Pharmakokinetik ×
- Klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] (259)
- Klinische Studie, Phase I [Dokumenttyp] (96)
- Vitalzeichen (84)
- Laboratorien (70)
- Electrocardiogram (ECG) (59)
- Arzneimittel, Prüf- (58)
- Blut (58)
- Diabetes mellitus, Typ 2 (54)
- Hypertonie (43)
- Adverse event (37)
- On-Study Form (35)
- Purpura, thrombozytopenische, idiopathische (30)
- Cross-Over-Studien (29)
- Kind (29)
- Zerebrovaskulärer Insult (24)
- Leber (24)
- Klinisch-chemische Tests (23)
- Kontrazeptiva, orale kombinierte (23)
- Lungenkrankheiten, chronisch obstruktive (20)
- Concomitant Medication (19)
- Type 2 Diabetes (19)
- Blutglucose (18)
- Blutdruck (17)
- End of Study (16)
- Endokrinologie (16)
- Migräne (16)
- Drug trial (14)
- Hämatologie (14)
- Alkoholgenuß (13)
- Randomisierte klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] (12)
- Sumatriptan (12)
- Testosteron (11)
- Urinuntersuchung (11)
- Arzneimittelbezogene Randeffekte und Nebenwirkungen (11)
- Diagnostik, bildgebende (11)
- Hypogonadismus (11)
- Atherosklerose (10)
- Doppelblindmethode (10)
- Atmungsfunktionstests (9)
- Telemetrie (9)
- Pulmonale Krankheiten (Fachgebiet) (9)
- Biopsie (9)
- Hypereosinophilie-Syndrom (9)
- Depressive Störung (9)
- Neurologie (9)
- Schwangerschaft (8)
- Arthritis, rheumatoide (8)
- Körperliche Untersuchung (7)
- Psychiatrie (7)
- Rhinitis (7)
- Urin (7)
- Parkinsons Disease (7)
- Rhinitis, allergische, perenniale (6)
- Klinische Studie, Phase III [Dokumenttyp] (6)
- Treatment Form (6)
- Glukosetoleranztest (6)
- Gynäkologie (6)
- Hämatologische Untersuchungen (6)
- Blutzuckersenkende Mittel (6)
- Laboratorien, Krankenhaus- (6)
- Pharmakogenetik (5)
- Plazebos (5)
- Krankheitszeichen und Symptome (5)
- Rezeptoren, Tumor-Nekrose-Faktor-, Typ I (5)
- Nasensprays (5)
- Behandlungsbedürftigkeit, Begutachtung (5)
- Verlaufsstudien (5)
- Krankenunterlagen (5)
- Randomisierung (4)
- Asthma (4)
- Drogenmißbrauchnachweis (4)
- Klinische Studie, Phase II [Dokumenttyp] (4)
- Fructosamin (4)
- Mammatumoren, Mensch (4)
- Klinische Labordienstleistungen (4)
- Demographie (4)
- Arzneimittelapplikationsplan (4)
- Angststörungen (4)
- Restless-legs-Syndrom (3)
- Sehschärfe (3)
- Frauen (3)
- Substanzbezogenen Störungen (3)
- Urinprobenentnahme (3)
- Vorzeitiger Samenerguss (3)
- Gesunde Probanden (3)
- Koronarkrankheit (3)
- Arzneimitteltherapie (3)
- Essen (3)
- Elektrokardiographie (3)
- Endokrines System (3)
- Augenkrankheiten (3)
- Herzfrequenz (3)
- Leberkrankheiten (3)
- Makuladegeneration (3)
- Multiple Sklerose (3)
- Praxisbesuche (3)
- Maximaler Exspirationsstrom (3)
- Schwangerschaftstests (2)
- Prostatahyperplasie (2)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.
330 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Adverse Event | Concomitant Medication | Evaluation
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, 12-Lead ECG Abnormalities, Rhythm, P-Wave Morphology, Conduction, Myocardial Infarction, Depolarisation/Repolarisation (QRS-T), ECG, Other abnormalities
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Date of visit/assessment, Adverse Event/ Concomitant Medication/Repeat Assessment Check Questions, Adverse Events, Concomitant Medications, 12-Lead/ Holter/ Telemetry ECG, 12-Lead ECG Abnormalities, Vital Signs, Pharmacokinetics, Orthostatic Vital Signs
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Date of Visit/ Assessment, Randomisation (only Session 1), Vital Signs, Sitting Vital Signs - Predose, Orthostatic Vital Signs - Predose (Reading 1) - Supine for 5 mins, Orthostatic Vital Signs - Predose (Reading 2) - Sitting for 2 mins , Orthostatic Vital Signs - Predose (Reading 3) - Standing for 3 mins , Orthostatic Vital Signs - Post Dose - Sitting, Orthostatic Vital Signs - 10 Hours (Reading 1) - Supine for 5 mins, Orthostatic Vital Signs - 10 Hours (Reading 2) - Sitting for 2 mins , Orthostatic Vital Signs - 10 Hours (Reading 3) - Standing for 3 mins , Pharmacokinetics Blood - Dosing Date and Time, Pharmacokinetics Blood, Investigational Product, Treatment Confirmation, 12-Lead ECG (only Session 4)
Itemgruppen: Administrative, Pharmacokinetics - Blood Sample (Odd Numbered Subjects) (Day 7), Pharmacokinetics - Blood Sample (Even Numbered Subjects) (Day 7) , Pharmacodynamics - Blood Sample (Day 7), Pharmacodynamics Urine Cortisol (Day 7 - Post-Dose), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (Day 7 - Pre-Dose), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (Day 7 - Pre-Dose) , Local Laboratory - Haematology (Day 7 - Pre-Dose), Local Laboratory - Haematology (Day 7 - Pre-Dose) , Urinalysis - Local (Day 7 - Pre-Dose), Urinalysis - Local (Day 7 - Pre-Dose) , Urinalysis - Microscopy (Day 7 - Pre-Dose) , Urinalysis - Microscopy (Day 7 - Pre-Dose) , Clinical Chemistry (Day 7 - Post-Dose) , Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (Day 7 - Post-Dose) , Local Laboratory - Haematology (Day 7 - Post-Dose) , Local Laboratory - Haematology (Day 7 - Post-Dose), Urinalysis - Local (Day 7 - Post-Dose) , Urinalysis - Local (Day 7 - Post-Dose), Urinalysis - Microscopy (Day 7 - Post-Dose), Urinalysis - Microscopy (Day 7 - Post-Dose)
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Pharmacokinetics Blood, Repeat
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Dosing date and time
Itemgruppen: Date of Visit, Local Laboratory - Haematology (Period 1), Local Laboratory - Haematology (Period 1), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (Period 1), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (Period 1), Investigational Product (Dose) (Period 1), ECG (Period 1), Vital Signs (Period 1), Local Laboratory - Haematology (24Hr Lab) (Period 1), Local Laboratory - Haematology (24 Hr Lab) (Period 1), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (24 Hr Lab) (Period 1), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (24 Hr Lab) (Period 1), Pharmacokinetics Blood (Period 1), Pharmacokinetics Blood (Period 1), Pharmacokinetics Urine (Period 1), Pharmacokinetics Urine (Period 1), Summary Holter (Period 1), Summary Holter (Period 1) (Pre-Dose - 24 hours), Holter Abnormalities (Period 1), Holter Abnormalities (Period 1), Pulmonary Function Tests (Period 1)
Itemgruppen: Date of visit, Investigational Product (Dose) (Part 2 Period 2), ECG (Part 2 Period 2), ECG (Part 2 Period 2), Vital Signs (Part 2 Period 2), Vital Signs (Part 2 Period 2), Pulmonary Function Tests (Part 2 Period 2), Pulmonary Function Tests (Part 2 Period 2), Local Laboratory - Haematology (24Hr Lab) (Part 2 Period 2), Local Laboratory - Haematology (24 Hr Lab) (Part 2 Period 2), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (24 Hr Lab) (Part 2 Period 2), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (24 Hr Lab) (Part 2 Period 2), Pharmacokinetics Blood (Part 2 Period 2), Pharmacokinetics Blood (Part 2 Period 2), Pharmacokinetics Urine (Part 2 Period 2), Pharmacokinetics Urine (Part 2 Period 2), Summary Holter (Part 2 Period 2), Summary Holter (Part 2 Period 2) (Pre-Dose - 24 hours), Holter Abnormalities (Part 2 Period 2), Holter Abnormalities (Part 2 Period 2)
Itemgruppen: Date of Visit, Local Laboratory - Haematology (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Haematology (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (Period 3), Investigational Product (Dose) (Period 3), ECG (Period 3), Vital Signs (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Haematology (24Hr Lab) (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Haematology (24 Hr Lab) (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (24 Hr Lab) (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (24 Hr Lab) (Period 3), Pharmacokinetics Blood (Period 3), Pharmacokinetics Blood (Period 3), Pharmacokinetics Urine (Period 3), Pharmacokinetics Urine (Period 3), Summary Holter (Period 3), Summary Holter (Period 3) (Pre-Dose - 24 hours), Holter Abnormalities (Period 3), Holter Abnormalities (Period 3), Pulmonary Function Tests (Period 3)
Itemgruppen: Date of visit, Investigational Product (Dose) (Part 2 Period 4) , Local Laboratory - Haematology (24Hr Lab) (Part 2 Period 4) , Local Laboratory - Haematology (24 Hr Lab) (Part 2 Period 4) , Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (24 Hr Lab) (Part 2 Period 4) , Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (24 Hr Lab) (Part 2 Period 4) , ECG (Part 2 Period 4) , ECG (Part 2 Period 4) , Vital Signs (Part 2 Period 4) , Vital Signs (Part 2 Period 4) , Pharmacokinetics Blood (Part 2 Period 4) , Pharmacokinetics Blood (Part 2 Period 4) , Pharmacokinetics Urine (Part 2 Period 4) , Pharmacokinetics Urine (Part 2 Period 4) , Summary Holter (Part 2 Period 4) , Summary Holter (Part 2 Period 4) (Pre-Dose - 24 hours), Holter Abnormalities (Part 2 Period 4) , Holter Abnormalities (Part 2 Period 4) , Pulmonary Function Tests (Part 2 Period 4) , Pulmonary Function Tests (Part 2 Period 4)
Itemgruppen: Date of Visit, Local Laboratory - Haematology (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Haematology (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (Period 3), Investigational Product (Dose) (Period 3), ECG (Period 3), Vital Signs (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Haematology (24Hr Lab) (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Haematology (24 Hr Lab) (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (24 Hr Lab) (Period 3), Local Laboratory - Clinical Chemistry (24 Hr Lab) (Period 3), Pharmacokinetics Blood (Period 3), Pharmacokinetics Blood (Period 3), Pharmacokinetics Urine (Period 3), Pharmacokinetics Urine (Period 3), Summary Holter (Period 3), Summary Holter (Period 3) (Pre-Dose - 24 hours), Holter Abnormalities (Period 3), Holter Abnormalities (Period 3), Pulmonary Function Tests (Period 3)