- 19/8/20 - 1 formulario, 19 itemgroups, 129 items, 1 idioma
Itemgroups: General Information, relationship to patient, Whom do you live with?, What types of treatment(s) have you tried for your OCD? (check all that apply), Have any of the following people been diagnosed with OCD? If so, who?, Do any of the following people have suspected OCD or Obsessive Compulsive symptoms? If so, who?, Information, Part 1 - Family Functioning Impairment, Part 1 - Family Functioning Impairment, Part 1 - Family Functioning Impairment, Part 1 - Family Functioning Impairment, Part 1 - Family Functioning Impairment, Part 1 - Family Functioning Impairment, Part 1 - Family Functioning Impairment, Part 1 - Family Functioning Impairment, Part 2 - Symptom-Specific Impairment, Part 2 - Symptom-Specific Impairment, Part 3 - Family Role-Specific Impairment, Part 3 - Family Role-Specific Impairment
Stewart, Hu, Hezel, Proujansky, Lamstein, Walsh, Ben-Joseph, Gironda, Jenike, Geller & Pauls. (2012). OCD Family Functioning (OFF) Scale. Measurement Instrument Database for the Social Science. Retrieved 19.08.2020 from www.midss.ie Key references: Stewart, E. S., Hu, Y. P., Hezel, D. M., Proujansky, R., Lamstein, A., Walsh, C., … & Pauls, D. L. (2011). Development and psychometric properties of the OCD family functioning (OFF) scale. Journal of Family Psychology, 25, 434-443. Primary use / Purpose: The OFF was developed to explore the content, extent, and perspectives of functional impairment in families affected by OCD. Background: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) often has a great impact on family functioning. Parents, and other family members, often become involved in the individual's ritualistic behaviours and family accomodation, either through enabling avoidance or assisting ritualistic behaviours, is very common. The OCD Family Functioning (OFF) Scale is a 42 item self-report questionnaire that consists of three major subscales: family functioning impairment, symptom-specific impairment, and family role-specific impairment. It is designed for use with families of adults and children with OCD. Two versions of the scale are available- a patient version and a relative version. The results of the scale may be used to assess family functioning and to help plan interventions and treatments. Scoring is described in Stewart et al. (2011). Psychometrics: The scale's psychometric properties are examined in Stewart et al. (2011). Keywords: Anxiety, Family, Stress Other keywords: obsessive compulsive disorder, OCD, functional impairment, family Digital Object Identifier (DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.13072/midss.231
- 19/8/20 - 1 formulario, 18 itemgroups, 122 items, 1 idioma
Itemgroups: General Information, Whom do you live with?, What types of treatment(s) have you tried for your OCD? (check all that apply), Have any of the following people been diagnosed with OCD? If so, who?, Do any of the following people have suspected OCD or Obsessive Compulsive symptoms? If so, who?, Information, Part 1 - Family Functioning Impairment, Part 1 - Family Functioning Impairment, Part 1 - Family Functioning Impairment, Part 1 - Family Functioning Impairment, Part 1 - Family Functioning Impairment, Part 1 - Family Functioning Impairment, Part 1 - Family Functioning Impairment, Part 1 - Family Functioning Impairment, Part 2 - Symptom-Specific Impairment, Part 2 - Symptom-Specific Impairment, Part 3 - Family Role-Specific Impairment, Part 3 - Family Role-Specific Impairment
Stewart, Hu, Hezel, Proujansky, Lamstein, Walsh, Ben-Joseph, Gironda, Jenike, Geller & Pauls. (2012). OCD Family Functioning (OFF) Scale. Measurement Instrument Database for the Social Science. Retrieved 19.08.2020 from www.midss.ie Key references: Stewart, E. S., Hu, Y. P., Hezel, D. M., Proujansky, R., Lamstein, A., Walsh, C., … & Pauls, D. L. (2011). Development and psychometric properties of the OCD family functioning (OFF) scale. Journal of Family Psychology, 25, 434-443. Primary use / Purpose: The OFF was developed to explore the content, extent, and perspectives of functional impairment in families affected by OCD. Background: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) often has a great impact on family functioning. Parents, and other family members, often become involved in the individual's ritualistic behaviours and family accomodation, either through enabling avoidance or assisting ritualistic behaviours, is very common. The OCD Family Functioning (OFF) Scale is a 42 item self-report questionnaire that consists of three major subscales: family functioning impairment, symptom-specific impairment, and family role-specific impairment. It is designed for use with families of adults and children with OCD. Two versions of the scale are available- a patient version and a relative version. The results of the scale may be used to assess family functioning and to help plan interventions and treatments. Scoring is described in Stewart et al. (2011). Psychometrics: The scale's psychometric properties are examined in Stewart et al. (2011). Keywords: Anxiety, Family, Stress Other keywords: obsessive compulsive disorder, OCD, functional impairment, family Digital Object Identifier (DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.13072/midss.231
- 17/9/21 - 1 formulario, 3 itemgroups, 42 items, 1 idioma
Itemgroups: General Information, Meteoropathy Questionnaire, Meteoropathy Checklist
Mazza, M., Di Nicola, M., Janiri, L. (2012). Metereopathy Questionnaire (METEO-Q). Measurement Instrument Database for the Social Science. Retrieved 04.09.2020, from www.midss.ie Key references: Mazza, M., Di Nicola, M., Catalano, V., Callea, A., Martinotti, G., Harnic, D., Bruschi, A., Battaglia, C., Janiri, L. (2012). Description and validation of a questionnaire for the detection of meteoropathy and meteorosensitivity: the METEO-Q. Comparative Psychiatry, 53(1), 103-106. Primary use / Purpose: To detect meteoropathy and meteorosensitivity (effects of weather changes) on both healthy and psychiatric individuals Background: The term meteoropathy derives from the Greek ‘meteora’ (things high in the air or celestial phenomena) and ‘pathos’ (illness, suffering, pain), and it is used to indicate every pathological dimension in some way related to weather conditions. This concept is referred to a set of temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and brightness. Meteoropathy can be considered a syndrome: in fact, it is represented by a group of symptoms and pathological reactions that manifest when there is a gradual or sudden change in one or more meteorological factors in a given area. Scientists claimed that middle aged persons, especially women are at greater risk of becoming meteoropathic, but even children are at risk. The most frequent symptoms are represented by an increase in depression, both mental and physical, weakness, hypertension, cephalea, a desire to remain indoors, increased susceptibility to pain in the joints and muscles, difficulty in breathing and a heavy feeling in the stomach. There may also be mood disturbances, irritability and symptoms in the cardiovascular system, such as palpitations or pain in the sternum. These symptoms last for one or two days. They begin to decrease once the weather has changed, but return if the weather changes again. When the changes follow one after another, the symptoms decrease in intensity each time, as a sort of adapting process occurs. There is a quantitative difference between the terms ‘meteorosensitivity’ and ‘meteoropathy’. Meteorosensitive are people biologically susceptible to feel the effect of particular atmospherical events on mind and body; meteoropathic are those individuals who develop a specific illness or a worsening of the existing diseases as a consequence of these climatic changes. The Metereopathy Questionnaire (METEO-Q) is a self-administered questionnaire for the detection of meteoropathy and meteorosensitivity. This is believed to be the first questionnaire designed to measure symptoms of meteoropathy. Psychometrics: The METEO-Q has been formulated to assess the sensitivity to climate changes and their impact on symptomatologic modifications. It consists in 11 items and a structured checklist aiming to identify the physical and psychological symptoms mainly related to climate variations. Items 1-5 quantitatively explore variation of mood related or caused by specific weather conditions (variations of mood in relation to the change of latitude; variations of mood in relation to atmospheric changes; variations of mood in relation to the brightness of the sky; variations of mood caused by the temperature changes; mood changes caused by the seasons changing), while items 6-11 explore qualitative effects of symptoms (degree of relation between symptomatology and the climatic change; tendency of disturbs to minimize or disappear when the triggering condition stops or when an opposite environmental condition comes up; eventual coincidence of these disturbs with other cyclical phenomena; presence of prodromical symptoms; interference with daily activities; uneasiness feelings induced by climatic changes). The checklist explores most frequently experienced disturbs related to climatic, atmospheric, temperature or brightness changes. For each of the 21 symptoms, individuals are asked to rate on the basis of a 5-point Likert scale rating from 0 (absent) to 4 (severe). Digital Object Identifier (DOI): http://dx.doi.org/10.13072/midss.269
- 26/8/20 - 1 formulario, 6 itemgroups, 19 items, 1 idioma
Itemgroups: Administrative, 1. Has there ever been a period of time when you were not your usual self and..., 2. If you checked YES to more than one of the above, have several of these ever happened during the same period of time? Please check 1 response only., 3. How much of a problem did any of these cause you — like being able to work; having family, money, or legal troubles; getting into arguments or fights? Please check 1 response only., 4. Have any of your blood relatives (i.e., children, siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles) had manic-depressive illness or bipolar disorder?, 5. Has a health professional ever told you that you have manic-depressive illness or bipolar disorder?

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