
Health sector data set specifications from METeOR, Australia's repository for national metadata standards, developed by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Acute coronary syndrome (clinical) DSS 2013-: The scope for the ACS data set specification is to collect data on the period between when a person with ACS symptoms was first referred to a hospital or directly presented at a hospital, and when a person leaves the hospital, either from the emergency department or is discharged from the hospital. Electrocardiogram cluster: An electrocardiogram (ECG) measures the electrical activity of the heart over time. The evaluation of an ECG provides important diagnostic information relevant to the risk stratification, diagnosis and management of acute coronary syndromes. The electrocardiogram cluster collects information on the timing of each ECG and specific diagnostic characteristics determined from the ECG: • ECG change type and location • Bundle-branch block status • Q waves status • ST-segment elevation in lead V4R Metadata and Classifications Unit Australian Institute of Health and Welfare GPO Box 570 Canberra ACT 2601



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    Acute coronary syndrome (clinical) DSS 2013- Electrocardiogram cluster Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)

    Acute coronary syndrome (clinical) DSS 2013- Electrocardiogram cluster Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)



    Bundle-branch block status

    Electrocardiogram—bundle-branch block status, code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Bundle-branch block status METeOR identifier: 343866 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Definition: The bundle-branch block status identified on a person's electrocardiogram (ECG), as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Electrocardiogram—bundle-branch block status Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 New 2 Pre-existing 3 Uncertain timing Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Data set specification specific attributes Electrocardiogram cluster Conditional obligation: Record if a bundle-branch block has been detected on an electrocardiogram. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: To determine the bundle-branch block status, compare the current ECG to the preceding or most recently available ECG. Collection methods: Record for each ECG that indicates a bundle-branch block is present. Only one bundle-branch block status can be recorded for each ECG performed. Only one bundle-branch block can occur at any one time, but in any given person, a left bundle-branch block may occur at one time point and a right bundle-branch block at another time point. Therefore, there can only be one bundle-branch block per ECG, but they may differ temporally.

    Tipo di dati


    Electrocardiogram change location

    Electrocardiogram—change location, code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Electrocardiogram change location METeOR identifier: 356835 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Definition: The area in which the change is located on the electrocardiogram (ECG), as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Electrocardiogram—change location Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Inferior leads: II, III, aVF 2 Anterior leads: V1 to V4 3 Lateral leads: I, aVL, V5 to V6 4 True posterior: V1 V2 Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 4 True posterior: V1 V2 True posterior is relevant only for tall R waves. Data set specification specific attributes Electrocardiogram cluster DSS specific information: To be provided each time an ECG is performed. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: More than one code may be recorded. Report in order of significance. Where a change is located in all leads of the ECG codes 1, 2 and 3 should be recorded. Record all codes that apply (code 9 is excluded from multiple coding). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Acute coronary syndrome data working group Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Person—electrocardiogram change location, code N Health, Superseded 01/10/2008 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Electrocardiogram cluster Health, Standard 01/10/2008

    Tipo di dati


    Electrocardiogram change type

    Electrocardiogram—change type, code N Obligation: Conditional, Maximum occurences: Unlimited Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Electrocardiogram change type METeOR identifier: 356856 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Definition: The type of change to the heart rhythm seen on a person's electrocardiogram (ECG), as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Electrocardiogram—change type Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: NN Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 10 ST-segment-elevation >= 1 mm (0.1 mV) in >= 2 contiguous limb leads 11 ST-segment-elevation >= 2 mm (0.2 mV) in >= 2 contiguous chest leads 12 ST-segment depression >= 0.5 mm (0.05 mV) in >= 2 contiguous leads (includes reciprocal changes) 20 T-wave inversion >= 2 mm (0.1 mV) 30 Significant Q waves 40 Left bundle-branch block (BBB) 41 Right bundle-branch block (BBB) 42 Indeterminate bundle-branch block (BBB) 90 Non specific Supplementary values: 99 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: ST-segment changes CODE 10 ST-segment-elevation >= 1 mm (0.1 mV) in >= 2 contiguous limb leads ST-segment-elevation indicates greater than or equal to 1 mm (0.1 mV) elevation in 2 or more contiguous limb leads. CODE 11 ST-segment-elevation >= 2 mm (0.2 mV) in >= 2 contiguous chest leads ST-segment-elevation indicates greater than or equal to 2 mm (0.2 mV) elevation in 2 or more contiguous chest leads. CODE 12 ST-segment depression >= 0.5 mm (0.05 mV) in >= 2 contiguous leads (includes reciprocal changes) ST-segment depression of at least 0.5 mm (0.05 mV) in 2 or more contiguous leads (includes reciprocal changes). T-wave changes CODE 20 T-wave inversion >= 2 mm (0.2 mV) T-wave inversion of at least 2 mm (0.2 mV) including inverted T waves that are not indicative of acute MI. Q wave changes CODE 30 Significant Q waves Q waves refer to the presence of Q waves that are greater than or equal to 0.03 seconds in width and greater than or equal to 1 mm (0.1 mV) in depth in at least 2 contiguous leads. Bundle-branch block changes CODE 40 Left bundle branch block (BBB) Diffuse left bundle-branch block pattern. CODE 41 Right bundle-branch block (BBB) Diffuse right bundle-branch block pattern. CODE 42 Indeterminate bundle-branch block (BBB) Bundle-branch block pattern identified, but left or right location is unclear. CODE 90 Non-specific Changes not meeting the above criteria. CODE 99 Not stated/inadequately described Includes unknown. Data set specification specific attributes Electrocardiogram cluster DSS specific information: To be provided each time an ECG is performed. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: More than one code may be recorded. Record all that apply (codes 90 and 99 are excluded from multiple coding). Collection methods: Where codes 40, 41 or 42 are recorded Electrocardiogram - bundle-branch block status, code N must also be recorded. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Acute coronary syndrome data working group Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Person—electrocardiogram change type, code N Health, Superseded 01/10/2008 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Electrocardiogram cluster Health, Standard 01/10/2008

    Tipo di dati


    Date of electrocardiogram

    Electrocardiogram—electrocardiogram date, DDMMYYYY Maximum occurence: Unlimited Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Date of electrocardiogram Synonymous names: Date of ECG METeOR identifier: 343820 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Definition: The date an electrocardiogram (ECG) is performed for a person. Data Element Concept: Electrocardiogram—electrocardiogram date Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Date Data type: Date/Time Format: DDMMYYYY Maximum character length: 8 Data set specification specific attributes Electrocardiogram cluster DSS specific information: To be provided each time an ECG is performed. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: The date of ECG should be recorded irrespective of the setting (e.g. pre-hospital setting, emergency department or inpatient ward). The date of ECG should be recorded each time an ECG is performed. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Electrocardiogram cluster Health, Standard 01/10/2008

    Tipo di dati


    Time of electrocardiogram

    Electrocardiogram—electrocardiogram time, hhmm Maximum occurences: Unlimited Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Time of electrocardiogram Synonymous names: Time of ECG METeOR identifier: 343831 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Definition: The time at which an electrocardiogram (ECG) is performed for a person. Data Element Concept: Electrocardiogram—electrocardiogram time Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Time Data type: Date/Time Format: hhmm Maximum character length: 4 Source and reference attributes Reference documents: ISO 8601:2000 : Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times Data set specification specific attributes Electrocardiogram cluster DSS specific information: To be provided each time an ECG is performed. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: The time of ECG should be recorded irrespective of the setting (e.g. pre-hospital setting, emergency department or inpatient ward). The time of ECG should be recorded each time an ECG is performed. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Electrocardiogram cluster Health, Standard 01/10/2008

    Tipo di dati


    Heart rhythm type

    Electrocardiogram—heart rhythm type, code N[N] Maximum occurences: Unlimited Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Heart rhythm type METeOR identifier: 361626 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Definition: The type of rhythm associated with the beating of the heart as determined from the electrocardiogram (ECG), as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Electrocardiogram—heart rhythm type Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: String Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Sinus rhythm 2 Atrial fibrillation 3 Atrial flutter 4 Second degree heart block 5 Complete heart block 6 Supraventricular tachycardia 7 Idioventricular rhythm 8 Ventricular tachycardia 9 Ventricular fibrillation 10 Paced 11 Other rhythm Supplementary values: 99 Not stated/inadequately described Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Data set specification specific attributes Electrocardiogram cluster DSS specific information: To be provided each time an ECG is performed. Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Acute coronary syndrome data working group Relational attributes Related metadata references: Supersedes Person—heart rhythm type, code N[N] Health, Superseded 01/10/2008 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Electrocardiogram cluster Health, Standard 01/10/2008

    Tipo di dati


    Electrocardiogram - lead V4R presence indicator

    Electrocardiogram—lead V4R presence indicator, yes/no code N Maximum occurences: Unlimited Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Electrocardiogram - lead V4R presence indicator Synonymous names: ECG - lead V4R indicator METeOR identifier: 349656 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Definition: An indicator of whether lead V4R was performed on a person's electrocardiogram (ECG), as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Electrocardiogram—lead V4R presence indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is not for use in primary data collections. Data set specification specific attributes Electrocardiogram cluster DSS specific information: To be provided each time an ECG is performed. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Comments: Lead V4R represents a lead placed on the chest aligned with the right mid-clavicular line, in the 5th intercostal space. The measurements from this lead can identify right ventricular infarction. Lead V4R should be performed in the context of inferior infarction, especially in the presence of haemodynamic compromise. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Electrocardiogram—ST-segment-elevation in lead V4R indicator, yes/no code N Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Electrocardiogram cluster Health, Standard 01/10/2008

    Tipo di dati


    Electrocardiogram - new Q waves indicator

    Electrocardiogram—new Q waves indicator, yes/no code N Obligation: Conditional, Maximum occurences: Unlimited Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Electrocardiogram - new Q waves indicator Synonymous names: ECG - new Q waves METeOR identifier: 343902 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Definition: Whether the Q waves identified on a person's follow-up electrocardiogram (ECG) is new, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Electrocardiogram—new Q waves indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is not for use in primary data collections. Data set specification specific attributes Electrocardiogram cluster Conditional obligation: Record if Q waves are present on the follow up electrocardiogram. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes (New Q waves) Use this code where the follow-up ECG identifies Q waves >=0.03 seconds in width and >=1mm (0.1mV) in depth in at least 2 contiguous leads that were not seen on the initial ECG CODE 2 No (Pre-existing Q waves) Use this code where the follow-up ECG identifies Q waves >=0.03 seconds in width and >=1mm (0.1mV) in depth in at least 2 contiguous leads that were already seen on the initial ECG CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described Includes unknown Collection methods: Do not record whether the Q waves are new or not on the initial ECG. This data element should only be recorded for follow-up ECGs. Comments: This data element identifies if new Q waves are present on the follow-up ECG. This information is valuable in coding transmural myocardial infarction. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Person—electrocardiogram Q waves indicator, yes/no code N Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Electrocardiogram cluster Health, Standard 01/10/2008

    Tipo di dati


    Electrocardiogram - ST-segment-elevation in lead V4R

    Electrocardiogram—ST-segment-elevation in lead V4R indicator, yes/no code N Obligation: Conditional, Maximum occurences: Unlimited Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Electrocardiogram - ST-segment-elevation in lead V4R Synonymous names: ECG - ST-segment-elevation lead V4R METeOR identifier: 343889 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Definition: An indicator of whether ST-segment-elevation of greater than or equal to 1mm (0.1mV) in lead V4R of the electrocardiogram (ECG) is present, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Electrocardiogram—electrocardiogram ST-segment-elevation in lead V4R indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is not for use in primary data collections. Data set specification specific attributes Electrocardiogram cluster Conditional obligation: Record when lead V4R was performed on the electrocardiogram. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes ST-segment-elevation >= 1 mm (0.1 mV) in lead V4R CODE 2 No ST-segment-elevation in lead V4R of <= 1 mm (0.1 mV) or no ST-segment-elevation in lead V4R CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described Includes unknown Collection methods: The presence (or absence) of ST-segment elevation in lead V4R should be recorded when right-sided precordial leads are performed in the ECG. Comments: ST-segment elevation in lead V4R represents right ventricular infarction. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Electrocardiogram—lead V4R presence indicator, yes/no code N Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Electrocardiogram cluster Health, Standard 01/10/2008

    Tipo di dati




    ECG - Q waves indicator

    Person—electrocardiogram Q waves indicator, yes/no code N Maximum occurences: Unlimited Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: ECG - Q waves indicator METeOR identifier: 347711 Registration status: Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Definition: An indicator of whether Q waves are present on a person's follow-up electrocardiogram (ECG), as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Person— electrocardiogram Q waves indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Supplementary values: 9 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described This code is not for use in primary data collections. Data set specification specific attributes Electrocardiogram cluster Conditional obligation: Record for all follow up electrocardiograms performed after the initial electrocardiogram. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Code 1 Yes Record if Q waves are identified on the follow-up electrocardiogram. Code 2 No Record if no Q waves are identified on the follow-up electrocardiogram. Collection methods: Do not record the presence of Q waves for the initial ECG. This data element should only be collected for follow-up ECGs. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Electrocardiogram—new Q waves indicator, yes/no code N Health, Standard 01/10/2008 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Electrocardiogram cluster Health, Standard 01/10/2008

    Tipo di dati


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    Acute coronary syndrome (clinical) DSS 2013- Electrocardiogram cluster Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)

    Description | Question | Decode (Coded Value)
    Tipo di dati
    Item Group
    Bundle-branch block status
    Code List
    Bundle-branch block status
    CL Item
    New (1)
    CL Item
    Pre-existing (2)
    CL Item
    Uncertain timing (3)
    CL Item
    Not stated/inadequately described (9)
    Electrocardiogram change location
    Code List
    Electrocardiogram change location
    CL Item
    Inferior leads: II, III, aVF (1)
    CL Item
    Anterior leads: V1 to V4 (2)
    CL Item
    Lateral leads: I, aVL, V5 to V6 (3)
    CL Item
    True posterior: V1 V2 (4)
    CL Item
    Not stated/inadequately described (9)
    Electrocardiogram change type
    Code List
    Electrocardiogram change type
    CL Item
    ST-segment-elevation >= 1 mm (0.1 mV) in >= 2 contiguous limb leads (10)
    CL Item
    ST-segment-elevation >= 2 mm (0.2 mV) in >= 2 contiguous chest leads (11)
    CL Item
    ST-segment depression >= 0.5 mm (0.05 mV) in >= 2 contiguous leads (includes reciprocal changes) (12)
    CL Item
    T-wave inversion >= 2 mm (0.1 mV) (20)
    CL Item
    Significant Q waves (30)
    CL Item
    Left bundle-branch block (BBB) (40)
    CL Item
    Right bundle-branch block (BBB) (41)
    CL Item
    Indeterminate bundle-branch block (BBB) (42)
    CL Item
    Non specific (90)
    CL Item
    Not stated/inadequately described (99)
    Electrocardiogram date
    Date of electrocardiogram
    Electrocardiogram time
    Time of electrocardiogram
    Heart rhythm type
    Code List
    Heart rhythm type
    CL Item
    Sinus rhythm (1)
    CL Item
    Atrial fibrillation (2)
    CL Item
    Atrial flutter (3)
    CL Item
    Second degree heart block (4)
    CL Item
    Complete heart block (5)
    CL Item
    Supraventricular tachycardia (6)
    CL Item
    Idioventricular rhythm (7)
    CL Item
    Ventricular tachycardia (8)
    CL Item
    Ventricular fibrillation (9)
    CL Item
    Paced (10)
    CL Item
    Other rhythm (11)
    CL Item
    Not stated/inadequately described (99)
    Electrocardiogram - lead V4R presence indicator
    Code List
    Electrocardiogram - lead V4R presence indicator
    CL Item
    Yes (1)
    CL Item
    No (2)
    CL Item
    Not stated/inadequately described (9)
    Electrocardiogram - new Q waves indicator
    Code List
    Electrocardiogram - new Q waves indicator
    CL Item
    Yes (1)
    CL Item
    No (2)
    CL Item
    Not stated/inadequately described (9)
    Electrocardiogram - ST-segment-elevation in lead V4R
    Code List
    Electrocardiogram - ST-segment-elevation in lead V4R
    CL Item
    Yes (1)
    CL Item
    No (2)
    CL Item
    Not stated/inadequately described (9)
    Item Group
    ECG - Q waves indicator
    Code List
    ECG - Q waves indicator
    CL Item
    Yes (1)
    CL Item
    No (2)
    CL Item
    Not stated/inadequately described (9)

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