Lebensqualität ×
- Scores & Instrumente (25)
- Standard Instrument (9)
- Anthroposophie (9)
- Sozialwissenschaften (6)
- Klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] (5)
- Hypereosinophilie-Syndrom (5)
- Routine documentation (5)
- Psychologie, klinische (2)
- Kind (2)
- Adoleszent (2)
- Medizinische Onkologie (2)
- Rehabilitation (1)
- Atemwegskrankheiten (1)
- Testosteron (1)
- Kolorektale Tumoren (1)
- Hospizpflege (1)
- Entwicklungsbedingte Fähigkeitsstörungen (1)
- Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) (1)
- Common Data Elements (CDE) (1)
- Released Standard (1)
- Klassifikation (1)
- Altern (1)
- Invaliditätsbeurteilung (1)
- Familie (1)
- HIV-Seropositivität (1)
- Männlich (1)
- Tumoren (1)
- Pädiatrie (1)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
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27 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppe: PhenX - respiratory - quality of life protocol
Itemgruppe: General information
Itemgruppen: General information, 1. Personal care/ Activities of daily living, 2. Positioning, Transferring & Mobility, 3. Comfort & Emotions, 4. Communication & Social Interaction, 5. Health, 6. Overall Quality of Life, 7. Importance of items to your child's quality of life, 8. Facts about your child, 9. Facts about you, CPChild result
Itemgruppen: Instructions, Extent
Itemgruppen: General Information, The Silver Lining Questionnaire
Itemgruppen: Administrative documentation, CAREGIVER QUALITY OF LIFE- CANCER
Itemgruppe: Satisfaction With Life Scale-Child (SWLS-C)
Itemgruppe: Statements
Itemgruppe: Statements
Itemgruppe: life satisfaction
Itemgruppen: Personal data, Physical well-being, Mental well-being, Sexual well-being, AMS Scoring
Itemgruppe: Health assessment questionnaire score quality of life