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  1. 1. Ensayo clínico
  2. 2. Documentación de rutina
  3. 3. Estudio de registro / cohorte
  4. 4. Seguro de calidad
  5. 5. Estándar de datos
  6. 6. Resultado reportado por el paciente
  7. 7. Especialidad médica
Modelos de datos seleccionados

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- 30/3/21 - 1 formulario, 19 itemgroups, 62 items, 1 idioma
Itemgroups: Administrative, Laboratory Results (Week 3-13, 25) - Hematology, Laboratory Results (Week 3-13, 25) - Hematology, Laboratory Results (Week 25) - Hematology , Laboratory Results (Week 3, 13, 25) - Chemistry, Laboratory Results (Week 3 and 13) - Chemistry, Laboratory Results (Week 7) - Chemistry, Laboratory Results (Week 7) - Chemistry , Laboratory Results (Week 25) - Chemistry , Physical Examination (Week 7, 13, 25), Physical Examination (Week 7, 13, 25), Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - CT or other Radiological Imaging Results, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Bone Marrow Biopsy, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7 and 13) - Received medication/transfusion, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Measurable Lymphoma Disease, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Non-Measurable Lymphoma Disease, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Non-Measurable Lymphoma Disease, Post-Treatment Response (Week 7, 13, 25) - Response, Signature of Investigator
- 25/3/21 - 1 formulario, 14 itemgroups, 55 items, 1 idioma
Itemgroups: Administrative, Physical Examination (Baseline), Physical Examination (Baseline) , Laboratory Results (Baseline) - Hematology, Laboratory Results (Baseline) - Hematology, Laboratory Results (Baseline) - Chemistry, Laboratory Results (Baseline) - Chemistry, Pregnancy Test (Baseline), Disease Staging - CT or other Radiological Imaging Results (Baseline), Disease Staging - Bone Marrow Biopsy (Baseline), Disease Staging - Measurable Lymphoma Disease (Baseline), Disease Staging - Non-Measurable Lymphoma Disease (Baseline) , Disease Staging - Non-Measurable Lymphoma Disease (Baseline) , Signature of Investigator
- 15/3/21 - 1 formulario, 24 itemgroups, 129 items, 2 idiomas
Itemgroups: Header, Eligibility Question, Demography, Physical examination, Disease Characteristics, Metastatic Disease Site, local laboratory, Residual toxicities related to previous therapy for cancer, Residual toxicities, Cancer related current medical conditions, Medical Conditions, non-cancer related medical conditions, Medical Conditions, Prior anti-cancer therapy, Prior anti-cancer therapy - medication, Prior anti-cancer therapy - radiotherapy, Vital signs, ECOG Performance Status Scale, 12 LEAD ECG, 12-lead ECG Abnormalities, Local Laboratory - Haematology, Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry, Urinalysis, Electronically transferred laboratory data
- 19/2/21 - 1 formulario, 3 itemgroups, 12 items, 1 idioma
Itemgroups: Administrative Data, Physical Lymph Node Examination, Physical Organ Exam

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