Health sector data set specifications from METeOR, Australia's repository for national metadata standards, developed by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2015-16 The scope of this DSS is emergency services provided in activity based funded hospitals which do not meet any of the following criteria: • Purposely designated and equipped area with designated assessment; treatment and resuscitation areas. • Ability to provide resuscitation, stabilisation and initial management of all emergencies. • Availability of medical staff available in the hospital 24 hours a day. • Designated emergency department nursing staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and a designated emergency department nursing unit manager. The care provided to patients in emergency services/urgent care centres is, in most instances, recognised as being provided to non-admitted patients. Patients being treated in emergency services/urgent care centres may subsequently become admitted. All patients remain in-scope for this collection until they are recorded as having physically departed the emergency service/urgent care centre, regardless of whether they have been admitted. For this reason there is an overlap in the scope of this DSS and the Admitted patient care national minimum data set (APC NMDS). The scope also includes services where patient did not wait or died on arrival. Patients with Department of Veterans' Affairs or compensable funding source are also included in the scope of the collection. Excluded from the scope are: • Care provided to patients in General Practitioner co-located units. © Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2015 Metadata and Classifications Unit Australian Institute of Health and Welfare GPO Box 570 Canberra ACT 2601
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Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2015-16 Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)
Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2015-16 Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)
Episode of care
Episode of care—funding eligibility indicator (Department of Veterans' Affairs), code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Department of Veterans' Affairs patient METeOR identifier: 270092 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 01/11/2012 Definition: Whether an eligible person's charges for this hospital admission are met by the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA), as represented by a code. Context: Health services Data Element Concept: Episode of care—funding eligibility indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Refer to the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 (Cwlth) for details of eligible DVA beneficiaries. Collection methods: Whether or not charges for this episode of care are met by the DVA is routinely established as part of hospital admission processes. Comments: Eligible veterans and war widows/widowers can receive free treatment at any public hospital, former Repatriation Hospitals (RHs) or a Veteran Partnering (VP) contracted private hospital as a private patient in a shared ward, with the doctor of their choice. Admission to a public hospital does not require prior approval from the DVA. When treatment cannot be provided within a reasonable time in the public health system at a former RH or a private VP hospital, there is a system of contracted non-VP private hospitals which will provide care. Admission to a contracted private hospital requires prior financial authorisation from DVA. Approval may be given to attend a non-contracted private hospital when the service is not available at a public or contracted non-VP private hospital. In an emergency a Repatriation patient can be admitted to the nearest hospital, public or private, without reference to DVA. If an eligible veteran or war widow/widower chooses to be treated under Veterans' Affairs arrangements, which includes obtaining prior approval for non-VP private hospital care, DVA will meet the full cost of their treatment. To assist in analyses of utilisation and health care funding. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Department of Veterans' Affairs patient, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (15.9 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2014-15 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 14/01/2015 Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Non-admitted patient emergency department care DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Non-admitted patient emergency department care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014
Tipo de datos
- UMLS CUI [1,1]
- C0243098
- UMLS CUI [1,2]
- C0013893
Establishment—organisation identifier (Australian), NNX[X]NNNNN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Establishment identifier METeOR identifier: 269973 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 31/10/2012 Indigenous, Draft 18/10/2012 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 25/07/2013 Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 30/07/2015 Definition: The identifier for the establishment in which episode or event occurred. Each separately administered health care establishment to have a unique identifier at the national level. Data Element Concept: Establishment—organisation identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: NNX[X]NNNNN Maximum character length: 9 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Concatenation of: Australian state/territory identifier (character position 1); Sector (character position 2); Region identifier (character positions 3-4); and Organisation identifier (state/territory), (character positions 5-9). Comments: Establishment identifier should be able to distinguish between all health care establishments nationally. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Establishment identifier, version 4, Derived DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (17.0 KB) Is formed using Establishment—Australian state/territory identifier, code N Health, Standard 01/03/2005, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 See also Establishment—WA identifier, NNN[N] WA Health, Endorsed 04/03/2014 Is formed using Establishment—organisation identifier (state/territory), NNNNN Health, Standard 01/03/2005, National Health Performance Authority, Standard 27/11/2013, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Is formed using Establishment—region identifier, X[X] Health, Standard 01/03/2005, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Is formed using Establishment—sector, code N Health, Standard 01/03/2005, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 See also Hospital—hospital identifier, XXXXX Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2013-2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 31/10/2012 Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2014-15 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 14/01/2015 Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Activity based funding: Mental health care DSS 2015-16 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 15/10/2014 Acute coronary syndrome (clinical) DSS 2013- Health, Standard 02/05/2013 Admitted patient mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Admitted patient palliative care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Alcohol and other drug treatment services NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Elective surgery waiting times (census data) NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 12/06/2015 Elective surgery waiting times (removals data) NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 12/06/2015 Elective surgery waiting times cluster Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Hospital teaching and training activities DSS 2014-15 Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Hospital teaching, training and research activities DSS 2015- Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 17/08/2015 Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Non-admitted patient care hospital aggregate NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 24/10/2014 Non-admitted patient care Local Hospital Network aggregate DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 13/09/2014 Non-admitted patient DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 23/07/2014 Non-admitted patient emergency department care DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Non-admitted patient emergency department care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Perinatal NMDS 2014- Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Radiotherapy waiting times NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 WA Health Non-Admitted Patient Activity and Wait List Data Collection (NAPAAWL DC) 2013-14 WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015 WA Health Non-Admitted Patient Activity and Wait List Data Collection (NAPAAWL DC) 2014-15 WA Health, Endorsed 24/04/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Median waiting time for elective surgery 2012-13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 25/07/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Median waiting time for elective surgery, 2014 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 28/05/2014 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Median waiting time for elective surgery, 2015 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 30/04/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Number of elective surgeries 2014 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 28/05/2014 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Patients who received their surgery within clinically recommended times 2012-13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 25/07/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Patients who waited more than 365 days for elective surgery 2012-13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 25/07/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Percentage of patients who waited longer than 365 days for elective surgery, 2014 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 28/05/2014 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Percentage of patients who waited longer than 365 days for elective surgery, 2015 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 30/04/2015 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 20a-Waiting times for elective surgery: waiting times in days, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 20b-Waiting times for elective surgery: proportion seen on time, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 Used as denominator National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Patients who received their surgery within clinically recommended times 2012-13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 25/07/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Patients who waited more than 365 days for elective surgery 2012-13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 25/07/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Percentage of patients who waited longer than 365 days for elective surgery, 2014 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 28/05/2014 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Percentage of patients who waited longer than 365 days for elective surgery, 2015 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 30/04/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Waiting times for emergency hospital care: Percentage completed within four hours, 2014 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 28/05/2014
Tipo de datos
- UMLS CUI [1,1]
- C1522486
- UMLS CUI [1,2]
- C0600091
Non-admitted patient emergency department service episode
Non-admitted patient emergency department service episode—episode end status, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Emergency department service episode end status METeOR identifier: 474159 Registration status: Health, Superseded 11/04/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 31/10/2012 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 28/05/2014 Definition: The status of the patient at the end of the non-admitted patient emergency department service episode, as represented by a code. Context: Emergency department care. Data Element Concept: Non-admitted patient emergency department service episode—episode end status Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Admitted to this hospital (either short stay unit, hospital-in-the-home or non-emergency department hospital ward) 2 Non-admitted patient emergency department service episode completed - departed without being admitted or referred to another hospital 3 Non-admitted patient emergency department service episode completed - referred to another hospital for admission 4 Did not wait to be attended by a health care professional 5 Left at own risk after being attended by a health care professional but before the non-admitted patient emergency department service episode was completed 6 Died in emergency department as a non-admitted patient 7 Dead on arrival, emergency department clinician certified the death of the patient Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Admitted to this hospital (either short stay unit, hospital-in-the-home or non-emergency department hospital ward) This code includes patients who are admitted to this hospital and subsequently die before leaving the emergency department. CODE 2 Non-admitted patient emergency department service episode completed - departed without being admitted or referred to another hospital This code includes patients who departed under their own care, under police custody, under the care of a residential aged care facility or other carer. This code excludes those who died in the emergency department as a non-admitted patient. Such instances should be coded to Code 6. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Episode end status should be recorded when Episode end date and Episode end time are recorded. Collection methods: Some data systems may refer to this data element as 'Departure status'. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing Relational attributes Related metadata references: Has been superseded by Non-admitted patient emergency department service episode—episode end status, code N Health, Standard 11/04/2014 Supersedes Non-admitted patient emergency department service episode—episode end status, code N Health, Superseded 30/01/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2013-2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 31/10/2012 Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2014-15 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 14/01/2015 Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Non-admitted patient emergency department care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Percentage of patients who commenced treatment within clinically recommended time 2014 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 28/05/2014 National Partnership Agreement on Improving Public Hospital Services: Admission to hospital from emergency departments Health, Standard 15/06/2012 Used as denominator National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Percentage of patients who commenced treatment within clinically recommended time 2014 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 28/05/2014 National Partnership Agreement on Improving Public Hospital Services: Admission to hospital from emergency departments Health, Standard 15/06/2012
Tipo de datos
- UMLS CUI [1,1]
- C0374899
- UMLS CUI [1,2]
- C0449437
Non-admitted patient emergency department service episode—triage category, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Triage category METeOR identifier: 474185 Registration status: Health, Standard 30/01/2012 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 31/10/2012 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 28/05/2014 Definition: The urgency of the patient's need for medical and nursing care as assessed at triage, as represented by a code. Context: Emergency department care. Data Element Concept: Non-admitted patient emergency department service episode—triage category Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Resuscitation: immediate (within seconds) 2 Emergency: within 10 minutes 3 Urgent: within 30 minutes 4 Semi-urgent: within 60 minutes 5 Non-urgent: within 120 minutes Data set specification specific attributes Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2015-16 Conditional obligation: This data item is to be recorded for patients who have one of the following Type of visit values recorded: · Code 1 - Emergency presentation; · Code 2 - Return visit, planned; · Code 3 - Pre-arranged admission. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: This triage classification is to be used in the emergency departments of hospitals. Patients will be triaged into one of five categories on the Australasian Triage Scale according to the triageur's response to the question: 'This patient should wait for medical care no longer than ...?'. The triage category is allocated by an experienced registered nurse or medical practitioner. If the triage category changes, both triage categories can be captured, but the original category must be reported in this data element. A triage category should not be assigned for patients who have a Type of visit of 'Dead on arrival, emergency department clinician certified the death of the patient'. Source and reference attributes Origin: Australasian Triage Scale, Australasian College for Emergency Medicine Reference documents: The Australian College of Emergency Medicine (ACEM) policy on the Australian Triage Scheme is accessible at: Australian College of Emergency Medicine 2000. Australian College of Emergency Medicine, Melbourne. Viewed 15 February 2013, P06_Aust_Triage_Scale_-_Nov_2000.pdf In addition, the ACEM guideline provides descriptors for the individual triage categories which can be viewed at: Australian College of Emergency Medicine 2005. Australian College of Emergency Medicine, Melbourne. Viewed 15 February 2013, G24_Implementation__ATS.pdf Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Non-admitted patient emergency department service episode—triage category, code N Health, Superseded 30/01/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2013-2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 31/10/2012 Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2014-15 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 14/01/2015 Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Acute coronary syndrome (clinical) DSS 2013- Health, Standard 02/05/2013 Non-admitted patient emergency department care DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Non-admitted patient emergency department care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Percentage of patients who commenced treatment within clinically recommended time 2014 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 28/05/2014 Used as denominator National Health Performance Authority, Hospital Performance: Percentage of patients who commenced treatment within clinically recommended time 2014 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 28/05/2014
Tipo de datos
- UMLS CUI [1]
- C4274385
Patient—compensable status, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Compensable status METeOR identifier: 270100 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 01/11/2012 Definition: Whether or not a patient is a compensable patient, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Patient—compensable status Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Compensable 2 Non-compensable Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/not known Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This definition of compensable patient excludes eligible beneficiaries (Department of Veterans' Affairs), Defence Force personnel and persons covered by the Motor Accident Compensation Scheme, Northern Territory. Comments: To assist in the analyses of utilisation and health care funding. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Compensable status, version 3, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (15.2 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2014-15 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 14/01/2015 Activity based funding: Emergency service care DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Non-admitted patient emergency department care DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Non-admitted patient emergency department care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014
Tipo de datos
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