day 3 - 48 hrs") and a Follow-up on day 7. There are four cohorts, cohorts 1 and 3 receive the medication (or placebo) infusion over 4 hours, cohorts 2 and 4 over 24 hours. This form is to be filled in at the end of the study (regular follow-up or study discontinuation) and lists whether any repeated/additional investigations were performed and/or whether certain events occured in the participant, such as (Non-)Serious Adverse Events. Details about the investigations/events are recorded in different forms.
- 27/09/2021 - 1 Formulário, 3 Grupos de itens, 15 Elementos de dados, 1 Idioma
Grupos de itens: Administrative data, Adverse event/Concomitant medication/unscheduled assessment check questions, Liver event
- 24/02/2020 - 1 Formulário, 5 Grupos de itens, 17 Elementos de dados, 1 Idioma
Grupos de itens: Administrative data, Status of treatment Blind, Study conclusion, Pregnancy information (female), Pregnancy information (male)

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