CALGB 50901 New Malignancy Form Ofatumumab in Treating Patients With Previously Untreated Stage II, Stage III, or Stage IV Follicular Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Source Form: NCI FormBuilder:
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Versiones (2)
- 19/9/12 19/9/12 -
- 28/8/17 28/8/17 -
Subido en
28 de agosto de 2017
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CALGB 50901 New Malignancy Form
Instructions: 1. Report any malignancy that is: A new histologic type A previous histologic type that is judged to be a new primary A new secondary malignancy related to cancer treatment, including AML/MDS. Recurrence of a previous malignancy 2. Submit pathology and/or cytogenetic report(s) documenting the new primary or secondary malignancy. 3. Do not use this form to report recurrences of current lymphoma. 4. All new malignancies must also be reported to NCI/CTEP via the AdEERS application.
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Instructions: 1. Report any malignancy that is: A new histologic type A previous histologic type that is judged to be a new primary A new secondary malignancy related to cancer treatment, including AML/MDS. Recurrence of a previous malignancy 2. Submit pathology and/or cytogenetic report(s) documenting the new primary or secondary malignancy. 3. Do not use this form to report recurrences of current lymphoma. 4. All new malignancies must also be reported to NCI/CTEP via the AdEERS application.
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