On-Study Form ×
- Klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] (530)
- Type 2 Diabetes (83)
- Klinische Studie, Phase III [Dokumenttyp] (72)
- Klinische Studie, Phase I [Dokumenttyp] (60)
- Mammatumoren, Mensch (58)
- Diabetes mellitus, Typ 2 (41)
- Vitalzeichen (38)
- Pharmakokinetik (35)
- Substanzbezogenen Störungen (34)
- Rezeptoren, Dopamin-D3- (34)
- Hepatitis B (33)
- Vakzine (32)
- Adverse event (32)
- Cross-Over-Studien (31)
- Sarkom, Kaposi- (30)
- Hepatitis-B-Vakzine (29)
- Electrocardiogram (ECG) (28)
- Doppelblindmethode (28)
- Krankheitszeichen und Symptome (26)
- Sicherheit (25)
- Plazebos (24)
- Hypertonie (24)
- Haemophilus influenzae Typ b (22)
- Lungentumoren (22)
- Masern-Mumps-Röteln-Vakzine (21)
- Blut (20)
- Laboratorien (20)
- Leukämie (20)
- EHR (19)
- Routine documentation (19)
- Kolorektale Tumoren (18)
- Kind (18)
- Blutdruck (17)
- Released Standard (17)
- Lymphom, Non-Hodgkin- (17)
- Körperliche Untersuchung (16)
- Randomisierte klinische Studie [Dokumenttyp] (16)
- Drug trial (16)
- Hirntumoren (14)
- Arzneimittel, Prüf- (13)
- Treatment Form (13)
- Eileitertumoren (13)
- Wisconsin (12)
- Zentralnervensystemtumoren (12)
- Körpertemperatur (12)
- Arzneimittelbezogene Randeffekte und Nebenwirkungen (12)
- Prostatatumoren (11)
- Concomitant Medication (11)
- Behandlungsbedürftigkeit, Begutachtung (11)
- Körpergewicht (10)
- Atherosklerose (10)
- Kopf- und Halstumoren (10)
- Neisseria meningitidis (10)
- Klinische Studie, Phase II [Dokumenttyp] (9)
- Zervixtumoren (9)
- Technologie, medizinische (8)
- Endometriumtumoren (8)
- Diphtherie-Tetanus-azelluläre-Pertussis-Vakzine (8)
- Demographie (8)
- Arzneimittelapplikationsplan (8)
- Vakzination (7)
- Elektrokardiographie, ambulante (7)
- Harnblasentumoren (7)
- Einwilligungsformulare (7)
- Karzinom, nichtkleinzelliges Lungen- (7)
- HIV (7)
- Einverständniserklärung (7)
- Leber (7)
- Melanom (7)
- Multiples Myelom (7)
- Puls (6)
- Lebensqualität (6)
- Urin (6)
- Urinuntersuchung (6)
- Klinische Labordienstleistungen (6)
- AML (6)
- Kontrazeptiva, orale kombinierte (6)
- Herzfrequenz (6)
- Hämatologie (6)
- Analtumoren (6)
- Patientenbeteiligung (6)
- Plasmazellen-Tumoren (5)
- Taillenumfang (5)
- Vergleichende Studie (5)
- Verlaufsstudien (5)
- Glukokortikoide (5)
- Lebertumoren (5)
- Anamnesenerhebung (5)
- Tumoren (5)
- Pankreastumoren (5)
- Röteln (4)
- Weichteiltumoren (4)
- Erbrechen (4)
- Diphtherie-Tetanus-Pertussis-Vakzine (4)
- Windpockenvakzine (4)
- Klinisch-chemische Tests (4)
- Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) (4)
- Krämpfe, Fieber- (4)
- Diabetes mellitus (4)
Ausgewählte Datenmodelle
Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um mehrere Datenmodelle auszuwählen und diese herunterzuladen oder zu analysieren.
672 Suchergebnisse.
Itemgruppen: Header module, Vital Signs, Comments
Itemgruppen: Subject Visit, Assessment of Disease Progression, Vital Signs, BPI-SF, ECOG Performance Status, Hematology (with DBC), General Chemistry - Serum, Skeletal Related Events
Itemgruppen: Header, Device Accountability Log: Device Receipt, Device Accountability Log: Device Use, Device Accountability Log: Device Return/Repair/Destruction
Itemgruppen: CRF Header, AML/MDS: Form Administration, AML/MDS: Disease Description, Comments
Itemgruppen: CRF Header, AML: Form Administration, AML: Disease Description, Comments
Itemgruppen: CALGB Form, Patient Description, Organ Involvement, Current Symptoms, Lab data at Study Entry, CCRR MODULE
Itemgruppe: Repeat Telemetry Abnormalities
Itemgruppen: Administrative Data, Adverse Event/Concomitant Medication/Unscheduled Assessment, Liver Event
Itemgruppe: Holter ECG Results
Itemgruppen: Default Itemgroup, 1. Beginning of interview, 2. Presence of Others, who might interfere, 3. Fill, if Interview has to be cancelled, 4. Reason for canceling of interview, 5. Family, 6. Current living situation, 7. Statutory supervisor, 8. Help with household through Family and Friends, 9. Do Friends and Family help with Nursing? If so, who?, 10. Do you get other help through friends and family?, 11. Would you describe one of them as your, 12. Frequency of being supported by that, 13. Description of Relationship with that person, 14. Aids, 15. Change of health insurance, 16. Additional private Health insurance, 17. Changes about care dependency, 18. Care level, 19. Is a new care level classification planned?, 20. If yes, status of classification, 21. Main service of health insurance, 22. Changes / adjustments in living circumstances, 23. Changes in living circumstances, 24. Purchaser, 25. Are changes planned?, 26. Status, 27. Frequency of leaving the house, 28. Way of attending doctor´s appointments, 29. Type of transportation in case of regular doctor´s appointments, 30. Contact to Others, 31. Interests and Hobbies, 32. Most important interests
Itemgruppen: General Information, 1. Over the past two weeks, how bothered have you been by..., 2. Over the past two weeks, how bothered have you been by any of the following due to your diabetes medication(s)?, 3. Over the past past two weeks, how dissatisfied or satisfied have you been with the ability of your diabetes medication(s) to...., 4. Overall, over the past two weeks, how dissatisfied or satisfied have you been with...., 5. Thinking about your diabetes medication(s) over the past two weeks...., 6. Over the past two weeks, how often has taking your diabetes medication(s) as prescribed interfered with your ability to..., 7. Overall, thinking about each of the aspects of your diabetes medication(s) as mentioned above, how dissatisfied or satisfied have you been with ...., 8. Overall, based on your current experiences with your diabetes medications...