
Health sector data set specifications from METeOR, Australia's repository for national metadata standards, developed by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Acute coronary syndrome (clinical) DSS 2013-: The scope for the ACS data set specification is to collect data on the period between when a person with ACS symptoms was first referred to a hospital or directly presented at a hospital, and when a person leaves the hospital, either from the emergency department or is discharged from the hospital. Ventricular ejection fraction cluster: The ventricular ejection fraction is the fraction of blood pumped out of a ventricle with each heart beat. Impaired ventricular ejection fraction can be indicative of damage to the heart muscle, such as that sustained during myocardial infarction. The ventricular ejection fraction cluster collects information on the timing, measurement type and results of a ventricular ejection fraction measurement during the current hospital presentation. Metadata and Classifications Unit Australian Institute of Health and Welfare GPO Box 570 Canberra ACT 2601



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Acute coronary syndrome (clinical) DSS 2013- Ventricular ejection fraction cluster Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)

Acute coronary syndrome (clinical) DSS 2013- Ventricular ejection fraction cluster Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)



Ventricular ejection fraction measurement indicator

Person—ventricular ejection fraction test performed indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Ventricular ejection fraction measurement indicator Synonymous names: EF measurement indicator METeOR identifier: 347672 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Definition: An indicator of whether a person's ventricular ejection fraction was measured, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person—ventricular ejection fraction test performed indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is not for use in primary data collections. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Code 1 Yes Record if a test was performed to measure the person's ventricular ejection fraction. Code 2 No Record if no test was performed to measure the person's ventricular ejection fraction. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Ventricular ejection fraction test—test type, code N Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Ventricular ejection fraction cluster Health, Standard 01/10/2008



Ventricular ejection fraction test

Ventricular ejection fraction test

Date of ventricular ejection fraction test

Ventricular ejection fraction test—test date, DDMMYYYY Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Date of ventricular ejection fraction test Synonymous names: Date EF measured METeOR identifier: 344274 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Definition: The date when a person's ventricular ejection fraction is measured. Data Element Concept: Ventricular ejection fraction test—test date Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Date Data type: Date/Time Format: DDMMYYYY Maximum character length: 8 Data set specification specific attributes Ventricular ejection fraction cluster Conditional obligation: To be provided when the ventricular ejection fraction is measured. Data element attributes Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Ventricular ejection fraction cluster Health, Standard 01/10/2008



Time of ventricular ejection fraction test

Ventricular ejection fraction test—test time, hhmm Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Time of ventricular ejection fraction test Synonymous names: Time EF measured METeOR identifier: 349817 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Definition: The time when a person's ventricular ejection fraction is measured. Data Element Concept: Ventricular ejection fraction—test time Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Time Data type: Date/Time Format: hhmm Maximum character length: 4 Source and reference attributes Reference documents: ISO 8601:2000 : Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times Data set specification specific attributes Ventricular ejection fraction cluster Conditional obligation: To be provided when the ventricular ejection fraction is measured. Data element attributes Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Ventricular ejection fraction cluster Health, Standard 01/10/2008



Ventricular ejection fraction test type

Ventricular ejection fraction test—test type, code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Ventricular ejection fraction test type Synonymous names: EF measurement test METeOR identifier: 344253 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Definition: The type of test used to measure a person's ventricular ejection fraction, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Ventricular ejection fraction test—test type Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Echocardiography 2 Angiography 3 Gated blood pool scan 4 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Data set specification specific attributes Ventricular ejection fraction cluster Conditional obligation: To be provided when the ventricular ejection fraction is measured. Data element attributes Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person—ventricular ejection fraction test performed indicator, yes/no code N Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Ventricular ejection fraction cluster Health, Standard 01/10/2008



Ventricular ejection fraction test result (code)

Ventricular ejection fraction—test result, code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Ventricular ejection fraction test result (code) Synonymous names: EF result (code) METeOR identifier: 346993 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Definition: The person's ventricular ejection fraction result, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Ventricular ejection fraction—test result Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Normal 2 Mild 3 Moderate 4 Severe Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Normal Use this code when the ejection fraction is greater than 50% CODE 2 Mild Use this code when the ejection fraction is greater than or equal to 45% but less than or equal to 50% CODE 3 Moderate Use this code when the ejection fraction is greater than or equal to 35% but less than 45% CODE 4 Severe Use this code when the ejection fraction is less than 35% CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described Not for use in primary data collections. Data set specification specific attributes Ventricular ejection fraction cluster Conditional obligation: To be provided when the ventricular ejection fraction is measured. Data element attributes Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Ventricular ejection fraction—test result, percentage N[N].N Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Ventricular ejection fraction cluster Health, Standard 01/10/2008



Ventricular ejection fraction test result (percentage)

Ventricular ejection fraction—test result, percentage N[N].N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Ventricular ejection fraction test result (percentage) Synonymous names: EF result (percentage) METeOR identifier: 347002 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Definition: A person's ventricular ejection fraction result expressed as a percentage. Data Element Concept: Ventricular ejection fraction—test result Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Percentage Data type: Number Format: N[N].N Maximum character length: 3 Supplementary values: Value Meaning 99.9 Not stated/inadequately described Data set specification specific attributes Ventricular ejection fraction cluster Conditional obligation: To be provided when the ventricular ejection fraction is measured. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The person's ejection fraction result recorded should be between 0 and 80%. Comments: The patient is not alive or is in Pulseless Electrical Activity (PEA) if the result is 0%. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Ventricular ejection fraction—test result, code N Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Ventricular ejection fraction cluster Health, Standard 01/10/2008



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Acute coronary syndrome (clinical) DSS 2013- Ventricular ejection fraction cluster Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)

Description | Question | Decode (Coded Value)
Item Group
Ventricular ejection fraction measurement indicator
Code List
Ventricular ejection fraction measurement indicator
CL Item
Yes (1)
CL Item
No (2)
CL Item
Not stated/inadequately described (9)
Item Group
Ventricular ejection fraction test
Test date
Date of ventricular ejection fraction test
Test time
Time of ventricular ejection fraction test
Ventricular ejection fraction test type
Code List
Ventricular ejection fraction test type
CL Item
Echocardiography (1)
CL Item
Angiography (2)
CL Item
Gated blood pool scan (3)
CL Item
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (4)
CL Item
Not stated/inadequately described (9)
Ventricular ejection fraction test result (code)
Code List
Ventricular ejection fraction test result (code)
CL Item
Normal (1)
CL Item
Mild (2)
CL Item
Moderate (3)
CL Item
Severe (4)
CL Item
Not stated/inadequately described (9)
Test result, percentage
Ventricular ejection fraction test result (percentage)

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