Health sector data set specifications from METeOR, Australia's repository for national metadata standards, developed by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Lung cancer (clinical) DSS: The purpose of the Lung cancer (clinical) data set specification (LCCDSS) is to define data standards for the national collection of lung cancer clinical data so that data collected is consistent and reliable. Collection of this data set specification is not mandated but it is recommended as best practice if clinical cancer data are to be collected. It will facilitate more consistent data collection while enabling individual treatment centres or health service areas to develop data extraction and collection processes and policies that are appropriate for their service settings. The Lung cancer (clinical) data set specification is used in conjunction with the Cancer (clinical) data set specification (CCDSS). Mandatory reporting regulations have enabled population-based cancer registries in Australia to collect standard information on all incident cases of cancer apart from non-melanoma skin cancers, from which incidence, mortality and overall survival have been determined and trends monitored. The CCDSS provides a framework for the collection of more detailed and comprehensive clinical data such as stage of cancer at diagnosis, other prognostic characteristics, cancer treatment and patient outcomes. The Lung cancer (clinical) data set specification will support prospective data collection from the time a person with cancer symptoms is referred or first presents to a hospital or specialist through the entire duration of their illness. The definitions used in this data set specification are designed to capture the provision of cancer care on a day-to-day level. They relate to the cancer care pathway and the need to optimise care by correctly diagnosing, evaluating and managing patients with cancer. In addition, end-points and patterns of care can be monitored to understand both the appropriateness and effectiveness of cancer care. The data elements specified provide a framework for: • promoting the delivery of evidence-based care to patients with cancer • facilitating the ongoing improvement in the quality and safety of cancer management in treatment settings • improving the epidemiological and public health understanding of cancer • informing treatment guidelines and professional education • guiding resource planning and the evaluation of cancer control activities They will facilitate the aggregation of data across different treatment centres. The underlying long-term goal is to provide data support to improve outcomes for patients by increasing the quality and length of life. For example, a comparison of the actual management of patients with best practice guidelines may identify shortfalls in treatment and limitations in access to treatment modalities for some patients. Metadata and Classifications Unit Australian Institute of Health and Welfare GPO Box 570 Canberra ACT 2601
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Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)
Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)
- StudyEvent: ODM
Health service event
Health service event—first service contact date, DDMMYYYY Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: First health service contact date METeOR identifier: 447930 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Definition: The date on which first contact is made between a health care provider and one or more persons for assessment, care, consultation and/or treatment, expressed as DDMMYYYY. Data Element Concept: Health service event—first service contact date Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Date Data type: Date/Time Format: DDMMYYYY Maximum character length: 8 Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS DSS specific information: Use this data element to record the date a patient presents for the first time to a lung or cancer specialist. This consultation may occur prior to diagnosis so the specialist is involved in the diagnostic process or after the diagnosis of lung cancer has been made so the specialist is involved in the treatment of cancer. A lung or cancer specialist is defined as a consultant in any of the following specialties: respiratory medicine, cardio-thoracic surgery, clinical oncology, medical oncology and radiation oncology. Data element attributes Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Health service event—service request received date, DDMMYYYY Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Patient—intention of treatment, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Intention of treatment METeOR identifier: 583857 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Definition: The reason treatment is provided to a patient, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Patient—intention of treatment Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Prophylactic 2 Curative 3 Palliative Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Prophylactic This code is used when treatment is given to prevent the occurrence of disease at a site that exhibits no sign of active disease but is considered to be at risk. CODE 2 Curative This code is used when treatment is given with the intention of curing disease. CODE 3 Palliative This code is used when treatment is given primarily for the purpose of pain or other symptom control. Consequent benefits of the treatment are considered secondary contributions to quality of life. CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is used when treatment is given and the intention is not stated or is inadequately described. This code is not intended for use in primary data collection but can be assigned for reporting purposes where there is missing data. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS DSS specific information: This item should be collected in relation to the initial course of treatment for cancer. Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Patient—intention of treatment, code N Health, Superseded 13/11/2014, WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Adolescent and young adult cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Radiotherapy waiting times NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014
Data type
Person (address)
Person (address)—country identifier, code (SACC 2011) NNNN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Country identifier (person) METeOR identifier: 459971 Registration status: Health, Standard 28/02/2012 Tasmanian Health, Draft 25/03/2014 Community Services (retired), Standard 28/02/2012 Definition: The country component of the address of a person, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person (address)—country identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Classification scheme: Standard Australian Classification of Countries 2011 Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: NNNN Maximum character length: 4 Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The Standard Australian Classification of Countries 2011 (SACC) is a four-digit, three-level hierarchical structure specifying major group, minor group and country. A country, even if it comprises other discrete political entities such as states, is treated as a single unit for all data domain purposes. Parts of a political entity are not included in different groups. Thus, Hawaii is included in Northern America (as part of the identified country United States of America), despite being geographically close to and having similar social and cultural characteristics as the units classified to Polynesia. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: Collect the data at the 4-digit level. Comments: Note that the Standard Australian Classification of Countries (SACC) is mappable to but not identical to Australian Standard Classification of Countries for Social Statistics (ASCCSS). Source and reference attributes Reference documents: Standard Australian Classification of Countries Edition 1, Catalogue number 1269.0, 2011, Canberra: Australian Bureau of Statistics Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Person (address)—country identifier, code (SACC 2008) NNNN Health, Superseded 28/02/2012, Community Services (retired), Superseded 28/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer
Person with cancer—basis of diagnostic investigation, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Basis of diagnostic investigation METeOR identifier: 431369 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The basis of diagnostic investigation of a person with cancer at the time of first presentation, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—basis of diagnostic investigation Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Symptomatic 2 Asymptomatic - diagnosis incidental 3 Asymptomatic - diagnosis via opportunistic screening 4 Asymptomatic - diagnosis via organised screening 5 Asymptomatic - investigations leading to diagnosis not stated/inadequately described Supplementary values: 8 Unknown whether patient symptomatic or asymptomatic Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Symptomatic When an individual was diagnosed after seeking examination or treatment for a symptom related to the disease. CODE 2 Asymptomatic - diagnosis incidental The diagnosis of a disease during examinations, tests or other procedures for a purpose other than diagnosis of the specific disease. CODE 3 Asymptomatic - diagnosis via opportunistic screening: When the disease is diagnosed using screening tests that are offered to people who are being examined for other reasons. This is generally the detection of specific diseases that can be controlled better when detected early in their natural history in individuals or groups who may be predisposed to that disease, for example, individuals with particular risk factors. CODE 4 Asymptomatic - diagnosis via organised screening: The detection of unrecognised diseases or conditions in a specific population of people by using reliable tests, examinations or other procedures which can be applied rapidly as part of an organised screening program. CODE 5 Asymptomatic - investigations leading to diagnosis not stated/inadequately described If the patient is described as asymptomatic, but the event that first initiated the process of investigations leading to diagnosis is unknown. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the basis of diagnostic investigations for a person with cancer at the time of first presentation to a clinician for investigations. Outline whether the patient was symptomatic, and if the patient was asymptomatic, record the event that first initiated the process of investigations leading to diagnosis. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record. Comments: This information is used in clinical and population health research. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Stedman TL 2006. Stedman's Medical Dictionary. 28th edition. Maryland: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2009. Guidelines for preventive activities in general practice (7th edition). South Melbourne: The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—clinical trial entry status, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Clinical trial entry status Synonymous names: Clinical trial use METeOR identifier: 430028 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The status of clinical trial acceptance for the person with cancer, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—clinical trial entry status Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Clinical trial entry not offered 2 Clinical trial entry offered and accepted 3 Clinical trial entry offered and declined 4 Clinical trial not available Supplementary values: 8 Unknown whether clinical trial entry offered 9 Clinical trial entry offered but patient response not stated/inadequately described Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Royal College of Physicians of London 1999. Lung cancer: a core data set. London: Royal College of Physicians of London Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the appropriate code number for clinical trial proposed or entered throughout the course of treatment for cancer. If this data item is coded as 2 Clinical trial entry offered and accepted, Person with cancer—clinical trial identification, text [X(399)] must also be completed. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record. Comments: A measurement of the percentage of patients entering clinical trials may have implications for access to, and the provision of, cancer services. The collection of specific treatment information is useful to evaluate patterns of care, the effectiveness of different treatment modalities, and treatment by patient outcome. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Royal College of Physicians of London 1999. Lung cancer: a core data set. London: Royal College of Physicians of London Stedman TL 2006. Stedman's Medical Dictionary. 28th edition. Maryland: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person with cancer—clinical trial experimental agent or intervention, text X[X(399)] Health, Standard 14/05/2015 See also Person with cancer—clinical trial identifier, text X[X(399)] Health, Standard 08/05/2014 See also Person with cancer—date clinical trial completed, DDMMYYYY Health, Standard 14/05/2015 See also Person with cancer—date clinical trial entered, DDMMYYYY Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Prostate cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—clinical trial identifier, text X[X(399)] Obligation: Conditional, Maximum occurences: Unlimited Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Clinical trial name and number METeOR identifier: 430953 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The scientific/public title and/or registration number of the clinical trial(s) in which the person with cancer is enrolled, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—clinical trial identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: X[X(399)] Maximum character length: 400 Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on a person with cancer being accepted into a clinical trial. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the scientific/public title and/or registration number of the clinical trial(s) in which the person with cancer is enrolled. This item is completed when a person with cancer has been offered and accepted clinical trial entry. Where available record the title in line with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Register (ANZCTR) public title and universal trial number (UTN). Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record. Comments: Information regarding the types of clinical trials patients are enrolled in may have implications for access to, and the provision of, cancer services. The collection of specific treatment information may also be useful to evaluate patterns of care, the effectiveness of different treatment modalities, and treatment by patient outcome. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre 2009. Breast cancer specific data items for clinical cancer registration. Surry Hills, NSW: National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person with cancer—clinical trial entry status, code N Health, Standard 08/05/2014 See also Person with cancer—clinical trial experimental agent or intervention, text X[X(399)] Health, Standard 14/05/2015 See also Person with cancer—date clinical trial completed, DDMMYYYY Health, Standard 14/05/2015 See also Person with cancer—date clinical trial entered, DDMMYYYY Health, Standard 08/05/2014 See also Person with cancer—research trial type, code N Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Adolescent and young adult cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Prostate cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—comorbidities, Colinet defined comorbidities code N[N] Maximum occurrences: 7 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Colinet comorbidities METeOR identifier: 432994 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: Diseases or conditions present at diagnosis and defined as comorbidities relevant to non-small cell lung cancer by Colinet et al 2005, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—comorbidities Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Cardiovascular 2 Respiratory 3 Neoplastic 4 Renal insufficiency 5 Diabetes 6 Alcoholism 7 Tobacco consumption Supplementary values: 97 Not applicable-no comorbidities present 98 Unknown whether comorbidities are present 99 Comorbidities are present but type not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record each comorbid condition, as defined by the Colinet criteria, present in the patient at the time of diagnosis for lung cancer. The criteria were developed specifically for non-small cell lung cancer where comorbidities may be an important variable in treatment decisions and prognosis, however, record each comorbid condition for all lung cancers. Colinet criteria for comorbidities CODE 1 Cardiovascular Defined as the presence of one or more of the following: • congestive heart failure, • ischaemic cardiopathy with/without myocardial infarction, • severe valvular cardiopathy, • arrhythmia requiring chronic treatment, • history of cerebrovascular disease, • hypertension, and/or • peripheral vascular disease CODE 2 Respiratory Defined as the presence of one or more of the following: • history of tuberculosis, • history of pleural effusion or pneumonia, • asthma, • pulmonary embolism, • chronic pulmonary insufficiency (as defined by a chronic hypoxemia less than 60 mmHg, and/or • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) inducing a FEV1 less than 1.5l) CODE 3 Neoplastic Defined as a previous personal history of cancer excluding basal cell carcinoma of the skin and in situ carcinoma of the cervix. CODE 4 Renal insufficiency Defined as a creatinine clearance lower than 60 ml/min. CODE 5 Diabetes mellitus Defined as diabetes treated with either oral hypoglycaemics or insulin. CODE 6 Alcoholism Defined as a daily consumption of: • more than 80g of alcohol (8 standard drinks) for men • more than 40g of alcohol (4 standard drinks) for women CODE 7 Tobacco consumption Defined as a lifelong consumption of an equivalent of at least 100 cigarettes. Comments: The Colinet system provides criteria to define comorbidities and a scoring system whereby each comorbidity is weighted and assigned a score, then scores are added to provide the Simplified Comorbidity Score (SCS). For instance, Colinet et al. 2005 found that an SCS greater than 9 was found to be an independent prognostic factor of poor outcome in NSCLC (non-small-cell lung cancer). For the purpose of this data item, record each comorbidity as defined by the Colinet criteria but do not score them. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Colinet, B; Jacot, W et al 2005. A new simplified comorbidity score as a prognostic factor in non-small-cell lung cancer patients: description and comparison with the Charlson’s index. British Journal of Cancer 93:1098-1105 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record. Comments: Comorbidities may influence treatment decisions and patient outcomes; they may be used to adjust outcome statistics when evaluating patient survival and other outcomes. Comorbidities are generally used with cancer patients to refer to conditions not related to the cancer, and in epidemiology to indicate the coexistence of two or more disease processes. The presence of comorbidities in a patient may affect treatment decisions and be an important prognostic determinant. For example, they may be used to adjust outcome statistics when evaluating patient survival and other outcomes. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Colinet, B; Jacot, W et al 2005. A new simplified comorbidity score as a prognostic factor in non-small-cell lung cancer patients: description and comparison with the Charlson’s index. British Journal of Cancer 93:1098-1105 Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Adolescent and young adult cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—date clinical trial entered, DDMMYYYY Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Date clinical trial entered METeOR identifier: 447247 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The date on which a person with cancer registers for a clinical trial, expressed as DDMMYYYY. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—date clinical trial entered Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Date Data type: Date/Time Format: DDMMYYYY Maximum character length: 8 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the date when the patient registers for a clinical trial for the treatment of cancer. This refers to the date in which they sign and submit required consent forms. A patient may be offered entry into a clinical trial at any time during the course of illness; record the date for each trial the patient entered. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Royal College of Physicians of London 1999. Lung cancer: a core data set. London: Royal College of Physicians of London Stedman TL 2006. Stedman's Medical Dictionary. 28th edition. Maryland: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person with cancer—clinical trial entry status, code N Health, Standard 08/05/2014 See also Person with cancer—clinical trial experimental agent or intervention, text X[X(399)] Health, Standard 14/05/2015 See also Person with cancer—clinical trial funding basis, code N Health, Standard 04/02/2015 See also Person with cancer—clinical trial identifier, text X[X(399)] Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Prostate cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—date of referral to palliative care services, DDMMYYYY Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Date of referral to palliative care services Synonymous names: Supportive care; Symptomatic care METeOR identifier: 447391 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The date on which a person with cancer was referred to palliative care services, expressed as DDMMYYYY. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—date of referral to palliative care services Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Date Data type: Date/Time Format: DDMMYYYY Maximum character length: 8 Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on patient referral to palliative care services. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the date on which a person with cancer was referred to palliative care services. Referral to palliative care will generally come from a person with cancer's primary treatment clinician or GP. If the patient is receiving palliative care but no referral date can be identified, record the date of the first account of receipt of palliative care as the date of referral. Referral to palliative care services is referral to palliative care administered by palliative care specialists such as a palliative care team or palliative physician. Palliative care may be administered in a community setting, for example, the patient's home or a nursing home, in the palliative care unit of an acute hospital, or a hospice. The date of referral must be: • greater than or equal to the date of diagnosis; • greater than the date of birth; and • less than or equal to the date of death. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record. Comments: This information is used to evaluate the quality of care for patients with cancer, and may have implications for access to, and the provision of, cancer services. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre (NBOCC) and National Cancer Control Initiative (NCCI) 2003. Clinical practice guidelines for the psychosocial care of adults with cancer. Camperdown, NSW: National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre & National Cancer Control Initiative Cancer Institute NSW 2006. NSW clinical cancer registration: minimum data set data dictionary, Version 1.9. Everleigh: Cancer Institute NSW Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Cancer treatment—specialist support services date, DDMMYYYY Health, Standard 14/05/2015 See also Cancer treatment—specialist support services indicator, yes/no/unknown code N Health, Standard 04/02/2015 See also Person with cancer—referral to palliative care services indicator, yes/no/unknown code N Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Adolescent and young adult cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—date of referral to psychosocial services, DDMMYYYY Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Date of referral to psychosocial services METeOR identifier: 448664 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The date on which a person with cancer is referred to psychosocial services, expressed as DDMMYYYY. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—date of referral to psychosocial services Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Date Data type: Date/Time Format: DDMMYYYY Maximum character length: 8 Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on patient referral to psychosocial services. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the date the patient was first referred to psychosocial services. If the patient is receiving psychosocial care but no referral date can be identified, record the date of the first account of receipt of psychosocial care as the date of referral. Psychosocial services provide emotional and social support for patients and may, for example: • provide information • minimise the social and psychological impact of cancer on the patient and their family • integrate quality-of-life issues into the care of patients with cancer • develop strategies for the identification and management of patients experiencing significant emotional distress Psychosocial care may be provided by the following individuals, programs or services: • Psychiatrist • Psychologist • Social worker • Specialist nurse or nurse counsellor • Cancer or volunteer support group • Individual peer support • Counsellor or bereavement counsellor • Pastoral care (refers to counselling provided by pastors, chaplains, clergy and other religious leaders or spiritual advisors) • Community services The opportunity to access psychosocial services may be limited for some patients by local circumstances and the availability of resources such as access to psychiatrists, clinical psychologists or specialist oncology nurses. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record. Comments: This information is used to evaluate the quality of psychosocial care for patients with cancer, and may have implications for access to, and the provision of, cancer services. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre and National Cancer Control Initiative 2003. Clinical practice guidelines for the psychosocial care of adults with cancer. Camperdown, NSW: National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre Cancer Institute NSW 2006. NSW clinical cancer registration: minimum data set data dictionary, version 1.9. Sydney: Cancer Institute NSW Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person with cancer—psychosocial services type, code N[N] Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—distant metastatic site(s) at diagnosis, topography code (ICD-O-3) ANN.N Obligation: Conditional, Maximum occurences: 99 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Distant metastatic site(s) at diagnosis (ICD-O-3 code) METeOR identifier: 433232 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The anatomical position (topography) of the secondary or distant metastatic site(s) identified in the person with cancer at the time of diagnosis of cancer, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—distant metastatic site(s) at diagnosis Value domain attributes Representational attributes Classification scheme: International Classification of Diseases for Oncology 3rd edition Representation class: Code Data type: String Format: ANN.N Maximum character length: 5 Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record all four alphanumeric characters of the topography code. The number after the decimal point represents the subsite or subcategory. Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on the identification of distant metastasis at the time of diagnosis of cancer. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record all distant metastatic site(s) identified at the time of diagnosis of the cancer. Site refers to the anatomical position of the distant metastatic disease. Use the latest edition of the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual or UICC TNM Classification of Maligant Tumours to distinguish between regional involvement and distant metastatic sites. Cases with sites of distant metastasis would be coded M1. Do not code sites of regional or local metastasis as defined in the "T" field. Do not update this record with the sites of distant metastasis diagnosed subsequent to the initial diagnosis. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record. Comments: The presence of distant metastatic disease at diagnosis is an independent prognostic indicator and may influence treatment decisions. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: American College of Surgeons 1998. Standards of the Commission on Cancer: Registry Operations and Data Standards (ROADS), Volume II. Commission on Cancer Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Adolescent and young adult cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Prostate cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—immunohistochemistry type, text X[X(49)] Obligation: Conditional, Maximum occurences: 99 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Immunohistochemistry type description METeOR identifier: 447300 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: Describes the type of immunohistochemistry stains used to assist in the identification of abnormal cells and hence the diagnosis of a person with cancer, as represented by text. Context: This should be collected for people with cancer where pathology data is available. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—immunohistochemistry type Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: X[X(49)] Maximum character length: 50 Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on immunohistochemistry type being coded as Other (88). Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record each immunohistochemical profile obtained to assist in the diagnosis of cancer other than those already specified in the data item for immunohistochemistry profiles of the cancer of interest. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record and may be included as a supplementary report in the original pathology report, or a stand-alone pathology report if a different laboratory performs the test. Comments: Immunohistochemistry may be helpful in some instances for precise histological subclassification of the tumour and the exclusion of metastasis. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia 2010. Lung cancer structured reporting protocol. 1st Edition (Version 1.0). Surry Hills, NSW: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person with cancer—lung cancer immunohistochemistry type, code N[N] Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—lung cancer immunohistochemistry type, code N[N] Obligation: Conditional, Maximum occurences: 9 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Lung cancer immunohistochemistry METeOR identifier: 433027 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The type of immunohistochemistry stains used to assist in the identification of abnormal cells and hence the diagnosis of a person with cancer, as represented by a code. Context: This should be collected for people with cancer where pathology data is available. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—immunohistochemistry type Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) 2 Cytokeratin 5 (CK5) 3 Cytokeratin 6 (CK6) 4 Cytokeratin 7 (CK7) 5 Cytokeratin 20 (CK20) 6 p53-related transcription factor p63 (p63) 7 Napsin 88 Other Supplementary values: 97 Not applicable-immunohistochemical staining not performed 98 Unknown if imunohistochemistry performed 99 Immunohistochemistry performed but stains not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the code for each immunohistochemical profile obtained to assist in the diagnosis of lung cancer. Comments: Thyroid transcription factor-1 and cytokeratin 7 and 20 can be useful, in conjunction with tumour morphology and clinical and radiological findings, to help to distinguish between primary and metastatic lung adenocarcinomas. Cytokeratin 5/6 and p63 immunostaining is used by some pathologists to help to determine whether a tumour is a squamous or non-squamous type. The majority (about 75%) of primary lung adenocarcinomas are CK7 positive, CK20 negative and TTF-1 positive and Napsin stains are positive in approximately 80% of of primary lung adenocarcinomas. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia 2010. Lung cancer structured reporting protocol. 1st Edition (Version 1.0). Surry Hills, NSW: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on immunohistochemistry testing being completed. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record each immunohistochemical profile obtained to assist in the diagnosis of cancer. When "other" is recorded, record the immunohistochemistry stain in text in Person with cancer—immunohistochemistry type, text X[49]. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record and may be included as a supplementary report in the original pathology report, or a stand-alone pathology report if a different laboratory performs the test. Comments: Immunohistochemistry may be helpful in some instances for precise histological subclassification of the tumour and the exclusion of metastasis. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person with cancer—immunohistochemistry type, text X[X(49)] Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—lung cancer molecular pathology test results, code N[N] Obligation: Conditional, Maximum occurences: 14 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Molecular test results (lung cancer) Synonymous names: Molecular pathology results METeOR identifier: 434682 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The results of a molecular pathology test for genetic and molecular abnormalities in a person with cancer, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—molecular pathology test results Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 APC - adenomatous polyposis coli 2 ATM - ataxia telangiectasia mutated 3 EGFR - epidermal growth factor receptor 4 ERBB4 - v-erb-a erythroblastic leukaemia viral oncogene homolog 4 5 ERCC1 - excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 1 6 KDR - kinase insert domain receptor 7 KRAS - v-Ki-ras2 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog 8 NF1 - neurofibromin 1 9 PTEN - phosphatase and tensin homolog 10 RB1 - retinoblastoma 1 11 RRM1 - ribonucleotide reductase M1 12 STK11 - serine/threonine kinase 11 13 TYMS - thymidylate synthetase 14 P53 - tumour protein p53 15 ERBB2 - v-erb-a erythroblastic leukaemia viral oncogene homolog 2 16 EML4-ALK - echinoderm microtubule-associated protein-like 4 – anaplastic lymphoma kinase 17 B-RAF - v-Raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1 18 ROS - C-Ros Oncogene 1, Receptor Tyrosine Kinase 19 MET - Met Proto-Oncogene (Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor) 88 Other Supplementary values: 97 Not applicable-no abnormalities detected 98 Unknown whether abnormalities detected 99 Abnormalities detected but type not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Each code represents a HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) assigned unique gene symbol. The full name, location and additional information about each gene can be obtained from their online database at Record the code for each genetic or molecular abnormality detected. Molecular pathology testing is usually performed for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and when the result may influence treatment. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Harris TJR & McCormick F 2010. The molecular pathology of cancer. Nat. Rev. Clin. Oncol. 7:251-265 Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia 2010. Lung cancer structured reporting protocol. 1st Edition (Version 1.0). Surry Hills, NSW: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia HGNC Database, HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC), EMBL Outstation - Hinxton, European Bioinformatics Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, CB10 1SD, UK. Viewed 21 June 2011, Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on molecular profiling being performed for cancer. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the results of a molecular pathology test for genetic and molecular abnormalities in a person with cancer. This item should be completed when the data element Molecular pathology indicator is coded as 1, denoting that molecular testing has been performed. Molecular testing is usually performed when the result may influence treatment. For example, somatic mutations in the EGFR gene are associated with favourable outcomes from treatment with gefitinib. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's pathology report. Comments: The presence of genetic or molecular abnormalities may be of clinical significance and influence treatment decisions. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Harris TJR & McCormick F 2010. The molecular pathology of cancer. Nat. Rev. Clin. Oncol. 7:251-265 Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person with cancer—molecular pathology indicator, yes/no/unknown code N Health, Standard 08/05/2014 See also Person with cancer—molecular pathology test date, DDMMYYYY Health, Standard 08/05/2014 See also Person with cancer—molecular pathology test results, (other) code X[X(19)] Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—lymphovascular invasion indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Lymphovascular invasion indicator METeOR identifier: 519212 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether there is evidence of the invasion of cancer cells into blood vessels and/or the lymphatic system in the person with cancer, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—lymphovascular invasion indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: An indicator of whether there is evidence of invasion of cancer cells into blood vessels and/or the lymphatic system. Lymphovascular involvement usually precedes spread to the lymph nodes and hence is a predictor of lymph node metastases, although its value as a prognostic indicator is related to cancer type. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Gynaecological cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—lymphovascular invasion type, code N Obligation: Conditional, Maximum occurences: 3 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Lymphovascular invasion type METeOR identifier: 430045 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The type of invasion of cancer cells into blood vessels and/or lymphatic system in the person with cancer, as represented by a code. Context: This should be collected for people with cancer where pathology data is available. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—lymphovascular invasion type Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Involvement of artery 2 Involvement of vein 3 Involvement of lymphatics 4 Present but unable to distinguish type of vessel involved Supplementary values: 7 Not applicable-pathology specimen not obtained or no lymphovascular invasion present 8 Unknown whether pathology specimen obtained 9 Pathology specimen obtained but lymphovascular invasion not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record code 9 when a pathological assessment of the tissue has been performed but the result is not known. Distinguishing between lymphatics and veins can be difficult; record code 4 if lymphovascular invasion is present but the type of vessel involved is unknown. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia 2010. Lung cancer structured reporting protocol. 1st Edition (Version 1.0). Surry Hills, NSW: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre and Australian Cancer Network 2008. The pathology reporting of breast cancer. A guide for pathologists, surgeons, radiologists and oncologists. 3rdedition. Surry Hills, NSW: National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on lymphovascular invasion having occurred. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Lymphovascular invasion refers to the invasion of cancer cells into the blood vessels or lymphatic channels. Only record lymphovascular invasion described in the primary tumour, not for metastatic or recurrent disease. If lymphovascular invasion is present, record whether an artery, vein or lymphatic channel is involved. If more than one type of vessel is involved, record each appropriate code separately. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's pathology report under microscopic findings. Comments: Lymphovascular invasion may be an important prognostic factor indicating the tumour is likely to spread, and may influence treatment decisions. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia 2010. Lung cancer structured reporting protocol. 1st Edition (Version 1.0). Surry Hills, NSW: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre 2009. Breast cancer specific data items for clinical cancer registration. Surry Hills, NSW: National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Prostate cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—molecular pathology indicator, yes/no/unknown code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Molecular pathology indicator Synonymous names: Molecular pathology METeOR identifier: 435150 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether molecular pathology testing was performed to characterise a person's cancer, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—molecular pathology indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 8 Unknown Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record whether or not molecular testing was performed on the biospecimen sample of a person with cancer. This should be collected for people with cancer where pathology data is available. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's pathology report or a pathology database. Comments: Collected to identify the number of patients who undergo molecular testing. The presence of genetic or molecular abnormalities may be of clinical significance and influence treatment decisions. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia 2010. Lung cancer structured reporting protocol. 1st Edition (Version 1.0). Surry Hills, NSW: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person with cancer—lung cancer molecular pathology test results, code N[N] Health, Standard 08/05/2014 See also Person with cancer—molecular pathology test date, DDMMYYYY Health, Standard 08/05/2014 See also Person with cancer—molecular pathology test results, (other) code X[X(19)] Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—molecular pathology test date, DDMMYYYY Obligation: Conditional, Maximum occurences: Unlimited Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Molecular pathology test date Synonymous names: Molecular pathology date METeOR identifier: 506791 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The date on which a molecular pathology test was performed to characterise a person's cancer, expressed as DDMMYYYY. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—molecular pathology test date Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Date Data type: Date/Time Format: DDMMYYYY Maximum character length: 8 Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on molecular profiling being performed for cancer. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the date that molecular pathology testing occurred. This is the date that testing took place, not the date that the sample was collected. This item should be collected for people with cancer where pathology data is available. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's pathology report or a pathology database. Comments: Collected to identify the amount and timing of molecular testing. The presence of genetic or molecular abnormalities may be of clinical significance and influence treatment decisions. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia 2010. Lung cancer structured reporting protocol. 1st Edition (Version 1.0). Surry Hills, NSW: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person with cancer—lung cancer molecular pathology test results, code N[N] Health, Standard 08/05/2014 See also Person with cancer—molecular pathology indicator, yes/no/unknown code N Health, Standard 08/05/2014 See also Person with cancer—molecular pathology test results, (other) code X[X(19)] Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—molecular pathology test results, (other) code X[X(19)] Obligation: Conditional, Maximum occurences: Unlimited Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Molecular test results description Synonymous names: Molecular pathology; Molecular profiling METeOR identifier: 450360 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The results of a molecular pathology test for genetic and molecular abnormalities in a person with cancer, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—molecular pathology test results Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: String Format: X[X(19)] Maximum character length: 20 Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) assigned, unique gene symbol (or gene abbreviation, short gene name) corresponding to each genetic or molecular abnormality detected. The symbol is available from their curated online repository at Gene symbols are designated by upper-case Latin letters or by a combination of upper-case letters and Arabic numerals, with the exception of the # symbol. They do not contain punctuation except for the HLA, immunoglobulin and T cell receptor gene symbols, which may be hyphenated. Generally, gene symbols will be no longer than six characters. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Wain HM, Bruford EA, Lovering RC, Lush MJ, Wright MW, Povey S 2002. Guidelines for Human Gene Nomenclature. Genomics 79(4):464-470 HGNC Database, HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC), EMBL Outstation - Hinxton, European Bioinformatics Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, CB10 1SD, UK. Viewed 21 June 2011, Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on molecular pathology test results being coded as CODE 88 Other. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record results of a molecular pathology test for genetic and molecular abnormalities in a person with cancer in text. Molecular testing is usually performed for cancer when the result may influence treatment. This should be collected for people with cancer where pathology data is available. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's pathology report. Comments: The presence of genetic or molecular abnormalities may be of clinical significance and influence treatment decisions. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia 2010. Lung cancer structured reporting protocol. 1st Edition (Version 1.0). Surry Hills, NSW: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Harris TJR & McCormick F 2010. The molecular pathology of cancer. Nat. Rev. Clin. Oncol. 7:251-265 Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person with cancer—lung cancer molecular pathology test results, code N[N] Health, Standard 08/05/2014 See also Person with cancer—molecular pathology indicator, yes/no/unknown code N Health, Standard 08/05/2014 See also Person with cancer—molecular pathology test date, DDMMYYYY Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—multiple primary tumours descriptor, code N Obligation: Conditional, Maximum occurences: 1 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Multiple primary tumours descriptor METeOR identifier: 429482 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: Whether the multiple primary tumours in the person with cancer are synchronous or metachronous, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—multiple primary tumours descriptor Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Synchronous 2 Metachronous Supplementary values: 7 Not applicable, i.e. single primary tumour only 8 Number of primary tumours unknown 9 Multiple primary tumours present, but synchronicity not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the appropriate code at diagnosis, then update at the first appearance of a subsequent second primary where multiple tumours are discovered. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Breathnach OS & Skarin AT 2009. Multiple primary lung cancers. Wolters Kluwer Health, UpToDate Inc., Waltham, MA. Viewed 8 March 2011, Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: This data element is to be recorded if Person with cancer—multiple primary tumours indicator, yes/no code N indicates the presence of multiple primary tumours. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Synchronous primary tumours are detected simultaneously, either preoperatively or in the resected specimen. Metachronous primary tumours are detected after a time interval between detection of the first lesion and detection of a subsequent primary lesion. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's pathology report and medical record. Comments: Patients with multiple primary tumours may have a worse prognosis or more extensive treatment than patients with a single tumour. In addition, the management and prognosis when multiple primary tumours are present may vary depending on whether the tumours are synchronous or metachronous. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Breathnach OS & Skarin AT 2009. Multiple primary lung cancers. Wolters Kluwer Health, UpToDate Inc., Waltham, MA. Viewed 8 March 2011, Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person with cancer—multiple primary tumours indicator, yes/no code N Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Gynaecological cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—multiple primary tumours indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Multiple primary tumours indicator METeOR identifier: 519548 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether a person with cancer has multiple primary tumours, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—multiple primary tumours indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record whether a person with cancer has multiple primary tumours, regardless of whether they are synchronous or metachronous. Patients with multiple primary tumours may have a worse prognosis or more extensive treatment than patients with a single tumour. In addition, the management and prognosis when multiple primary tumours are present may vary depending on whether the tumours are synchronous or metachronous. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person with cancer—multiple primary tumours descriptor, code N Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Gynaecological cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—performance status score at diagnosis, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: ECOG score Synonymous names: Zubrod score; WHO performance status score METeOR identifier: 412327 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: A score given at the time of diagnosis outlining the extent to which a person with cancer's disease affects their daily living abilities, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—performance status score at diagnosis Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 0 Fully active, able to carry on all pre-disease performance without restriction. 1 Restricted in physically strenuous activity but ambulatory and able to carry out work of a light or sedentary nature, e.g., light house work, office work. 2 Ambulatory and capable of all selfcare but unable to carry out any work activities. Up and about more than 50% of waking hours. 3 Capable of only limited selfcare, confined to bed or chair more than 50% of working hours. 4 Completely disabled. Cannot carry on any selfcare. Totally confined to bed or chair. Supplementary values: 8 Unknown 9 Not stated Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The criteria was developed by the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Oken MM et al. 1982. Toxicity and response criteria of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. Am J Clin Oncol 5:649-655 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance score was developed to consistently assess the impact of a person's disease on their daily living abilities. Record the ECOG performance status score recorded at diagnosis and before the implementation of treatment. Performance status should be based on assessment by a clinician at the time of initial presentation. Only record performance status when expressed as an ECOG score by the clinician; do not attempt to determine the ECOG score from patient notes. Collection methods: This information should be obtained from the patient's medical record at the time of diagnosis. It may be available in the admission notes, outpatient notes or referral letters. Comments: Performance status at diagnosis is an important prognostic indicator and is used to determine appropriate treatment, assess how the disease is progressing, and for the statistical analyses of outcome adjusted by performance status. Previous attempts to collect this information has revealed that ECOG scores are not routinely recorded at the time of diagnosis. However, performance status is an important prognostic indicator and used to determine and evaluate treatment decisions so recording the ECOG score in patient notes at the time of diagnosis is strongly recommended. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Oken MM et al. 1982. Toxicity and response criteria of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. Am J Clin Oncol 5:649-655 National Cancer Control Initiative 2004. NCCI Clinical Cancer Core Data Set and Data Dictionary, Version 5. Melbourne: National Cancer Control Initiative Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Adolescent and young adult cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—perineural invasion indicator, yes/no/not applicable/not stated/inadequately described code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Perineural invasion indicator Synonymous names: Perineural involvement; PNI METeOR identifier: 429134 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether perineural invasion is evident in a pathology specimen of the person with cancer, as represented by a code. Context: This should be collected for people with cancer where pathology data is available. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—perineural invasion indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 7 Not applicable 9 Not stated/inadequately described Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Perineural invasion refers to cancer cells tracking along or around a nerve within the space surrounding a nerve. Its presence may be indicative of perineural spread, which can make the resection of malignant lesions more difficult. Only record perineural invasion in the primary tumour, not for metastatic or recurrent disease. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's pathology report under microscopic findings. Comments: The presence of perineural invasion may be an important prognostic factor for some cancers. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia 2010. Lung cancer structured reporting protocol. 1st Edition (Version 1.0). Surry Hills, NSW: Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Potter ST & Partin AW 2000. The significance of perineural invasion found on needle biopsy of the prostate: implications for definitive therapy. Reviews in Urology Spring edition:87-88 Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Prostate cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—psychosocial services type, code N[N] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Psychosocial services referral type METeOR identifier: 431257 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The type of psychosocial service a person with cancer is referred to as part of their cancer treatment or follow-up, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—psychosocial services type Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Psychiatrist 2 Psychologist 3 Social worker 4 Specialist nurse or nurse counsellor 5 Cancer or volunteer support group 6 Individual peer support 7 Counsellor or bereavement counsellor 8 Pastoral care 9 Community services Supplementary values: 97 Not applicable-patient not referred to psychosocial services 98 Unknown whether patient referred to psychosocial services 99 Patient referred to psychosocial services but type not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the psychosocial service a person with cancer was referred to. Where multiple psychosocial services were referred to, this item should be recorded multiple times. Pastoral care refers to counselling provided by pastors, chaplains, clergy and other religious leaders or spiritual advisors. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Cancer Institute NSW & NSW Health Department 2006. NSW clinical cancer registration: minimum data set data dictionary, version 1.9. Sydney: Cancer Institute NSW Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the psychosocial service a person with cancer was referred to. Where multiple psychosocial services were referred to, this item should be recorded multiple times. Referral to psychosocial services will generally come from a person with cancer's primary treatment clinician or GP. The person diagnosed with cancer experiences a range of practical, psychological, physical and emotional difficulties. For example, these may include coping with the shock of their diagnosis and fears over their health and future. They may experience physical symptoms and treatment-related adverse effects such as nausea, fatigue and a general decline in functioning. There may be changes in their role and family functioning, occupational or employment status, and financial status. Some will have to come to terms with progressive illness and approaching death. The opportunity to access psychosocial services may be limited for some patients by local circumstances and the availability of resources such as access to psychiatrists, clinical psychologists or specialist oncology nurses. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record. Comments: This information is used to evaluate the quality of psychosocial care for patients with cancer, and may have implications for access to, and the provision of, cancer services. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre and National Cancer Control Initiative 2003. Clinical practice guidelines for the psychosocial care of adults with cancer. Camperdown, NSW: National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre Cancer Institute NSW & NSW Health Department 2006. NSW clinical cancer registration: minimum data set data dictionary, version 1.9. Sydney: Cancer Institute NSW Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person with cancer—date of referral to psychosocial services, DDMMYYYY Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—reason(s) second-line treatment administered, code N Obligation: Conditional, Maximum occurences: 4 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Reason(s) second-line treatment administered METeOR identifier: 457437 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The reason(s) that second-line treatment, treatment that was not part of the planned initial course of treatment, was administered to a person with cancer, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—reason(s) second-line treatment administered Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Incomplete response to first-line treatment 2 Toxic effects of first-line treatment 3 Recurrence or progressive disease 6 Other Supplementary values: 7 Not applicable-no second-line treatment administered 8 Unknown whether second-line treatment administered 9 Second-line treatment administered but reason for not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record each relevant code at the commencement of second-line treatment for cancer. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on the administration of second-line treatment for cancer. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the reason(s) second-line treatment was administered for cancer. This item can be recorded multiple times for each person with cancer (for example both incomplete response and toxic effects) and may be updated if any of the supplementary values were previously recorded. It may be given when the cancer doesn't respond to first-line treatment, when first-line treatment has side effects that are not tolerated, or for disease progression or recurrence following a disease-free interval. The first recurrence may be many years after initial diagnosis and treatment for some patients. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Royal College of Physicians of London 1999. Lung cancer: a core data set. London: Royal College of Physicians of London National Cancer Institute, 2008. Dictionary of Cancer Terms. Definition of second-line therapy. Viewed June 14, 2011, Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—reason(s) treatment not administered, code N Maximum occurences: 6 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Reason(s) treatment not administered (cancer) METeOR identifier: 428257 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The reason(s) a person with cancer was not administered treatment for cancer, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—reason(s) treatment not administered Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Advanced age 2 Comorbid conditions 3 Poor performance status 4 Patient died prior to planned or recommended treatment 5 Patient or family declined treatment Supplementary values: 88 Other 97 Not applicable-treatment administered to patient 98 Unknown whether treatment administered to patient 99 Treatment not administered to patient but reasons not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record all the reasons why treatment was not administered. Codes 1-3 should be recorded when it is a clinician’s decision to not administer treatment. Code 5 should be recorded when it is a patient or family’s decision to decline treatment. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the reason that a person with an initial diagnosis of cancer was not administered treatment. Treatment refers to any surgery, radiotherapy or systemic therapy agent that removes or modifies either primary or secondary malignant tissue. It may be curative or palliative in intent. For this item the use of supportive therapy such as the administration of analgesia or anti-emetics is not classed as treatment. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record. Comments: This information is used to evaluate the quality of care by distinguishing between contraindications to treatment due to patient risk factors, patient or family refusing treatment, and treatment not being offered for reasons unknown. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: American College of Surgeons 2002. Facility Oncology Registry Data Standards (FORDS), 2009 revision. Commission on Cancer Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—referral to palliative care services indicator, yes/no/unknown code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Referral to palliative care services indicator Synonymous names: Supportive care, symptomatic care METeOR identifier: 431284 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether the person with cancer was referred to palliative care services as part of their cancer treatment or follow-up, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—referral to palliative care services indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 8 Unknown Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record whether the patient was referred to palliative care services. Referral to palliative care services is referral to palliative care administered by palliative care specialists such as a palliative care team or palliative physician. The point of transition to palliative care is when treatment goals become focussed on improving quality of life. However, the transition does not imply a discontinuation of active care or abandonment from treating cancer team. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record. Comments: This information is used to evaluate the quality of care for patients with cancer, and may have implications for access to, and the provision of, cancer services. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre (NBOCC) and National Cancer Control Initiative (NCCI) 2003. Clinical practice guidelines for the psychosocial care of adults with cancer. Camperdown, NSW: National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre & National Cancer Control Initiative Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person with cancer—date of referral to palliative care services, DDMMYYYY Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Adolescent and young adult cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—referral to psychosocial services indicator, yes/no/unknown code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Referral to psychosocial services indicator METeOR identifier: 519990 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether a person with cancer has been directed to psychosocial services as part of their cancer treatment or follow-up, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—referral to psychosocial services indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 8 Unknown Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record whether the patient was referred to psychosocial services such as psychological interventions, counselling, spiritual support or domiciliary care. Comments: This information is used to evaluate the quality of psychosocial care for patients, and may have implications for access to, and the provision of, services. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—second-line treatment intention, code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Second-line treatment intention METeOR identifier: 599723 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: The intended outcome of second-line treatment administered to a person with cancer, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—second-line treatment intention Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Prophylactic 2 Curative 3 Palliative Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Prophylactic This code is used when treatment is given to prevent the occurrence of disease at a site that exhibits no sign of active disease but is considered to be at risk. CODE 2 Curative This code is used when treatment is given with the intention of curing disease. CODE 3 Palliative This code is used when treatment is given primarily for the purpose of pain or other symptom control. Consequent benefits of the treatment are considered secondary contributions to quality of life. CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is used when treatment is given and the intention is not stated or is inadequately described. This code is not intended for use in primary data collection but can be assigned for reporting purposes where there is missing data. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on the administration of second-line treatment for cancer. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the intention of treatment at the commencement of second-line treatment for cancer. Do not update the record if the intention of treatment changes during the course of second-line treatment. Prophylactic treatment is treatment to prevent the occurrence or spread of disease which is not for the purpose of curing the disease or managing patient symptoms. Curative treatment is any treatment which aims for long-term survival (over 2 years) for a significant proportion of those patients treated curatively. Palliative treatment is any treatment where the intention is to relieve symptoms and possibly prolong life, but where long-term survival is highly unlikely. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record. Comments: The purpose of collecting the intention of treatment for cancer is to establish the frequency with which potentially curative chemotherapy treatments are utilised. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Royal College of Physicians of London 1999. Lung cancer: a core data set. London: Royal College of Physicians of London National Cancer Institute, 2008. Dictionary of Cancer Terms. Definition of second-line therapy. Viewed August 30, 2013, Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Person with cancer—second-line treatment intention, code N Health, Superseded 14/05/2015 See also Person with cancer—second-line treatment type, code N[N] Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person with cancer—second-line treatment type, code N[N] Obligation: Conditional, Maximum occurences: 5 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Second-line treatment type Synonymous names: Second-line therapy METeOR identifier: 432433 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The type of cancer-directed second-line treatment administered to a person with cancer, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person with cancer—second-line treatment type Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Surgery only 2 Radiotherapy only 3 Systemic agent therapy only 4 Surgery and radiotherapy 5 Surgery and systemic agent therapy 6 Radiotherapy and systemic agent therapy 7 Surgery, radiotherapy and systemic agent therapy Supplementary values: 97 Not applicable—treatment was not administered 98 Unknown whether treatment was administered 99 Treatment was administered but the type was not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: More than one treatment type may be administered during a course of cancer treatment; select the appropriate code value. Systemic agent therapy refers to: • chemotherapy • hormone therapy • immunotherapy Surgery includes: • surgical procedure for cancer • systemic therapy procedure involving surgery A systemic therapy procedure is a medical, surgical or radiation procedure that has an effect on the hormonal or immunologic balance of the patient. Treatments other than surgery, radiotherapy or systemic agent therapy administered as part of the treatment are recorded separately. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: American College of Surgeons 2002. Facility Oncology Registry Data Standards (FORDS), 2009 revision. Commission on Cancer, 28E Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on the administration of second-line treatment for cancer. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record cancer-directed second-line treatment for a person with cancer. Cancer-directed treatment is that which destroys or modifies cancer tissue anywhere in the body. Treatment may involve one or more modalities; record the code for each type of treatment administered. Systemic therapy procedures are medical, surgical or radiation procedures that have an effect on the hormonal or immunological balance of the patient, and refer to haematologic transplant and endocrine procedures. Note the distinction between the administration of systemic agents or drugs, and systemic therapy procedures that affect the hormonal or immunologic balance of the patient. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record. Comments: The collection of specific treatment information is useful to evaluate patterns of care, the effectiveness of different treatment modalities, and treatment by patient outcome. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: American College of Surgeons 1998. Standards of the Commission on Cancer: Registry Operations and Data Standards (ROADS), Volume II. Chicago: Commission on Cancer National Cancer Institute, 2008. Dictionary of Cancer Terms. Definition of second-line therapy. Viewed June 14, 2011, Relational attributes Related metadata references: See alsoPerson with cancer—second-line treatment intention, code N Health, Superseded 14/05/2015 See also Person with cancer—second-line treatment intention, code N Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person—asbestos exposure indicator, yes/no/unknown code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Asbestos exposure indicator METeOR identifier: 428199 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether a person is known to have been exposed to asbestos, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—asbestos exposure indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 8 Unknown Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record whether a person has had known exposure to asbestos whether primary or secondary, occupational or domestic. Primary exposure relates to direct exposure to asbestos, and secondary exposure relates to indirect contact to asbestos (for example the spouse or children of someone who worked with asbestos). Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record. Comments: Asbestos inhalation is implicated in serious respiratory diseases such as asbestosis and pleural fibrosis. Asbestos exposure may increase the risk of lung cancer or mesothelioma and is an important risk factor for survival. It is collected for analysis of survival adjusted by stage at diagnosis and distribution of cancer cases by type and stage. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Cancer Council Victoria 2010. Victorian Consensus Data Set: Lung Cancer Data Dictionary. Version 1.0. Melbourne: Cancer Council Victoria Tim Driscoll et al. 2004. Occupational carcinogens: assessing the environmental burden of disease at national and local levels. (Environmental Burden of Disease Series, No. 6). Geneva: World Health Organisation Stedman TL 2006. Stedman's Medical Dictionary. 28th edition. Maryland: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Fauci AS et al (Editors) 2008. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 17th edition, New York: McGraw-Hill Medical Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person—asbestos exposure setting, code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Asbestos exposure setting METeOR identifier: 520724 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The setting in which a person's exposure to asbestos is known to have occurred, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—asbestos exposure setting Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Occupational exposure to asbestos 2 Domestic exposure to asbestos Supplementary values: 9 Exposure to asbestos occurred but where not stated/inadequately described Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia. Reference documents: Cancer Council Victoria 2010. Victorian Consensus Data Set: Lung Cancer Data Dictionary. Version 1.0. Melbourne, Victoria: Cancer Council Victoria. Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on the person having known exposure to asbestos. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the setting in which a person's exposure to asbestos is known to have occurred. This data element should be recorded when Person—asbestos exposure indicator, yes/no/unknown code N indicates that a person has been exposed to asbestos (equals 1). Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person—diagnostic imaging type, lung cancer code N[N] Maximum occurences: 16 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Diagnostic imaging type (lung cancer) METeOR identifier: 431754 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The type of medical imaging performed to confirm the diagnosis and determine the stage of lung cancer, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—diagnostic imaging type Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Chest x-ray (spiral) 2 Computed tomography (CT) abdomen/upper abdomen 3 CT adrenals 4 CT brain 5 CT chest 6 CT liver 7 CT mediastinal nodes 8 CT pelvis 9 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain 10 MRI chest 11 Positron emission tomography (PET) scan 12 Radioisotope bone scan 13 Ultrasound chest 14 Ventilation/perfusion scan 88 Other Supplementary values: 97 Not applicable-imaging not performed 98 Unknown whether imaging performed 99 Imaging performed but type not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the code for each diagnostic imaging modality performed to confirm the diagnosis and determine the stage of lung cancer. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: The NHS Information Centre, National Health Service (UK) 11 August 2003. Cancer data manual-lung cancer appendix version 4. Viewed 22 February 2011, Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the types of medical imaging performed to confirm the diagnosis and determine the stage of lung cancer. This item may be recorded multiple times where multiple types of imaging were used for diagnostic purposes. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: The NHS Information Centre, National Health Service (UK) 11 August 2003. Cancer data manual-lung cancer appendix, version 4. Viewed 22 February 2011, The Free Dictionary 2003. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6th edition. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Viewed 15 August 2011, Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person—lung cancer diagnostic procedure type, code N[N] Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person—Individual Healthcare Identifier, N(16) Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Individual Healthcare Identifier Synonymous names: IHI METeOR identifier: 432495 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The numerical identifier that uniquely identifies each individual in the Australian healthcare system. Data Element Concept: Person—Individual Healthcare Identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: Number Format: N(16) Maximum character length: 16 Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: National E-Health Transition Authority 2010. HI service: concept of operations. Version 2.0-final release. Sydney: National E-Health Transition Authority Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Each person's Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) is unique within the Australian health care system. Record the full Individual Healthcare Identifier for an individual. The IHI is part of the government's e-health initiative developed to enhance the way information is exchanged, shared and managed in the Australian health sector. Electronic identifiers and the systems underpinning them were developed and are maintained by Medicare Australia. Individual Healthcare Identifiers are automatically assigned to all individuals registered with Medicare Australia or enrolled in the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) programs. Those not enrolled in Medicare Australia or with the Department of Veterans' Affairs are assigned a temporary number when they next seek healthcare; this is then validated by the Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service Operator and becomes their unique IHI. Only the individual, authorised healthcare providers and their authorised staff can access an individual's IHI number. Each Individual Healthcare Identifier has an Identifier Status; this describes whether verification of the identifier of the individual has occurred and is based on the evidence available of a person's identity: • Verified: All individuals eligible for Medicare or DVA benefits are assigned a verified IHI automatically. • Unverified: For individuals whose identifier cannot be retrieved and who have an IHI created for them at the point of care. This caters, for instance, for newborns and overseas visitors. • Provisional: Individuals who present at the point of care unconscious or unknown may be assigned a provisional IHI by the healthcare provider. This IHI expires after 90 days of inactivity on the assumption the patient will become known and a verified IHI obtained for them, or their IHI will be converted to an unverified IHI. The IHI number does not change regardless of the person's Identifier Status. All healthcare identifiers use the International Standard ISO 7812-1:2006 that specifies the numbering system for identification cards. The format of the number is as follows: Digits N1-N6: The issuer identification number, which in turn is made up of: N1-N2, Major industry identifier: 80 = health N3-N5, Country code: 036 = Australia N6, Number type: 0 = IHI Digits N7-N15: Individual account identification (9 digits for the unique identifier) Digit N16: Check digit Collection methods: Authorised healthcare providers and their authorised staff can access an individual's IHI online through the HI Service at the Medicare website. Comments: The Individual Healthcare Identifier is an initiative of e-health and supports the accurate retrieval, discovery and recording of an individual's electronic health information, as part of the delivery of healthcare in Australia. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: National E-Health Transition Authority 2010. HI service: concept of operations. Version 2.0-final release. Sydney: National E-Health Transition Authority Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person—lung cancer diagnostic procedure type, code N[N] Maximum occurences: 20 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Diagnostic procedure type (lung cancer) Synonymous names: Investigations METeOR identifier: 431734 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: The type of medical procedure performed to confirm the diagnosis and determine the stage of lung cancer, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—diagnostic procedure type Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Biopsy-bone marrow 2 Biopsy-liver 3 Biopsy-mediastinal lymph node 4 Biopsy-pleural (closed) 5 Biopsy-pleural (open) 6 Biopsy-skin 7 Biopsy-supraclavicular/cervical lymph nodes 8 Biopsy-thorascopic (endoscopic) pleural biopsy 9 Biopsy-video-assisted thorascopic surgical (VATS) lung biopsy 10 Bronchoscopy (fibreoptic) 11 Bronchoscopy (rigid) 12 Bronchoscopic washings/brushing/biopsy 13 Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) 14 EBUS guided transbronchial lung biopsy (TBBx) 15 EBUS guided transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) 16 EUS guided transoesophageal FNA 17 Fine needle aspirate (FNA)-computed tomography (CT) guided 18 Mediastinoscopy/mediastinotomy 19 Pleural aspirate 20 Sputum cytology 21 Thoracoscopy 22 Thoracotomy 88 Other Supplementary values: 97 Not applicable-diagnostic procedure not performed 98 Unknown whether diagnostic procedure performed 99 Diagnostic procedure performed but type not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the code for each diagnostic procedure performed for the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia. Reference documents: The NHS Information Centre, National Health Service (UK) 11 August 2003. Cancer data manual-lung cancer appendix version 4. Viewed 22 February 2011, cANCER/applung.doc Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record the type of medical procedures performed to confirm the diagnosis and determine the stage of lung cancer. This includes different forms of tissue biopsy and internal examinations and excludes medical imaging. Where applicable this item can be recorded multiple times. Collection methods: This information should be sought from the patient's medical record. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: The NHS Information Centre, National Health Service (UK) 11 August 2003. Cancer data manual-lung cancer appendix version 4. Viewed 22 February 2011, Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person—diagnostic imaging type, lung cancer code N[N] Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person—number of cigarettes smoked (per day), total N[N] Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Tobacco smoking—consumption/quantity (cigarettes) METeOR identifier: 270332 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The total number of cigarettes (manufactured or roll-your-own) smoked per day by a person. Context: Public health and health care Data Element Concept: Person—number of cigarettes smoked Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Supplementary values: Value Meaning 99 Not stated/inadequately described Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on the person currently smoking tobacco daily or at least weekly, or smoking daily in the past. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This metadata item is relevant only for persons who currently smoke cigarettes daily or at least weekly. Daily consumption should be reported, rather than weekly consumption. Weekly consumption is converted to daily consumption by dividing by 7 and rounding to the nearest whole number. Quantities greater than 98 (extremely rare) should be recorded as 98. Collection methods: The recommended standard for collecting this information is the Standard Questions on the Use of Tobacco Among Adults (1998) - interviewer administered (Questions 3a and 3b) and self-administered (Questions 2a and 2b) versions. The questions cover persons aged 18 and over. Comments: The number of cigarettes smoked is an important measure of the magnitude of the tobacco problem for an individual. Research shows that of Australians who smoke, the overwhelming majority smoke cigarettes (manufactured or roll-your-own) rather than other tobacco products. From a public health point of view, consumption level is relevant only for regular smokers (those who smoke daily or at least weekly). Data on quantity smoked can be used to: • evaluate health promotion and disease prevention programs (assessment of interventions) • monitor health risk factors and progress towards National Health Goals and Targets • ascertain determinants and consequences of smoking • assess a person's exposure to tobacco smoke. Where this information is collected by survey and the sample permits, population estimates should be presented by sex and 5-year age groups. Summary statistics may need to be adjusted for age and other relevant variables. It is recommended that in surveys of smoking, data on age, sex and other socio-demographic variables should be collected. It is also recommended that when smoking is investigated in relation to health, data on other risk factors including pregnancy status, physical activity, overweight and obesity, and alcohol consumption should be collected. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Tobacco smoking - consumption/quantity (cigarettes), version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (16.7 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Cardiovascular disease (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 01/09/2012 Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person—tobacco product smoked, code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Tobacco smoking—product METeOR identifier: 270327 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The type of tobacco product smoked by a person, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—tobacco product smoked Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Cigarettes - manufactured 2 Cigarettes - roll-your-own 3 Cigars 4 Pipes 5 Other tobacco product 6 None Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on the patient currently smoking tobacco daily or smoking daily in the past. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: To record multiple use data, repeat the data field as many times as necessary, viz: product1, product2 etc. In most instances, data on both product and frequency are needed. In such situations, repeat both fields as many times as necessary, viz: product1, frequency1, product2, frequency2 etc. Collection methods: The recommended standard for collecting information about smoking the above tobacco products is the Standard Questions on the Use of Tobacco Among Adults (1998) - interviewer or self-administered versions. Comments: Tobacco smoking is a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease and cancer. The type of tobacco product smoked by a person in conjunction with information about the frequency of smoking assists with establishing a profile of smoking behaviour at the individual or population level and with monitoring shifts from cigarette smoking to other types of tobacco products and vice versa. It is recommended that in surveys of smoking, data on age, sex and other socio-demographic variables should be collected. It is also recommended that when smoking is investigated in relation to health, data on other risk factors including pregnancy status, physical activity, overweight and obesity, and alcohol consumption should be collected. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Tobacco smoking - product, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (16.1 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person—tobacco smoking duration (daily smoking), total years N[N] Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Tobacco smoking—duration (daily smoking) METeOR identifier: 270330 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The total duration in years, of daily smoking for a person who is now a daily smoker or has been a daily smoker in the past. Context: Public health and health care Data Element Concept: Person—tobacco smoking duration Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Supplementary values: Value Meaning 99 Not stated/inadequately described Unit of measure: Year Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on the patient currently smoking tobacco daily or smoking daily in the past. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: In order to estimate duration of smoking the person's date of birth or current age should also be collected. If a person reports that they smoke daily now then duration is the difference between the start-age and the person's current age. If a person reports that they smoked daily in the past but do not smoke daily now then duration is the difference between the quit age and the start age. Record duration of less than one year as 0. Collection methods: The recommended standard for collecting this information is the Standard Questions on the Use of Tobacco Among Adults (1998) - interviewer administered (Question 1, 5, 6, 7) and self-administered (Question 1, 3, 3a, 4) versions. The questions cover persons aged 18 years and over. Comments: Duration of daily smoking is an indicator of exposure to increased risk to health. In this data element, duration is measured as the years elapsed from the time the person first started smoking daily and when they most recently quit smoking daily (or the present for those persons who still smoke daily). There may have been intervening periods when the person did not smoke daily. However, as the negative health effects of smoking accumulate over time, the information on duration of daily smoking, as measured in this data element, remains useful, despite any intervening periods of non-daily smoking. Where this information is collected by survey and the sample permits, population estimates should be presented by sex and 5-year age groups. Summary statistics may need to be adjusted for age and other relevant variables. It is recommended that in surveys of smoking, data on age, sex and other socio-demographic variables should be collected. It is also recommended that when smoking is investigated in relation to health, data on other risk factors including pregnancy status, physical activity, overweight and obesity, and alcohol consumption should be collected. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is formed using Person—tobacco smoking quit age (daily smoking), total years NN Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is formed using Person—tobacco smoking start age (daily smoking), total years NN Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Supersedes Tobacco smoking - duration (daily smoking), version 1, Derived DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (16.7 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Measurement units
- years
Person—tobacco smoking quit age (daily smoking), total years NN Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Tobacco smoking—quit age (daily smoking) METeOR identifier: 270323 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The age in years at which a person who has smoked daily in the past and is no longer a daily smoker most recently stopped smoking daily. Context: Public health and health care Data Element Concept: Person—tobacco smoking quit age Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: String Format: NN Maximum character length: 2 Supplementary values: Value Meaning 99 Not stated/inadequately described Unit of measure: Year Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on the patient not currently smoking but being a daily tobacco smoker in the past. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: In order to estimate quit-age, the person's date of birth or current age should also be collected. Quit-age may be directly reported, or derived from the date the person quit smoking or the length of time since quitting, once the person's date of birth (or current age) is known. Quit-age is relevant only to persons who have been daily smokers in the past and are not current daily smokers. Collection methods: The recommended standard for collecting this information is the Standard Questions on the Use of Tobacco Among Adults - interviewer administered (Question 6) and self-administered (Question 3a) versions. The questions cover persons aged 18 years and over. The relevant question in each version of the questionnaires refers to when the person finally stopped smoking daily, whereas the definition for this metadata item refers to when the person most recently stopped smoking daily. However, in order to provide information on when the person most recently stopped smoking daily, the most appropriate question to ask at the time of collecting the information is when the person finally stopped smoking daily. Comments: Quit-age and start-age provide information on the duration of daily smoking and exposure to increased risk to health. Where the information is collected by survey and the sample permits, population estimates should be presented by sex and 5-year age groups. Summary statistics may need to be adjusted for age and other relevant variables. It is recommended that in surveys of smoking, data on age, sex and other socio-demographic variables should be collected. It is also recommended that when smoking is investigated in relation to health, data on other risk factors including pregnancy status, physical activity, overweight and obesity, and alcohol consumption should be collected. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Person—time since quitting tobacco smoking (daily smoking), code NN Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Is used in the formation of Person—tobacco smoking duration (daily smoking), total years N[N] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Supersedes Tobacco smoking - quit age (daily smoking), version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (16.8 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person—tobacco smoking start age (daily smoking), total years NN Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Tobacco smoking—start age (daily smoking) METeOR identifier: 270324 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The age in years at which a person who has ever been a daily smoker, first started to smoke daily. Context: Public health and health care Data Element Concept: Person—tobacco smoking start age Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: String Format: NN Maximum character length: 2 Supplementary values: Value Meaning 99 Not stated/inadequately described Unit of measure: Year Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Conditional obligation: Conditional on the patient currently smoking tobacco daily or smoking daily in the past. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record age in completed years. This information is relevant only if a person currently smokes daily or has smoked daily in the past. Collection methods: The recommended standard for collecting this information is the Standard Questions on the Use of Tobacco Among Adults (1998) - interviewer administered (Question 7) and self-administered (Question 4) versions. The questions cover persons aged 18 years and over. Comments: Start-age may be used to derive duration of smoking, which is a much stronger predictor of the risks associated with smoking than is the total amount of tobacco smoked over time. Where the information is collected by survey and the sample permits, population estimates should be presented by sex and age groups. The recommended age groups are: It is recommended that in surveys of smoking, data on age, sex and other socio-demographic variables should be collected. It is also recommended that when smoking is investigated in relation to health, data on other risk factors including pregnancy status, physical activity, overweight and obesity, and alcohol consumption should be collected. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Person—tobacco smoking duration (daily smoking), total years N[N] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Has been superseded by Person—tobacco smoking start age, total years N[NN] Health, Standardisation pending 04/08/2015 Supersedes Tobacco smoking - start age (daily smoking), version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (15.7 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Person—tobacco smoking status, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Tobacco smoking status METeOR identifier: 270311 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: A person's current and past smoking behaviour, as represented by a code. Context: Public health and health care Data Element Concept: Person—tobacco smoking status Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Daily smoker 2 Weekly smoker 3 Irregular smoker 4 Ex-smoker 5 Never smoked Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Daily smoker A person who smokes daily CODE 2 Weekly smoker A person who smokes at least weekly but not daily CODE 3 Irregular smoker A person who smokes less than weekly CODE 4 Ex-smoker A person who does not smoke at all now, but has smoked at least 100 cigarettes or a similar amount of other tobacco products in his/her lifetime. CODE 5 Never-smoker A person who does not smoke now and has smoked fewer than 100 cigarettes or similar amount of other tobacco products in his/her lifetime. Source and reference attributes Reference documents: Standard Questions on the Use of Tobacco Among Adults (1998) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: The recommended standard for collecting this information is the Standard Questions on the Use of Tobacco Among Adults - interviewer administered (Questions 1 and 4) and self-administered (Questions 1 and 1a) versions. The questionnaires are designed to cover persons aged 18 years and over. Comments: There are two other ways of categorising this information: • Regular and irregular smokers where a regular smoker includes someone who is a daily smoker or a weekly smoker. 'Regular' smoker is the preferred category to be reported in prevalence estimates. • Daily and occasional smokers where an occasional smoker includes someone who is a weekly or irregular smoker. The category of 'occasional' smoker can be used when the aim of the study is to draw contrast between daily smokers and other smokers. Where this information is collected by survey and the sample permits, population estimates should be presented by sex and 5-year age groups. Summary statistics may need to be adjusted for age and other relevant variables. Smoker type is used to define subpopulations of adults (age 18+ years) based on their smoking behaviour. Smoking has long been known as a health risk factor. Population studies indicate a relationship between smoking and increased mortality/morbidity. This data element can be used to estimate smoking prevalence. Other uses are: • To evaluate health promotion and disease prevention programs (assessment of interventions) • To monitor health risk factors and progress towards National Health Goals and Targets It is recommended that in surveys of smoking, data on age, sex and other socio-demographic variables should be collected. It is also recommended that when smoking is investigated in relation to health, data on other risk factors including pregnancy status, physical activity, overweight and obesity, and alcohol consumption should be collected. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person—tobacco smoking status, code NN Health, Standard 13/03/2015, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Supersedes Tobacco smoking status, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (18.5 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Acute coronary syndrome (clinical) DSS 2013- Health, Standard 02/05/2013 Cardiovascular disease (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 01/09/2012 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI10a-Number of regular clients with a smoking status result, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI10b-Proportion of regular clients with a smoking status result, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11a-Number of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11b-Proportion of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities, Percentage of adults who are daily smokers, 2011–12 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 24/10/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 03-Rates of current daily smokers, 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013
Data type
Person—unintentional weight loss indicator, yes/no/unknown code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Unintentional weight loss indicator METeOR identifier: 428841 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Definition: An indicator of whether a person experienced unintentional weight loss of greater than 10% in the previous six months, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—unintentional weight loss indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 8 Unknown Data set specification specific attributes Lung cancer (clinical) DSS DSS specific information: This item should be recorded at diagnosis when recorded in the context of this Data Set Specification. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Weight loss is a reduction of the total body mass, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue and/or lean mass. It can occur unintentionally due to an underlying disease such as cancer. Patients with medical causes of weight loss usually have signs or symptoms that suggest involvement of a particular organ system. Record whether a person experienced unintentional weight loss of greater than 10% occurring in the previous six months. Collection methods: This information is based on the patient's self report and should be sought from their medical record. Comments: Marked weight loss is an important prognostic indicator and may influence treatment decisions. For example, cancer patients with weight loss have decreased performance status, impaired responses to chemotherapy and reduced median survival. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cancer Australia Reference documents: Fauci AS et al (Editors) 2008. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 17th edition, New York: McGraw-Hill Medical Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
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