- 2021-09-17 - 14 Formulär, 3 Item-grupper, 26 Dataelement, 1 Språk
Item-grupper: SECTION 9.5, C95Q01A, SECTION 9.5 continuation

SECTION 11: Additional Demographics

1 Item-grupp 3 Dataelement

SECTION 10: Demographics

1 Item-grupp 10 Dataelement


1 Item-grupp 4 Dataelement

SECTION 2: Initial Demographics

1 Item-grupp 14 Dataelement
- 2021-03-15 - 1 Formulär, 6 Item-grupper, 31 Dataelement, 1 Språk
Item-grupper: Patient Information, Eligibility Criteria, Steroid therapy and chemotherapy regimen, Concomitant studies and storage of clinical samples, Laboratory Diagnostic, Identification and Signature
- 2016-07-15 - 1 Formulär, 4 Item-grupper, 30 Dataelement, 1 Språk
Item-grupper: Facility information, Personal information, Growth monitoring and services, Total count
- 2017-12-19 - 1 Formulär, 14 Item-grupper, 149 Dataelement, 2 Språk
Item-grupper: 18 year follow up, Demography, Community Outreach, School, leisure / free time, Medical background data, Additional handicap, Attention to daily life, activities, Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI), Functional skills, Help Requirements, General self-assessed health, Background issues regarding socio-emotional and practical support to Parents / Guardians
- 2017-12-19 - 1 Formulär, 18 Item-grupper, 210 Dataelement, 2 Språk
Item-grupper: 12 year follow up, Demography, Community Outreach, School, leisure / free time, Medical background data, Additional handicap, Cognitive functions, WPPSI-III scale, WISC-IV scale, Attention to daily life, activities, Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI), Functional skills, Help Requirements, General self-assessed health, Communication - Language - Eating, Background issues regarding socio-emotional and practical support to Parents / Guardians
- 2017-12-19 - 1 Formulär, 14 Item-grupper, 149 Dataelement, 2 Språk
Item-grupper: 15 year follow up, Demography, Community Outreach, School, leisure / free time, Medical background data, Additional handicap, Attention to daily life, activities, Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI), Functional skills, Help Requirements, General self-assessed health, Background issues regarding socio-emotional and practical support to Parents / Guardians
- 2017-12-19 - 1 Formulär, 18 Item-grupper, 206 Dataelement, 2 Språk
Item-grupper: 6 year follow up, Demography, Community Outreach, Preschool/School, leisure / free time, Medical background data, Additional handicap, Cognitive functions, WPPSI-III scale, WISC-IV scale, Attention to daily life, activities, Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI), Functional skills, Help Requirements, General self-assessed health, Communication - Language - Eating, Background issues regarding socio-emotional and practical support to Parents / Guardians
- 2017-12-18 - 1 Formulär, 14 Item-grupper, 147 Dataelement, 2 Språk
Item-grupper: 9 year follow up, Demography, Community Outreach, School, leisure / free time, Medical background data, Additional handicap, Attention to daily life, activities, Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI), Functional skills, Help Requirements, General self-assessed health, Background issues regarding socio-emotional and practical support to Parents / Guardians

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