- 2021-09-17 - 14 moduli, 24 itemgroups, 206 elementi, 1 linguaggio
Itemgroups: SECTION 4: Access to Care – Use of Services and Unmet Needs, Well child check up, C4Q05_1B, Preventive Dental Care, C4Q05_31B, Other Dental Care, C4Q05_32B, Specialty care, C4Q05_2B, Prescription medications, C4Q05_4B, Physical, Occupational, or Speech Therapy, C4Q05_5B, Mental health care or counseling, C4Q05_6B, Substance abuse treatment or counseling, C4Q05_7B, Home health care, Eyeglasses or vision, Hearing aids or hearing care, Mobility aids or devices, Communication aids or devices, Durable medical equipment, family members needed service

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