Study ID: 106464 Clinical Study ID: 106464 Study Title: A Study of the Efficacy Against Episodes of Clinical Malaria Due to P. Falciparum Infection of GSK Biologicals Candidate Vaccine RTS, S/AS01, Administered According to a 0,1,2-months Schedule in Children Aged 5 to 17 Months Living in Tanzania & Kenya Patient Level Data: Study Listed on Identifier: NCT00380393 Sponsor: GlaxoSmithKline Collaborators: N/A Phase: Phase 2 Study Recruitment Status: Completed Generic Name: GSK malaria vaccine 257049 Vaccine, Sanofi-Pasteur's Human Diploid Cell Rabies Vaccine Trade Name: N/A Study Indication: Malaria ODM derived from This Phase IIb randomized, double-blind, controlled study of the efficacy against episodes of clinical malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum infection of GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals’ candidate vaccine RTS, S/AS01E, administered IM according to a 0, 1, 2-month vaccination schedule in children aged 5 months to 17 months living in Tanzania and Kenya. This study includes the following 7 clinical study visits (3 different visit types) during a double-blind phase (Day -60 to Month 6 1/2) and a single-blind phase including an extension for a subset of patients (month 7 to month 14). Clinical visit 1: Baseline visit, screening, and randomisation (DAY -60 to 0) Clinical visit 2: Vaccination I (MONTH 0, DAY 0 | DOSE 1 | 0 - 60 DAYS AFTER VISIT 1) Clinical visit 3: Vaccination II (MONTH 1, DAY 30 | DOSE 2 | 21 - 35 DAYS AFTER VISIT 2) Clinical visit 4: Vaccination III (MONTH 2, DAY 60 | DOSE 3 | 21 - 35 DAYS AFTER VISIT 3) Clinical visit 5: Blood Sample, ACD (MONTH 3, DAY 90 | 21 - 42 DAYS AFTER VISIT 4) Clinical visit 6: Blood Sample, ACD (MONTH 6 1/2 | CROSS-SECTIONAL VISIT FOR ACD | FINAL STUDY VISIT FOR DOUBLE-BLIND PHASE) Clinical visit 7: Blood Sample, ACD (MONTH 14 | FINAL STUDY VISIT SINGLE-BLIND PHASE) Field-worker home visits: During the vaccination period, clinical visits are accompanied by daily field-worker visits for a one-week period subsequent to each vaccine administration at clinical visits 2, 3, and 4 (visit code 21-26 following clinical visit 2; visit code 27-32 following clinical visit 3; visit code 33-38 following clinical visit 4). After completion of the vaccination period, clinical visits are then accompanied by weekly field-worker home visits (visit code 39-40 following clinical visit 4/dose 3; visit code 41-55 following clinical visit 5; visit code 56-86 following clinical visit 6). These visits serve the additional purpose of Active Case Detection (ACD). Passive Case Detection (PCD) for clinical malaria disease is performed both during the course of the double-blind (day -60 to month 6 1/2) and the single-blind phase (month 7 to month 14). At each study visit/contact, the investigator should question the enrolled subject about any medication(s) taken. * All antipyretic, analgesic and systemic antibiotic drugs administered at ANY time during the period starting with administration of each dose and ending 30 days after each dose are to be recorded with generic name of the medication (trade names are allowed for combination drugs, i.e., multi-component drugs), medical indication, total daily dose, route of administration, start and end dates of treatment. * All antimalarial drugs throughout the study period, beginning with Dose 1 are to be recorded with generic name of the medication (trade names are allowed for combination drugs, i.e., multi-component drugs), medical indication, total daily dose, route of administration, start and end dates of treatment. * Any treatments and/or medications which are listed as elimination criteria, e.g., any immunoglobulins, other blood products and any immune modifying drugs administered within three months preceding the first dose or at any time during the study period are to be recorded with generic name of the medication (trade names are allowed for combination drugs only), medical indication, total daily dose, route of administration, start and end dates of treatment. * Any Vitamin A administered from 2 months prior to Dose 1 to 30 days post Dose 3. * Any concomitant medication administered prophylactically in anticipation of reaction to the vaccination must be recorded in the CRF with generic name of the medication (trade names are allowed for combination drugs only), total daily dose, route of administration, start and end dates of treatment and coded as ‘Prophylactic’. The time periods between which different classes of concomitant medication/treatment/vaccination must be recorded are summarized below: (1) 2 months prior to Dose 1 until Dose 1: All treatments listed as elimination criteria (e.g. any immunoglobulins, other blood products and any immune modifying drugs), all antimalarials, Vitamin A (2) Dose 1 until 30 Days post Dose 3: All antipyretic, analgesic, systemic antibiotic, antimalarial and any treatments listed as elimination criteria*, all vaccinations, Vitamin A (3) 31 Days post Dose 3 until Final Study Visit: All treatments listed as elimination criteria (e.g. any immunoglobulins, other blood products and any immune modifying drugs), all antimalarials, all vaccinations Note that informed consent has to be obtained prior to any study procedure.
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- 28/07/2021 28/07/2021 -
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Efficacy of P. Falciparum Vaccine Against Malaria in Children NCT00380393
- StudyEvent: ODM
- C2347852
- C2347852
Trade name | generic name pharmaceutical preparation
Tipo de dados
- UMLS CUI [1,1]
- C2360065
- UMLS CUI [1,2]
- C0013227
- UMLS CUI [2,1]
- C0592502
- UMLS CUI [2,2]
- C0013227
Pharmaceutical preparations prophylactic treatment vaccine reaction
Tipo de dados
- UMLS CUI [1,1]
- C0013227
- UMLS CUI [1,2]
- C0199176
- UMLS CUI [1,3]
- C0042210
- UMLS CUI [1,4]
- C0443286
Pharmaceutical preparations daily dose total
Tipo de dados
- UMLS CUI [1,1]
- C0013227
- UMLS CUI [1,2]
- C2348070
- UMLS CUI [1,3]
- C0439810
Please use below-defined codes to indicate medication route.
Tipo de dados
- UMLS CUI [1,1]
- C0013153
- UMLS CUI [1,2]
- C0013227
Pharmaceutical preparations start date
Tipo de dados
- UMLS CUI [1,1]
- C0013227
- UMLS CUI [1,2]
- C0808070
If continuing at end of study, please tick the box in the following item.
Tipo de dados
- UMLS CUI [1,1]
- C0013227
- UMLS CUI [1,2]
- C0806020
Start and end date or tick box if continuing at end of study.
Tipo de dados
- UMLS CUI [1,1]
- C0013227
- UMLS CUI [1,2]
- C0549178
Clinical study sponsor comment
Tipo de dados
- UMLS CUI [1,1]
- C2347796
- UMLS CUI [1,2]
- C0947611
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