Health sector data set specifications from METeOR, Australia's repository for national metadata standards, developed by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Palliative care performance indicators DSS This data set specification specifies information for collection about all administrative health regions, and whether they have developed strategic plans which incorporate specified palliative care elements. It also specifies information for collection about all government-funded palliative care agencies (service provider organisations), their approach to some aspects of service delivery, and their efforts in specific areas of quality improvement. This information enables reporting of nationally-agreed palliative care performance indicators. Currently, there are four national performance indicators that have been agreed for reporting by the Palliative Care Intergovernmental Forum. These are: 1. The proportion of administrative health regions that have a written plan for palliative care that incorporates palliative care elements, 2. The proportion of palliative care agencies, within their setting of care, that routinely undertake or undergo formal assessment against the Palliative Care Australia standards, 3. The proportion of palliative care agencies, within their setting of care, that actively collect feedback from clients and staff (within the workforce) relating to services and service delivery, 4. The proportion of palliative care agencies, within their setting of care, that have formal working partnerships with other services provider(s) or organisation(s). © Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2015 Metadata and Classifications Unit Australian Institute of Health and Welfare GPO Box 570 Canberra ACT 2601
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Palliative care performance indicators DSS Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)
Palliative care performance indicators DSS Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)
Service provider organisation
Service provider organisation—coordinator of volunteers indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Coordinator of volunteers indicator METeOR identifier: 352862 Registration status: Health, Standard 05/12/2007 Definition: An indicator of whether a service provider organisation has at least one designated person to coordinate their volunteer labour force, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—coordinator of volunteers indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: A coordinator of volunteers may be employed part-time or full-time and may be engaged on a paid or unpaid basis. The duties of a volunteer coordinator may include: · managing the workloads of volunteer staff; · liaising with clinical staff regarding clients’ needs; · assessing human resource needs of the organisation; · recruiting volunteers; · developing orientation kits and programs; · developing volunteer policies; · arranging training and development opportunities; and · maintaining volunteer records. CODE 1 Yes The organisation has a designated coordinator of volunteers. CODE 2 No The organisation does not have a designated coordinator of volunteers. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Palliative Care Intergovernmental Forum Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Palliative care performance indicators DSS Health, Standard 05/12/2007
Tipo di dati
Service provider organisation—feedback collection indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Feedback collection indicator METeOR identifier: 290438 Registration status: Health, Standard 05/12/2007 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 10/04/2013 Definition: Whether feedback relating to services and service delivery is actively and routinely collected from clients and staff within a service provider organisation, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—feedback collection indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Palliative care performance indicators DSS DSS specific information: This information is required for the calculation of the national palliative care performance indicator number 3: ‘The proportion of palliative care agencies, within their setting of care, that actively collect feedback from patients/consumers and staff (within the workforce) relating to services and service delivery'. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The active and routine collection of feedback from clients and/or staff means that, as a matter of routine, the agency initiates and implements feedback mechanisms and does not rely on mechanisms such as ad hoc comments, ad hoc questionnaires, informal debriefing sessions, or similar casual arrangements. Active mechanisms include the use of periodic questionnaires that are implemented through either face-to-face interviews, by telephone or by mail, focus groups aimed at collecting feedback from the participants, established debriefing sessions, or other routine procedures the agency has in place to collect feedback. CODE 1 Yes The service provider organisation actively and routinely collects feedback relating to services and service delivery from clients and staff within the service provider organisation. If feedback is actively and routinely collected from clients only or staff only, this should be recorded as 'No' (Code 2). CODE 2 No The service provider organisation does not actively and routinely collect feedback relating to services and service delivery from clients and staff within the service provider organisation. Collection methods: Record only one code. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Palliative Care Intergovernmental Forum Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Disability services/supports outcomes cluster Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 10/04/2013 Palliative care performance indicators DSS Health, Standard 05/12/2007
Tipo di dati
Service provider organisation—feedback collection method, code N Obligation: Conditional; Maximum occurences: 8 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Feedback collection method METeOR identifier: 290476 Registration status: Health, Standard 05/12/2007 Definition: The method the service provider organisation employs to actively and routinely collect feedback on services and service delivery, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—feedback collection method Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Questionnaire - periodic face-to-face interview 2 Questionnaire - face-to-face interview on exit 3 Questionnaire - periodic telephone interview 4 Questionnaire - telephone interview on exit 5 Questionnaire - periodic written survey 6 Questionnaire - written survey on exit 7 Feedback focus group 8 Other Data set specification specific attributes Palliative care performance indicators DSS Conditional obligation: Recorded when the data element Service provider organisation—feedback collection indicator, yes/no code N value is 'yes' (code 1). Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The active and routine collection of feedback means that, as a matter of routine, the agency initiates and implements feedback methods and does not rely on mechanisms such as ad hoc comments, ad hoc questionnaires, informal debriefing sessions, or similar casual arrangements. Active methods include the use of periodic questionnaires that are implemented through either face-to-face interviews, by telephone or by mail, focus groups aimed at collecting feedback from the participants, established debriefing sessions, or other routine procedures the agency has in place to collect feedback. The aim of the method used must be to collect feedback on services and service delivery. 'Periodic' may mean at set intervals or at (a) specified points in time during the service episode. 'On exit' refers to the closure of the service episode (for clients or related people), or (for staff) the time at which the staff member ceases to be employed by the agency. CODE 7 Feedback focus group An in-depth qualitative interview with a small number of persons, held specifically to collect feedback from the participants. Collection methods: More than one code can be recorded. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Palliative Care Intergovernmental Forum Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Palliative care performance indicators DSS Health, Standard 05/12/2007
Tipo di dati
Service provider organisation—level of service delivery, palliative care code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Level of palliative care service METeOR identifier: 334508 Registration status: Health, Standard 05/12/2007 Definition: The level of specialisation of the palliative care service delivered by a palliative care agency, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—level of service delivery Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Primary palliative care 2 Specialist palliative care level 1 3 Specialist palliative care level 2 4 Specialist palliative care level 3 Source and reference attributes Origin: Palliative Care Australia 2005. A guide to palliative care service development: A population-based approach. Canberra: Palliative Care Australia, p39. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Primary palliative care Capability: Clinical management and care coordination including assessment, triage, and referral using a palliative approach for patients with uncomplicated needs associated with a life limiting illness and/or end of life care. Has formal links with a specialist palliative care provider for purposes of referral, consultation and access to specialist care as necessary. Typical resource profile: General medical practitioner, nurse practitioner, registered nurse, generalist community nurse, aboriginal health worker, allied health staff. Specialist health care providers in other disciplines would be included at this level. CODE 2 Specialist palliative care level 1 Capability: Provides palliative care for patients, primary carers and families whose needs exceed the capability of primary palliative care providers. Provides assessment and care consistent with needs and provides consultative support, information and advice to primary palliative care providers. Has formal links to primary palliative care providers and level 2 and/or 3 specialist palliative care providers to meet the needs of patients, carers and families with complex problems. Has quality and audit program. Typical resource profile: Multi–disciplinary team including medical practitioner with skills and experience in palliative care, clinical nurse specialist/consultant, allied health staff, pastoral care and volunteers. A designated staff member if available, coordinates a volunteer service. CODE 3 Specialist palliative care level 2 Capability: As for level 1, able to support higher resource level due to population base (e.g. regional area). Provides formal education programs to primary palliative care and level 1 providers and the community. Has formal links with primary palliative care providers and level 3 specialist palliative care services for patients, primary carers and families with complex needs. Typical resource profile: Interdisciplinary team including medical practitioner and clinical nurse specialist/consultant with specialist qualifications. Includes designated allied health and pastoral care staff. CODE 4 Specialist palliative care level 3 Capability: Provides comprehensive care for the needs of patients, primary carers and families with complex needs. Provides local support to primary palliative care providers, regional level 1 and/or 2 services including education and formation of standards. Has a comprehensive research and teaching role. Has formal links with local primary palliative care providers and with specialist palliative care providers level 1 and 2, and relevant academic units including professorial chairs where available. Typical resource profile: Interdisciplinary team including a medical director and clinical nurse consultant/nurse practitioner and allied health staff with specialist qualifications in palliative care. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Palliative Care Intergovernmental Forum Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Palliative care performance indicators DSS Health, Standard 05/12/2007
Tipo di dati
Service provider organisation—most common service delivery setting, code N Maximum occurences: 7 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Most common service delivery setting METeOR identifier: 297708 Registration status: Health, Standard 05/12/2007 Definition: The setting in which the service provider organisation most commonly delivers services, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—most common service delivery setting Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Mostly community-based setting 2 Mostly inpatient setting 3 Similar proportion in both settings Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: Record only one code. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Mostly community based setting During the past 12 months, more than 60% of service delivery time was estimated to have been spent on delivering services to, and on behalf of, clients in community settings. This includes residential settings such as private residences (including caravans, mobile homes, houseboats or units in a retirement village), residential aged care facilities, prisons, and community living environments (including group homes); and non-residential settings such as day respite centres or day centres. It includes hospital outreach services and outpatient settings where these are delivered in the community setting. CODE 2 Mostly inpatient setting During the past 12 months, more than 60% of service delivery time was estimated to have been spent on delivering services to, and on behalf of, clients in inpatient settings. This includes hospitals, hospices or admitted patient settings. It excludes services delivered in outpatient settings and hospital outreach services delivered in the community setting. CODE 3 Similar level in both settings During the past 12 months, a similar proportion of service delivery time (between 40-60%) was estimated to have been spent on delivering services in community and inpatient settings. Collection methods: Record only one code. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Palliative Care Intergovernmental Forum Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Palliative care performance indicators DSS Health, Standard 05/12/2007
Tipo di dati
Service provider organisation—partner organisation type, palliative care code N[N] Obligation: Conditional; Maximum occurences: 8 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Partner organisation type METeOR identifier: 290715 Registration status: Health, Standard 05/12/2007 Definition: The type of organisation with which a palliative care service provider organisation has formal working partnership(s) in place, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—partner organisation type Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Palliative care services 2 Hospitals 3 Community nursing agencies 4 Residential aged care facilities 5 Allied health services 6 Aboriginal health services 7 Medical practices 8 Integrated health centres 9 Universities/research centres 10 Volunteer support services 99 Other Data set specification specific attributes Palliative care performance indicators DSS Conditional obligation: Recorded when the data element Service provider organisation—working partnerships indicator, yes/no code N is 'yes' (code 1). Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: A formal working partnership involves arrangements between a service provider organisation and other service providers and organisations, aimed at providing integrated and seamless care, so that clients are able to move smoothly between services and service settings. A formal working partnership is a verbal or written agreement between two or more parties. It specifies the roles and responsibilities of each party, including the expected outcomes of the agreement. Key elements of a formal working partnership are that it is organised, routine, collaborative, and systematic. It excludes ad hoc arrangements. Examples of formal working partnerships include the existence of: written service agreements; formal liaison; referral and discharge planning processes; formal and routine consultation; protocols; partnership working groups; memoranda of understanding with other providers; and case conferencing. Where partnerships exist for case conferencing purposes, record all partners involved. CODE 1 Palliative care services Includes services whose substantive work is with patients who have a life-limiting illness. These palliative care services may provide services in the community and/or in admitted patient settings (including hospices). CODE 2 Hospitals Includes emergency departments. Excludes hospices/designated palliative care units in a hospital, and other palliative care agencies as defined under Code 1. Also excludes hospital-based allied health services and individual medical practitioners. CODE 7 Medical practices Includes practices of general practitioners and individual specialist physicians such as specialists in palliative care, oncologists, urologists and neurologists. CODE 8 Integrated health centres Includes multipurpose centres, aged care centres and specialist care centres such as cancer centres. CODE 9 Universities/research centres Includes universities that may undertake research and development projects. CODE 99 Other Includes organisations based in the community such as schools, clubs, workplaces, organisations that provide respite care or pastoral care and 'Meals on wheels'. Collection methods: More than one code can be recorded. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Palliative Care Intergovernmental Forum Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Palliative care performance indicators DSS Health, Standard 05/12/2007
Tipo di dati
Service provider organisation—service delivery setting, palliative care agency code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Palliative care agency service delivery setting METeOR identifier: 297661 Registration status: Health, Standard 05/12/2007 Definition: The setting in which a palliative care agency delivers palliative care services, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—service delivery setting Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Private residence 2 Residential - aged care setting 3 Residential - other setting 4 Non-residential setting 5 Inpatient - designated palliative care unit or hospice 6 Inpatient - other than a designated palliative care unit 7 Outpatient - in a hospital/hospice Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Private residence This may include a caravan, a mobile home, a houseboat or a unit in a retirement village. CODE 2 Residential - aged care setting Includes high and low care residential aged care facilities. Does not include units in a retirement village. CODE 3 Residential - other setting Includes a residential facility other than an aged care facility; a prison; or a community living environment including a group home. This code does not include inpatient settings e.g. hospitals and hospices. CODE 4 Non-residential setting Includes day respite centres and day centres. It does not include hospital outpatient departments. CODE 5 Inpatient - designated palliative care unit or hospice A dedicated ward or unit that receives identified funding for palliative care and/or primarily delivers palliative care. The unit may be a standalone unit (i.e. a hospice). CODE 6 Inpatient - other than designated palliative care unit Includes all beds not in a unit designated for palliative care. These are usually located in acute hospital wards. Excludes designated palliative care units. CODE 7 Outpatient - in a hospital/hospice Includes palliative care services provided at a hospital/hospice in an outpatient setting. Excludes all inpatient settings. Collection methods: More than one code can be recorded. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Palliative Care Intergovernmental Forum Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Palliative care performance indicators DSS Health, Standard 05/12/2007
Tipo di dati
Service provider organisation—standards assessment indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Standards assessment indicator METeOR identifier: 356457 Registration status: Health, Standard 05/12/2007 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 10/04/2013 Definition: Whether a service provider organisation routinely undertakes or undergoes formal assessment against defined industry standards, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—standards assessment indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Palliative care performance indicators DSS DSS specific information: This information is required for the calculation of the national palliative care performance indicator number 2: ‘The proportion of palliative care agencies, within their setting of care, that routinely undertake or undergo formal assessment against the Palliative Care Australia standards'. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Formal assessment against the relevant standards may occur via self-assessment or external assessment methods. A 'formal' self-assessment should involve a number of aspects, including the planning and development of a clear structure for the assessment process; the use of an accepted evaluation method such as a peer review; and the use of validated tools where these are available. A 'formal' assessment also includes a formal in-depth review against the relevant standards by an independent external reviewer. This may take place in the context of an accreditation process for the service provider organisation or the organisation of which the service provider organisation is a sub-unit. CODE 1 Yes The service provider organisation routinely undertakes or undergoes formal assessment against the specified healthcare standards. CODE 2 No The service provider organisation does not routinely undertake or undergo formal assessment against the specified healthcare standards. Collection methods: Record only one code. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Palliative Care Intergovernmental Forum Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Disability services standards cluster Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 10/04/2013 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Palliative care performance indicators DSS Health, Standard 05/12/2007
Tipo di dati
Service provider organisation—standards assessment level, code N Obligation: Conditional Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Standards assessment level METeOR identifier: 359019 Registration status: Health, Standard 05/12/2007 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 10/04/2013 Definition: The level of assessment undertaken or undergone by a service provider organisation against relevant industry standards, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—standards assessment level Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Formally assessed 2 Accredited Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Formally assessed Formal assessment may entail self-assessment and/or assessment by an independent external reviewer. This assessment may take place in the context of an accreditation process for the organisation. A formal assessment, whether self-assessed or externally reviewed, should involve a number of aspects, including the planning and development of a clear structure for the assessment process, the use of an accepted evaluation method such as a peer review, and the use of validated tools where these are available. CODE 2 Accredited This code should only be recorded where accreditation has been granted to the organisation and is current. Data set specification specific attributes Palliative care performance indicators DSS Conditional obligation: Recorded when the data element Service provider organisation—standards assessment indicator, yes/no code N value is 'yes' (code 1). Data element attributes Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Palliative Care Intergovernmental Forum Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Disability services standards cluster Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 10/04/2013 Indigenous primary health care DSS 2015- Health, Standard 13/03/2015 Indigenous, Endorsed 13/03/2015 Palliative care performance indicators DSS Health, Standard 05/12/2007
Tipo di dati
Service provider organisation—standards assessment method, code N Obligation: Conditional; Maximum occurences: 2 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Standards assessment method METeOR identifier: 287762 Registration status: Health, Standard 05/12/2007 Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 10/04/2013 Definition: The method used by a service provider organisation to undertake or undergo formal assessment against defined industry standards, as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—standards assessment method Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Formal self-assessment 2 In-depth external review Data set specification specific attributes Palliative care performance indicators DSS Conditional obligation: Recorded when the data element Service provider organisation—standards assessment indicator, yes/no code N value is 'yes' (code 1). DSS specific information: The acceptable industry-agreed standards for the purposes of this data element are the most recent standards developed and published by Palliative Care Australia. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Formal self-assessment The service provider organisation undertakes formal self-assessment, on a routine basis, against the agreed criteria outlined in the defined industry standards. A formal self-assessment should involve a number of aspects, including the planning and development of a clear structure for the assessment process; the use of an accepted evaluation method such as a peer review; and the use of validated tools where these are available. CODE 2 In-depth external review The service provider organisation routinely undergoes an in-depth review against the defined industry standards by an independent external reviewer. This may take place in the context of an accreditation process for the service provider organisation. Collection methods: More than one code can be recorded. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Palliative Care Intergovernmental Forum Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Disability services standards cluster Disability, Standard 13/08/2015 Community Services (retired), Standard 10/04/2013 Palliative care performance indicators DSS Health, Standard 05/12/2007
Tipo di dati
Service provider organisation—working partnership indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Working partnership indicator METeOR identifier: 290696 Registration status: Health, Standard 05/12/2007 Definition: Whether a service provider organisation has formal working partnership(s) with other service provider(s) or organisation(s), as represented by a code. Data Element Concept: Service provider organisation—working partnership indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Palliative care performance indicators DSS DSS specific information: This information is required for the calculation of palliative care performance indicator number 4: ‘The proportion of palliative care agencies, within their setting of care, that have formal working partnerships with other service provider(s) and organisation(s)'. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: A formal working partnership involves arrangements between a service provider organisation and another service provider or organisation, aimed at providing integrated and seamless care, so that clients are able to move smoothly between services and service settings. A formal working partnership is a verbal or written agreement between two or more parties. It specifies the roles and responsibilities of each party, including the expected outcomes of the agreement. Key elements of a formal working partnership are that it is organised, routine, collaborative, and systematic. It excludes ad hoc arrangements. Examples of formal working partnerships include the existence of: written service agreements; formal liaison; referral and discharge planning processes; formal and routine consultation; protocols; partnership working groups; memoranda of understanding with other providers; and case conferencing. CODE 1 Yes The service provider organisation has formal working partnership(s) with other service provider(s) or organisation(s) in place. CODE 2 No The service provider organisation has no formal working partnership(s) with other service provider(s) or organisation(s) in place. Collection methods: Record only one code. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: Palliative Care Intergovernmental Forum Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Palliative care performance indicators DSS Health, Standard 05/12/2007
Tipo di dati