Sentinel: Overview and Description of the Common Data Model v7.0: The primary goal ofSentinel is to build and operate a national public health surveillance system to monitor the safety of FDA-regulated medical products, including drugs, biologics, and devices. Sentinel is part of the Sentinel Initiative, the FDA’s response to a congressional mandate to create an active surveillance system using electronic health data.The Sentinel program will undertake three major types of activities: (1) prospective evaluation of accumulating experience about specific medical products and specific suspected safety problems; (2) evaluation of the impact of FDA actions (e.g., labeling changes) on medical practice and health outcomes; and (3) rapid assessment of past experience in response to FDA questions about specific exposures and outcomes. The SCDM Mother-Infant Linkage Table contains one record per MPatID, CPatID, and ADate. This table is created following identification of mothers (via evidence of live delivery by women aged 10-54 inclusive) and infants (via date of birth) in the Sentinel Distributed Database (SDD)
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Versiones (1)
- 25/8/19 25/8/19 -
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FDA's Sentinel Initiative
Subido en
25 de agosto de 2019
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Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0
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Sentinel Common Data Model
Mother-Infant Linkage
- StudyEvent: ODM
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Mother-Infant Linkage
- StudyEvent: ODM
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