E1A05 Multiple Myeloma On-Study Form - Form 2855 NCT00522392 Bortezomib and Dexamethasone With or Without Lenalidomide in Treating Patients With Multiple Myeloma Previously Treated With Dexamethasone Source Form: NCI FormBuilder: https://formbuilder.nci.nih.gov/FormBuilder/formDetailsAction.do?method=getFormDetails&formIdSeq=3240927B-84FC-4104-E044-0003BA3F9857
Durie-Salmon Stage (at initial diagnosis - see attached)
CL Item
I - All Of The Following Must Be Present (hemoglobin >10 G/dl; Serum Calcium <12 Mg/dl; Urine Light Chains <4 G/24 Hrs; Normal Bones On Radiograph Or Solitary Plasmacytoma; Igg <5 G/dl; Iga <3 G/dl) (I)
CL Item
Ii - Fitting Neither Stage I Or Stage Iii (II)
CL Item
Iii - One Of The Following Must Be Present (hemoglobin <8.5 G/dl; Serum Calcium >12 Mg/dl; Urine Light Chains >12 G/24 Hrs; Advanced Lytic Bone Lesions (>3 Lytic Lesions); Igg >7 G/dl; Iga >5 G/dl) (III)
Fully Active, Able To Carry On All Pre-disease Performance Without Restriction. (0)
CL Item
Restricted In Physically Strenuous Activity But Ambulatory And Able To Carry Out Work Of A Light Or Sedentary Nature, E.g., Light Housework, Office Work. (1)
CL Item
Ambulatory And Capable Of All Selfcare But Unable To Carry Out Any Work Activities. Up And About More Than 50% Of Waking Hours. (2)
CL Item
Capable Of Only Limited Selfcare, Confined To Bed Or Chair More Than 50% Of Waking Hours. (3)
CL Item
Completely Disabled. Cannot Carry On Any Selfcare. Totally Confined To Bed Or Chair. (4)
Conduction Abnormality/atrioventricular Heart Block - Av Block-second Degree Mobitz Type I (wenckebach) (Conduction abnormality/Atrioventricular heart block - AV block-Second degree Mobitz Type I (Wenckebach))
CL Item
Conduction Abnormality/atrioventricular Heart Block (Conduction abnormality/Atrioventricular heart block - AV block-second degree Mobitz Type II)
CL Item
Conduction Abnormality/atrioventricular Heart Block (Conduction abnormality/Atrioventricular heart block - AV block-third degree (complete AV block))
Febrile Neutropenia (fever Of Unknown Origin Without Clinically Or Microbiologically Documented Infection) (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l, Fever >=38.5 Degrees C) (Febrile neutropenia)
CL Item
Feminization (Feminization of male)
C26773 (NCI Thesaurus) C0015799 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Forced Expiratory Volume Decreased (FEV(1))
CL036765 (NCI Metathesaurus)
CL Item
Pyrexia (Fever (in the absence of neutropenia, where neutropenia is defined as ANC <1.0 x 10^9/L))
Hyperglycaemia Nos (Glucose, serum-high (hyperglycemia))
CL Item
Hypoglycaemia Nos (Glucose, serum-low (hypoglycemia))
CL Item
Growth And Development Other (Growth and Development-Other (Specify))
CL Item
Growth Velocity (reduction In Growth Velocity) (Growth velocity (reduction in growth velocity))
CL Item
Gynaecomastia (Gynecomastia)
CL Item
Alopecia (Hair loss/Alopecia (scalp or body))
C2865 (NCI Thesaurus)
CL Item
Haptoglobin Decreased (Haptoglobin)
C0236062 (NCI Metathesaurus)
CL Item
Hearing: Patients With/without Baseline Audiogram And Enrolled In A Monitoring Program (Hearing: patients with/without baseline audiogram and enrolled in a monitoring program)
CL Item
Hearing: Patients Without Baseline Audiogram And Not Enrolled In A Monitoring Program (Hearing: patients without baseline audiogram and not enrolled in a monitoring program)
CL Item
Dyspepsia (Heartburn/dyspepsia)
C26756 (NCI Thesaurus) C0013395 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Hematoma (Hematoma)
C50579 (NCI Thesaurus) C0018944 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Haemoglobin Decreased (Hemoglobin)
C0162119 (NCI Metathesaurus)
CL Item
Haemoglobinuria Present (Hemoglobinuria)
CL Item
Hemolysis Nos (Hemolysis (e.g., immune hemolytic anemia, drug related hemolysis))
C0019054 (NCI Metathesaurus)
CL Item
Haemorrhagic Stroke (Hemorrhage, CNS)
CL036983 (NCI Metathesaurus)
CL Item
Melaena (Hemorrhage, GI - Abdomen NOS)
C0025222 (NCI Metathesaurus)
CL Item
Hemorrhage, Gi (Hemorrhage, GI - Anus)
CL Item
Hemorrhage, Gi (Hemorrhage, GI - Biliary tree)
CL Item
Hemorrhage, Gi (Hemorrhage, GI - Cecum/appendix)
CL Item
Hemorrhage, Gi (Hemorrhage, GI - Colon)
CL Item
Hemorrhage, Gi (Hemorrhage, GI - Duodenum)
CL Item
Hemorrhage, Gi (Hemorrhage, GI - Esophagus)
CL Item
Hemorrhage, Gi (Hemorrhage, GI - Ileum)
CL Item
Hemorrhage, Gi (Hemorrhage, GI - Jejunum)
CL Item
Hemorrhage, Gi (Hemorrhage, GI - Liver)
CL Item
Hemorrhage, Gi (Hemorrhage, GI - Lower GI NOS)
CL Item
Hemorrhage, Gi (Hemorrhage, GI - Oral cavity)
CL Item
Hemorrhage, Gi (Hemorrhage, GI - Pancreas)
CL Item
Hemorrhage, Gi (Hemorrhage, GI - Peritoneal cavity)
CL Item
Rectal Bleeding (Hemorrhage, GI - Rectum)
CL Item
Hemorrhage, Gi (Hemorrhage, GI - Stoma)
CL Item
Haematemesis (Hemorrhage, GI - Stomach)
C0018926 (NCI Metathesaurus)
CL Item
Hemorrhage, Gi (Hemorrhage, GI - Upper GI NOS)
CL Item
Hemorrhage, Gi (Hemorrhage, GI - Varices (esophageal))
CL Item
Hemorrhage, Gi (Hemorrhage, GI - Varices (rectal))
Post-operative Haemorrhage (Hemorrhage/bleeding associated with surgery, intra-operative or post-operative)
CL Item
Hemorrhage/bleeding Other (Hemorrhage/Bleeding-Other (Specify))
CL Item
Hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoids)
CL Item
Hepatobiliary/pancreas Other (Hepatobiliary/Pancreas-Other (Specify))
CL Item
Hiccups (Hiccoughs (hiccups, singultus))
C0019521 (NCI Metathesaurus)
CL Item
Menopausal Symptoms (Hot flashes/flushes)
CL Item
Hydrocephalus (Hydrocephalus)
C3111 (NCI Thesaurus) C0020255 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Skin Discolouration (Hyperpigmentation)
CL Item
Hypertension Nos (Hypertension)
CL Item
Hypopigmentation (Hypopigmentation)
CL Item
Hypotension Nos (Hypotension)
CL Item
Hypothermia (Hypothermia)
C0020672 (NCI Metathesaurus)
CL Item
Hypoxia (Hypoxia)
C3890 (NCI Thesaurus) C0242184 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Ileus (Ileus, GI (functional obstruction of bowel, i.e., neuroconstipation))
C37979 (NCI Thesaurus) C1258215 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Incontinence, Anal (Incontinence, anal)
CL Item
Urinary Incontinence (Incontinence, urinary)
C3429 (NCI Thesaurus) C0021167 (UMLS 2011AA)
CL Item
Induration/fibrosis (skin And Subcutaneous Tissue) (Induration/fibrosis (skin and subcutaneous tissue))
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Abdomen NOS)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Anal/perianal)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Appendix)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Artery)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Biliary tree)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Bladder (urinary))
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Blood)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Bone (osteomyelitis))
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Brain (encephalitis, infectious))
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Brain + Spinal cord (encephalomyelitis))
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Bronchus)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Catheter-related)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Cecum)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Cervix)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Colon)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Conjunctiva)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Cornea)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Dental-tooth)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Duodenum)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Esophagus)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - External ear (otitis externa))
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Eye NOS)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Fallopian tube)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Foreign body (e.g., graft, implant, prosthesis, stent))
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Gallbladder (cholecystitis))
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Heart (endocarditis))
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Ileum)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Jejunum)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Joint)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Kidney)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Larynx)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Lens)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Lip/perioral)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Liver)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Lung (pneumonia))
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Lymphatic)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Mediastinum NOS)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Meninges (meningitis))
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Middle ear (otitis media))
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Mucosa)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Muscle (infection myositis))
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Neck NOS)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Nerve-cranial)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Nerve-peripheral)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Nose)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Oral cavity-gums (gingivitis))
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Pancreas)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Paranasal)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Pelvis NOS)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Penis)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Peristomal)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Peritoneal cavity)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Pharynx)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Pleura (empyema))
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Prostate)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Rectum)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Salivary gland)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Scrotum)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Sinus)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Skin (cellulitis))
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Small bowel NOS)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Soft tissue NOS)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Spinal cord (myelitis))
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Spleen)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Stomach)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Trachea)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Ungual (nails))
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Upper aerodigestive NOS)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Upper airway NOS)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Ureter)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Urethra)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Urinary tract NOS)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Uterus)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Vagina)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Vein)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Vulva)
CL Item
Infection (documented Clinically Or Microbiologically) With Grade 3 Or 4 Neutrophils (anc <1.0 X 10^9/l) (Infection (documented clinically or microbiologically) with Grade 3 or 4 neutrophils - Wound)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Abdomen NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Anal/perianal)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Appendix)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Artery)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Biliary tree)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Bladder (urinary))
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Blood)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Bone (osteomyelitis))
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Brain (encephalitis, infectious))
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Brain + Spinal cord (encephalomyelitis))
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Bronchus)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Catheter-related)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Cecum)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Cervix)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Colon)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Conjunctiva)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Cornea)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Dental-tooth)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Duodenum)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Esophagus)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - External ear (otitis externa))
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Eye NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Fallopian tube)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Foreign body (e.g., graft, implant, prosthesis, stent))
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Gallbladder (cholecystitis))
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Heart (endocarditis))
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Ileum)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Jejunum)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Joint)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Kidney)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Larynx)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Lens)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Lip/perioral)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Liver)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Lung (pneumonia))
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Lymphatic)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Mediastinum NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Meninges (meningitis))
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Middle ear (otitis media))
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Mucosa)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Muscle (infection myositis))
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Neck NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Nerve-cranial)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Nerve-peripheral)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Nose)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Oral cavity-gums (gingivitis))
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Pancreas)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Paranasal)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Pelvis NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Penis)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Peristomal)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Peritoneal cavity)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Pharynx)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Pleura (empyema))
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Prostate)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Rectum)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Salivary gland)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Scrotum)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Sinus)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Skin (cellulitis))
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Small bowel NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Soft tissue NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Spinal cord (myelitis))
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Spleen)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Stomach)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Trachea)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Ungual (nails))
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Upper aerodigestive NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Upper airway NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Ureter)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Urethra)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Urinary tract NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Uterus)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Vagina)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Vein)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Vulva)
CL Item
Infection With Normal Anc Or Grade 1 Or 2 Neutrophils (Infection with normal ANC or Grade 1 or 2 neutrophils - Wound)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Abdomen NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Anal/perianal)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Appendix)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Artery)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Biliary tree)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Bladder (urinary))
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Blood)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Bone (osteomyelitis))
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Brain (encephalitis, infectious))
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Brain + Spinal cord (encephalomyelitis))
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Bronchus)
CL Item
Implant Infection (Infection with unknown ANC - Catheter-related)
CL039939 (NCI Metathesaurus)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Cecum)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Cervix)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Colon)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Conjunctiva)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Cornea)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Dental-tooth)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Duodenum)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Esophagus)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - External ear (otitis externa))
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Eye NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Fallopian tube)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Foreign body (e.g., graft, implant, prosthesis, stent))
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Gallbladder (cholecystitis))
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Heart (endocarditis))
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Ileum)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Jejunum)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Joint)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Kidney)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Larynx)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Lens)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Lip/perioral)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Liver)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Lung (pneumonia))
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Lymphatic)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Mediastinum NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Meninges (meningitis))
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Middle ear (otitis media))
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Mucosa)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Muscle (infection myositis))
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Neck NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Nerve-cranial)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Nerve-peripheral)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Nose)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Oral cavity-gums (gingivitis))
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Pancreas)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Paranasal)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Pelvis NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Penis)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Peristomal)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Peritoneal cavity)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Pharynx)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Pleura (empyema))
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Prostate)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Rectum)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Salivary gland)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Scrotum)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Sinus)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Skin (cellulitis))
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Small bowel NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Soft tissue NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Spinal cord (myelitis))
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Spleen)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Stomach)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Trachea)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Ungual (nails))
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Upper aerodigestive NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Upper airway NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Ureter)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Urethra)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Urinary tract NOS)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Uterus)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Vagina)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Vein)
CL Item
Infection With Unknown Anc (Infection with unknown ANC - Vulva)
CL Item
Culture Wound Positive (Infection with unknown ANC - Wound)
C0476436 (NCI Metathesaurus)
CL Item
Infection Nos (Infection-Other (Specify))
CL Item
Infertility/sterility (Infertility/sterility)
CL Item
Injection Site Reaction Nos (Injection site reaction/extravasation changes)
CL Item
Prothrombin Time Prolonged (INR (International Normalized Ratio of prothrombin time))
Muscle Weakness, Generalized Or Specific Area (not Due To Neuropathy) (Muscle weakness, generalized or specific area (not due to neuropathy) - Extraocular)
CL Item
Muscle Weakness, Generalized Or Specific Area (not Due To Neuropathy) (Muscle weakness, generalized or specific area (not due to neuropathy) - Extremity-lower)
CL Item
Muscle Weakness, Generalized Or Specific Area (not Due To Neuropathy) (Muscle weakness, generalized or specific area (not due to neuropathy) - Extremity-upper)
CL Item
Muscle Weakness, Generalized Or Specific Area (not Due To Neuropathy) (Muscle weakness, generalized or specific area (not due to neuropathy) - Facial)
CL Item
Muscle Weakness, Generalized Or Specific Area (not Due To Neuropathy) (Muscle weakness, generalized or specific area (not due to neuropathy) - Left-sided)
CL Item
Muscle Weakness, Generalized Or Specific Area (not Due To Neuropathy) (Muscle weakness, generalized or specific area (not due to neuropathy) - Ocular)
CL Item
Muscle Weakness, Generalized Or Specific Area (not Due To Neuropathy) (Muscle weakness, generalized or specific area (not due to neuropathy) - Pelvic)
CL Item
Muscle Weakness, Generalized Or Specific Area (not Due To Neuropathy) (Muscle weakness, generalized or specific area (not due to neuropathy) - Right-sided)
CL Item
Muscle Weakness, Generalized Or Specific Area (not Due To Neuropathy) (Muscle weakness, generalized or specific area (not due to neuropathy) - Trunk)
CL Item
Muscle Weakness Nos (Muscle weakness, generalized or specific area (not due to neuropathy) - Whole body/generalized)
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