Arzneimittel, Prüf- ×
- Klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] (60)
- Angststörungen (22)
- Paroxetin (21)
- Depressive Störung (21)
- Arzneimittelzubereitungen (21)
- Neurologie (20)
- Pharmakokinetik (17)
- Migräne (14)
- Sumatriptan (13)
- Klinische Studie, Phase I [Dokumenttyp] (11)
- Vitalzeichen (11)
- Electrocardiogram (ECG) (11)
- Laboratorien (11)
- Parkinsons Disease (10)
- Adverse event (9)
- Restless-legs-Syndrom (6)
- Psychiatrie (4)
- Leber (4)
- Pharmakogenetik (3)
- Concomitant Medication (3)
- Alzheimer-Krankheit (3)
- Körperliche Untersuchung (2)
- Randomisierung (2)
- Schizophrenie (2)
- Telemetrie (2)
- Biopsie (2)
- Substanzbezogenen Störungen (2)
- Diagnostik, bildgebende (2)
- Parkinson-Krankheit (2)
- Schwangerschaft (1)
- Schwangerschaftstests (1)
- Therapie (1)
- Urinuntersuchung (1)
- Klinisch-chemische Tests (1)
- Zerebrovaskulärer Insult (1)
- Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (1)
- Checkliste (1)
- Mahlzeiten (1)
- On-Study Form (1)
- Protocol Deviation (1)
- Compliance (1)
- Tod (1)
- Demographie (1)
- Depression (1)
- Alkoholgenuß (1)
- Applikationsformen (1)
- Behandlungsbedürftigkeit, Begutachtung (1)
- Epilepsie (1)
- Hämatologie (1)
- Levodopa (1)
- Magnetresonanztomographie (1)
- Anamnesenerhebung (1)
- Naproxen (1)
- Schmerz (1)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.
63 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Randomisation, Investigational Product
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Investigational Product Use, Status Of Treatment Blind
Itemgruppen: Date of Visit, Investigational Product, 12-Lead ECG Dosing date/time, 12-Lead ECG - Predose, 12-Lead ECG - 1 Hour, 12-Lead ECG - 2 Hour , 12-Lead ECG - 3 Hour, 12-Lead ECG - 5 Hour , 12-Lead ECG - 8 Hour, 12-Lead ECG - 24 Hour , 12-Lead ECG - 36 Hour, 12-Lead ECG - 48 Hour , 12-Lead ECG - Extra Scheduled Assessments Entry, Vital Signs Predose - Semi-Supine, Vital Signs - Dosing Date and Time, Vital Signs Pre-dose - Standing, Vital Signs 1 Hour - Semi-supine, Vital Signs 1 Hour - Standing , Vital Signs 2 Hour - Semi-supine , Vital Signs 2 Hour - Standing , Vital Signs 5 Hour - Semi-supine, Vital Signs 5 Hour - Standing , Vital Signs 8 Hour - Semi-supine, Vital Signs 8 Hour - Standing , Vital Signs 24 Hour - Semi-supine , Vital Signs 24 Hour - Standing, Vital Signs 36 Hour - Semi-supine, Vital Signs 36 Hour - Standing, Vital Signs 48 Hour - Semi-supine, Vital Signs 48 Hour - Standing , Vital Signs - Extra Scheduled Assessments Entry
Itemgruppen: Date of visit/ date of assessment, Liver Events, Investigational Product (Liver), Pharmacokinetics (Liver PK), Medical Conditions (Liver), Drug related liver disease conditions, Other liver disease conditions, Other medical conditions, Alcohol intake, Liver imaging, Liver Biopsy
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Repeat pharmacokinetics blood
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Adverse Event | Concomitant Medication | Evaluation
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, 12-Lead ECG Abnormalities, Rhythm, P-Wave Morphology, Conduction, Myocardial Infarction, Depolarisation/Repolarisation (QRS-T), ECG, Other abnormalities
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Investigational Product, Treatment Confirmation, Randomisation Number (Only Period 1)
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, SAE, Report Type, Randomisation, Serious Adverse Event, Seriousness of Adverse Event, Concomitant Agent | Investigational Drug, Medical History, Serious adverse event Diagnostic procedure, Investigational Products, Comment
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Telemetry, Summary Telemetry Abnormalities
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Dosing Date/Time, Telemetry
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Date of liver biopsy, Liver Biopsy size, Liver Biopsy Final Diagnosis, Liver Architecture, Description of Liver Cells or Hepatocytes, Liver Cell or Hepatocyte Inclusions or Vacuoles, Hepatocyte or Liver Cell Nuclear Abnormalities, Liver or Lobular Infiltrates, Portal Tract Inflammation, Bile Ducts, Portal Veins, Liver Infections, Liver: Parasites or Ova, Histologic Staining or Additional Studies Obtained