1. What is your gender?
C0079399 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
1. What is your gender?
2. How old are you?
C0001779 (UMLS CUI [1])
city of residence
3. What town/city do you live in?
C2316883 (UMLS CUI [1])
4. What is your highest level of completed education?
C4264309 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
4. What is your highest level of completed education?
CL Item
No education completed (No education completed)
CL Item
Elementary school, special education (Elementary school, special education)
CL Item
Junior secondary vocational education, pre-vocational education (for example VMBO, LTS, LEAO (Junior secondary vocational education, pre-vocational education (for example VMBO, LTS, LEAO)
CL Item
Junior general secondary education (for example MAVO, MULO, ULO, VMBO-t (Junior general secondary education (for example MAVO, MULO, ULO, VMBO-t)
CL Item
Senior secondary vocational education, other vocational education (for example MBO, MEAO, MTS, BBL (Senior secondary vocational education, other vocational education (for example MBO, MEAO, MTS, BBL)
CL Item
Senior general secondary education (for example HAVO, VWO, Athenaeum, HBS (Senior general secondary education (for example HAVO, VWO, Athenaeum, HBS)
CL Item
Higher professional education (for example HBO, HTS, HEAO (Higher professional education (for example HBO, HTS, HEAO)
CL Item
University education (research university (University education (research university)
CL Item
Other (please specify (Other (please specify)
4. If Other, please specify
C0205394 (UMLS CUI [1])
5. What is your country of birth?
C1300001 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
5. What is your country of birth?
CL Item
The Netherlands (The Netherlands)
CL Item
Other (please specify (Other (please specify)
5. If Other, please specify
C0205394 (UMLS CUI [1])
6. What is your father’s country of birth?
C1300001 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0015671 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
6. What is your father’s country of birth?
CL Item
The Netherlands (The Netherlands)
CL Item
Other (please specify (Other (please specify)
CL Item
Don’t know (Don’t know)
6. If Other, please specify
C0205394 (UMLS CUI [1])
7. What is your mother’s country of birth?
C1300001 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0026591 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
7. What is your mother’s country of birth?
CL Item
The Netherlands (The Netherlands)
CL Item
Other (please specify (Other (please specify)
CL Item
Don’t know (Don’t know)
7. If Other, please specify
C0205394 (UMLS CUI [1])
8. How would you describe your general health?
C0424575 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
8. How would you describe your general health?
CL Item
Excellent (Excellent)
CL Item
Very good (Very good)
Drug use history
9. Which prescription drugs did you take during the past 4 weeks? Name + strength of the drug
C2239127 (UMLS CUI [1])
indication drug usage
For which disorder/disease /ailment did or do you take this drug?
C3146298 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0242510 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
10. Do you suffer from other disorders or diseases besides those mentioned above?
C0009488 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
10. Do you suffer from other disorders or diseases besides those mentioned above?
CL Item
Yes (please specify (Yes (please specify)
If yes, please specify
C0009488 (UMLS CUI [1])
11. Did you use drugs during the past 4 weeks for which you did not require a prescription (for example self-help drugs, incidental drugs or alternative, homeopathic or natural drugs)?
C0013231 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
11. Did you use drugs during the past 4 weeks for which you did not require a prescription (for example self-help drugs, incidental drugs or alternative, homeopathic or natural drugs)?
CL Item
Yes (please specify (Yes (please specify)
Drugs, Non-Prescription
If yes, please specify
C0013231 (UMLS CUI [1])
12. Did you experience symptoms during the past 4 weeks?
C1457887 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
12. Did you experience symptoms during the past 4 weeks?
CL Item
No, I did not experience any symptoms (No, I did not experience any symptoms)
Symptoms Eyes eyelids
Yes, I experienced symptoms in Eyes and/or eyelids
C1457887 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0015392 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0015426 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Symptoms Ear, nose and throat swallowing
Yes, I experienced symptoms in Throat, nose, ears (hearing) and/or swallowing
C1457887 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0150934 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0011167 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Symptoms Sweating blushing temperature flu
Yes, I experienced symptoms in Sweating, blushing, temperature increase or decrease, colds and/or flu
C1457887 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0038990 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0005874 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
C0005903 (UMLS CUI [1,4])
C0021400 (UMLS CUI [1,5])
Symptoms Mouth lips speech
Yes, I experienced symptoms in Mouth, lips, speech and/or voice
C1457887 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0226896 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0023759 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
C0037817 (UMLS CUI [1,4])
Symptoms Tongue teeth taste
Yes, I experienced symptoms in Tongue, teeth, gums and/or taste
C1457887 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0040408 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0040426 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
C0039336 (UMLS CUI [1,4])
Symptoms chest sleep apnea blood
Yes, I experienced symptoms in Lungs, heart, chest, breathing (including sleep apnea) and/or blood (blood pressure, bleeding)
C1457887 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0817096 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0037315 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
C0005767 (UMLS CUI [1,4])
Symptoms Bladder urination
Yes, I experienced symptoms in Bladder and/or urination
C1457887 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0005682 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0042034 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Symptoms Intestines stomach vomiting
Yes, I experienced symptoms in Intestines, stomach, vomiting (including vomiting blood), stool and/or bowel movements
C1457887 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0021853 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0038351 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
C0042963 (UMLS CUI [1,4])
Symptoms Skin hair nails
Yes, I experienced symptoms in Skin (including wounds, bruises, rashes), hair and/or nails
C1457887 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C1123023 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0018494 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
C2039340 (UMLS CUI [1,4])
Symptoms Genitals menopause menstruation
Yes, I experienced symptoms in Genitals, sexuality, menopause, breasts and/or menstruation
C1457887 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0017420 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0025320 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
C2129647 (UMLS CUI [1,4])
Symptoms Muscles bones joints
Yes, I experienced symptoms in Muscles, bones, joints and/or bodily complaints
C1457887 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0026845 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0262950 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
C0022417 (UMLS CUI [1,4])
Symptoms Dizziness falling balance
Yes, I experienced symptoms in Dizziness, falling and/or balance
C1457887 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0012833 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0085639 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
C0560184 (UMLS CUI [1,4])
Symptoms Head brain moods
Yes, I experienced symptoms in Head, brain, moods and/or emotions
C1457887 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0018670 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0006104 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
C0026516 (UMLS CUI [1,4])
Symptoms Sleep fatigue
Yes, I experienced symptoms in Sleep, dreams, fatigue, yawning and/or more energy or less energy
C1457887 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0037313 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0015672 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
Symptoms Eating drinking weight
Yes, I experienced symptoms in Eating, drinking, weight and/or blood sugar
C1457887 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0013470 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0684271 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
C0005910 (UMLS CUI [1,4])
Symptoms Infection edema fungal infection
Yes, I experienced symptoms in Infection, edema, fungal infection and/or All other complaints
C1457887 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C3714514 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
C0013604 (UMLS CUI [1,3])
C0026946 (UMLS CUI [1,4])
Blurred vision
C0344232 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Double vision
C0012569 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Seeing less or poorer vision
C0042798 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Seeing less or poorer vision
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Seeing (black) spots
C1690946 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Seeing (black) spots
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Night blindness
C0028077 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Night blindness
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Flashes of light
C0085635 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Flashes of light
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Painful eyes
C0853395 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Teary, watery eyes
C3257803 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Teary, watery eyes
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Dry eyes
C0314719 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Burning, itchy or irritated eyes
C0015395 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Burning, itchy or irritated eyes
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Inflamed eyes
C0155169 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Itchy or irritated eyelids
C0022281 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Itchy or irritated eyelids
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Inflamed eyelids
C0005741 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Inflamed eyelids
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Puffy or swollen eyes or eyelids
C0270996 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Puffy or swollen eyes or eyelids
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Enlarged pupils
C0026961 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Enlarged pupils
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Pressure on the eyes
C0033095 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0015392 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
Pressure on the eyes
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Burst eye vessels
C0948781 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Burst eye vessels
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Inability to move eyes
C0028850 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Inability to move eyes
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Unusual eye movements
C0015413 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C2700116 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
Unusual eye movements
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Other (please specify)
C0205394 (UMLS CUI [1])
Painful throat, throat-ache
C0242429 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Painful throat, throat-ache
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Inflamed throat
C0031350 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Inflamed throat
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Dry throat
C0235234 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Difficulty swallowing, food sticks in the throat
C0011168 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Difficulty swallowing, food sticks in the throat
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0008301 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Changed sense of smell (for example sensitivity to odors)
C0576647 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Changed sense of smell (for example sensitivity to odors)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Bloody nose, nosebleed
C0014591 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Bloody nose, nosebleed
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Dry nostrils
C2235860 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Blocked nose
C0027424 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Runny nose
C1260880 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Ear infection
C0699744 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0013456 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Buzzing or ringing in the ear or ears
C0040264 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Buzzing or ringing in the ear or ears
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Impaired hearing, difficulty hearing or deafness
C1313969 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Impaired hearing, difficulty hearing or deafness
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Other (please specify)
C0205394 (UMLS CUI [1])
Shivering, shivery
C0036973 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Shivering, shivery
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Goose bumps
C0031924 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Cold limbs (for example cold feet and/or hands)
C0857073 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Cold limbs (for example cold feet and/or hands)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Often cold
C0009443 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Lower body temperature
C0020672 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Lower body temperature
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Higher body temperature (not fever)
C0005903 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0205250 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
Higher body temperature (not fever)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Fever (temperature above 38 degrees Celsius)
C0015967 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Fever (temperature above 38 degrees Celsius)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Insufficient sweating/transpiration
C0020620 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Insufficient sweating/transpiration
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Excessive sweating/transpiration
C0020458 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Excessive sweating/transpiration
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0005874 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0009443 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Flu-like symptoms
C0392171 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Flu-like symptoms
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Coughing, barking, hawking
C0010200 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Coughing, barking, hawking
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0037383 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Swollen glands
C4282165 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Other (please specify)
C0205394 (UMLS CUI [1])
Ulcers or bumps in the mouth and/or on the roof of the mouth
C0149745 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Ulcers or bumps in the mouth and/or on the roof of the mouth
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Increased saliva in the mouth
C0037036 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Increased saliva in the mouth
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Dry mouth, less saliva in the mouth
C0043352 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Dry mouth, less saliva in the mouth
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Painful or sensitive mouth
C0877667 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Painful or sensitive mouth
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0343495 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Bad breath
C0018520 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Inflamed lips
C0007971 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Painful or sensitive lips
C0877489 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Painful or sensitive lips
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Dry lips
C2703066 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Swollen lips
C0240211 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Voice change (for example hoarseness, huskiness)
C0019825 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Voice change (for example hoarseness, huskiness)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Unclear speech, mumbling, speech difficulties
C0233715 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Unclear speech, mumbling, speech difficulties
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Word-finding problems, stumbling speech
C3536730 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Word-finding problems, stumbling speech
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Other (please specify)
C0205394 (UMLS CUI [1])
Tooth discoloration
C0040434 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Tooth discoloration
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0011389 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Caries, tooth decay
C0011334 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Caries, tooth decay
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0040460 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Teeth grinding
C0006325 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Inflamed or irritated gums
C0017574 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Inflamed or irritated gums
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Bleeding gums
C0017565 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Sensitive gums
C0857482 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Painful or sensitive tongue
C0877672 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Painful or sensitive tongue
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Swollen tongue
C0236068 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Tingling tongue
C0877495 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Tingling tongue
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Changed sense of taste
C0549590 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Changed sense of taste
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Tongue blistering
C0853942 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Tongue blistering
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Dry tongue
C0426498 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Tongue discoloration
C0151596 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Tongue discoloration
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Other (please specify)
C0205394 (UMLS CUI [1])
C0019521 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Lung disorder
C0024115 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0032285 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0032326 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Respiratory infection
C0035243 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Respiratory infection
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Respiratory infection
C0035243 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Respiratory infection
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0020578 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Apnea (gap between breaths longer than 10 seconds)
C0003578 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Apnea (gap between breaths longer than 10 seconds)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Sleep apnea (gaps or pauses between breaths while sleeping)
C0037315 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Sleep apnea (gaps or pauses between breaths while sleeping)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Slow breathing
C0231837 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Rapid breathing
C0231835 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Rapid breathing
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Shortness of breath, wheeziness, difficulty breathing, quickly out of breath
C0013404 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Shortness of breath, wheeziness, difficulty breathing, quickly out of breath
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Panting, puffing, wheezing, whistling (heavy breath)
C0425488 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Panting, puffing, wheezing, whistling (heavy breath)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0030252 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Rapid heartbeat
C0039231 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Rapid heartbeat
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Slow heartbeat
C0428977 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Irregular heartbeat, arrhythmia
C0003811 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Irregular heartbeat, arrhythmia
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Chest pain or pressure
C0008031 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Chest pain or pressure
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Blood poisoning
C3697774 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Blood poisoning
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0019080 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
High blood pressure
C0020538 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
High blood pressure
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Low blood pressure
C0020649 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Low blood pressure
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0002871 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0040053 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Other (please specify)
C0205394 (UMLS CUI [1])
Blood in urine
C0202514 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Urine discoloration
C0522153 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Urine discoloration
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Pain when urinating
C0013428 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Pain when urinating
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Burning sensation when urinating
C0423736 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Burning sensation when urinating
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Less frequent and/or difficulty urinating
C0241705 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Less frequent and/or difficulty urinating
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
More frequent need to urinate
C0042023 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
More frequent need to urinate
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Less urine per toilet visit
C0028961 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Less urine per toilet visit
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Urine incontinence (involuntary urine loss)
C0042024 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Urine incontinence (involuntary urine loss)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Pressure on the bladder
C0429767 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Pressure on the bladder
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Bladder infection
C0600041 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Bladder infection
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Other (please specify)
C0205394 (UMLS CUI [1])
(Excessive) burping, belching
C0277999 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
(Excessive) burping, belching
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Nauseous, sick
C0027497 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Acid indigestion, stomach acid, heartburn
C0235304 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Acid indigestion, stomach acid, heartburn
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Vomiting reflex
C0859028 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Vomiting reflex
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0042963 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Vomiting blood
C0018926 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Bloated feeling
C0857257 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Bloated feeling
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Bloated stomach
C0857257 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0038351 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
Bloated stomach
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Intestinal, stomach, abdominal cramps and/or pain
C0000737 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Intestinal, stomach, abdominal cramps and/or pain
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Gurgling or rumbling in the intestines and/or stomach
C0232693 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Gurgling or rumbling in the intestines and/or stomach
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Flatulence (gas)
C0016204 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Flatulence (gas)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0019112 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Fecal incontinence (involuntary loss of feces)
C0015732 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Fecal incontinence (involuntary loss of feces)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0011991 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Runnier, softer feces (not diarrhea)
C0577115 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Runnier, softer feces (not diarrhea)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Mucus in feces
C0241254 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Blood in feces
C0018932 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Blockage, constipation, hard feces
C0009806 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Blockage, constipation, hard feces
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Black feces
C0474585 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
More frequent bowel movements
C0426642 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
More frequent bowel movements
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Other (please specify)
C0205394 (UMLS CUI [1])
Greasy skin
C0234925 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Warm/burning skin
C0241057 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Warm/burning skin
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Dry, rough skin
C0151908 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Dry, rough skin
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Painful skin
C1274925 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C3840668 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0237849 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0702166 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0005758 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Rashes (for example red patches, pimples)
C0015230 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Rashes (for example red patches, pimples)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Spot (painful), ulcer, wound
C0037299 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Spot (painful), ulcer, wound
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Skin discoloration (for example yellow or pale skin)
C0151907 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Skin discoloration (for example yellow or pale skin)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Pigment stains
C1704421 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Patches of little or no skin pigment (pale patches of skin)
C1269684 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Patches of little or no skin pigment (pale patches of skin)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Bruises, contusions
C0497372 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Bruises, contusions
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Increased sensitivity of the skin to light-
C0520901 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Increased sensitivity of the skin to light-
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Weak hair
C0157733 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Loss of hair
C0002170 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Increased hair growth
C0232410 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Increased hair growth
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Nail discoloration
C0221345 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Nail discoloration
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Wrinkled nails
C0027344 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Brittle, fragile nails
C3549914 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Brittle, fragile nails
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Other (please specify)
C0205394 (UMLS CUI [1])
Vaginal discharge
C0227791 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Vaginal discharge
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Vaginal bleeding
C2979982 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Vaginal bleeding
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Vaginal dryness (insufficient moisture production in the vagina)
C0241633 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Vaginal dryness (insufficient moisture production in the vagina)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Burning sensation in the vagina
C2919399 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Burning sensation in the vagina
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Irritated vagina
C0042267 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Irritated vagina
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Menstruation pain
C0013390 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Menstruation pain
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Irregular menstruation
C0156404 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Irregular menstruation
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Heavy menstruation (excessive loss of blood or excessively long menstruation)
C0025323 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Heavy menstruation (excessive loss of blood or excessively long menstruation)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Absence of menstruation
C0002453 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Absence of menstruation
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Painful breasts or breast
C0024902 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Painful breasts or breast
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Prostate complaints
C0033575 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Prostate complaints
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Sperm discoloration
C0037868 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0332572 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
Sperm discoloration
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Erection problems, impotence
C0242350 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Erection problems, impotence
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Painful erection
C0233973 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Painful erection
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Painful penis
C0497481 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Irritated penis
C0521632 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Irritated penis
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Testicle pain
C0039591 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Breast growth (in men)
C0018418 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Breast growth (in men)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Pain during and/or after intercourse
C1948083 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Pain during and/or after intercourse
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Reduced sexual desire/interest in sex
C0011124 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Reduced sexual desire/interest in sex
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Increased sexual desire/interest in sex
C0021177 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Increased sexual desire/interest in sex
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Difficulty having an orgasm
C3828934 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Difficulty having an orgasm
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
No orgasm
C0029261 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Painful orgasm
C0423749 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Hot flushes
C0600142 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Premature menopause
C0025322 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Premature menopause
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Other (please specify)
C0205394 (UMLS CUI [1])
Muscle cramps (for example leg cramp)
C0026821 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Muscle cramps (for example leg cramp)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Muscle pain, susceptible to muscle ache
C0231528 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Muscle pain, susceptible to muscle ache
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Muscle contractions
C0026820 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Muscle contractions
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Weak muscles, decreased muscular strength
C0026845 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C1762617 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
Weak muscles, decreased muscular strength
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Tired, heavy muscles
C0026845 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0849970 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
Tired, heavy muscles
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Stiff muscles, stiffness (for example stiff neck)
C0221170 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Stiff muscles, stiffness (for example stiff neck)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Muscle tension
C0427195 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Quivering, trembling, shaking muscles
C0026845 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0234369 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
Quivering, trembling, shaking muscles
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Restless legs
C0035258 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Bone fracture or fractures
C0016658 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Bone fracture or fractures
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Bone pain
C0151825 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Painful joints
C3896992 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Inflammatory arthritis (gout)
C0018099 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Inflammatory arthritis (gout)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Stiff joints
C0162298 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Unusual and/or involuntary movements or twitches
C0427086 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Unusual and/or involuntary movements or twitches
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Difficulty walking
C0311394 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Difficulty walking
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
No or numb sensation in
C0036658 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
No or numb sensation in
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
prickling sensation
Tingling or prickling sensation in
C0439814 (UMLS CUI [1])
Tingling or prickling sensation in
C0439814 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Tingling or prickling sensation in
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Pain in
C0030193 (UMLS CUI [1])
Pain in
C0030193 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Bruised or damaged muscle, bone, body part
C0010957 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Bruised or damaged muscle, bone, body part
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Other (please specify)
C0205394 (UMLS CUI [1])
Unsteadiness, insecure, unsteady feeling
C1862908 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Unsteadiness, insecure, unsteady feeling
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Balance problems
C0575090 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Balance problems
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0085639 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0039070 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0220870 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0012833 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Poorer coordination
C0563243 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Poorer coordination
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Other (please specify)
C0038454 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0018681 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0149931 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
High, drunken sensation
C0522172 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
High, drunken sensation
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Impaired consciousness
C0234428 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Impaired consciousness
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Lack of concentration
C0235198 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Lack of concentration
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Lower reaction time
C0424336 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Lower reaction time
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Memory loss
C0751295 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0542476 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0312422 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0009676 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Over-sensitive, irritable
C0022107 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Over-sensitive, irritable
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C2220023 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0001807 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Nervous, tense
C3536990 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Anxious, fretful, worried
C0003467 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Anxious, fretful, worried
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0424537 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0233407 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Lack of emotions
C3160924 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Lack of emotions
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C3533112 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Depressed, somber
C0497307 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Depressed, somber
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Crying fits
C0010399 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Changed mood
C1716677 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Mood swings
C0085633 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Changed personality
C0240735 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Changed personality
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Voices in the head
C3533032 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Voices in the head
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0018524 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0033975 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Other (please specify)
C0205394 (UMLS CUI [1])
Sleep attacks
C0855247 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Sleep problems, sleeplessness
C3539544 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Sleep problems, sleeplessness
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Sleepiness, dullness, heavy eyelids
C0013144 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Sleepiness, dullness, heavy eyelids
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Dreams, nightmares
C0013117 (UMLS CUI [1,1])
C0028084 (UMLS CUI [1,2])
Code List
Dreams, nightmares
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0015672 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
C0043387 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
More energetic
C3842920 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Listlessness, dullness, lethargy, lack of energy
C4048330 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Listlessness, dullness, lethargy, lack of energy
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Other (please specify)
C0205394 (UMLS CUI [1])
Decreased appetite
C0232462 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Decreased appetite
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Increased appetite
C0232461 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Increased appetite
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Excessive thirst
C0085602 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Excessive thirst
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Sensitive to alcohol (less able or unable to handle alcohol)
C0678306 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Sensitive to alcohol (less able or unable to handle alcohol)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Increased weight
C0043094 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Increased weight
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Loss of weight
C3640507 (UMLS CUI [1])
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Low blood sugar level (hypoglycemia)
C0020615 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Low blood sugar level (hypoglycemia)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
High blood sugar level (hyperglycemia)
C0020456 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
High blood sugar level (hyperglycemia)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Unstable blood sugar level
C0392201 (UMLS CUI [1])
Code List
Unstable blood sugar level
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I do think that it is, or could be, a side effect of my drug)
CL Item
Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure (Yes, I experienced this symptom and I don’t think the drug caused it or I’m not sure)
Other (please specify)
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