
Health sector data set specifications from METeOR, Australia's repository for national metadata standards, developed by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015-: The Indigenous primary health care data set specification (IPHC DSS) is primarily designed to support the collection of aggregate information from Indigenous-specific primary health care services. The IPHC DSS describes the aggregate data to be reported by those Indigenous-specific primary health care services. Only the data, which services aggregate using cohort definitions and specialised software, will be supplied through the OATSIH Community Health Reporting Environment (OCHRE), a web-based reporting tool. No individual level client data will be supplied to either the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) or the Commonwealth Department of Health. For the purposes of the IPHC DSS, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care is defined as: “…socially and culturally appropriate, universally accessible, scientifically sound, first level care. It is provided by health services and systems with a suitably trained workforce comprised of multidisciplinary teams supported by integrated referral systems in a way that: gives priority to those most in need and addresses health inequalities; maximises community and individual self-reliance, participation and control and; involves collaboration and partnership with other sectors to promote public health. Comprehensive primary health care includes health promotion, illness prevention, treatment, and care of the sick, community development, advocacy, and rehabilitation services.” This definition has been endorsed by the Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance of the Northern Territory (AMSANT), the Australian General Practice Network (AGPN), the Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute (APHCRI), and the Australian Medical Association (AMA). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care services include: 1. Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS): primary health care services initiated and operated by the local Aboriginal community to deliver holistic, comprehensive, and culturally appropriate health care to the community which controls it (through a locally elected Board of Management); and 2. Other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care services: health services funded principally to provide services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals with funding provided by the federal and/or state or territory governments. These non community-controlled services mainly exist in the Northern Territory and northern part of Queensland. Services use a clinical audit tool program for extracting and aggregating data from their patient information and recall systems. The IPHC DSS has been written to inform this program. Once aggregated, the data will be sent to the AIHW via the OATSIH Community Health Reporting Environment (OCHRE), a web-based reporting tool with an ‘in-confidence’ security classification. The IPHC DSS includes aggregate data only; it does not include data elements describing any details relating to or arising from individual client visits, at the client visit level, e.g. blood pressure measurements, body mass index (BMI) values and so on. Aggregate data was initially collected from a limited number of primary health care services, i.e. those funded by the Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (OATSIH) via the Healthy for Life program. From mid-2012, data collection was extended to the remainder of services funded by OATSIH to deliver primary health care. From mid-2013, data collection was expanded to also include state- and territory-funded Indigenous-specific primary health care services not funded by OATSIH. Institute of Health and Welfare GPO Box 570 Canberra ACT 2601



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Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)

Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)



Address line

Address—address line, text X[X(179)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Address line METeOR identifier: 594217 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: A composite of one or more standard address components, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Address—address line Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: X[X(179)] Maximum character length: 180 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: A high-level address component is defined as a broad geographical area that is capable of containing more than one specific physical location. Some examples of a broad geographical area are: · Suburb, town or locality · Postcode · Australian or international · State, Territory, local government area, electorate, statistical local area · Postal delivery point identifier · Countries, provinces, etc. other than in Australia These components of a complete address do not form part of the Address line. When addressing an Australian location, following are the standard address data elements that may be concatenated in the Address line: · Building/complex sub-unit type · Sub-dwelling unit number · Address site name · Level number · Floor/level type · Road number 1 · Lot number · Road name · Road type code · Road suffix code One complete identification/description of a location/site of an address can comprise one or more than one instance of address line. Instances of address lines are commonly identified in electronic information systems as Address-line 1, Address-line 2, etc. The format of data collection is less important than consistent use of conventions in the recording of address data. Hence, address may be collected in an unstructured manner but should ideally be stored in a structured format. Where Address line is collected as a stand-alone item, software may be used to parse the Address line details to separate the sub-components. Multiple Address lines may be recorded as required. Collection methods: The following concatenation rules should be observed when collecting address lines addressing an Australian location. · Building/complex sub-unit type is to be collected in conjunction with sub-dwelling unit number and vice versa. · Floor/level type is to be collected in conjunction with Level number and vice versa. · Road name is to be used in conjunction with Road type code and Road suffix code. · Road type code is to be used in conjunction with Road name and Road suffix code. · Road suffix code is to be used in conjunction with Road name and Road type code. · Road number 1 is to be used in conjunction with Road name. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Reference documents: AS4846:2014 Person and provider identification in healthcare, 2014, Sydney: Standards Australia Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is formed using Address—address site name, text X[X(49)] Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Is formed using Address—building/complex sub-unit type, code AA[AA] Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Is formed using Address—floor/level type, code A[AAA] Health, Proposed 03/11/2014, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Is formed using Address—level number, identifier X[XXXX] Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Is formed using Address—lot number, identifier X[XXXXX] Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Proposed 03/11/2014, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Is formed using Address—road name, text X[X(44)] Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Is formed using Address—road number 1, road number XXXXXX Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Is formed using Address—road suffix, street suffix code A[A] Health, Proposed 03/11/2014, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Is formed using Address—road type, code AA[AA] Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Is formed using Address—sub-dwelling unit number, identifier X[X(6)] Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—address line, text X[X(179)] Housing assistance, Superseded 01/05/2013, Health, Superseded 13/03/2015, Early Childhood, Standard 21/05/2010, Tasmanian Health, Draft 12/09/2012, Indigenous, Archived 13/03/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 30/09/2005 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Address site name

Address—address site name, text X[X(49)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Address site name Synonymous names: Building property name; Primary complex name METeOR identifier: 429252 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: The official place name or culturally accepted common usage name for an address site, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Address—address site name Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: X[X(49)] Maximum character length: 50 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This data element represents the name given to an entire building or address site. Names of persons, associations or businesses should not be used as address site names. Usage Examples: · Parliament House (Name of the building) · University of Melbourne (Site name of university campus – a complex) · Happy Valley Retirement Village (Site name of gated property – a complex) · Darwin Town Hall (Name of the building) · Blue Hills Farm (Name of the property) This data element is one of a number of items that can be used to create a primary address, as recommended by the AS 4590-2006 Interchange of client information standard. Components of the primary address are: · Address site (or Primary complex) name · Address number or number range · Road name (name/type/suffix) · Locality · State/Territory · Postcode (optional) · Country (if applicable). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Address—address line, text X[X(179)] Health, Standard 13/03/2015, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Supersedes Person (address)—building/property name, text X[X(29)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—building/property name, text X[X(29)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Indigenous, Archived 13/03/2015, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011

Data type


Australian postcode (address)

Address—Australian postcode, code (Postcode datafile) {NNNN} Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Australian postcode (address) METeOR identifier: 429894 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Early Childhood, Standard 09/03/2012 Homelessness, Standard 01/05/2013 Tasmanian Health, Final 30/06/2014 WA Health, Endorsed 04/03/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 31/10/2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 09/08/2013 Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 25/05/2015 Disability, Standard 07/10/2014 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: The Australian numeric descriptor for a postal delivery area for an address. Data Element Concept: Address—Australian postcode Value domain attributes Representational attributes Classification scheme: Postcode datafile Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: {NNNN} Maximum character length: 4 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Australian postal addresses should include a valid postcode. Refer to the Australia Post Address Presentation Standard for rules on presentation and positioning of postcodes on mail. For a full list of Australian postcodes visit the Australia Post website: This data element may be used in the analysis of data on a geographical basis which involves coding data containing an address with a postcode to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) areas. The ABS provides a number of coding indexes and correspondences to undertake this conversion from postcode to ASGS areas. (See the correspondences section of ABS geography portal A more accurate way to convert address data to ASGS geography is to use the locality to SA2 coding index, available from ABS, where the locality, postcode and state, (which are all part of an address), used in conjunction can effectively code data to the SA2 level and above in the ASGS. Note that it is not possible to code to SA1 level using these correspondences or indexes. This data element is one of a number of items that can be used to create a primary address, as recommended by the AS 4590-2006 Interchange of client information standard. Components of the primary address are: · Address site (or Primary complex) name · Address number or number range · Road name (name/type/suffix) · Locality · State/Territory · Postcode (optional) · Country (if applicable). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Address—statistical area, level 2 (SA2) code (ASGS 2011) N(9) Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/12/2011 Supersedes Dwelling—Australian postcode code (Postcode datafile) {NNNN} Housing assistance, Superseded 01/05/2013 Supersedes Housing assistance agency—Australian postcode code (Postcode datafile) {NNNN} Housing assistance, Superseded 01/05/2013 Supersedes Person (address)—Australian postcode, code (Postcode datafile) {NNNN} Housing assistance, Superseded 30/05/2013, Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Early Childhood, Superseded 09/03/2012, Homelessness, Superseded 30/05/2013, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—Australian postcode, code (Postcode datafile) {NNNN} Housing assistance, Superseded 01/05/2013, Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Early Childhood, Superseded 09/03/2012, Tasmanian Health, Proposed 30/09/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Workplace (address)—Australian postcode, code (Postcode datafile) {NNNN} Health, Superseded 07/12/2011 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Admitted patient care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Alcohol and other drug treatment services NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Cardiovascular disease (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 01/09/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Disability Services NMDS 2012-14 Community Services (retired), Standard 13/03/2013 Disability Services NMDS 2014-15 Disability, Standard 07/10/2014 Community Services (retired), Proposed 23/04/2014 Dwelling (housing assistance) cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Early Childhood Education and Care: Aggregate NMDS 2015 Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 Early Childhood Education and Care: Unit Record Level NMDS 2015 Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 Home purchase assistance DSS 2012-13 Housing assistance, Standard 03/07/2014 Indigenous community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Juvenile Justice Order file cluster Community Services (retired), Standard 14/09/2009 National Bowel Cancer Screening Program DSS 2014- Health, Standard 29/08/2014 Non-admitted patient emergency department care DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Non-admitted patient emergency department care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Private rent assistance DSS 2012-13 Housing assistance, Standard 03/07/2014 Public dental waiting times NMDS 2013- Health, Standard 09/11/2012 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) cluster 2011 Early Childhood, Superseded 28/05/2014 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 21/02/2012 Specialist Homelessness Services NMDS 2014-15 Housing assistance, Standard 30/06/2014 Homelessness, Standard 30/06/2014 Surveillance of healthcare associated infection: Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia DSS Health, Standard 15/11/2012 WA Abortion Notification System WA Health, Endorsed 04/03/2014 WA Health Non-Admitted Patient Activity and Wait List Data Collection (NAPAAWL DC) 2013-14 WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015 WA Health Non-Admitted Patient Activity and Wait List Data Collection (NAPAAWL DC) 2014-15 WA Health, Endorsed 24/04/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: After-hours GP attendances, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Bulk-billed GP attendances, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Expenditure on after-hours GP attendances, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Expenditure on GP attendances, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Frequent GP attenders, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 19/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: GP attendances, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Very high GP attenders, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 19/03/2015

Data type


Road name

Address—road name, text X[X(44)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Road name Synonymous names: Street name METeOR identifier: 429747 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: The name of the road or thoroughfare applicable to the address site or complex, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Address—road name Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: X[X(44)] Maximum character length: 45 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Within a road name it is possible to find what appears to be a Road type (e.g. The Boulevard). It is also possible to have a null Road type. This data element relates to the road name only. Usage Examples: BROWNS ROAD WEST In this case the Road name is BROWNS, the Road type is RD and the Road suffix is W THE AVENUE WEST In this case the Road name is THE AVENUE, the Road type is null and the Road suffix is W COTSWOLD BRETT In this case the Road Name is COTSWOLD BRETT and the Road type is null HIGH STREET ROAD In this case the Road Name is HIGH STREET and the Road type is RD. This data element is one of a number of items that can be used to create a primary address, as recommended by the AS 4590-2006 Interchange of client information standard. Components of the primary address are: · Address site (or Primary complex) name · Address number or number range · Road name (name/type/suffix) · Locality · State/Territory · Postcode (optional) · Country (if applicable). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Address—address line, text X[X(179)] Health, Standard 13/03/2015, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 See also Address—road type, code AA[AA] Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Supersedes Person (address)—street name, text A[A(29)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—street name, text A[A(29)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Indigenous, Archived 13/03/2015, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011

Data type


Road type

Address—road type, code AA[AA] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Road type Synonymous names: Street type code; road type code METeOR identifier: 429840 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: An abbreviation used to distinguish the type of road or thoroughfare applicable to the address site/complex. Data Element Concept: Address—road type Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: AA[AA] Maximum character length: 4 Permissible values: Value Meaning ACCS Access ALLY Alley ALWY Alleyway AMBL Amble APP Approach ARC Arcade ARTL Arterial ARTY Artery AV Avenue BA Banan BEND Bend BWLK Boardwalk BVD Boulevard BR Brace BRAE Brae BRK Break BROW Brow BYPA Bypass BYWY Byway CSWY Causeway CTR Centre CH Chase CIR Circle CCT Circuit CRCS Circus CL Close CON Concourse CPS Copse CNR Corner CT Court CTYD Courtyard COVE Cove CR Crescent CRST Crest CRSS Cross CSAC Cul-de-sac CUTT Cutting DALE Dale DIP Dip DR Drive DVWY Driveway EDGE Edge ELB Elbow END End ENT Entrance ESP Esplanade EXP Expressway FAWY Fairway FOLW Follow FTWY Footway FORM Formation FWY Freeway FRTG Frontage GAP Gap GDNS Gardens GTE Gate GLDE Glade GLEN Glen GRA Grange GRN Green GR Grove HTS Heights HIRD Highroad HWY Highway HILL Hill INTG Interchange JNC Junction KEY Key LANE Lane LNWY Laneway LINE Line LINK Link LKT Lookout LOOP Loop MALL Mall MNDR Meander MEWS Mews MTWY Motorway NOOK Nook OTLK Outlook PDE Parade PWY Parkway PASS Pass PSGE Passage PATH Path PWAY Pathway PIAZ Piazza PLZA Plaza PKT Pocket PNT Point PORT Port PROM Promenade QDRT Quadrant QYS Quays RMBL Ramble REST Rest RTT Retreat RDGE Ridge RISE Rise RD Road RTY Rotary RTE Route ROW Row RUE Rue SVWY Serviceway SHUN Shunt SPUR Spur SQ Square ST Street SBWY Subway TARN Tarn TCE Terrace THFR Thoroughfare TLWY Tollway TOP Top TOR Tor TRK Track TRL Trail TURN Turn UPAS Underpass VALE Vale VIAD Viaduct VIEW View VSTA Vista WALK Walk WKWY Walkway WHRF Wharf WYND Wynd Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The recommended code description is the list of standard street type abbreviations in AS/NZS 4819. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Within a road name it is possible to find what appears to be a Road type. It is also possible to have a null Road type. For postal purposes the Road type should be abbreviated. Usage Example: MAIN ROAD In this case the street name is MAIN and the Road type is RD. This data element is one of a number of items that can be used to create a primary address, as recommended by the AS 4590-2006 Interchange of client information standard. Components of the primary address are: · Address site (or Primary complex) name · Address number or number range · Road name (name/type/suffix) · Locality · State/Territory · Postcode (optional) · Country (if applicable). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Address—address line, text X[X(179)] Health, Standard 13/03/2015, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 See also Address—road name, text X[X(44)] Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Supersedes Person (address)—street type, code A[AAA] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—street type, code A[AAA] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011

Data type


Sub-dwelling unit number

Address—sub-dwelling unit number, identifier X[X(6)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Sub-dwelling unit number METeOR identifier: 429012 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: A numeric identifier used to distinguish an address within a building/sub-complex or marina. Data Element Concept: Address—sub-dwelling unit number Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: String Format: X[X(6)] Maximum character length: 7 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This data element may include a leading alphabetic prefix or a trailing alphabetic suffix. Example: Mrs Joyce Citizen Apartment 7 (Sub-dwelling unit number is 7) Level 3 Apex Building 48 Johnson Rd CLAYTON VIC 3168 Mr XYZ Suite 54 (Sub-dwelling unit number is 54) Beacon Cove Foodstore 103 Beach Road PORT MELBOURNE VIC 3207 Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Address—address line, text X[X(179)] Health, Standard 13/03/2015, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Supersedes Person (address)—building/complex sub-unit identifier, [X(7)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—building/complex sub-unit identifier, [X(7)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Indigenous, Archived 13/03/2015, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011

Data type


Suburb/town/locality name within address

Address—suburb/town/locality name, text X[X(45)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Suburb/town/locality name within address Synonymous names: Suburb name; Locality name METeOR identifier: 429889 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Early Childhood, Standard 09/03/2012 Homelessness, Standard 01/05/2013 Tasmanian Health, Draft 12/09/2012 WA Health, Draft 23/08/2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: The name of the locality/suburb of the address, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Address—suburb/town/locality name Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: X[X(45)] Maximum character length: 46 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The suburb/town/locality name may be a town, city, suburb or commonly used location name such as a large agricultural property or Aboriginal community. This metadata item may be used to describe the location of an organisation or person. It can be a component of a street or postal address. If used for mailing purposes, the format of this data element should be upper case. Refer to Australia Post Address Presentation Standard. Any forced abbreviations shall be done by truncation from the right. This data element is one of a number of items that can be used to create a primary address, as recommended by the AS 4590-2006 Interchange of client information standard. Components of the primary address are: · Address site (or Primary complex) name · Address number or number range · Road name (name/type/suffix) · Locality · State/Territory · Postcode (optional) · Country (if applicable). Comments: Official locality names and their associated boundary extents are assigned by relevant state naming committees/protocols. Their correct usage is encouraged. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Address—statistical area, level 2 (SA2) code (ASGS 2011) N(9) Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/12/2011 See also Address—suburb/town/locality name, text X[X(49)] WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015 Supersedes Person (address)—suburb/town/locality name, text A[A(49)] Housing assistance, Standard 23/08/2010, Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Early Childhood, Superseded 09/03/2012, Homelessness, Standard 23/08/2010, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Service provider organisation (address)—suburb/town/locality name, text A[A(49)] Housing assistance, Superseded 01/05/2013, Health, Superseded 07/12/2011, Early Childhood, Superseded 09/03/2012, Indigenous, Archived 13/03/2015, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Supersedes Workplace (address)—suburb/town/locality name, text A[A(49)] Health, Superseded 07/12/2011 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Address details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Early Childhood Education and Care: Aggregate NMDS 2015 Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 Early Childhood Education and Care: Unit Record Level NMDS 2015 Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 Home purchase assistance DSS 2012-13 Housing assistance, Standard 03/07/2014 Indigenous community housing dwelling address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Juvenile Justice Order file cluster Community Services (retired), Standard 14/09/2009 Private rent assistance DSS 2012-13 Housing assistance, Standard 03/07/2014 Public hospital establishment address details DSS Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Specialist Homelessness Services NMDS 2014-15 Housing assistance, Standard 30/06/2014 Homelessness, Standard 30/06/2014 Surveillance of healthcare associated infection: Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia DSS Health, Standard 15/11/2012

Data type


Birth event

Birth event

Birth plurality

Birth event—birth plurality, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Birth plurality Synonymous names: Multiple birth METeOR identifier: 482409 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: The number of babies resulting from a single pregnancy, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Birth event—birth plurality Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Singleton 2 Twins 3 Triplets 4 Quadruplets 5 Quintuplets 6 Sextuplets 8 Other Supplementary values: 9 Not stated Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- DSS specific information: This item is only collected for infants born during the preceding 12 months. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Plurality at birth is determined by the total number of live births and stillbirths that result from the pregnancy. Stillbirths, including those where the fetus was likely to have died before 20 weeks gestation, should be included in the count of plurality. To be included, they should be recognisable as a fetus and have been expelled or extracted with other products of conception when pregnancy ended at 20 or more weeks gestation. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Data Development Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Birth event—birth plurality, code N Health, Superseded 07/03/2014 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Perinatal NMDS 2014- Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI02a-Number of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight results were low, normal or high, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI02b-Proportion of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight results were low, normal or high, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI02b-Proportion of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight results were low, normal or high, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type




Status of the baby

Birth—birth status, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Status of the baby METeOR identifier: 269949 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: The status of the baby at birth as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Birth—birth status Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Live birth 2 Stillbirth (fetal death) Supplementary values: 9 Not stated Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Live birth is the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the duration of the pregnancy which, after such separation, breathes or shows any other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached; each product of such a birth is considered liveborn (WHO, 1992 definition). Stillbirth is a fetal death prior to the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception of 20 or more completed weeks of gestation or of 400 g or more birthweight; the death is indicated by the fact that after such separation the fetus does not breathe or show any other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles. (This is the same as the WHO definition of fetal death, except that there are no limits of gestational age or birthweight for the WHO definition.) Source and reference attributes Reference documents: International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, Vol 1, WHO 1992. Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- DSS specific information: This item is only collected for infants born during the preceding 12 months. Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Data Development Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: Has been superseded by Birth—birth status, code N Health, Candidate 16/10/2013 Supersedes Status of the baby, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (14.9 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Perinatal NMDS 2014- Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI01a-Number of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI01b-Proportion of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI02a-Number of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight results were low, normal or high, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI02b-Proportion of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight results were low, normal or high, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11a-Number of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11b-Proportion of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI13a-Number of regular clients who had their first antenatal care visit within specified periods, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI13b-Proportion of regular clients who had their first antenatal care visit within specified periods, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority Healthy Communities: Percentage of live singleton births that were of low birthweight, 2007–2011 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 31/07/2014 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 01-Proportion of babies born of low birth weight, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 06-Under five mortality rate by leading cause, 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 07-Proportion of babies born of low birth weight, 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 07-Proportion of babies born of low birth weight, 2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 24/11/2014 Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI01b-Proportion of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI02b-Proportion of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight results were low, normal or high, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11b-Proportion of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI13b-Proportion of regular clients who had their first antenatal care visit within specified periods, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority Healthy Communities: Infant mortality rate, 2010–2012 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 31/07/2014 National Health Performance Authority Healthy Communities: Percentage of live singleton births that were of low birthweight, 2007–2011 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 31/07/2014 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 01-Proportion of babies born of low birth weight, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 07-Infant and young child mortality rate, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 06-Under five mortality rate by leading cause, 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 07-Proportion of babies born of low birth weight, 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 07-Proportion of babies born of low birth weight, 2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 24/11/2014

Data type


Birth weight

Birth—birth weight, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Birth weight METeOR identifier: 459938 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: The first weight of the live-born or stillborn baby obtained after birth, or the weight of the neonate or infant on the date admitted if this is different from the date of birth, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Birth—birth weight Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Low birth weight (less than 2,500 grams) 2 Normal birth weight (2,500 grams to less than 4,500 grams) 3 High birth weight (4,500 grams and over) Supplementary values: 8 Unknown birth weight Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- DSS specific information: In the Indigenous primary health care DSS, birth weight is defined as the first weight of a baby obtained after birth. The birth weight is that which is recorded as birth weight by services on their Patient Information Referral Systems (PIRS). The date of admission is not relevant for this DSS. This item is only collected for infants born during the preceding 12 months. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: For live births, birthweight should preferably be measured within the first hour of life before significant postnatal weight loss has occurred. In perinatal collections the birthweight is to be provided for liveborn and stillborn babies. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI02a-Number of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight results were low, normal or high, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI02b-Proportion of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight results were low, normal or high, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type




Fully immunised recorded indicator

Child—fully immunised recorded indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Fully immunised recorded indicator METeOR identifier: 457664 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a child has been recorded as fully immunised, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Child—recorded as fully immunised indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A child is recorded as fully immunised. CODE 2 No A child is not recorded as fully immunised. Comments: 'Fully immunised' status is determined in accordance with the National Immunisation Program Schedule. The childhood vaccinations essential to be considered 'fully immunised' include: · DTPa (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) · HiB (haemophilus influenzae type B) · Polio · Hep B (hepatitis B) · MMR (measles, mumps, rubella). A child is considered 'fully immunised' if they have received the following vaccinations by the specified age milestones: · At 12 months: 3 doses DTPa; 3 doses Polio; 2 or 3 doses HiB; 2 or 3 doses Hep B · At 24 months: 3 doses DTPa; 3 doses Polio; 3 or 4 doses HiB; 3 doses Hep B; 1 dose MMR · At 60 months: 4 doses DTPa; 4 doses Polio; 2 doses MMR. (DoH 2013). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Reference documents: DoH (Australian Government Department of Health) 2013. National Immunisation Program Schedule. Canberra: DoH. Viewed 28 October 2014, < /Content/4CB920F0D49C61F1CA257B2600828523/$File/nips-oct2013.pdf>. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI04a-Number of Indigenous children who are fully immunised, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI04b-Proportion of Indigenous children who are fully immunised, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type




Cervical screening indicator

Female—cervical screening indicator, yes/no/not stated/inadequately described code N Maximum occurences: 3 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Cervical screening indicator Synonymous names: Pap smear indicator METeOR identifier: 358921 Registration status: Health, Standard 11/11/2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a female person has had a cervical screening, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Female—cervical screening indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is not for use in primary data collections. Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- DSS specific information: In the Indigenous primary health care DSS, this data element will be applied up to 3 times to calculate the number of women who have had a cervical screening within the last 2 years, the last 3 years and the last 5 years. This data element will firstly be used to calculate the number of women who answered 'yes' to having had a cervical screening within the last 5 years. From this data, the data element will be used again but will collect data on the number of women who had a cervical screening within the last 3 years. Finally, the data element will be applied again but will calculate the number of women who had a cervical screening within the last 2 years. This item is only collected if the respondent is female and aged 20 to 69 years. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Comments: Currently, the screening test for cervical cancer is the Pap test (the terms Pap test and Pap smear are often used interchangeably), which is carried out by a general practitioner, nurse, or gynaecologist. During a Pap test, cells are collected from the surface of the cervix, transferred onto a slide or into a special liquid, and sent to a pathology laboratory for assessment. Details of the woman, the Pap test results, and any follow-up that may be recommended are then stored on a cervical cytology register (AIHW 2009). Early detection and treatment of cervical cancer leads to a reduction of morbidity and mortality due to the disease. It is recommended that women aged 18-69 years, who have ever had sex, have a cervical screening every two years (DoH 2013). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Reference documents: AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) 2009. Cervical screening in Australia 2006–2007. Cancer series no. 47. Cat. no. CAN 43. Canberra: AIHW. DoH (Australian Government Department of Health) 2013. National Cervical Screening Program: The Pap Smear. Canberra: DoH. Viewed 4 November 2014, <>. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Prison entrants DSS Health, Standard 25/08/2011 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI22a-Number of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI22b-Proportion of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Hysterectomy indicator

Female—hysterectomy indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Hysterectomy indicator METeOR identifier: 457775 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a female person has had a hysterectomy performed, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Female—hysterectomy indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A female person has had a hysterectomy performed. CODE 2 No A female person has not had a hysterectomy performed. A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus and, sometimes, the cervix. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI22a-Number of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI22b-Proportion of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI22b-Proportion of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type




Organisation name

Organisation—organisation name, text X[X(199)] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Organisation name Synonymous names: Business name; Entity name METeOR identifier: 453823 Registration status: Health, Standard 08/05/2014 Early Childhood, Standard 09/03/2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: The full title of an organisation's name by which it trades or is recognised, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Organisation—organisation name Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: X[X(199)] Maximum character length: 200 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: An organisation may have multiple names. Naming standards for incorporated companies are defined in the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Schedule 6 of the Corporation Regulations. Collection methods: If special characters or symbols form part of the name they should be included. This includes all characters from the standard printable ASCII character set such as the letters A-Z, hyphens, commas, apostrophes, @, # etc, as well as the non-standard or extended ASCII characters such as ü, á, é, ®, ™etc. Mixed case should be used rather than upper case only. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Service provider organisation (name)—organisation name, text X[X(199)] Health, Superseded 08/05/2014, Early Childhood, Superseded 09/03/2012, Indigenous, Archived 13/03/2015, Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Early Childhood Education and Care: Aggregate NMDS 2015 Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 Early Childhood Education and Care: Unit Record Level NMDS 2015 Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 Gynaecological cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Mental health organisation details cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Organisation details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012

Data type




Absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment result

Person—absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment result categories, code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment result METeOR identifier: 585236 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: Result categories of a person's absolute cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk assessment, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment result categories Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 High (greater than 15% chance of a cardiovascular event in the next 5 years) 2 Moderate (10-15% chance of a cardiovascular event in the next 5 years) 3 Low (less than 10% chance of a cardiovascular event in the next 5 years) Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Conditional obligation: Reporting of this data element is conditional on a 'yes' answer to 'Person—absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment result recorded indicator, yes/no code N'. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Only includes people who have not had a cardiovascular event. Assessment of the absolute risk of a cardiovascular event over the next 5 years. The guidelines used in this assessment was developed by the National Vascular Disease Prevention Alliance (NVDPA). Based on evidence and clinical consensus, it has been suggested that calculation of absolute CVD risk is not necessary for certain population groups who are known to be at increased risk (NVDPA 2012). These groups are: · persons with diabetes and >60 years old; · persons with diabetes with microalbuminuria (i.e. >20 mcg/min for all persons, or UACR >2.5 mg/mmol for males, >3.5 mg/mmol for females); · persons with moderate or severe chronic kidney disease (i.e. persistent proteinuria or eGFR < 45 mL/min/1.73m2); · persons with a previous diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolaemia; · persons with a systolic blood pressure result of ≥180 mmHg or a diastolic blood pressure result of ≥110 mmHg; · persons with serum total cholesterol >7.5 mmol/L; or · persons aged 75 and over. People known to be in one of these groups should be classified as 'high risk'. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Reference documents: NVPDA (National Vascular Disease Prevention Alliance) 2012. Guidelines for the management of absolute cardiovascular disease risk. Melbourne: National Stroke Foundation. Viewed 31 July 2014, <>. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI21a-Number of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI21b-Proportion of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


CVD risk assessment result recorded indicator

Person—absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment result recorded indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: CVD risk assessment result recorded indicator Synonymous names: Absolute CVD risk assessment recorded indicator METeOR identifier: 585364 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a person has had an absolute cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk assessment recorded, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment recorded indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A person has had CVD risk assessment recorded. CODE 2 No A person has not had CVD risk assessment recorded. The formula and colour-coded charts used for CVD risk assessment in Australia have been developed by the National Vascular Disease Prevention Alliance (NVDPA) and endorsed by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and the National Health and Medical Research Council. Based on evidence and clinical consensus, it has been suggested that calculation of absolute CVD risk is not necessary for certain population groups who are known to be at increased risk (NVDPA 2012). These groups are: · persons with diabetes and >60 years old; · persons with diabetes with microalbuminuria (i.e. >20 mcg/min for all persons, or UACR >2.5 mg/mmol for males, >3.5 mg/mmol for females); · persons with moderate or severe chronic kidney disease (i.e. persistent proteinuria or eGFR < 45 mL/min/1.73m2); · persons with a previous diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolaemia; persons with a systolic blood pressure result of ≥180 mmHg or a diastolic blood pressure result of ≥110 mmHg; · persons with serum total cholesterol >7.5 mmol/L; or · persons aged 75 and over. People known to be in one of groups should be counted as having had CVD risk assessment recorded. Details of the formula can be found in: National Vascular Disease Prevention Alliance 2012. Guidelines for the management of absolute cardiovascular disease risk. Melbourne: National Stroke Foundation. Collection methods: Input information for CVD risk assessment is collected by general practitioners and other health care providers. Comments: Absolute CVD risk assessment is the probability, expressed as percentage, that a person may experience a cardiovascular event within a specified period. For example, the 5-year absolute risk of 15% means 'a 15% chance that the individual will experience a cardiovascular event within the next 5 years'. The calculation estimates a person's overall risk of CVD based on multiple risk factors as opposed to the traditional approaches using individual risk factors such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure. Assessment of CVD risk based on multiple risk factors is more accurate due to the cumulative effect of CVD risk factors. In view of this additive predictive power, it is reasonable to expect that any prevention or management decisions based on this risk assessment tool should help improve CVD outcomes. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: National Vascular Disease Prevention Alliance, 2012. Guidelines for the management of absolute cardiovascular disease risk. Melbourne: National Stroke Foundation. Viewed 26 August 2014. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Person—absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment recorded indicator, yes/no code N Health, Superseded 13/03/2015, Indigenous, Archived 13/03/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI21a-Number of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI21b-Proportion of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI21b-Proportion of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type



Person—age, total years N[NN] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Age METeOR identifier: 303794 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 10/02/2006 Health, Standard 08/02/2006 Early Childhood, Standard 21/05/2010 Tasmanian Health, Draft 23/07/2012 WA Health, Endorsed 04/03/2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 Community Services (retired), Standard 29/04/2006 Definition: The age of the person in (completed) years at a specific point in time. Context: Age is a core data element in a wide range of social, labour and demographic statistics. It is used in the analyses of service utilisation by age group and can be used as an assistance eligibility criterion. Data Element Concept: Person—age Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Number Format: N[NN] Maximum character length: 3 Supplementary values: Value Meaning 999 Unknown/not stated Unit of measure: Year Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Age in single years (if aged under one year, record as zero). If age (or date of birth) is unknown or not stated, and cannot be estimated, use Code 999. National community services and housing assistance data dictionary specific: If year of birth is known (but date of birth is not) use the date, 0101YYYY of the birth year to estimate age (where YYYY is the year of birth). National housing assistance data dictionary specific: In the housing assistance data collections age is calculated at 30 June for the corresponding year. Collection methods: Although collection of date of birth allows more precise calculation of age, this may not be feasible in some data collections, and alternative questions are: Age last birthday? What was ....... age last birthday? What is .......... age in complete years? Comments: National community services data dictionary specific: Different rules for reporting data may apply when estimating the Date of birth of children aged under 2 years since the rapid growth and development of children within this age group means that a child's development can vary considerably over the course of a year. Thus, more specific reporting of estimated age is recommended. Those who need to conduct data collections for children where age is collected in months, weeks, or days should do so in a manner that allows for aggregation of those results to this standard. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Public Health Information Working Group Origin: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Standards for Social, Labour and Demographic Variables. Reference through: DirClassManualsbyCatalogue/ 76CD93AA32E74B29CA25713E0005A2EA? OpenDocument Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Person—age (community services), total years N[NN] Community Services (retired), Superseded 30/09/2005 Supersedes Person—age (housing assistance), total years N[NN] Housing assistance, Superseded 10/02/2006 Supersedes Person—age, total years N[NN] Health, Superseded 08/02/2006 See also Person—date of birth, MMYYYY Health, Standard 10/12/2009, National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Adoptions DSS 2011-13 Community Services (retired), Standard 20/05/2013 Computer Assisted Telephone Interview demographic module DSS Health, Standard 03/12/2008 Early Childhood Education and Care: Aggregate NMDS 2015 Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 Estimated resident population (ERP) cluster (early childhood education and care) Early Childhood, Standard 21/05/2010 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 National Bowel Cancer Screening Program DSS 2014- Health, Standard 29/08/2014 Prison entrants DSS Health, Standard 25/08/2011 WA Abortion Notification System WA Health, Endorsed 04/03/2014 WA Health Non-Admitted Patient Activity and Wait List Data Collection (NAPAAWL DC) 2013-14 WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015 WA Health Non-Admitted Patient Activity and Wait List Data Collection (NAPAAWL DC) 2014-15 WA Health, Endorsed 24/04/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI03a-Number of regular clients for whom an MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI03b-Proportion of regular clients for whom an MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI04a-Number of Indigenous children who are fully immunised, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI04b-Proportion of Indigenous children who are fully immunised, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI09a-Number of regular clients whose smoking status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI09b-Proportion of regular clients whose smoking status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI10a-Number of regular clients with a smoking status result, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI10b-Proportion of regular clients with a smoking status result, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11a-Number of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11b-Proportion of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI12a-Number of regular clients who are classified as overweight or obese, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI12b-Proportion of regular clients who are classified as overweight or obese, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI13b-Proportion of regular clients who had their first antenatal care visit within specified periods, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI14a-Number of regular clients aged 50 years and over who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI14b-Proportion of regular clients aged 50 years and over who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI15b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI16a-Number of regular clients whose alcohol consumption status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI16b-Proportion of regular clients whose alcohol consumption status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI17a-Number of regular clients who had an AUDIT-C with result within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI17b-Proportion of regular clients who had an AUDIT-C with result within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI18a-Number of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI18b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19a-Number of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20a-Number of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20b-Proportion of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI21a-Number of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI21b-Proportion of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI22a-Number of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI22b-Proportion of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 National Disability Agreement: a(1)- Proportion of people with disability who are in the labour force, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: a(2)- Proportion of people with disability who are employed, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: a(3)- Proportion of people with disability who are unemployed, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: a(4)- Proportion of people with disability who are underemployed, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: b(1)-Proportion of people with disability who had face-to-face contact with ex-household family or friends in the previous week, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: b(2)-Proportion of people with disability who travelled to a social activity in the last two weeks, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: b(3)-Proportion of people with disability who report the main reason for not leaving home as often as they would like is their disability or condition, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: c(1)-Proportion of Disability Support Pension recipients who report earnings, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: c(2)-Proportion of Newstart and Youth Allowance recipients with disability and an assessed future work capacity of 0-29 hours per week who report earnings, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: d(1)-Proportion of the potential population who used State/Territory delivered disability support services, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: d(2)-Proportion of people with a disability with an employment restriction who used Disability Employment Services (Open Employment), 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: d(3)-Proportion of the potential population who used Australian Disability Enterprises (Supported Employment), 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: e(1)-Proportion of the potential population of people with disability who report a need for more formal assistance, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(1)-Number of Indigenous people with disability receiving disability services as a proportion of the Indigenous potential population requiring services, 2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 Community Services (retired), Superseded 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(1)-Rate of non-Indigenous persons and Indigenous persons admitted to permanent residential aged care, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(2)-Number of Indigenous people with disability receiving disability services as a proportion of the Indigenous potential population requiring services, 2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 Community Services (retired), Superseded 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(2)-Number of non-Indigenous persons and Indigenous persons receiving permanent residential aged care services, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(3)-Number of non-Indigenous persons and Indigenous persons who separated from permanent residential aged care to return home/family, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: g(1)-Proportion of carers (of people with disability) who are in the labour force, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: g(2)-Proportion of carers (of people with disability) who are employed, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: g(3)-Proportion of carers (of people with disability) in the labour force who are unemployed, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: h(1)-Proportion of primary carers of people with disability who feel satisfied with their caring role, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: h(2)-Proportion of primary carers of people with disability who do not experience negative impacts on their wellbeing due to ttheir caring role, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: i(1)-Proportion of primary carers of people with disability who report a need for further assistance in their caring roles, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Health Performance Authority Healthy Communities: Infant and young child mortality rate, 2010–2012 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 31/07/2014 National Health Performance Authority Healthy Communities: Infant mortality rate, 2010–2012 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 31/07/2014 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: After-hours GP attendances, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Expenditure on after-hours GP attendances, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Expenditure on GP attendances, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Expenditure on specialist attendances, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 27/03/2014 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Frequent GP attenders, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 19/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: GP attendances, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Hospital emergency department visits, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 19/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Percentage of adults who are overweight or obese, 2011–12 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 24/10/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Percentage of Australians with a long-term health condition, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 19/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Potentially avoidable deaths, 2009–2011 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Satisfaction with waiting times for medical specialist, 2011–12 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Seeing a GP, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 19/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Seeing a medical specialist, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 19/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Seeing three or more health professionals, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 19/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Specialist attendances, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 27/03/2014 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Very high GP attenders, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 19/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Visits to hospital emergency department instead of GPs, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 19/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Waiting times for GP appointments, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 19/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Waiting times for urgent GP appointments, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 19/03/2015 National Healthcare Agreement: PB 09-Halve the mortality gap for Indigenous children under five within a decade, 2012 Health, Superseded 25/06/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 National Healthcare Agreement: PB b-Better health: halve the mortality gap for Indigenous children under five by 2018, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 07-Infant and young child mortality rate, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 04-Levels of risky alcohol consumption, 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 05-Prevalence of overweight and obesity, 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 06-Under five mortality rate by leading cause, 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 12a-Attainment of Year 12 or equivalent (Census data), 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 12b-Attainment of Year 12 or equivalent (survey data), 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 14a-Level of workforce participation (Census data), 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 14a-Level of workforce participation (Census data), 2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 24/11/2014 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 14b-Level of workforce participation (survey data), 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 15a-Proportion of Indigenous 20-64 year olds with or working towards a post-school qualification in Certificate level III or above, (Census data) 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 15b-Proportion of Indigenous 20-64 year olds with or working towards a post-school qualification in Certificate level III or above (survey data), 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI03b-Proportion of regular clients for whom an MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI04b-Proportion of Indigenous children who are fully immunised, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI09b-Proportion of regular clients whose smoking status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI10b-Proportion of regular clients with a smoking status result, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11b-Proportion of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI12b-Proportion of regular clients who are classified as overweight or obese, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI14b-Proportion of regular clients aged 50 years and over who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI15b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI16b-Proportion of regular clients whose alcohol consumption status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI17b-Proportion of regular clients who had an AUDIT-C with result within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI18b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20b-Proportion of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI21b-Proportion of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI22b-Proportion of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 National Disability Agreement: a(1)- Proportion of people with disability who are in the labour force, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: a(2)- Proportion of people with disability who are employed, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: a(3)- Proportion of people with disability who are unemployed, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: a(4)- Proportion of people with disability who are underemployed, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: b(1)-Proportion of people with disability who had face-to-face contact with ex-household family or friends in the previous week, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: b(2)-Proportion of people with disability who travelled to a social activity in the last two weeks, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: b(3)-Proportion of people with disability who report the main reason for not leaving home as often as they would like is their disability or condition, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: c(1)-Proportion of Disability Support Pension recipients who report earnings, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: c(2)-Proportion of Newstart and Youth Allowance recipients with disability and an assessed future work capacity of 0-29 hours per week who report earnings, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: d(1)-Proportion of the potential population who used State/Territory delivered disability support services, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: d(2)-Proportion of people with a disability with an employment restriction who used Disability Employment Services (Open Employment), 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: d(3)-Proportion of the potential population who used Australian Disability Enterprises (Supported Employment), 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: e(1)-Proportion of the potential population of people with disability who report a need for more formal assistance, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(1)-Rate of non-Indigenous persons and Indigenous persons admitted to permanent residential aged care, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: g(1)-Proportion of carers (of people with disability) who are in the labour force, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: g(2)-Proportion of carers (of people with disability) who are employed, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: g(3)-Proportion of carers (of people with disability) in the labour force who are unemployed, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: h(1)-Proportion of primary carers of people with disability who feel satisfied with their caring role, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: h(2)-Proportion of primary carers of people with disability who do not experience negative impacts on their wellbeing due to their caring role, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: i(1)-Proportion of primary carers of people with disability who report a need for further assistance in their caring roles, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities, Percentage of adults who are daily smokers, 2011–12 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 24/10/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Percentage of adults who are overweight or obese, 2011–12 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 24/10/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Potentially avoidable deaths, 2009–2011 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Satisfaction with waiting times for medical specialist, 2011–12 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Seeing a GP, 2012–13 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 19/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Seeing an allied health professional or nurse, 2011–12 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 12/12/2013 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 09-Incidence of heart attacks (acute coronary events), 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 16-Potentially avoidable deaths, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 24-Survival of people diagnosed with notifiable cancers, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 04-Levels of risky alcohol consumption, 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 05-Prevalence of overweight and obesity, 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 06-Under five mortality rate by leading cause, 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 12a-Attainment of Year 12 or equivalent (Census data), 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 12b-Attainment of Year 12 or equivalent (survey data), 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 14a-Level of workforce participation (Census data), 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 14b-Level of workforce participation (survey data), 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 15a-Proportion of Indigenous 20-64 year olds with or working towards a post-school qualification in Certificate level III or above, (Census data) 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 15b-Proportion of Indigenous 20-64 year olds with or working towards a post-school qualification in Certificate level III or above (survey data), 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013

Data type


Measurement units
  • years
Albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) result

Person—albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) result, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) result Synonymous names: ACR result METeOR identifier: 594120 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: A person's albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) test result, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) result Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: String Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Normal albuminuria 2 Microalbuminuria 3 Macroalbuminuria Unit of measure: Milligram per millimole (mg/mmol) Unit of measure precision: 1 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Normal albuminuria Use this code when a male's ACR is less than 2.5 mg/mmol and when a woman's ACR is less than 3.5 mg/mmol. CODE 2 Microalbuminuria Use this code when a male's ACR is greater than or equal to 2.5 mg/mmol but less than or equal to 25 mg/mmol and when a female's ACR is greater than or equal to 3.5 mg/mmol but less than or equal to 35 mg/mmol. CODE 3 Macroalbuminuria Use this code when a male's ACR is greater than 25 mg/mmol and when a female's ACR is greater than 35 mg/mmol. Comments: The albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) measures the amount of protein (albumin) in the urine. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Reference documents: Kidney Health Australia 2012. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Management in General Practice (2nd edition). Melbourne: Kidney Health Australia. Viewed 11 November 2014, <>. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI19a-Number of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI19b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Alcohol consumption status recorded indicator

Person—alcohol consumption status recorded indicator, yes/no code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Alcohol consumption status recorded indicator METeOR identifier: 441441 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a person's alcohol consumption status has been recorded, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—alcohol consumption status recorded indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Conditional obligation: This item is only collected for persons aged 15 years and older. DSS specific information: Alcohol consumption status has been recorded if the health service has either: a) a record of whether the client consumes alcohol, or b) a record specifying the amount and frequency of the client's alcohol consumption. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A person has had their alcohol consumption status recorded. CODE 2 No A person has not had their alcohol consumption status recorded. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI16a-Number of regular clients whose alcohol consumption status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI16b-Proportion of regular clients whose alcohol consumption status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


AUDIT-C result recorded indicator

Person—AUDIT-C result recorded indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: AUDIT-C result recorded indicator METeOR identifier: 585171 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether the person has had an AUDIT-C result recorded, as represented by a code. AUDIT-C is a 3-item alcohol screen that can help identify persons who are hazardous drinkers or have active alcohol use disorders (including alcohol abuse or dependence). It is a modified version of the 10 question the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) instrument. Data Element Concept: Person—AUDIT-C result recorded indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1: Yes A person has had an AUDIT-C result recorded. CODE 2: No A person has not had an AUDIT-C result recorded. Collection methods: Each AUDIT-C question has 5 answer choices, which are rated from 0 to 5. The scores against the 3 questions are summed to arrive at the total score. Comments: A total score of 4 or more in males and 3 or more in females is considered positive, optimal for identifying hazardous drinking or active alcohol use disorders. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI17b-Proportion of regular clients who had an AUDIT-C with result within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


AUDIT-C result

Person—AUDIT-C result, code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: AUDIT-C result METeOR identifier: 585194 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: A person's AUDIT-C test result, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—AUDIT-C result Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: String Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Not at risk 2 At risk Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1: Not at risk Use this code when the AUDIT C score is less than 4. CODE 2: At risk Use this code when the AUDIT C score is greater than or equal to 4. Collection methods: AUDIT-C is scored on a scale of 0-12. Each AUDIT-C question has 5 answer choices, which are rated from 0 to 5. A total score of 4 or more in males and 3 or more in females is considered positive, optimal for identifying hazardous drinking or active alcohol use disorders. Comments: AUDIT-C is a 3-item alcohol screen that can help identify persons who are hazardous drinkers or have active alcohol use disorders (including alcohol abuse or dependence). The AUDIT-C is a modified version of the 10 question AUDIT instrument. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Reference documents: Bush K, Kivlahan DR, McDonnell MB et al. 1998. Alcohol consumption questions (AUDIT-C): an effective brief screening test for problem drinking. Archives of Internal Medicine 1998(3): 1789-95. Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Conditional obligation: Reporting of this data element is conditional on a 'yes' answer to 'Person—AUDIT-C result recorded indicator, yes/no code N'. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: AUDIT-C is scored on a scale of 0-12. A total score of 4 or more in males and 3 or more in females is considered positive, optimal for identifying hazardous drinking or active alcohol use disorders. Collection methods: Each AUDIT-C question has 5 answer choices, which are rated from 0 to 5. The scores against the 3 questions are summed to arrive at the total score. Comments: AUDIT-C is a 3-item alcohol screen that can help identify persons who are hazardous drinkers or have active alcohol use disorders (including alcohol abuse or dependence). It is a modified version of the 10 question the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) instrument. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: RACGP: Clinical guidelines for preventive activities in general practice Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI17a-Number of regular clients who had an AUDIT-C with result within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI17b-Proportion of regular clients who had an AUDIT-C with result within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Birth weight recorded indicator

Person—birth weight recorded indicator, yes/no code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Birth weight recorded indicator METeOR identifier: 441701 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a person's birth weight has been recorded, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—birth weight recorded indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Conditional obligation: This item is only collected for infants born during the preceding 12 months. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A person's birth weight has been recorded. CODE 2 No A person's birth weight has not been recorded. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI01a-Number of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI01b-Proportion of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI02b-Proportion of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight results were low, normal or high, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Blood pressure measurement result less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg indicator

Person—blood pressure measurement result less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg indicator, yes/no code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Blood pressure measurement result less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg indicator METeOR identifier: 443234 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a person's blood pressure measurement result was less than or equal to 130/80mmHg, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—blood pressure measurement result less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Conditional obligation: This data element is conditional on a person having both: a) Type II diabetes, and b) a blood pressure measurement result recorded within the previous 6 months. DSS specific information: The client does not have a blood pressure measurement of less than or equal to 130/180 mmHg if either the systolic or diastolic reading is above the threshold (130 and 80 respectively). Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A person's blood pressure measurement result was less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg. CODE 2 No A person's blood pressure measurement result was greater than 130/80 mmHg. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI24a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose blood pressure measurement result was less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI24b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose blood pressure measurement result was less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Blood pressure measurement result recorded indicator

Person—blood pressure measurement result recorded indicator, yes/no code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Blood pressure measurement result recorded indicator METeOR identifier: 441407 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a person's blood pressure measurement result has been recorded, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—blood pressure measurement result recorded indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Conditional obligation: This item is only collected for persons who have Type II diabetes. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A person has had their blood pressure measurement result recorded. CODE 2 No A person has not had their blood pressure measurement result recorded. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI23a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had a blood pressure measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI23b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had a blood pressure measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI24b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose blood pressure measurement result was less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Body mass index—classification

Person—body mass index (classification), code N[.N] Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Body mass index—classification METeOR identifier: 270474 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: The category of weight deficit or excess in adults and weight excess only in children and adolescents as measured by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—body mass index (classification) Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[.N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Not overweight or obese 1.1 Underweight 1.2 Normal range 18.50 - 24.99 Average 2 Overweight >= 25.00 Average 2.1 Overweight >= 25.0 Average 2.2 Pre Obese 25.00 - 29.99 Increased 3 Obese >= 30 Increased 3.1 Obese class 1 30.00 - 34.99 Moderate 3.2 Obese class 2 35.00 - 39.99 Severe 3.3 Obese class 3 >= 40.00 Very severe Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Adults: Body mass index for adults cannot be calculated if components necessary for its calculation (weight or height) is unknown or has not been collected (i.e. is coded to 888.8 or 999.9). BMI for adults is categorised according to the range it falls within as indicated by codes 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 or 9.9. For consistency, when the sample includes children and adolescents, adults can be analysed under the broader categories of 1, 2, 3 or 9 as used for categorising children and adolescents. Children/adolescents: Body mass index for children and adolescents aged 2 to 17 years cannot be calculated if components necessary for its calculation (date of birth, sex, weight or height) is unknown or has not been collected (i.e. is coded to 888.8, 999.9 or 9). Self-reported or parentally reported height and weight for children and adolescents should be used cautiously if at all. To determine overweight and obesity in children and adolescents, compare the derived BMI against those recorded for the relevant age and sex of the subject to be classified, against Table 1: Classification of BMI for children and adolescents, based on BMI cut-points developed by Cole et al (see below). For example, an 11 year old boy with a BMI of 21 would be considered overweight (i.e. coded as 2), or a 7 year old girl with a BMI of 17.5 would be considered not overweight or obese (i.e. coded as 1). Using this method, children and adolescents can only be coded as 1, 2, 3 or 9. Collection methods: Use N for BMI category determined (1, 2, 3 or 9) for persons (children and adolescents) aged 2 to 17 years. Use N.N for BMI category determined (1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 or 9.9) for persons aged 18 years or older. Standard definitions of overweight and obesity in terms of BMI are used to derive age-specific and age-adjusted indicators of overweight and obesity for reporting progress towards National public health policy . Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Conditional obligation: This item is only collected for persons aged 25 years and older. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Table 1: Classification of overweight and obesity for children and adolescents Age(years) BMI equivalent to 25 kg/m2 BMI equivalent to 30 kg/m2 Males Females Males Females 2 18.41 18.02 20.09 19.81 2.5 18.13 17.76 19.80 19.55 3 17.89 17.56 19.57 19.36 3.5 17.69 17.40 19.39 19.23 4 17.55 17.28 19.29 19.15 4.5 17.47 17.19 19.26 19.12 5 17.42 17.15 19.30 19.17 5.5 17.45 17.20 19.47 19.34 6 17.55 17.34 19.78 19.65 6.5 17.71 17.53 20.23 20.08 7 17.92 17.75 20.63 20.51 7.5 18.16 18.03 21.09 21.01 8 18.44 18.35 21.60 21.57 8.5 18.76 18.69 22.17 22.18 9 19.10 19.07 22.77 22.81 9.5 19.46 19.45 23.39 23.46 10 19.84 19.86 24.00 24.11 10.5 20.20 20.29 24.57 24.77 11 20.55 20.74 25.10 25.42 11.5 20.89 21.20 25.58 26.05 12 21.22 21.68 26.02 26.67 12.5 21.56 22.14 26.43 27.24 13 21.91 22.58 26.84 27.76 13.5 22.27 22.98 27.25 28.20 14 22.62 23.34 27.63 28.57 14.5 22.96 23.66 27.98 28.87 15 23.29 23.94 28.30 29.11 15.5 23.60 24.17 28.60 29.29 16 23.90 24.37 28.88 29.43 16.5 24.19 24.54 29.14 29.56 17 24.46 24.70 29.41 26.69 17.5 24.73 24.85 29.70 29.84 18 25.00 25.00 30.00 30.00 Comments: This metadata item applies to persons aged 2 years or older. It is recommended for use in population surveys and health care settings for adults and population surveys only for children and adolescents. It is recommended that calculated BMI for children and adolescents be compared with a suitable growth reference such as the US Centers for Disease Control 2000 BMI- for-age chart in health care settings such as hospitals, clinics and in general practice. A BMI greater than the 85th percentile would be classified as overweight, while a BMI greater than the 95th percentile would be classified as obese. These percentiles are arbitrary and do not relate to morbidity as the BMI cut-points do in adults. BMI can be considered to provide the most useful, albeit crude, population-level measure of obesity. The robust nature of the measurements and the widespread routine inclusion of weights and heights in clinical and population health surveys mean that a more selective measure of adiposity, such as skinfold thickness measurements, provides additional rather than primary information. BMI can be used to estimate the prevalence of obesity within a population and the risks associated with it, but does not, however, account for the wide variation in the nature of obesity between different individuals and populations (WHO 2000). BMI values for adults are age-independent and the same for both sexes. However, BMI values for children and adolescents aged 2 to 17 years are age and sex specific and are classified by comparing against the above table, Table 1: Classification of BMI for children and adolescents. For adults and children and adolescents BMI may not correspond to the same degree of fatness in different populations due, in part, to differences in body proportions. The classification table shows a simplistic relationship between BMI and the risk of comorbidity, which can be affected by a range of factors, including the nature of the diet, ethnic group and activity level. The risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and graded and begin at a BMI of 25 (or equivalent to 25 for children and adolescents). The interpretation of BMI grades in relation to risk may differ for different populations. Both BMI and a measure of fat distribution (waist circumference or waist: hip ratio in adults) are important in calculating the risk of obesity comorbidities. It is recommended that in population surveys, sociodemographic data including ethnicity should be collected, as well as other risk factors including physiological status (e.g. pregnancy), physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption. Summary statistics may need to be adjusted for these variables. National health metadata items currently exist for sex, date of birth, country of birth, Indigenous Status and smoking. Metadata items are being developed for physical activity. Presentation of data: Methods used to establish cut-off points for overweight have been arbitrary and, as a result, cut-off points vary between countries. The data are derived mainly from studies of mortality and morbidity risk performed in people living in western Europe or the United States of America, and cut-off points for BMI as an indicator of adiposity and risk in populations who differ in body build and genetic disposition are likely to vary. Caution is required in relation to BMI cut-off points when used for different ethnic groups because of limited outcome data for some ethnic groups, e.g. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. As with overweight the cut-off points for a given level of risk are likely to vary with body build, genetic background and physical activity. The classification above is different to ones that have been used in the past and it is important that in any trend analysis consistent definitions are used. BMI should not be rounded before categorisation to the classification above. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: World Health Organization (see also Comments) and the consortium to develop an Australian standard definition of child/adolescent overweight and obesity; at the Children's Hospital at Westmead on behalf of the Commonwealth Department of Health & Ageing Origin: Obesity: Preventing and Managing the Global Epidemic (Report of a WHO Consultation: World Health Organization 2000); Cole TJ, Bellizi MC, Flegal KM, Dietz WH. Establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: international survey. British Medical Journal 2000; 320: 1240-1243 Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Adult—body mass index (self-reported), ratio NN[N].N[N] Health, Standard 01/03/2005, National Health Performance Authority, Standard 24/10/2013 Supersedes Body mass index - classification, version 2, Derived DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (79.5 KB) See also Child—body mass index (measured), ratio NN[N].N[N] Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI12a-Number of regular clients who are classified as overweight or obese, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI12b-Proportion of regular clients who are classified as overweight or obese, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Body mass index recorded indicator

Person—body mass index recorded indicator, yes/no code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Body mass index recorded indicator METeOR identifier: 443083 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a person's body mass index (BMI) has been recorded, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—body mass index recorded indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Conditional obligation: This item is only collected for persons aged 25 years and older. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A person has had their BMI recorded. CODE 2 No A person has not had their BMI recorded. Comments: Body mass index (BMI): A measure of an adult's weight (body mass) relative to height, used to assess the extent of weight deficit or excess where height and weight have been measured. Body mass index is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in metres (WHO 2000). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Origin: WHO (World Health Organisation) 2000. Obesity: Preventing and Managing the Global Epidemic, report of a WHO Consultation. World Health Organization, Geneva. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI12b-Proportion of regular clients who are classified as overweight or obese, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Cardiovascular disease recorded indicator

Person—cardiovascular disease recorded indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Cardiovascular disease recorded indicator Synonymous names: CVD recorded indicator METeOR identifier: 465948 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a person has a cardiovascular disease recorded on their clinical record, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—cardiovascular disease recorded indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- DSS specific information: In the Indigenous Primary Health Care DSS, a person has a cardiovascular disease recorded if, on their clinical record, the service has recorded a condition or condition code that is considered to be a type of cardiovascular disease. The relevant conditions and condition codes that each PIRS system considers to be a type of cardiovascular disease are listed here: Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A person has a cardiovascular disease recorded on their clinical record. CODE 2 No A person does not have a cardiovascular disease recorded on their clinical record. Heart disease encompasses a range of diseases that affect the heart, and individual diseases are classified as heart disease or not by Patient Information Retrieval (PIRS) systems. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI18a-Number of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI18b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19a-Number of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20a-Number of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20b-Proportion of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI21a-Number of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI21b-Proportion of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI18b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20b-Proportion of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI21b-Proportion of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease recorded indicator

Person—chronic obstructive pulmonary disease recorded indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease recorded indicator Synonymous names: COPD recorded indicator METeOR identifier: 464928 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a person has a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) recorded on their clinical record, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—chronic obstructive pulmonary disease recorded indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- DSS specific information: In the Indigenous Primary Health Care DSS, a person has a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease recorded if, on their clinical record, the service has recorded a condition or condition code that is considered to be a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The relevant conditions and condition codes that each PIRS system considers to be a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are listed here: Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A person has a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) recorded on their clinical record. CODE 2 No A person does not have a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) recorded on their clinical record. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) encompasses a number of conditions which obstruct airflow to the lungs, and individual diseases are classified as COPD or not by Patient Information Retrieval (PIRS) systems. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI15a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI15b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI15b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Diabetes status

Person—diabetes mellitus status, code NN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Diabetes status METeOR identifier: 270194 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: Whether a person has or is at risk of diabetes, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—diabetes mellitus status Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: String Format: NN Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 01 Type 1 diabetes 02 Type 2 diabetes 03 Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) 04 Other (secondary diabetes) 05 Previous gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) 06 Impaired fasting glucose (IFG) 07 Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) 08 Not diagnosed with diabetes 09 Not assessed Supplementary values: 99 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Note that where there is a Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) or Previous GDM (i.e. permissible values 3 & 5) and a current history of Type 2 diabetes then record 'Code 2' Type 2 diabetes. This same principle applies where a history of either Impaired fasting glycaemia (IFG) or Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and a current history and Type 2 diabetes, then record 'Code 2' Type 2 diabetes. CODE 01 Type 1 diabetes Beta-cell destruction, usually leading to absolute insulin deficiency. Includes those cases attributed to an autoimmune process, as well as those with beta-cell destruction and who are prone to ketoacidosis for which neither an aetiology nor pathogenesis is known (idiopathic). It does not include those forms of beta-cell destruction or failure to which specific causes can be assigned (e.g. cystic fibrosis, mitochondrial defects). Some subjects with Type 1 diabetes can be identified at earlier clinical stages than 'diabetes mellitus'. CODE 02 Type 2 diabetes Type 2 includes the common major form of diabetes, which results from defect(s) in insulin secretion, almost always with a major contribution from insulin resistance. CODE 03 Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) GDM is a carbohydrate intolerance resulting in hyperglycaemia of variable severity with onset or first recognition during pregnancy. The definition applies irrespective of whether or not insulin is used for treatment or the condition persists after pregnancy. Diagnosis is to be based on the Australian Diabetes in Pregnancy Society (ADIPS) Guidelines. CODE 04 Other (secondary diabetes) This categorisation include less common causes of diabetes mellitus, but are those in which the underlying defect or disease process can be identified in a relatively specific manner. They include, for example, genetic defects of beta-cell function, genetic defects in insulin action, diseases of the exocrine pancreas, endocrinopathies, drug or chemical-induced, infections, uncommon forms of immune-mediated diabetes, other genetic syndromes sometimes associated with diabetes. CODE 05 Previous GDM Where the person has a history of GDM. CODE 06 Impaired fasting glycaemia (IFG) IFG or 'non-diabetic fasting hyperglycaemia' refers to fasting glucose concentrations, which are lower than those required to diagnose diabetes mellitus but higher than the normal reference range. An individual is considered to have IFG if they have a fasting plasma glucose of 6.1 or greater and less than 7.0 mmol/L if challenged with an oral glucose load, they have a fasting plasma glucose concentration of 6.1 mmol/L or greater, but less than 7.0 mmol/L, AND the 2 hour value in the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) is less than 7.8 mmol/L. CODE 07 Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) IGT is categorised as a stage in the natural history of disordered carbohydrate metabolism; subjects with IGT have an increased risk of progressing to diabetes. IGT refers to a metabolic state intermediate between normal glucose homeostasis and diabetes. Those individuals with IGT manifest glucose intolerance only when challenged with an oral glucose load. IGT is diagnosed if the 2 hour value in the OGTT is greater than 7.8 mmol/L. and less than 11.1 mmol/L AND the fasting plasma glucose concentration is less than 7.0 mmol/L. CODE 08 Not diagnosed with diabetes The subject has no known diagnosis of Type 1, Type 2, GDM, Previous GDM, IFG, IGT or Other (secondary diabetes). CODE 09 Not assessed The subject has not had their diabetes status assessed. CODE 99 Not stated/inadequately described This code is for unknown or information unavailable. Collection methods: The diagnosis is derived from and must be substantiated by clinical documentation. Source and reference attributes Origin: Developed based on Definition, Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus and its Complications Part 1: Diagnosis and Classifications of Diabetes Mellitus Provisional Report of a World Health Organization Consultation (Alberti & Zimmet 1998). Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: Diabetes (clinical): A type of diabetes should be recorded and coded for each episode of patient care. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Cardiovascular Data Working Group National Diabetes Data Working Group Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Diabetes status, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (27.3 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Acute coronary syndrome (clinical) DSS 2013- Health, Standard 02/05/2013 Cardiovascular disease (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 01/09/2012 Diabetes (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 21/09/2005 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI05a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had an HbA1c measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI05b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had an HbA1c measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI06a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose HbA1c measurement result was within a specified level, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI06b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose HbA1c measurement result was within a specified level, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI07a-Number of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI07b-Proportion of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI08a-Number of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI08b-Proportion of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI15a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI15b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI18a-Number of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI18b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19a-Number of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20a-Number of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20b-Proportion of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI23a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had a blood pressure measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI23b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had a blood pressure measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI24a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose blood pressure measurement result was less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI24b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose blood pressure measurement result was less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI05b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had an HbA1c measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI06b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose HbA1c measurement result was within a specified level, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI07b-Proportion of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI08b-Proportion of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI15b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI18b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI23b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had a blood pressure measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI24b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose blood pressure measurement result was less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) recorded indicator

Person—estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) recorded indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) recorded indicator Synonymous names: eGFR recorded indicator METeOR identifier: 464961 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a person has had an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) recorded, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) recorded indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A person has had an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) recorded. CODE 2 No A person has not had an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) recorded. The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is a measure of the amount of fluid that passes through the kidneys per unit time. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI18a-Number of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI18b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI19b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Estimated glomerular filtration rate result

Person—estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) result, code N[A] Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Estimated glomerular filtration rate result Synonymous names: eGFR result METeOR identifier: 503010 Registration status: Health, Standard 21/11/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: A person's estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) result, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) result Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: String Format: N[A] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Kidney function stage 1 2 Kidney function stage 2 3a Kidney function stage 3a 3b Kidney function stage 3b 4 Kidney function stage 4 5 Kidney function stage 5 Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Kidney function stage 1 Use this code when the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is greater than or equal to 90 (ml/min/1.73m²). CODE 2 Kidney function stage 2 Use this code when the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is greater than or equal to 60 but less than 90 (ml/min/1.73m²). CODE 3a Kidney function stage 3a Use this code when the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is greater than or equal to 45 but less than 60 (ml/min/1.73m²). CODE 3a Kidney function stage 3b Use this code when the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is greater than or equal to 30 but less than 45 (ml/min/1.73m²). CODE 4 Kidney function stage 4 Use this code when the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is greater than or equal to 15 but less than 30 (ml/min/1.73m²). CODE 5 Kidney function stage 5 Use this code when the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is less than 15 (ml/min/1.73m²). Comments: The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is a measure of the amount of fluid that passes through the kidneys per unit time. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Conditional obligation: Reporting of this data element is conditional on a 'yes' answer to 'Person—estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) recorded indicator, yes/no code N'. Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI19a-Number of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Glycosylated haemoglobin level

Person—glycosylated haemoglobin level, code N Obligation: Conditional, Maximum occurences: 2 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Glycosylated haemoglobin level Synonymous names: HbA1c level METeOR identifier: 589601 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: A person's glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) level, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—glycosylated haemoglobin level Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Less than or equal to 7% (less than or equal to 53 mmol/mol) 2 Greater than 7% but less than or equal to 8% (greater than 53 mmol/mol but less than or equal to 64 mmol/mol) 3 Greater than 8% but less than 10% (greater than 64 mmol/mol but less than 86 mmol/mol) 4 Greater than or equal to 10% (greater than or equal to 86 mmol/mol) Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Conditional obligation: Conditional on having had a glycosylated haemoglobin measurement result recorded within the previous 6 months or within the previous 12 months. This item is only collected for persons who have Type II diabetes. DSS specific information: In the Indigenous primary health care DSS, this data element relates to glycosylated haemoglobin measurement results recorded within the previous 6 months and within the previous 12 months. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Prior to 2013, glycosylated haemoglobin levels were usually recorded as a percentage in Australia. However, the International HbA1c Consensus Committee recommends that the best way to record glycosylated haemoglobin levels is in mmol/mol. This recommendation was supported by the Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists, the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia, the Australian Diabetes Educators Association, and the Australian Diabetes Society. Following this, HbA1c results are now being recorded in two ways in clinical systems; as a percentage and as mmol/mol. HbA1c results should be reported for all clients, regardless of the manner in which their HbA1c is recorded. Comments: Glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) is an index of average blood glucose level for the previous 2 to 3 months and is used to monitor blood sugar control in people with diabetes. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Person—glycosylated haemoglobin level, code N Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI06a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose HbA1c measurement result was within a specified level, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI06b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose HbA1c measurement result was within a specified level, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Glycosylated haemoglobin measurement result recorded indicator

Person—glycosylated haemoglobin measurement result recorded indicator, yes/no code N Obligation: Conditional, Maximum occurences: 2 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Glycosylated haemoglobin measurement result recorded indicator Synonymous names: HbA1c measurement result recorded indicator; Blood sugar level recorded indicator METeOR identifier: 441495 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a person has had a glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) measurement result recorded, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—glycosylated haemoglobin measurement result recorded indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Conditional obligation: This item is only collected for persons who have Type II diabetes. DSS specific information: In the Indigenous primary health care DSS, this data element is collected once for glycosylated haemoglobin measurement results recorded in the previous 6 months, and again for glycosylated haemoglobin measurement results recorded in the previous 12 months. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A person has had a glycosylated haemoglobin measurement result recorded. CODE 2 No A person has not had a glycosylated haemoglobin measurement result recorded. Comments: Glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) is an index of average blood glucose level for the previous 2 to 3 months and is used to monitor blood sugar control in people with diabetes. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI05a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had an HbA1c measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI05b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had an HbA1c measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI06b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose HbA1c measurement result was within a specified level, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


GP Management Plan indicator

Person—GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) indicator, yes/no code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: GP Management Plan indicator Synonymous names: GPMP indicator METeOR identifier: 504966 Registration status: Health, Standard 11/11/2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) has been claimed for a person, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Conditional obligation: This item is only collected for persons who have Type II diabetes. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A GP Management Plan has been claimed for a person. CODE 2 No A GP Management Plan has not been claimed for a person. Comments: The Chronic Disease Management Medicare items on the Medicare Benefits Schedule enable GPs to plan and coordinate the health care of patients with chronic or terminal medical conditions. This item is designed for patients who require a structured approach to their care. To be eligible for a GP Management Plan (GPMP) a patient must have a chronic (or terminal) medical condition; one that has been or is likely to be present for 6 months or longer, including, but not limited to asthma, cancer, cardiovascular illness, diabetes mellitus and musculoskeletal conditions (DoH 2014a). A GPMP is required by legislation to be a comprehensive written plan that describes: • the patient’s health care needs, health problems and relevant conditions • management goals with which the patient agrees • actions to be taken by the patient • treatment and services the patient is likely to need • arrangements for providing these treatment and services • a date to review these matters (DoH 2014b). This chronic disease management service is for a patient who has at least one medical condition that: (a) has been (or is likely to be) present for at least six months; or (b) is terminal (DoH 2011). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: DoH (Australian Government Department of Health) 2014a. Chronic Disease Management (formerly Enhanced Primary Care or EPC) — GP services. Canberra: DoH. Viewed 4 November 2014, < /Content/mbsprimarycare-chronicdiseasemanagement>. DoH 2014b. Questions and Answers on the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) items. Canberra: DoH. Viewed 4 November 2014, < /Content/mbsprimarycare-chronicdiseasemanagement-qanda>. DoH 2011. Medicare Benefits Schedule – Item 721. Canberra: DoH. Viewed 27 May 2011, <> Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Person—GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) indicator, yes/no code N Health, Superseded 21/11/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI07a-Number of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI07b-Proportion of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


HDL cholesterol measurement result recorded indicator

Person—HDL cholesterol measurement result recorded indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: HDL cholesterol measurement result recorded indicator METeOR identifier: 594647 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a person's HDL cholesterol measurement result has been recorded, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—HDL cholesterol measurement result recorded indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A person has had their HDL cholesterol measurement result recorded. CODE 2 No A person has not had their HDL cholesterol measurement result recorded. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI20a-Number of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20b-Proportion of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Indigenous status

Person—Indigenous status, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Indigenous status METeOR identifier: 291036 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 15/04/2010 Health, Standard 04/05/2005 Early Childhood, Standard 21/05/2010 Homelessness, Standard 23/08/2010 Tasmanian Health, Final 30/06/2014 WA Health, Endorsed 04/03/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 01/11/2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Disability, Standard 07/10/2014 Community Services (retired), Standard 25/08/2005 Definition: Whether a person identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin, as represented by a code. This is in accord with the first two of three components of the Commonwealth definition. Data Element Concept: Person—Indigenous status Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Aboriginal but not Torres Strait Islander origin 2 Torres Strait Islander but not Aboriginal origin 3 Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin 4 Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander origin Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This metadata item is based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) standard for Indigenous status. For detailed advice on its use and application please refer to the ABS Website as indicated in the Reference documents. The classification for Indigenous status has a hierarchical structure comprising two levels. There are four categories at the detailed level of the classification which are grouped into two categories at the broad level. There is one supplementary category for 'not stated' responses. The classification is as follows: Indigenous: • Aboriginal but not Torres Strait Islander origin. • Torres Strait Islander but not Aboriginal origin. • Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin. Non-Indigenous: • Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander origin. Not stated/ inadequately described: This category is not to be available as a valid answer to the questions but is intended for use: • Primarily when importing data from other data collections that do not contain mappable data. • Where an answer was refused. • Where the question was not able to be asked prior to completion of assistance because the client was unable to communicate or a person who knows the client was not available. Only in the last two situations may the tick boxes on the questionnaire be left blank. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: The standard question for Indigenous Status is as follows: [Are you] [Is the person] [Is (name)] of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? (For persons of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin, mark both 'Yes' boxes.) No.................................................... Yes, Aboriginal............................... Yes, Torres Strait Islander............ This question is recommended for self-enumerated or interview-based collections. It can also be used in circumstances where a close relative, friend, or another member of the household is answering on behalf of the subject. It is strongly recommended that this question be asked directly wherever possible. When someone is not present, the person answering for them should be in a position to do so, i.e. this person must know well the person about whom the question is being asked and feel confident to provide accurate information about them. This question must always be asked regardless of data collectors' perceptions based on appearance or other factors. The Indigenous status question allows for more than one response. The procedure for coding multiple responses is as follows: If the respondent marks 'No' and either 'Aboriginal' or 'Torres Strait Islander', then the response should be coded to either Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander as indicated (i.e. disregard the 'No' response). If the respondent marks both the 'Aboriginal' and 'Torres Strait Islander' boxes, then their response should be coded to 'Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Origin'. If the respondent marks all three boxes ('No', 'Aboriginal' and 'Torres Strait Islander'), then the response should be coded to 'Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Origin' (i.e. disregard the 'No' response). This approach may be problematical in some data collections, for example when data are collected by interview or using screen based data capture systems. An additional response category Yes, both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander... may be included if this better suits the data collection practices of the agency or establishment concerned. Comments: The following definition, commonly known as 'The Commonwealth Definition', was given in a High Court judgement in the case of Commonwealth v Tasmania (1983) 46 ALR 625. 'An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander is a person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent who identifies as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and is accepted as such by the community in which he or she lives'. There are three components to the Commonwealth definition: • descent; • self-identification; and • community acceptance. In practice, it is not feasible to collect information on the community acceptance part of this definition in general purpose statistical and administrative collections and therefore standard questions on Indigenous status relate to descent and self-identification only. Source and reference attributes Origin: National Health Data Committee National Community Services Data Committee Reference documents: Australian Bureau of Statistics 1999. Standards for Social, Labour and Demographic Variables. Cultural Diversity Variables, Canberra. Viewed 3 August 2005. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person—Indigenous status, code AAA WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015 Supersedes Person—Indigenous status, code N Health, Superseded 04/05/2005, Community Services (retired), Superseded 25/08/2005 Has been superseded by Person—Indigenous status, code N Health, Standardisation pending 05/03/2015 See also Service provider organisation—number of Indigenous children attending a preschool program, total number N[NNNN] Early Childhood, Superseded 28/05/2014, Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 See also Service provider organisation—number of Indigenous children attending an early childhood education program, total number N[NNNN] Early Childhood, Superseded 01/06/2015 See also Service provider organisation—number of Indigenous children attending an early childhood education program, total number N[NNNN] Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 See also Service provider organisation—number of Indigenous children enrolled in a preschool program, total N[NNNN] Early Childhood, Superseded 28/05/2014, Indigenous, Endorsed 08/04/2013 See also Service provider organisation—number of Indigenous children enrolled in a preschool program, total N[NNNN] Early Childhood, Superseded 08/04/2013, Indigenous, Archived 08/04/2013 See also Service provider organisation—number of Indigenous children enrolled in an early childhood education program, total N[NNNN] Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 See also Service provider organisation—number of Indigenous children enrolled in an early childhood education program, total N[NNNN] Early Childhood, Superseded 01/06/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health-care services client numbers cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health-care services episodes of care cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health-care services paid full-time equivalent positions cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health-care services unpaid full-time equivalent positions cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services client numbers cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services non-residential/follow-up/aftercare client numbers cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services non-residential/follow-up/aftercare episodes of care cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services paid full-time equivalent positions cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services residential treatment/rehabilitation client numbers cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services residential/rehabilitation episodes of care cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services sobering up/residential respite/short-term care client numbers cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services sobering-up/residential respite/short term care episodes of care cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services unpaid full-time equivalent positions cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Acute coronary syndrome (clinical) DSS 2013- Health, Standard 02/05/2013 Admitted patient care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Admitted patient mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Admitted patient palliative care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Adoptions DSS 2011-13 Community Services (retired), Standard 20/05/2013 Alcohol and other drug treatment services NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Bringing Them Home/Link Up Counselling Program client contacts cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Bringing them Home/Link Up Counselling Program client numbers cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Bringing them Home/Link Up Counsellors cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Cardiovascular disease (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 01/09/2012 Child protection and support services (CPSS) client cluster Community Services (retired), Standard 30/04/2008 Community mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Computer Assisted Telephone Interview demographic module DSS Health, Standard 03/12/2008 Cultural and language diversity cluster Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 10/04/2013 Diabetes (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 21/09/2005 Disability services client details cluster Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 10/04/2013 Disability Services NMDS 2012-14 Community Services (retired), Standard 13/03/2013 Disability Services NMDS 2014-15 Disability, Standard 07/10/2014 Community Services (retired), Proposed 23/04/2014 Early Childhood Education and Care: Aggregate NMDS 2015 Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 Early Childhood Education and Care: Unit Record Level NMDS 2015 Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 Elective surgery waiting times (census data) NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 12/06/2015 Elective surgery waiting times (removals data) NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 12/06/2015 Estimated resident population (ERP) cluster (early childhood education and care) Early Childhood, Standard 21/05/2010 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Juvenile Justice Client file cluster Community Services (retired), Standard 14/09/2009 Medical indemnity DSS 2014- Health, Standard 21/11/2013 National Bowel Cancer Screening Program DSS 2014- Health, Standard 29/08/2014 Non-admitted patient DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 23/07/2014 Non-admitted patient emergency department care DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Non-admitted patient emergency department care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Perinatal NMDS 2014- Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Person (housing assistance) cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Prison clinic contact DSS Health, Standard 25/08/2011 Prison entrants DSS Health, Standard 25/08/2011 Prisoners in custody repeat medications DSS Health, Standard 25/08/2011 Public dental waiting times NMDS 2013- Health, Standard 09/11/2012 Radiotherapy waiting times NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Registered chiropractic labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered dental and allied dental health professional labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered medical professional labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered midwifery labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered nursing professional labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered optometry labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered osteopathy labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered pharmacy labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered physiotherapy labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered podiatry labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered psychology labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Residential mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Specialist Homelessness Services NMDS 2014-15 Housing assistance, Standard 30/06/2014 Homelessness, Standard 30/06/2014 Surveillance of healthcare associated infection: Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia DSS Health, Standard 15/11/2012 WA Abortion Notification System WA Health, Endorsed 04/03/2014 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI01a-Number of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI01b-Proportion of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI02a-Number of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight results were low, normal or high, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI02b-Proportion of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight results were low, normal or high, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI03a-Number of regular clients for whom an MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI03b-Proportion of regular clients for whom an MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) was claaimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI04a-Number of Indigenous children who are fully immunised, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI04b-Proportion of Indigenous children who are fully immunised, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI05a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had an HbA1c measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI05b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had an HbA1c measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI06a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose HbA1c measurement result was within a specified level, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI06b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose HbA1c measurement result was within a specified level, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI07a-Number of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI07b-Proportion of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI08a-Number of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI08b-Proportion of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI09a-Number of regular clients whose smoking status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI09b-Proportion of regular clients whose smoking status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI10a-Number of regular clients with a smoking status result, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI10b-Proportion of regular clients with a smoking status result, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11a-Number of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11b-Proportion of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI12a-Number of regular clients who are classified as overweight or obese, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI12b-Proportion of regular clients who are classified as overweight or obese, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI13a-Number of regular clients who had their first antenatal care visit within specified periods, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI13b-Proportion of regular clients who had their first antenatal care visit within specified periods, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI14a-Number of regular clients aged 50 years and over who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI14b-Proportion of regular clients aged 50 years and over who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI15a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI15b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI16a-Number of regular clients whose alcohol consumption status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI16b-Proportion of regular clients whose alcohol consumption status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI17a-Number of regular clients who had an AUDIT-C with result within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI17b-Proportion of regular clients who had an AUDIT-C with result within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI18a-Number of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI18b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19a-Number of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20a-Number of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20b-Proportion of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI21a-Number of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI21b-Proportion of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI22a-Number of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI22b-Proportion of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI23a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had a blood pressure measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI23b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had a blood pressure measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI24a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose blood pressure measurement result was less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI24b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose blood pressure measurement result was less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 National Disability Agreement: f(1)-Number of Indigenous people with disability receiving disability services as a proportion of the Indigenous potential population requiring services, 2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 Community Services (retired), Superseded 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(2)-Number of Indigenous people with disability receiving disability services as a proportion of the Indigenous potential population requiring services, 2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 Community Services (retired), Superseded 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(3)-Number of non-Indigenous persons and Indigenous persons who separated from permanent residential aged care to return home/family, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 09-Incidence of heart attacks (acute coronary events), 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 64a-Indigenous Australians in the health workforce, 2012 Health, Retired 25/06/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 64b-Indigenous Australians in the health workforce, 2012 Health, Retired 25/06/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 10-The proportion of Indigenous children aged 4 and 5 years who are enrolled in, and attending, a preschool program in the year before full-time schooling, by remoteness, 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI01b-Proportion of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI02b-Proportion of Indigenous babies born within the previous 12 months whose birth weight results were low, normal or high, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI03b-Proportion of regular clients for whom an MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI04b-Proportion of Indigenous children who are fully immunised, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI05b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had an HbA1c measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI06b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose HbA1c measurement result was within a specified level, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI07b-Proportion of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI09b-Proportion of regular clients whose smoking status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI10b-Proportion of regular clients with a smoking status result, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11b-Proportion of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI12b-Proportion of regular clients who are classified as overweight or obese, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI13b-Proportion of regular clients who had their first antenatal care visit within specified periods, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI14b-Proportion of regular clients aged 50 years and over who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI15b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI16b-Proportion of regular clients whose alcohol consumption status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI17b-Proportion of regular clients who had an AUDIT-C with result within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI18b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20b-Proportion of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI21b-Proportion of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI22b-Proportion of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI23b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had a blood pressure measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI24b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose blood pressure measurement result was less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 National Disability Agreement: d(1)-Proportion of the potential population who used State/Territory delivered disability support services, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: d(2)-Proportion of people with a disability with an employment restriction who used Disability Employment Services (Open Employment), 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: d(3)-Proportion of the potential population who used Australian Disability Enterprises (Supported Employment), 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(1)-Number of Indigenous people with disability receiving disability services as a proportion of the Indigenous potential population requiring services, 2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 Community Services (retired), Superseded 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(1)-Rate of non-Indigenous persons and Indigenous persons admitted to permanent residential aged care, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(2)-Number of Indigenous people with disability receiving disability services as a proportion of the Indigenous potential population requiring services, 2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 Community Services (retired), Superseded 23/05/2013 -

Data type


Influenza immunisation indicator

Person—influenza immunisation indicator, yes/no code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Influenza immunisation indicator METeOR identifier: 457688 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a person is immunised against influenza, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—influenza immunisation indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Conditional obligation: This item is only collected for persons aged 50 years and over. DSS specific information: In the Indigenous primary health care DSS, an Indigenous person aged 50 years and over is recorded as immunised against influenza if they have received an influenza vaccine in the previous year. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A person is immunised against influenza. CODE 2 No A person is not immunised against influenza. A person is considered to be immunised against influenza if, in the last 12 months, they have received an immunisation approved for prevention of influenza. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI14a-Number of regular clients aged 50 years and over who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI14b-Proportion of regular clients aged 50 years and over who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI15a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI15b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) indicator

Person—MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) indicator, yes/no code N Obligation: Conditional, Maximum occurences: 2 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) indicator METeOR identifier: 504933 Registration status: Health, Standard 11/11/2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (Item 715) has been claimed for a person, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Conditional obligation: This item is only collected for persons aged 0-4 years, and persons aged 25 years and over. DSS specific information: In the Indigenous primary health care DSS, this data element is collected once for persons aged 0-4 years who have received the MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People within the previous 12 months, and once for persons aged 25 years and older who have received the MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People within the previous 24 months. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes An MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) has been claimed for a person. CODE 2 No An MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) has not been claimed for a person. Comments: The MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) is used to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people receive primary health care matched to their needs, by encouraging early detection, diagnosis and intervention for common and treatable conditions that cause morbidity and early mortality. The health assessment includes an assessment of the patient’s health, including their physical, psychological and social wellbeing. It also assesses what preventive health care, education and other assistance should be offered to the patient to improve their health and wellbeing (DoH 2014). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: DoH (Australian Government Department of Health) 2014. Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715). Canberra: DoH. Viewed 4 November 2014, < /Content/F55BEF7B8F46193DCA257BF0001F95FF/$File/715 %20-%20Medicare%20Hlth%20Assmnt%20 Aboriginal%20Torres%20Strait%20Islander%20People.pdf>. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Person—MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) indicator, yes/no code N Health, Superseded 21/11/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI03a-Number of regular clients for whom an MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI03b-Proportion of regular clients for whom an MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Microalbumin urine test result

Person—microalbumin urine test result recorded indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Microalbumin urine test result METeOR identifier: 464970 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a person has had a microalbumin urine test result recorded, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—microalbumin urine test result recorded indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A person has had a microalbumin urine test result recorded. CODE 2 No A person has not had a microalbumin urine test result recorded. A microalbumin urine test is undertaken to test for the presence of the protein called microalbumin in the urine. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI18a-Number of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI18b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Regular client indicator

Person—regular client indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Regular client indicator METeOR identifier: 436639 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Definition: An indicator of whether a person is a regular client of an organisation or agency, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—regular client indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- DSS specific information: In the Indigenous primary health care DSS, a regular client is someone who has 'an active medical record'. According to the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), an active medical record 'is a record of a patient who has attended the practice 3 or more times in the last two years'. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A person is a regular client of the organisation or agency. CODE 2 No A person is not a regular client of the organisation or agency. Collection methods: The definition of a regular client can vary depending on the context and/or collection in which the term is being applied, but generally involves a minimum number of visits to an organisation or agency or uses of a facility, occurring over a specific period of time. For example, in the primary health care context a regular client may be someone who has visited a particular primary health care provider 3 or more times in the last 2 years. In some cases, a visit may be further defined as an attendance at the organisation or agency that leads to either the creation of a new client record or the updating of an existing client record in the client management system of the organisation or agency. The applicable number of visits to the organisation or agency and the period of time over which those visits need to take place in order for a person to be identified as a regular client should be specified in an appropriate data set specific instruction. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI03a-Number of regular clients for whom an MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI03b-Proportion of regular clients for whom an MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI04a-Number of Indigenous children who are fully immunised, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI04b-Proportion of Indigenous children who are fully immunised, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI05a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had an HbA1c measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI05b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had an HbA1c measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI06a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose HbA1c measurement result was within a specified level, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI06b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose HbA1c measurement result was within a specified level, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI07a-Number of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI07b-Proportion of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI08a-Number of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI08b-Proportion of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI09a-Number of regular clients whose smoking status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI09b-Proportion of regular clients whose smoking status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI10a-Number of regular clients with a smoking status result, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI10b-Proportion of regular clients with a smoking status result, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11a-Number of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11b-Proportion of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI12a-Number of regular clients who are classified as overweight or obese, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI12b-Proportion of regular clients who are classified as overweight or obese, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI13a-Number of regular clients who had their first antenatal care visit within specified periods, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI13b-Proportion of regular clients who had their first antenatal care visit within specified periods, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI14a-Number of regular clients aged 50 years and over who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI14b-Proportion of regular clients aged 50 years and over who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI15a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI15b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI16a-Number of regular clients whose alcohol consumption status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI16b-Proportion of regular clients whose alcohol consumption status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI17a-Number of regular clients who had an AUDIT-C with result within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI17b-Proportion of regular clients who had an AUDIT-C with result within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI18a-Number of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI18b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19a-Number of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20a-Number of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20b-Proportion of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI21a-Number of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI21b-Proportion of regular clients aged 35 to 74 years who have had an absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI22a-Number of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI22b-Proportion of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI23a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had a blood pressure measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI23b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had a blood pressure measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI24a-Number of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose blood pressure measurement result was less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI24b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose blood pressure measurement result was less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI03b-Proportion of regular clients for whom an MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI04b-Proportion of Indigenous children who are fully immunised, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI05b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had an HbA1c measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI06b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose HbA1c measurement result was within a specified level, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI07b-Proportion of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI08b-Proportion of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI09b-Proportion of regular clients whose smoking status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI10b-Proportion of regular clients with a smoking status result, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11b-Proportion of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI12b-Proportion of regular clients who are classified as overweight or obese, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI13b-Proportion of regular clients who had their first antenatal care visit within specified periods, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI14b-Proportion of regular clients aged 50 years and over who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI15b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes or COPD who are immunised against influenza, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI16b-Proportion of regular clients whose alcohol consumption status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI17b-Proportion of regular clients who had an AUDIT-C with result within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20b-Proportion of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI22b-Proportion of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI23b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes who have had a blood pressure measurement result recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Enddorsed 13//03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI24b-Proportion of regular clients with Type II diabetes whose blood pressure measurement result was less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type



Person—sex, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Sex METeOR identifier: 287316 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 10/02/2006 Health, Standard 04/05/2005 Early Childhood, Standard 21/05/2010 Homelessness, Standard 23/08/2010 WA Health, Draft 23/08/2012 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Standard 01/11/2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/08/2014 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 07/11/2013 Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Disability, Standard 07/10/2014 Community Services (retired), Standard 25/08/2005 Definition: The biological distinction between male and female, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—sex Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Male 2 Female 3 Intersex or indeterminate Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Diagnosis and procedure codes should be checked against the national ICD-10-AM sex edits, unless the person is undergoing, or has undergone a sex change or has a genetic condition resulting in a conflict between sex and ICD-10-AM code. CODE 3 Intersex or indeterminate Intersex or indeterminate, refers to a person, who because of a genetic condition, was born with reproductive organs or sex chromosomes that are not exclusively male or female or whose sex has not yet been determined for whatever reason. Intersex or indeterminate, should be confirmed if reported for people aged 90 days or greater. Comments: The definition for Intersex in Guide for use is sourced from the ACT Legislation (Gay, Lesbian and Transgender) Amendment Act 2003. Source and reference attributes Origin: Australian Capital Territory 2003. Legislation (Gay, Lesbian and Transgender) Amendment Act 2003 Reference documents: Legislation (Gay, Lesbian and Transgender) Amendment Act 2003. See Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: Operationally, sex is the distinction between male and female, as reported by a person or as determined by an interviewer. When collecting data on sex by personal interview, asking the sex of the respondent is usually unnecessary and may be inappropriate, or even offensive. It is usually a simple matter to infer the sex of the respondent through observation, or from other cues such as the relationship of the person(s) accompanying the respondent, or first name. The interviewer may ask whether persons not present at the interview are male or female. A person's sex may change during their lifetime as a result of procedures known alternatively as sex change, gender reassignment, transsexual surgery, transgender reassignment or sexual reassignment. Throughout this process, which may be over a considerable period of time, the person's sex could be recorded as either Male or Female. In data collections that use the ICD-10-AM classification, where sex change is the reason for admission, diagnoses should include the appropriate ICD-10-AM code(s) that clearly identify that the person is undergoing such a process. This code(s) would also be applicable after the person has completed such a process, if they have a procedure involving an organ(s) specific to their previous sex (e.g. where the patient has prostate or ovarian cancer). CODE 3 Intersex or indeterminate Is normally used for babies for whom sex has not been determined for whatever reason. Should not generally be used on data collection forms completed by the respondent. Should only be used if the person or respondent volunteers that the person is intersex or where it otherwise becomes clear during the collection process that the individual is neither male nor female. CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described Is not to be used on primary collection forms. It is primarily for use in administrative collections when transferring data from data sets where the item has not been collected. Source and reference attributes Origin: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) National Mortality Database 1997/98 AIHW 2001 National Diabetes Register, Statistical Profile, December 2000 (Diabetes Series No. 2.) Reference documents: Australian Bureau of Statistics AS4846 Health Care Provider Identification, 2004, Sydney: Standards Australia AS5017 Health Care Client Identification, 2002, Sydney: Standards Australia In AS4846 and AS5017 alternative codes are presented. Refer to the current standard for more details. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is used in the formation of Episode of admitted patient care—diagnosis related group, code (AR-DRG v 6) ANNA Health, Standard 30/06/2013, Tasmanian Health, Draft 23/07/2012, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Is used in the formation of Episode of admitted patient care—diagnosis related group, code (AR-DRG v5.1) ANNA Health, Superseded 22/12/2009 Is used in the formation of Episode of admitted patient care—major diagnostic category, code (AR-DRG v 6) NN Health, Standard 30/06/2013, Tasmanian Health, Draft 23/07/2012, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Is used in the formation of Episode of admitted patient care—major diagnostic category, code (AR-DRG v5.1) NN Health, Superseded 22/12/2009 See also Person—gender, code N Housing assistance, Proposed 28/06/2013, Health, Proposed 28/06/2013, Early Childhood, Proposed 28/06/2013, Homelessness, Proposed 28/06/2013, Indigenous, Endorsed 05/09/2014, Community Services (retired), Candidate 02/09/2013 Supersedes Person—sex (housing assistance), code N Housing assistance, Superseded 10/02/2006 See also Person—sex, code A WA Health, Endorsed 19/03/2015 Supersedes Person—sex, code N Health, Superseded 04/05/2005, Community Services (retired), Superseded 31/08/2005 Is used in the formation of Record—linkage key, code 581 XXXXXDDMMYYYYN Housing assistance, Standard 23/08/2010, Health, Standard 07/12/2011, Early Childhood, Standard 21/05/2010, Homelessness, Standard 23/08/2010, Disability, Standard 07/10/2014, Community Services (retired), Standard 21/05/2010 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health-care services episodes of care cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health-care services individual client contacts cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services client numbers cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services non-residential/follow-up/aftercare client numbers cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services non-residential/follow-up/aftercare episodes of care cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services residential treatment/rehabilitation client numbers cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services residential treatment/rehabilitation length of stay cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services residential/rehabilitation episodes of care cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services sobering up/residential respite/short-term care client numbers cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services sobering-up/residential respite/short term care episodes of care cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Acute coronary syndrome (clinical) DSS 2013- Health, Standard 02/05/2013 Admitted patient care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Admitted patient mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Admitted patient palliative care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Adoptions DSS 2011-13 Community Services (retired), Standard 20/05/2013 Alcohol and other drug treatment services NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Audiology assessment client cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 11/08/2014 Bringing Them Home/Link Up Counselling Program client contacts cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Bringing them Home/Link Up Counselling Program client numbers cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Cardiovascular disease (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 01/09/2012 Child protection and support services (CPSS) client cluster Community Services (retired), Standard 30/04/2008 Child protection and support services (CPSS) sibling cluster Community Services (retired), Standard 30/04/2008 Closing the Gap in the Northern Territory: Dental Services DSS, 2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 08/10/2014 Community mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Computer Assisted Telephone Interview demographic module DSS Health, Standard 03/12/2008 Diabetes (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 21/09/2005 Early Childhood Education and Care: Unit Record Level NMDS 2015 Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 Household file cluster (Indigenous community housing) Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Juvenile Justice Client file cluster Community Services (retired), Standard 14/09/2009 Medical indemnity DSS 2014- Health, Standard 21/11/2013 National Bowel Cancer Screening Program DSS 2014- Health, Standard 29/08/2014 Non-admitted patient DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 23/07/2014 Non-admitted patient emergency department care DSS 2015-16 Health, Standard 04/02/2015 Non-admitted patient emergency department care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Independent Hospital Pricing Authority, Proposed 15/09/2014 Perinatal NMDS 2014- Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Person (housing assistance) cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Person details data dictionary Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Person file cluster (Mainstream community housing) Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Prison clinic contact DSS Health, Standard 25/08/2011 Prison entrants DSS Health, Standard 25/08/2011 Prisoners in custody repeat medications DSS Health, Standard 25/08/2011 Private rent assistance DSS 2012-13 Housing assistance, Standard 03/07/2014 Public dental waiting times NMDS 2013- Health, Standard 09/11/2012 Radiotherapy waiting times NMDS 2015- Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Registered chiropractic labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered dental and allied dental health professional labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered medical professional labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered midwifery labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered nursing professional labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered optometry labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered osteopathy labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered pharmacy labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered physiotherapy labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered podiatry labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Registered psychology labour force DSS Health, Standard 10/12/2009 Residential mental health care NMDS 2015-16 Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Sex of prison entrants cluster Health, Standard 25/08/2011 Statistical linkage key 581 cluster Housing assistance, Standard 23/08/2010 Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Early Childhood, Standard 21/05/2010 Homelessness, Standard 23/08/2010 Disability, Standard 07/10/2014 Community Services (retired), Standard 21/05/2010 Surveillance of healthcare associated infection: Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia DSS Health, Standard 15/11/2012 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI19a-Number of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20a-Number of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20b-Proportion of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI22a-Number of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI22b-Proportion of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination rates for girls turning 15 years in 2012 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 27/03/2014 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination rates for girls turning 15 years in 2013 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 27/08/2015 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 24-Survival of people diagnosed with notifiable cancers, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI13b-Proportion of regular clients who had their first antenatal care visit within specified periods, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI19b-Proportion of regular clients with a selected chronic disease who have had a kidney function test with results within specified levels, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20b-Proportion of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI22b-Proportion of regular clients who have had a cervical screening, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 National Disability Agreement: d(1)-Proportion of the potential population who used State/Territory delivered disability support services, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: d(2)-Proportion of people with a disability with an employment restriction who used Disability Employment Services (Open Employment), 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: d(3)--Proportion of the potential population who used Australian Disability Enterprises (Supported Employment), 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(1)-Number of Indigenous people with disability receiving disability services as a proportion of the Indigenous potential population requiring services, 2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 Community Services (retired), Superseded 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(1)-Rate of non-Indigenous persons and Indigenous persons admitted to permanent residential aged care, 2013 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 23/05/2013 National Disability Agreement: f(2)-Number of Indigenous people with disability receiving disability services as a proportion of the Indigenous potential population requiring services, 2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 11/09/2012 Community Services (retired), Superseded 23/05/2013 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination rates for girls turning 15 years in 2012 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 27/03/2014 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities: Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination rates for girls turning 15 years in 2013 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 27/08/2015 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 02-Incidence of selected cancers, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015 National Healthcare Agreement: PI 24-Survival of people diagnosed with notifiable cancers, 2015 Health, Standard 14/01/2015

Data type


Smoking status recorded indicator

Person—smoking status recorded indicator, yes/no code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Smoking status recorded indicator METeOR identifier: 441380 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a person's smoking status has been recorded, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—smoking status recorded indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Conditional obligation: This item is only collected for persons aged 15 years and older. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A person has had their smoking status recorded. CODE 2 No A person has not had their smoking status recorded. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI09a-Number of regular clients whose smoking status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI09b-Proportion of regular clients whose smoking status has been recorded, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Used as denominator Indigenous primary health care: PI10b-Proportion of regular clients with a smoking status result, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11b-Proportion of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Systolic blood pressure measurement result recorded indicator

Person—systolic blood pressure measurement result recorded indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Systolic blood pressure measurement result recorded indicator METeOR identifier: 588766 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a person's systolic blood pressure measurement result has been recorded, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—systolic blood pressure measurement result recorded indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A person has had their systolic blood pressure measurement result recorded. CODE 2 No A person has not had their systolic blood pressure measurement result recorded. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI20a-Number of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20b-Proportion of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) indicator

Person—Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) indicator, yes/no code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) indicator METeOR identifier: 504991 Registration status: Health, Standard 11/11/2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) has been claimed for a person, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Conditional obligation: This item is only collected for persons who have Type II diabetes. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A Team Care Arrangement has been claimed for a person. CODE 2 No A Team Care Arrangement has not been claimed for a person. Comments: The Chronic Disease Management Medicare items on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) enable GPs to plan and coordinate the health care of patients with chronic or terminal medical conditions, including patients with these conditions who require multidisciplinary, team-based care from a GP and at least two other health or care providers. The items are designed for patients who require a structured approach to their care. A ‘chronic medical condition’ is one that has been or is likely to be present for at least six months, including but not limited to asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus and musculoskeletal conditions (DoH 2014a). Team Care Arrangements (TCAs) are required by legislation to include a document that describes: • treatment and service goals for the patient • treatment and services that collaborating providers will provide to the patient • actions to be taken by the patient • a date to review these matters (DoH 2014b). This chronic disease management service is for a patient who: (a) has at least one medical condition that: i. has been (or is likely to be) present for at least six months; or ii. is terminal; and (b) requires ongoing care from at least three collaborating health or care providers, each of whom provides a different kind of treatment or service to the patient, and at least one of whom is a medical practitioner (DoH 2011). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: DoH (Australian Government Department of Health) 2014a. Chronic Disease Management (formerly Enhanced Primary Care or EPC) — GP services. Canberra: DoH. Viewed 4 November 2014, < /Content/mbsprimarycare-chronicdiseasemanagement>. DoH 2014b. Questions and Answers on the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) items. Canberra: DoH. Viewed 4 November 2014, < /Content/mbsprimarycare-chronicdiseasemanagement-qanda>. DoH 2011. Medicare Benefits Schedule – Item 723. Canberra: DoH. Viewed 27 May 2011, <>. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Person—Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) indicator, yes/no code N Health, Superseded 21/11/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI08a-Number of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI08b-Proportion of regular clients with a chronic disease for whom a Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) was claimed, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Tobacco smoking status

Person—tobacco smoking status, code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Tobacco smoking status METeOR identifier: 270311 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/03/2005 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: A person's current and past smoking behaviour, as represented by a code. Context: Public health and health care Data Element Concept: Person—tobacco smoking status Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Daily smoker 2 Weekly smoker 3 Irregular smoker 4 Ex-smoker 5 Never smoked Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Daily smoker A person who smokes daily CODE 2 Weekly smoker A person who smokes at least weekly but not daily CODE 3 Irregular smoker A person who smokes less than weekly CODE 4 Ex-smoker A person who does not smoke at all now, but has smoked at least 100 cigarettes or a similar amount of other tobacco products in his/her lifetime. CODE 5 Never-smoker A person who does not smoke now and has smoked fewer than 100 cigarettes or similar amount of other tobacco products in his/her lifetime. Source and reference attributes Reference documents: Standard Questions on the Use of Tobacco Among Adults (1998) Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Conditional obligation: Reporting of this data element is conditional on a 'yes' answer to 'Person—smoking status recorded indicator, yes/no code N'. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: The recommended standard for collecting this information is the Standard Questions on the Use of Tobacco Among Adults - interviewer administered (Questions 1 and 4) and self-administered (Questions 1 and 1a) versions. The questionnaires are designed to cover persons aged 18 years and over. Comments: There are two other ways of categorising this information: • Regular and irregular smokers where a regular smoker includes someone who is a daily smoker or a weekly smoker. 'Regular' smoker is the preferred category to be reported in prevalence estimates. • Daily and occasional smokers where an occasional smoker includes someone who is a weekly or irregular smoker. The category of 'occasional' smoker can be used when the aim of the study is to draw contrast between daily smokers and other smokers. Where this information is collected by survey and the sample permits, population estimates should be presented by sex and 5-year age groups. Summary statistics may need to be adjusted for age and other relevant variables. Smoker type is used to define subpopulations of adults (age 18+ years) based on their smoking behaviour. Smoking has long been known as a health risk factor. Population studies indicate a relationship between smoking and increased mortality/morbidity. This data element can be used to estimate smoking prevalence. Other uses are: • To evaluate health promotion and disease prevention programs (assessment of interventions) • To monitor health risk factors and progress towards National Health Goals and Targets It is recommended that in surveys of smoking, data on age, sex and other socio-demographic variables should be collected. It is also recommended that when smoking is investigated in relation to health, data on other risk factors including pregnancy status, physical activity, overweight and obesity, and alcohol consumption should be collected. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person—tobacco smoking status, code NN Health, Standard 13/03/2015, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Supersedes Tobacco smoking status, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (18.5 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Acute coronary syndrome (clinical) DSS 2013- Health, Standard 02/05/2013 Cardiovascular disease (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 01/09/2012 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Lung cancer (clinical) DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI10a-Number of regular clients with a smoking status result, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI10b-Proportion of regular clients with a smoking status result, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11a-Number of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI11b-Proportion of regular clients who gave birth within the previous 12 months with a smoking status of 'current smoker', 'ex-smoker' or 'never smoked', 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority, Healthy Communities, Percentage of adults who are daily smokers, 2011–12 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 24/10/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 03-Rates of current daily smokers, 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013

Data type


Tobacco smoking status code NN

Person—tobacco smoking status, code NN Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Tobacco smoking status code NN METeOR identifier: 588811 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: A person's current and past smoking behaviour, as represented by a code. Context: Public health and health care Data Element Concept: Person—tobacco smoking status Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: NN Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 10 Daily smoker 20 Weekly smoker 30 Irregular smoker 41 Ex-smoker less than or equal to 12 months 42 Ex-smoker greater than 12 months 50 Never smoked Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 10 Daily smoker A person who smokes daily CODE 20 Weekly smoker A person who smokes at least weekly but not daily CODE 30 Irregular smoker A person who smokes less than weekly CODE 41 Ex-smoker for less than or equal to 12 months A person who does not smoke at all now, but has smoked at least 100 cigarettes or a similar amount of other tobacco products in his/her lifetime. Smoking cessation began 12 months previously or less. CODE 42 Ex-smoker for more than 12 months A person who does not smoke at all now, but has smoked at least 100 cigarettes or a similar amount of other tobacco products in his/her lifetime. Smoking cessation began more than 12 months previously. CODE 50 Never-smoker A person who does not smoke now and has smoked fewer than 100 cigarettes or similar amount of other tobacco products in his/her lifetime. Source and reference attributes Reference documents: Standard Questions on the Use of Tobacco Among Adults (1998) Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Conditional obligation: Reporting of this data element is conditional on a 'yes' answer to 'Person—smoking status recorded indicator, yes/no code N'. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: The recommended standard for collecting this information is based on the Standard Questions on the Use of Tobacco Among Adults - interviewer administered (Questions 1 and 4) and self-administered (Questions 1 and 1a) versions. The questionnaires are designed to cover persons aged 18 years and over. There is one variation to this standard. Ex-smokers are divided into those who have been ex-smokers for less than or equal to 12 months, and those who have been ex-smokers for more than 12 months. Comments: There are two other ways of categorising this information: • Regular and irregular smokers where a regular smoker includes someone who is a daily smoker or a weekly smoker. 'Regular' smoker is the preferred category to be reported in prevalence estimates. • Daily and occasional smokers where an occasional smoker includes someone who is a weekly or irregular smoker. The category of 'occasional' smoker can be used when the aim of the study is to draw contrast between daily smokers and other smokers. Where this information is collected by survey and the sample permits, population estimates should be presented by sex and 5-year age groups. Summary statistics may need to be adjusted for age and other relevant variables. Smoker type is used to define subpopulations of adults (age 18+ years) based on their smoking behaviour. Smoking has long been known as a health risk factor. Population studies indicate a relationship between smoking and increased mortality/morbidity. This data element can be used to estimate smoking prevalence. Other uses are: • To evaluate health promotion and disease prevention programs (assessment of interventions) • To monitor health risk factors and progress towards National Health Goals and Targets It is recommended that in surveys of smoking, data on age, sex and other socio-demographic variables should be collected. It is also recommended that when smoking is investigated in relation to health, data on other risk factors including pregnancy status, physical activity, overweight and obesity, and alcohol consumption should be collected. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person—tobacco smoking status, code N Health, Standard 01/03/2005, Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Supersedes Tobacco smoking status, version 1, DE, NHDD, NHIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (18.5 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI20a-Number of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20b-Proportion of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Total cholesterol measurement result recorded indicator

Person—total cholesterol measurement result recorded indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Total cholesterol measurement result recorded indicator METeOR identifier: 588774 Registration status: Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a person's total cholesterol measurement result has been recorded, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—total cholesterol measurement result recorded indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes A person has had their total cholesterol measurement result recorded. CODE 2 No A person has not had their total cholesterol measurement result recorded. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI20a-Number of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI20b-Proportion of regular clients who have had the necessary risk factors assessed to enable CVD assessment, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type




Pregnancy duration at the first antenatal care visit

Pregnancy—estimated duration (at the first visit for antenatal care), completed weeks N[N] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Pregnancy duration at the first antenatal care visit Synonymous names: Estimated pregnancy gestation in completed weeks at the first visit for antenatal care. METeOR identifier: 379597 Registration status: Health, Standard 02/12/2009 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Definition: The total number of completed weeks of a pregnancy's estimated duration on the day of the first visit for antenatal care. Data Element Concept: Pregnancy—estimated duration Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Supplementary values: Value Meaning 99 Not stated/unknown Unit of measure: Completed weeks Data set specification specific attributes Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- DSS specific information: This item is only collected for women who gave birth during the preceding 12 months. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The day of the first visit for antenatal care is the day of the first contact with a midwife, medical practitioner, or other recognised health professional where antenatal care was provided. It does not include a contact if it was to confirm the pregnancy only or those contacts that occurred during the pregnancy that related to other non pregnancy related issues. It does not include a first contact after the onset of labour. Antenatal care visits are attributed to the pregnant woman. The duration of the pregnancy on that day is the same as the gestational age of the fetus or baby on that day. Collection methods: To be collected at any time during the pregnancy or birth episode after the best estimate of gestational age has been determined. The method of data collection will usually be from health records of pregnancy and/or birth. The valid range of completed weeks for Pregnancy duration at the first visit for antenatal care is 3-46. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Data Development Committee Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Product of conception—gestational age, completed weeks N[N] Health, Standard 02/12/2009 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Perinatal NMDS 2014- Health, Standard 07/03/2014 Implementation in Indicators: Used as numerator Indigenous primary health care: PI13a-Number of regular clients who had their first antenatal care visit within specified periods, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Indigenous primary health care: PI13b-Proportion of regular clients who had their first antenatal care visit within specified periods, 2015 Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 National Health Performance Authority Healthy Communities: Percentage of women who gave birth and had at least one antenatal visit in the first trimester, 2010–2011 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 31/07/2014 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 09-Antenatal care, 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 09-Antenatal care, 2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 24/11/2014 Used as denominator National Health Performance Authority Healthy Communities: Percentage of women who gave birth and had at least one antenatal visit in the first trimester, 2010–2011 National Health Performance Authority, Standard 31/07/2014 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 09-Antenatal care, 2014 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/12/2013 National Indigenous Reform Agreement: PI 09-Antenatal care, 2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 24/11/2014

Data type


Measurement units
  • completed weeks
completed weeks
Service provider organisation (address)

Service provider organisation (address)

Electronic communication address (service provider organisation)

Service provider organisation (address)—electronic communication address, text [X(250)] Maximum occurences: 7 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Electronic communication address (service provider organisation) METeOR identifier: 287480 Registration status: Health, Standard 04/05/2005 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Definition: A unique combination of characters used as input to electronic communication equipment for the purpose of contacting an organisation, as represented by text. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation (address)—electronic communication address Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Text Data type: String Format: [X(250)] Maximum character length: 250 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Multiple electronic communication addresses (for example, multiple phone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail) may be recorded as required. Each instance should have an appropriate Electronic communication medium and usage code assigned. Universal Resource Locator (URL) One form of electronic address used as a locator for an internet-based web site. Example: This is the full address, however, it is not essential to record 'http://www' as the commonly used internet browsers assume these characters are included. Therefore, the URL address could be recorded as ''. Email addresses Email addresses are a combination of a username and an internet domain name (URL) joined by an @ symbol. The use of the full URL is not valid in an email address. Example: Telephone numbers Record the prefix plus telephone number. For example, 08 8226 6000 or 0417 123456. Do not record punctuation in telephone numbers. For example, (08) 8226 6000 or 08-8226 6000 would not be correct. Unknown contact details Leave the field blank. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Standards Australia Origin: AS 4846 Health Care Provider Identification, 2004, Sydney: Standards Australia Reference documents: AS4846 Health Care Provider Identification, 2004, Sydney: Standards Australia AS5017 Health Care Client Identification, 2002, Sydney: Standards Australia In AS5017 this data element is represented by ‘Telephone number (client)’. In AS4846 this data element is represented by ‘Provider electronic communication details’. Refer to the current standard for more details. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Has been superseded by Address—Uniform Resource Locator, text X[X(1099)] Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Has been superseded by Address—electronic communication address, text X[X(1099)] Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014, Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Electronic communication medium (service provider organisation)

Service provider organisation (address)—electronic communication medium, code N Maximum occurences: 7 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Electronic communication medium (service provider organisation) METeOR identifier: 287521 Registration status: Health, Standard 04/05/2005 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 30/09/2005 Definition: A type of communication mechanism used by an organisation, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation (address)—electronic communication medium Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Telephone (excluding mobile telephone) 2 Mobile (cellular) telephone 3 Facsimile machine 4 Pager 5 e-mail 6 URL 8 Other Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Multiple electronic communication addresses (for example, multiple phone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail) may be recorded as required. Each instance should have an appropriate Electronic communication medium and Electronic communication usage code assigned. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Standards Australia Origin: AS 4846 Health Care Provider Identification, 2004, Sydney: Standards Australia Reference documents: AS4846 Health Care Provider Identification, 2004, Sydney: Standards Australia In AS4846 alternative alphabetic codes are presented. Refer to the current standard for more details. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Service provider organisation (name)

Service provider organisation (name)

Name type (service provider organisation)

Service provider organisation (name)—name type, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Name type (service provider organisation) METeOR identifier: 288937 Registration status: Health, Standard 04/05/2005 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Community Services (retired), Superseded 06/02/2012 Definition: A classification that enables differentiation between recorded names for an establishment, agency or organisation, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation (name)—name type Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Organisation unit/section/division 2 Service location name 3 Business name 4 Locally used name 5 Abbreviated name 6 Enterprise name 8 Other Supplementary values: 9 Unknown Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Organisation unit/section/division This code is used where a business unit, section or division within an organisation may have its own separate identity. CODE 2 Service location name This code is used where the service location name is an important part of the organisation name and is used for identification purposes, e.g. Mobile Immunisation Unit at Bankstown. CODE 3 Business name Business name used only for trading purposes. CODE 4 Locally used name This code is used where a local name is used, e.g. where a medical practice is known by a name that is different to the company registration name or business name. CODE 5 Abbreviated name A short name or an abbreviated name by which the organisation is known, e.g. HIC. CODE 6 Enterprise name Generally, the complete organisation name should be used to avoid any ambiguity in identification. This should usually be the same as company registration name. CODE 8 Other This code is used when the organisation name does not fit into any one of the categories listed above. CODE 9 Unknown This code is used when the organisation name type is unknown. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: At least one organisation name must be recorded for each organisation and each name must have an appropriate Organisation name type. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Has been superseded by Organisation—name type, code AA[A] Disability, Standard 13/08/2015, Community Services (retired), Standard 06/02/2012 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Service provider organisation

Service provider organisation

Australian state/territory identifier (service provider organisation)

Service provider organisation—Australian state/territory identifier, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Australian state/territory identifier (service provider organisation) METeOR identifier: 289083 Registration status: Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Health, Standard 04/05/2005 Early Childhood, Standard 21/05/2010 Tasmanian Health, Draft 23/07/2012 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 07/12/2005 Definition: An identifier of the Australian state or territory where an organisation or agency can be located, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—Australian state/territory identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 New South Wales 2 Victoria 3 Queensland 4 South Australia 5 Western Australia 6 Tasmania 7 Northern Territory 8 Australian Capital Territory 9 Other territories (Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Christmas Island and Jervis Bay Territory) Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The order presented here is the standard for the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Other organisations (including the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) publish data in state order based on population (that is, Western Australia before South Australia and Australian Capital Territory before Northern Territory). Source and reference attributes Reference documents: Australian Bureau of Statistics. Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC). Cat No. 1216.0. Canberra: ABS. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: Irrespective of how the information is coded, conversion of the codes to the ABS standard must be possible. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Health Data Standard Committee National Community Services Data Committee Reference documents: AS4846 Health Care Provider Identification, 2004, Sydney: Standards Australia AS5017 Health Care Client Identification, 2002, Sydney: Standards Australia In AS4846 and AS5017 alternative codes are presented. Refer to the current standard for more details. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Housing assistance agency—Australian state/territory identifier, code N Housing assistance, Superseded 01/05/2013 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Community housing and Indigenous community housing service provider organisation address details cluster Housing assistance, Standard 01/05/2013 Indigenous, Endorsed 01/05/2013 Early Childhood Education and Care: Aggregate NMDS 2015 Early Childhood, Standard 01/06/2015 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Day of operation

Service provider organisation—day of operation, code N Maximum occurences: 7 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Day of operation METeOR identifier: 315122 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 30/11/2007 Definition: The day of the week an agency or organisation is open for the provision of service, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—day of operation Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 Sunday Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: More than one option can be selected. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: NCSIMG Children's Services Data Working Group Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Full-time equivalent paid staff

Service provider organisation—full-time equivalent staff (paid), total N[NNN{.N}] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Full-time equivalent paid staff METeOR identifier: 270213 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Community Services (retired), Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The aggregate full-time equivalent staff units for all paid staff. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—full-time equivalent staff Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Number Format: N[NNN{.N}] Maximum character length: 5 Unit of measure: Full-time equivalent (FTE) staff Unit of measure precision: 1 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Calculated number of staff (full-time equivalents) for each staffing category. The ordinary time hours normally worked may differ according to the type of work. The hours under the relevant award or agreement should be used if known. If the relevant award or agreement staff hours for an occupation is not known, or the worker is undertaking a variety of tasks, 38 hours per week should be used as a substitute. Hours of unpaid leave are to be excluded. Contract staff employed through an agency are included where the contract is for the supply of labour (e.g. nursing) rather than of products (e.g. provision of photocopies). In the former case, the contract would normally specify the amount of labour supplied and could be reported as full-time equivalent units. If under the relevant award of agreement a full-time nurse is paid for an 80 (ordinary time) hour fortnight, the full-time equivalent for a part-time nurse who works 64 hours is 0.8 (64 divided by 80). If a full-time nurse under the same award is paid for a 100 hours for that fortnight (20 hours overtime), then the full-time equivalent is 100 divided by 80 = 1.25. This number would then be added to the full-time equivalent staff units for all other staff and the number rounded to one decimal place. Where staff provide services to more than one establishment, full-time equivalent staff members should be apportioned between all establishments to which services are provided on the basis of hours paid for in each. (Salary costs should be apportioned on the same basis). Collection methods: This metadata item is not intended to be a completely accurate calculation of staff hours, but a general indication of the number of hours an agency is staffed by paid staff. This metadata item may be calculated over weeks, fortnights, months or an annual basis. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Full-time equivalent paid staff, version 1, DE, NCSDD, NCSIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (16.3 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health-care services paid full-time equivalent positions cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services staff vacancies cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander standalone substance use services paid full-time equivalent positions cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Bringing them Home/Link Up Counsellors cluster Indigenous, Endorsed 16/09/2014 Care coordination mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Counselling, support, information and referral—online mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Counselling, support, information and referral—telephone mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Counselling—face-to-face mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Education, employment and training mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Family and carer support mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Group support activities mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Individual advocacy mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental health promotion mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mental illness prevention mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Mutual support and self-help mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Personalised support—linked to housing mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Personalised support—other mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Sector development and representation mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Self-help—online mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Service integration infrastructure mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014 Staffed residential services mental health service type cluster Health, Standard 13/11/2014

Data type


Service operation days

Service provider organisation—number of service operation days (7 day period), total N[N] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Service operation days Synonymous names: Days per week of operation METeOR identifier: 323188 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Disability, Standard 07/10/2014 Community Services (retired), Standard 29/04/2006 Definition: The actual number of days per week that the agency is usually open for the provision of service. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—number of service operation days Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Supplementary values: Value Meaning 90 No regular pattern of operation through a week 99 Not stated/inadequately described Unit of measure: Day Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Record whole numbers only rounded up to the nearest whole day, for the total number of days per week on which the agency provides any service to service users. An agency is considered to be operating whenever service is provided to service users (e.g. if an agency is open for 4 days per week for service provision to service users, and 1 day per week for management/administration then the agency should indicate that it operates 4 days per week). The service must be provided by the agency but not necessarily from its physical setting. For example 'own home respite' that is arranged by an agency to occur on a particular day on which the office of that agency is not open still counts as a day of operation for that agency. When an agency is available for service users on a day but does not provide services to service users on that day it should still be counted as a day of operation. For example, an agency may be open for service, such as an advocacy service, but no service users are seen. Services which have no regular weekly pattern of operation should record code 90 'no regular pattern of operation through a week'. This includes, for example, cases where a service will be made available to a service user after hours only upon request (e.g. staff on call). Collection methods: This data element should be reported by all agencies. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare National Community Services Data Committee Origin: National Community Services Data Dictionary Version 2, 2000. Reference documents: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2005. Commonwealth State /Territory Disability Agreement National Minimum Data Set collection: Data guide-data items and definitions 2005-06. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Service provider organisation—number of service operation days (7 day period), total N Community Services (retired), Superseded 02/05/2006 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Disability Services NMDS 2012-14 Community Services (retired), Standard 13/03/2013 Disability Services NMDS 2014-15 Disability, Standard 07/10/2014 Community Services (retired), Proposed 23/04/2014 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Measurement units
  • days
Service operation hours

Service provider organisation—number of service operation hours (24 hour period), total NN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Service operation hours METeOR identifier: 270376 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Disability, Standard 07/10/2014 Community Services (retired), Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The actual number of hours per day that the agency is open for the provision of service. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—number of service operation hours Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Number Format: NN Maximum character length: 2 Supplementary values: Value Meaning 90 No regular pattern of operation through a day 99 Not stated/inadequately described Unit of measure: Hour (h) Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The actual number of hours is not the number of hours staffed, e.g. a 'group home' would operate 24 hours a day, but might only be staffed a few hours if at all on some days. Round to the nearest whole hour. Valid numbers are 01 to 24. Services that have no regular daily pattern of operation, or which have different weekday and weekend patterns, should tick the 'no regular pattern of operation through a day' box (e.g. Flexible hours, on call, 24 hour sleepover). Collection methods: It may be necessary to collect the information separately for week-days versus weekend days or, for individual days of the week if there is no consistent pattern. Comments: When collected in conjunction with service operation days, and service operation weeks this metadata items can provide useful information on patterns of service delivery. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2002. Commonwealth State/Territory Disability Agreement National Minimum Data Set collection: Data guide-data items and definitions 2002-03 Reference documents: Commonwealth State/Territory Disability Agreement National Minimum Data Set (CSTDA NMDS) collection. Data Guide: data items and definitions 2006-07. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Service operation hours, version 1, DE, NCSDD, NCSIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (14.6 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Disability Services NMDS 2012-14 Community Services (retired), Standard 13/03/2013 Disability Services NMDS 2014-15 Disability, Standard 07/10/2014 Community Services (retired), Proposed 23/04/2014 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Measurement units
  • hours
Service operation weeks

Service provider organisation—number of service operation weeks (calendar year), total NN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Service operation weeks METeOR identifier: 270377 Registration status: Health, Standard 07/12/2011 Early Childhood, Superseded 07/06/2011 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Disability, Standard 07/10/2014 Community Services (retired), Standard 01/03/2005 Definition: The actual number of weeks per year that the agency is open for the provision of service. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—number of service operation weeks Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Number Format: NN Maximum character length: 2 Supplementary values: Value Meaning 90 No regular pattern of operation through a year 99 Not stated/inadequately described Unit of measure: Week Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: A week is measured from 12:00AM (midnight) Monday morning to 11:59PM the following Sunday. If a service operates within this period then it is counted as having operated during that week. Therefore if an agency operates for only a short time for one of the days within a week, it is counted as operating during that week. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Valid numbers are 01 to 52. Comments: When collected in conjunction with the number of service operation hours in a day and the service operation days in a week this metadata item can provide useful information on patterns of service delivery. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Origin: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2002. Commonwealth State/Territory Disability Agreement National Minimum Data Set collection: Data guide-data items and definitions 2002-03 Reference documents: Commonwealth State/Territory Disability Agreement National Minimum Data Set (CSTDA NMDS) collection. Data Guide: data items and definitions 2006-07. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Service operation weeks, version 1, DE, NCSDD, NCSIMG, Superseded 01/03/2005.pdf (15.0 KB) Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Disability Services NMDS 2012-14 Community Services (retired), Standard 13/03/2013 Disability Services NMDS 2014-15 Disability, Standard 07/10/2014 Community Services (retired), Proposed 23/04/2014 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015

Data type


Measurement units
  • weeks
Standards assessment indicator

Service provider organisation—standards assessment indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Standards assessment indicator METeOR identifier: 356457 Registration status: Health, Standard 05/12/2007 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 10/04/2013 Definition: Whether a service provider organisation routinely undertakes or undergoes formal assessment against defined industry standards, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—standards assessment indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Formal assessment against the relevant standards may occur via self-assessment or external assessment methods. A 'formal' self-assessment should involve a number of aspects, including the planning and development of a clear structure for the assessment process; the use of an accepted evaluation method such as a peer review; and the use of validated tools where these are available. A 'formal' assessment also includes a formal in-depth review against the relevant standards by an independent external reviewer. This may take place in the context of an accreditation process for the service provider organisation or the organisation of which the service provider organisation is a sub-unit. CODE 1 Yes The service provider organisation routinely undertakes or undergoes formal assessment against the specified healthcare standards. CODE 2 No The service provider organisation does not routinely undertake or undergo formal assessment against the specified healthcare standards. Collection methods: Record only one code. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Palliative Care Intergovernmental Forum Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Disability services standards cluster Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 10/04/2013 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Palliative care performance indicators DSS Health, Standard 05/12/2007

Data type


Standards assessment level

Service provider organisation—standards assessment level, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Standards assessment level METeOR identifier: 359019 Registration status: Health, Standard 05/12/2007 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 10/04/2013 Definition: The level of assessment undertaken or undergone by a service provider organisation against relevant industry standards, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—standards assessment level Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Formally assessed 2 Accredited Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Formally assessed Formal assessment may entail self-assessment and/or assessment by an independent external reviewer. This assessment may take place in the context of an accreditation process for the organisation. A formal assessment, whether self-assessed or externally reviewed, should involve a number of aspects, including the planning and development of a clear structure for the assessment process, the use of an accepted evaluation method such as a peer review, and the use of validated tools where these are available. CODE 2 Accredited This code should only be recorded where accreditation has been granted to the organisation and is current. Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Palliative Care Intergovernmental Forum Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Disability services standards cluster Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 10/04/2013 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Palliative care performance indicators DSS Health, Standard 05/12/2007

Data type


Similar models

Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)

Description | Question | Decode (Coded Value)
Data type
Item Group
Address line
Address line
Address site name
Address site name
Australian postcode (Postcode datafile)
Australian postcode (address)
Road name
Road name
Road type
Code List
Road type
CL Item
Access (ACCS)
CL Item
Alley (ALLY)
CL Item
Alleyway (ALWY)
CL Item
Amble (AMBL)
CL Item
Approach (APP)
CL Item
Arcade (ARC)
CL Item
Arterial (ARTL)
CL Item
Artery (ARTY)
CL Item
Avenue (AV)
CL Item
Banan (BA)
CL Item
Bend (BEND)
CL Item
Brace (BR)
CL Item
Brae (BRAE)
CL Item
Break (BRK)
CL Item
Brow (BROW)
CL Item
Boulevard (BVD)
CL Item
Boardwalk (BWLK)
CL Item
Bypass (BYPA )
CL Item
Byway (BYWY)
CL Item
Circuit (CCT)
CL Item
Chase (CH)
CL Item
Circle (CIR)
CL Item
Close (CL)
CL Item
Corner (CNR)
CL Item
Concourse (CON)
CL Item
Cove (COVE)
CL Item
Copse (CPS)
CL Item
Crescent (CR)
CL Item
Circus (CRCS)
CL Item
Cross (CRSS)
CL Item
Crest (CRST)
CL Item
Cul-de-sac (CSAC)
CL Item
Causeway (CSWY)
CL Item
Court (CT)
CL Item
Centre (CTR)
CL Item
Courtyard (CTYD)
CL Item
Cutting (CUTT)
CL Item
Dale (DALE)
CL Item
Dip (DIP)
CL Item
Drive (DR)
CL Item
Driveway (DVWY)
CL Item
Edge (EDGE)
CL Item
Elbow (ELB)
CL Item
End (END)
CL Item
Entrance (ENT)
CL Item
Esplanade (ESP)
CL Item
Expressway (EXP)
CL Item
Fairway (FAWY)
CL Item
Follow (FOLW)
CL Item
Formation (FORM)
CL Item
Frontage (FRTG)
CL Item
Footway (FTWY)
CL Item
Freeway (FWY)
CL Item
Gap (GAP)
CL Item
Gardens (GDNS)
CL Item
Glade (GLDE)
CL Item
Glen (GLEN)
CL Item
Grove (GR)
CL Item
Grange (GRA)
CL Item
Green (GRN)
CL Item
Gate (GTE)
CL Item
Hill (HILL)
CL Item
Highroad (HIRD)
CL Item
Heights (HTS)
CL Item
Highway (HWY)
CL Item
Interchange (INTG)
CL Item
Junction (JNC)
CL Item
Key (KEY)
CL Item
Lane (LANE)
CL Item
Line (LINE)
CL Item
Link (LINK)
CL Item
Lookout (LKT)
CL Item
Laneway (LNWY)
CL Item
Loop (LOOP)
CL Item
Mall (MALL)
CL Item
Mews (MEWS)
CL Item
Meander (MNDR)
CL Item
Motorway (MTWY)
CL Item
Nook (NOOK)
CL Item
Outlook (OTLK)
CL Item
Pass (PASS)
CL Item
Path (PATH)
CL Item
Parade (PDE)
CL Item
Piazza (PIAZ)
CL Item
Pocket (PKT)
CL Item
Plaza (PLZA)
CL Item
Point (PNT)
CL Item
Port (PORT)
CL Item
Promenade (PROM)
CL Item
Passage (PSGE)
CL Item
Pathway (PWAY)
CL Item
Parkway (PWY)
CL Item
Quadrant (QDRT)
CL Item
Quays (QYS)
CL Item
Road (RD)
CL Item
Ridge (RDGE)
CL Item
Rest (REST)
CL Item
Rise (RISE)
CL Item
Ramble (RMBL)
CL Item
Row (ROW)
CL Item
Route (RTE)
CL Item
Retreat (RTT)
CL Item
Rotary (RTY)
CL Item
Rue (RUE)
CL Item
Subway (SBWY)
CL Item
Shunt (SHUN)
CL Item
Spur (SPUR)
CL Item
Square (SQ)
CL Item
Street (ST)
CL Item
Serviceway (SVWY)
CL Item
Tarn (TARN)
CL Item
Terrace (TCE)
CL Item
Thoroughfare (THFR)
CL Item
Tollway (TLWY)
CL Item
Top (TOP)
CL Item
Tor (TOR)
CL Item
Track (TRK)
CL Item
Trail (TRL)
CL Item
Turn (TURN)
CL Item
Underpass (UPAS)
CL Item
Vale (VALE)
CL Item
Viaduct (VIAD)
CL Item
View (VIEW)
CL Item
Vista (VSTA)
CL Item
Walk (WALK)
CL Item
Wharf (WHRF)
CL Item
Walkway (WKWY)
CL Item
Wynd (WYND)
Sub-dwelling unit number, identifier
Sub-dwelling unit number
Suburb/town/locality name
Suburb/town/locality name within address
Item Group
Birth event
Birth plurality
Code List
Birth plurality
CL Item
Singleton (1)
CL Item
Twins (2)
CL Item
Triplets (3)
CL Item
Quadruplets (4)
CL Item
Quintuplets (5)
CL Item
Sextuplets (6)
CL Item
Other (8)
CL Item
Not stated (9)
Item Group
Status of the baby
Code List
Status of the baby
CL Item
Live birth (1)
CL Item
Stillbirth (fetal death) (2)
CL Item
Not stated (9)
Birth weight
Code List
Birth weight
CL Item
Low birth weight (less than 2,500 grams) (1)
CL Item
Normal birth weight (2,500 grams to less than 4,500 grams) (2)
CL Item
High birth weight (4,500 grams and over) (3)
CL Item
Unknown birth weight (8)
Item Group
Fully immunised recorded indicator
Fully immunised recorded indicator
Item Group
Cervical screening indicator
Code List
Cervical screening indicator
CL Item
Yes (1)
CL Item
No (2)
CL Item
Not stated/inadequately described (9)
Hysterectomy indicator
Hysterectomy indicator
Item Group
Organisation name
Organisation name
Item Group
Absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment result
Code List
Absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment result
CL Item
High (greater than 15% chance of a cardiovascular event in the next 5 years)  (1)
CL Item
Moderate (10-15% chance of a cardiovascular event in the next 5 years) (2)
CL Item
Low (less than 10% chance of a cardiovascular event in the next 5 years) (3)
Absolute cardiovascular disease risk assessment result recorded
CVD risk assessment result recorded indicator
Albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) result
Code List
Albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) result
CL Item
Normal albuminuria (1)
CL Item
Microalbuminuria (2)
CL Item
Macroalbuminuria (3)
Alcohol consumption status recorded indicator
Alcohol consumption status recorded indicator
AUDIT-C result recorded indicator
AUDIT-C result recorded indicator
AUDIT-C result
Code List
AUDIT-C result
CL Item
Not at risk (1)
CL Item
At risk (2)
Birth weight recorded indicator
Birth weight recorded indicator
Blood pressure measurement result less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg indicator
Blood pressure measurement result less than or equal to 130/80 mmHg indicator
Blood pressure measurement result recorded indicator
Blood pressure measurement result recorded indicator
Body mass index—classification
Code List
Body mass index—classification
CL Item
Not overweight or obese  (1)
CL Item
Underweight  (1.1)
CL Item
Normal range 18.50 - 24.99 Average (1.2)
CL Item
Overweight >= 25.00 Average (2)
CL Item
Overweight >= 25.0 Average (2.1)
CL Item
Pre Obese 25.00 - 29.99 Increased (2.2)
CL Item
Obese >= 30 Increased (3)
CL Item
Obese class 1 30.00 - 34.99 Moderate (3.1)
CL Item
Obese class 2 35.00 - 39.99 Severe (3.2)
CL Item
Obese class 3 >= 40.00 Very severe (3.3)
CL Item
Not stated/inadequately described (9)
Body mass index recorded indicator
Body mass index recorded indicator
Cardiovascular disease recorded indicator
Cardiovascular disease recorded indicator
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease recorded indicator
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease recorded indicator
Diabetes status
Code List
Diabetes status
CL Item
Type 1 diabetes (01)
CL Item
Type 2 diabetes (02)
CL Item
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) (03)
CL Item
Other (secondary diabetes) (04)
CL Item
Previous gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) (05)
CL Item
Impaired fasting glucose (IFG) (06)
CL Item
Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) (07)
CL Item
Not diagnosed with diabetes (08)
CL Item
Not assessed (09)
CL Item
Not stated/inadequately described (99)
Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) recorded indicator
Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) recorded indicator
Estimated glomerular filtration rate result
Code List
Estimated glomerular filtration rate result
CL Item
Kidney function stage 1 (1)
CL Item
Kidney function stage 2 (2)
CL Item
Kidney function stage 3a (3a)
CL Item
Kidney function stage 3b (3b)
CL Item
Kidney function stage 4 (4)
CL Item
Kidney function stage 5 (5)
Glycosylated haemoglobin level
Code List
Glycosylated haemoglobin level
CL Item
Less than or equal to 7% (less than or equal to 53 mmol/mol) (1)
CL Item
Greater than 7% but less than or equal to 8% (greater than 53 mmol/mol but less than or equal to 64 mmol/mol) (2)
CL Item
Greater than 8% but less than 10% (greater than 64 mmol/mol but less than 86 mmol/mol) (3)
CL Item
Greater than or equal to 10% (greater than or equal to 86 mmol/mol) (4)
Glycosylated haemoglobin measurement result recorded indicator
Glycosylated haemoglobin measurement result recorded indicator
GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) indicator
GP Management Plan indicator
HDL cholesterol measurement result recorded indicator
HDL cholesterol measurement result recorded indicator
Indigenous status
Code List
Indigenous status
CL Item
Aboriginal but not Torres Strait Islander origin (1)
CL Item
Torres Strait Islander but not Aboriginal origin (2)
CL Item
Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin (3)
CL Item
Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander origin (4)
CL Item
Not stated/inadequately described (9)
Influenza immunisation indicator
Influenza immunisation indicator
MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) indicator
MBS Health Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (MBS Item 715) indicator
Microalbumin urine test result recorded indicator
Microalbumin urine test result
Regular client indicator
Regular client indicator
Code List
CL Item
Male (1)
CL Item
Female (2)
CL Item
Intersex or indeterminate (3)
CL Item
Not stated/inadequately described (9)
Smoking status recorded indicator
Smoking status recorded indicator
Systolic blood pressure measurement result recorded indicator
Systolic blood pressure measurement result recorded indicator
Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) indicator
Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) indicator
Tobacco smoking status
Code List
Tobacco smoking status
CL Item
Daily smoker (1)
CL Item
Weekly smoker (2)
CL Item
Irregular smoker (3)
CL Item
Ex-smoker (4)
CL Item
Never smoked (5)
Tobacco smoking status code NN
Code List
Tobacco smoking status code NN
CL Item
Daily smoker (10)
CL Item
Weekly smoker (20)
CL Item
Irregular smoker (30)
CL Item
Ex-smoker less than or equal to 12 months (41)
CL Item
Ex-smoker greater than 12 months (42)
CL Item
Never smoked (50)
Total cholesterol measurement result recorded indicator
Total cholesterol measurement result recorded indicator
Item Group
Estimated duration (at first visit for antenatal care)
Pregnancy duration at the first antenatal care visit
Item Group
Service provider organisation (address)
Electronic communication address
Electronic communication address (service provider organisation)
Electronic communication medium (service provider organisation)
Code List
Electronic communication medium (service provider organisation)
CL Item
Telephone (excluding mobile telephone) (1)
CL Item
Mobile (cellular) telephone (2)
CL Item
Facsimile machine (3)
CL Item
Pager (4)
CL Item
e-mail (5)
CL Item
URL (6)
CL Item
Other (8)
Item Group
Service provider organisation (name)
Name type (service provider organisation)
Code List
Name type (service provider organisation)
CL Item
Organisation unit/section/division (1)
CL Item
Service location name (2)
CL Item
Business name (3)
CL Item
Locally used name (4)
CL Item
Abbreviated name (5)
CL Item
Enterprise name (6)
CL Item
Other (8)
CL Item
Unknown (9)
Item Group
Service provider organisation
Australian state/territory identifier (service provider organisation)
Code List
Australian state/territory identifier (service provider organisation)
CL Item
New South Wales (1)
CL Item
Victoria (2)
CL Item
Queensland (3)
CL Item
South Australia (4)
CL Item
Western Australia (5)
CL Item
Tasmania (6)
CL Item
Northern Territory (7)
CL Item
Australian Capital Territory (8)
CL Item
Other territories (Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Christmas Island and Jervis Bay Territory) (9)
Day of operation
Code List
Day of operation
CL Item
Monday (1)
CL Item
Tuesday (2)
CL Item
Wednesday (3)
CL Item
Thursday (4)
CL Item
Friday (5)
CL Item
Saturday (6)
CL Item
Sunday (7)
CL Item
Not stated/inadequately described (9)
Full-time equivalent staff (paid)
Full-time equivalent paid staff
Number of service operation days (7 day period)
Service operation days
Number of service operation hours (24 hour period)
Service operation hours
Number of service operation weeks (calendar year)
Service operation weeks
Standards assessment indicator
Standards assessment indicator
Standards assessment level
Code List
Standards assessment level
CL Item
Formally assessed (1)
CL Item
Accredited (2)

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