RTOG-1005 T7: Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Phase III Whole Breast Irradiation for Early Stage Breast Cancer Photograph Submission Notification Form Higher-Dose Radiation Therapy or Standard Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients With Early-Stage Breast Cancer That Was Removed by Surgery Source Form: NCI FormBuilder:
Versions (2)
- 12/18/14 12/18/14 - Martin Dugas
- 1/9/15 1/9/15 - Martin Dugas
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NCT01349322 Quality of Life - RTOG-1005 T7: Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Phase III Whole Breast Irradiation for Early Stage Breast Cancer Photograph Submission Notification Form - 3202750v1.0
This form is completed by the investigator (rater) and submitted at each time point specified by the protocol, whether or not any of the patient assessment items (Q's 6,7,8) are answered
- StudyEvent: RTOG-1005 T7: Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Phase III Whole Breast Irradiation for Early Stage Breast Cancer Photograph Submission Notification Form
Unamed Module 2
Data type
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Data type
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Responsible Person Signature
Data type
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Date Form Completed
Data type
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- NCI Thesaurus ObjectClass
- C40988
- NCI Thesaurus Property
- C25250
- NCI Thesaurus ValueDomain-2
- C25367
Similar models
This form is completed by the investigator (rater) and submitted at each time point specified by the protocol, whether or not any of the patient assessment items (Q's 6,7,8) are answered
- StudyEvent: RTOG-1005 T7: Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Phase III Whole Breast Irradiation for Early Stage Breast Cancer Photograph Submission Notification Form
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