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Table of contents
  1. 1. Clinical Trial
  2. 2. Routine Documentation
  3. 3. Registry/Cohort Study
  4. 4. Quality Assurance
  5. 5. Data Standard
  6. 6. Patient-Reported Outcome
  7. 7. Medical Specialty
    1. 7.1. Anesthesiology
    1. 7.2. Dermatology
    1. 7.3. ENT
    1. 7.4. Geriatrics
    1. 7.5. Gynecology/Obstetrics
    1. 7.6. Internal Medicine
      1. Hematology
      1. Infectious Diseases
      1. Cardiology/Angiology
      1. Pneumology
      1. Gastroenterology
      1. Nephrology
      1. Endocrinology/Metabolic Diseases
      1. Rheumatology
    1. 7.7. Neurology
    1. 7.8. Ophthalmology
    1. 7.9. Palliative Care
    1. 7.10. Pathology/Forensics
    1. 7.11. Pediatrics
    1. 7.12. Psychiatry/Psychosomatics
    1. 7.13. Radiology
    1. 7.14. Surgery
      1. General/Visceral Surgery
      1. Neurosurgery
      1. Plastic Surgery
      1. Thoracic Surgery
      1. Trauma/Orthopedics
      1. Vascular Surgery
    1. 7.15. Urology
    1. 7.16. Dental Medicine/OMS
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- 12/10/18 - 1 form, 12 itemgroups, 39 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Serious Adverse Event, Serious Adverse Event, Seriousness of Adverse Event, Serious Adverse Event, Demographics Domain, Serious Adverse Event, Experimental drug, Serious Adverse Event, Causations, Serious Adverse Event, Disease, Serious Adverse Event, Risk Factors, Serious Adverse Event, Concomitant Agent, Serious Adverse Event, Experimental Drug, Details, Serious Adverse Event, Evaluation, Details, Serious Adverse Event, Comment, Serious Adverse Event, Investigator Signature, Investigator Name
- 10/12/18 - 1 form, 11 itemgroups, 39 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Non-Serious Adverse Event, Serious Adverse Event; Seriousness of Adverse Event, Serious Adverse Event; Demographics Domain, Serious Adverse Event; Recurrence; Investigational New Drugs; Other, Serious Adverse Event; Cause, Serious Adverse Event; Medical History, Serious Adverse Events; Risk Factors, Serious Adverse Event; Concomitant Agent, Serious Adverse Events; Experimental Drugs, Serious Adverse Events; Evaluation, Serious Adverse Event; Comment
- 1/2/19 - 1 form, 37 itemgroups, 183 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative data, (Serious) Hypoglycaemic Events, Serious Adverse Events, Injection Site Reaction, Pancreatitis, Symptoms of Gastrointestinal Illness Associated with Pancreatitis, Pain in the Epigastrium, Pain in the Periumbical Region, Pain in the Right Upper Quadrant, Pain in the Left Upper Quadrant, Pain in the Left Lower Quadrant, Pain in the Right Lower Quadrant, Pain in the Right Flank, Pain in the Left Flank, Pain in the Back, Other Symptoms, Nausea, Vomiting, Fever, Biochemistry, Alkaline phosphatase, Total bilirubin, Direct bilirubin, Creatinine, Other lab test, Diagnostic Studies - Pancreatitis, Abdominal CT Scan, MRI, New Thyroid Nodules, Bidimensional Measurement, Thyroid Nodules AE Details, Thyroid function tests, Free T4, T4, TSH, Free T3, T3 Uptake
- 11/29/20 - 1 form, 15 itemgroups, 57 items, 1 language
Itemgroups: Administrative, Adverse Events, Adverse Events/ Serious Adverse Events - Section 1, Adverse Events/ Serious Adverse Events - Section 2 (Seriousness), Adverse Events/ Serious Adverse Events - Section 3 (Demography Data), Adverse Events/ Serious Adverse Events - Section 4, Adverse Events/ Serious Adverse Events - Section 5, Adverse Events/ Serious Adverse Events - Section 6 (Medical Conditions), Adverse Events/ Serious Adverse Events - Section 7 (Other RELEVANT Risk Factors) , Adverse Events/ Serious Adverse Events - Section 8 (RELEVANT Concomitant Medications) , Adverse Events/ Serious Adverse Events - Section 9 (Details of Investigational Product(s)) , Adverse Events/ Serious Adverse Events - Section 10 (Details of RELEVANT ASSESSMENTS) , Adverse Events/ Serious Adverse Events - Section 11 (Narrative Remarks), Prior and Concomitant Medications/Non-drug Therapies , Prior and Concomitant Medications/Non-drug Therapies

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