Psychiatres ×
- Scores & Instruments (20)
- Social Sciences (15)
- Routine documentation (5)
- Autistic Disorder (4)
- Asperger Syndrome (4)
- Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic (3)
- Multiple Trauma (3)
- Released Standard (2)
- Depression (2)
- Pediatrics (2)
- Psychology, Clinical (1)
- Schizophrenia (1)
- Panic Disorder (1)
- Simarouba (1)
- Common Data Elements (CDE) (1)
- Emotions (1)
- Family (1)
- Mental Health Services (1)
- Anxiety Disorders (1)
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21 Sökresultat.
Item-grupper: Mental health non-government organisation grants cluster, Address, Available bed, Episode of residential care, Establishment (mental health), Establishment, Hospital, Mental health non-government organisation, Specialised mental health service organisation, Specialised mental health service unit, Specialised mental health service, State or Territory Government
Item-grupp: Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale
Item-grupp: Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale
Item-grupp: The Screen for Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms (SPTSS) - One Week Measure
Item-grupp: The Screen for Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms (SPTSS) - Two Week Measure
Item-grupp: The Screen for Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms (SPTSS)
Item-grupper: Panic Associated Symptom Scale, Situational Panic Attacks with 4 or more symptoms, Spontaneous Panic Attacks with 4 or more symptoms, Limited Symptom Attacks with 3 or fewer symptoms, Anticipatory Anxiety, Phobias
Item-grupper: General Information, The Autism Spectrum Quotient (Child)
Item-grupper: General Information, The Adolescent Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ)
Item-grupp: The Adult Autism Spectrum Quotient - 10 items (AQ-10)
Item-grupper: General Information, The Adult Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ)
Item-grupp: PANAS-X