Health sector data set specifications from METeOR, Australia's repository for national metadata standards, developed by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Maternity model of care DSS The Maternity model of care (MoC) data set specification (DSS) is not mandated for collection. This data set specification enables maternity care providers to classify models of care using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS). The scope of the data set is all models of maternity care available to pregnant and birthing women. The MaCCS, utilising the DSS provides a standardised nomenclature and descriptive data for maternity models of care. National collation of these data enables meaningful analysis and comparisons of maternal and perinatal outcomes between differing models of care. The data elements in the DSS describe the different characteristics of models of maternity care based on three domains: · the women a model is designed for; · the carers working in the model; and · aspects of how care is provided. The development of the MaCCS and the MoC DSS was undertaken as part of the National Maternity Data Development Project under the guidance of an expert advisory group and included wide-reaching consultation with relevant stakeholder groups around the country. © Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2015 Metadata and Classifications Unit Australian Institute of Health and Welfare GPO Box 570 Canberra ACT 2601
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Maternity model of care DSS Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)
Maternity model of care DSS Metadata Online Registry (METeOR)
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Maternity model of care
Maternity model of care—target group indicator, code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Target group indicator METeOR identifier: 558051 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a particular maternity model of care is predominantly targeted at a specific section of women who share a common characteristic or set of characteristics, as represented by a code. Context: Used in maternal and perinatal healthcare settings. Data Element Concept: Maternity model of care—target group indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Some models of care are designed for specific groups of women based on a set of agreed common criteria and may restrict access to women not meeting this criteria. These restrictions may be based on geographical area, risk factors, ethnic, cultural or social groups or medical or obstetric conditions. In some cases, a model of care may not have any access restrictions but will still predominantly target a particular group of women. In both of these cases a value of "Yes" should be used. If a model of care is available to all women without any restrictions then a value of "No" should be used. Collection methods: Data are gathered using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS) data collection questionnaire on an annual basis by every maternity service when classifying their models of care or when a new model of care is introduced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Maternity model of care—target group, code N[N] Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Maternity model of care—target group, code N[N] Obligation: Conditional; Maximum occurences: 10 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Maternity target group METeOR identifier: 558247 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: The characteristics of women or their pregnancy that define a target group for a specific maternity model of care, as represented by a code. Context: Used in maternal and perinatal healthcare settings. Data Element Concept: Maternity model of care—target group Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander identification 2 Migrant or refugee 3 Low risk or normal pregnancy 4 All excluding high risk pregnancy 5 Complex or high risk pregnancy 6 Breech presentation of fetus 7 Multi fetal pregnancy 8 Next birth after caesarean section 9 Planned homebirth 10 Maternal diabetes and other endocrine disorders 11 Maternal obesity or high body mass index (BMI) 12 Maternal drug or alcohol use 13 Maternal age - young 14 Maternal mental health condition 15 Maternal remote area of residence 80 Other specific cultural groups not already specified 81 Other social groups not already specified 82 Other vulnerable groups not already specified 88 Other maternity target groups Supplementary values: 99 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 3 Low risk or normal pregnancy This code is to be used if a model of care is restricted to women with "low-risk" or "normal" pregnancies. CODE 4 All excluding high risk pregnancy This code is used for models of care that care for all women EXCEPT those considered to have a high risk pregnancy. CODE 5 Complex or high risk pregnancy This code is to be used for high-risk clinics or maternal-fetal medicine clinics or models of care. CODE 6 Breech presentation of fetus This code is to be used for breech clinics or models of care. CODE 7 Multi fetal pregnancy This code is to be used for twin/triplet clinics or models of care. CODE 8 Next birth after caesarean section This code is to be used for "vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC)" or "next birth after caesarean (NBAC)" clinics or models of care. CODE 10 Maternal diabetes and other endocrine disorders This code is used for “Diabetes clinics” or models targeted at women with any endocrine disorder including thyroid conditions. CODE 11 Maternal obesity or high body mass index (BMI) This code is to be used for bariatric clinics or models of care. CODE 13 Maternal age – young This code is to be used for models of care targeted specifically at young women. CODE 15 Maternal remote area of residence This code is used for models of care targeted at women in remote communities. This is not restricted to remote indigenous communities but models that provide care for any woman who lives in a remote area. CODE 80 Other specific cultural groups not already specified This code is to be used for models of care targeted at specific cultural groups not specified by other codes, such as particular ethnic groups. CODE 81 Other social groups not already specified This code is to be used for models of care targeted at women from specific social groups not specified by other codes. CODE 82 Other vulnerable groups not already specified This code is to be used for models of care targeted at vulnerable women not specified by other codes, such as women affected by domestic violence, women in custody etc. CODE 88 Other maternity target groups This code is used for models of care targeted at other specific groups of women not specified by other codes. This includes models targeting women from a particular suburb or postcode range (excluding those in remote areas – use CODE 15). Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Data set specification specific attributes Maternity model of care DSS Conditional obligation: Reporting of this data element is conditional upon a 'yes' response to the data element Maternity model of care - target group indicator, code N. DSS specific information: Some models of care are targeted at more than one group of women. Multiple values for this data element may be selected to identify all the specific groups of women that are targeted in a particular model of care. If there is no specific target group (that is, the model of care is available to all women) then a value for this data element is not to be reported as it is conditional on a 'yes' response to the data element Maternity model of care – target group indicator, code N. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Some models of care are targeted at specific groups of women with similar characteristics. These might be based on geographical area, risk status, obstetric or medical condition or social/cultural characteristic. Having a target group does not necessarily mean that the model of care is restricted to only those women (although the model is specifically targeted at them) and other women may also access the model of care. For example, a model of care that is targeted specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women may also provide care for non-Indigenous women living in the same remote area, however they make up a small proportion of the women cared for in the model. Collection methods: Data are gathered using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS) data collection questionnaire on an annual basis by every maternity service when classifying their models of care or when a new model of care is introduced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Maternity model of care—target group indicator, code N Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Maternity model of care—profession of designated maternity carer, code N[N] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Profession of designated maternity carer Synonymous names: Profession of lead maternity carer; Profession of maternity care co-ordinator; Profession of primary carer; Profession of named carer METeOR identifier: 562404 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: The profession of the maternity health care provider who is acting as the designated maternity carer in a model of care, as represented by a code Context: Used in maternal and perinatal healthcare settings. Data Element Concept: Maternity model of care—profession of designated maternity carer Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Specialist obstetrician - public 2 Specialist obstetrician - private 3 General practitioner obstetrician 4 Midwife - public 5 Midwife - private 6 Midwife - privately practising 7 General practitioner 8 Maternal - fetal medicine subspecialist 9 Aboriginal health practitioner 10 Aboriginal maternal infant care practitioner 11 Nurse 12 Shared care 13 Multidisciplinary team 14 Perinatal mental health worker 15 Other allied health practitioner 16 Medical specialist other than obstetric 17 Public hospital medical officer 88 Other Supplementary values: 99 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Specialist obstetrician - public This code also includes accredited obstetric registrars. CODE 3 General practitioner obstetrician This code is used for General practitioners (GP) who have undertaken additional training in obstetrics and are holders of either the Diploma of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (DRANZCOG) or the DRANZCOG Advanced. CODE 4 Midwife - public Use this code for midwives employed in the public health system. CODE 5 Midwife - private Use this code for midwives employed in the private health system but not working independently. This may be in a private hospital or in an obstetrician's private practice. CODE 6 Midwife - privately practising Use this code for independent privately practising midwives working in either a private or public healthcare setting. This includes privately practising midwives with visiting rights to a public or private hospital to provide intrapartum care, privately practising midwives who provide privately funded homebirth services or private midwives providing antenatal and postnatal care independently. CODE 9 Aboriginal health practitioner This code is used for registered Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Workers with a minimum of a Certificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care (Practice) or equivalent. CODE 10 Aboriginal maternal infant care practitioner This code is used for registered Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Workers with a minimum of a Certificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care (Practice), or equivalent who have additional qualifications to specialise in the provision of clinical maternal and infant care. CODE 12 Shared care Use this code when the model of care is a formal shared care arrangement with no single designated carer (or the designated carer may change at different times of pregnancy or be shared). This could be between different combinations of maternity care professionals such as GP and midwife, GP and hospital RMO, GP and obstetrician, Midwife and Aboriginal health practitioner etc. CODE 13 Multidisciplinary team Use this code when the model of care has no individual designated carer and all care is provided by a team of clinicians that may include obstetricians and midwives. CODE 15 Other allied health practitioner This code is used for other registered allied health professionals not covered by other codes. This includes (but is not limited to): physiotherapists, dieticians, chiropractors, educators, occupational therapists, social workers, speech pathologists, pharmacists and podiatrists. CODE 17 Public hospital medical officer This code is used for medical practitioners mainly employed in a salaried position in a public hospital who do not have a recognised specialist qualification and who are not in training to gain a recognised specialist qualification. It includes interns, resident medical officers, career medical officers and other non-specialised medical practitioners. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Data set specification specific attributes Maternity model of care DSS DSS specific information: If the value for this data element is "CODE 12 Shared Care" you must also record the values for the professions involved in the shared care in the data element Maternity model of care—profession of collaborative maternity carer, code N[N]. If the value for this data element is "CODE 13 Multidisciplinary team" you must also record the values for the professions involved in the team in the data element Maternity model of care—profession of collaborative maternity carer, code N[N]. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The designated maternity carer may also be known as the maternity care co-ordinator, primary or lead carer or named carer within a model of care and is the profession of the maternity care provider who is responsible for co-ordinating the maternity care for a woman. In some cases this may not be an individual but may be a multi-disciplinary team or a shared care arrangement. The designated maternity carer may not always be the most senior clinician involved in the care of women in the model. For example, an antenatal clinic in a public hospital may have midwives conducting the antenatal visits and providing the majority of care for the women attending. An obstetrician may be available onsite for the midwives to consult with and refer women to when required and is the more senior clinician supervising the clinic, however the value for this data element would be recorded as CODE 4 Midwife – public. Restrictions on values: The following codes are not permissible values for this data element: CODE 9 Aboriginal health practitioner CODE 14 Perinatal mental health worker CODE 15 Other allied health practitioner CODE 16 Medical specialist other than obstetric CODE 17 Public hospital medical officer Collection methods: Data are gathered using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS) data collection questionnaire on an annual basis by every maternity service when classifying their models of care or when a new model of care is introduced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Maternity model of care—profession of collaborative maternity carer, code N[N] Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Maternity model of care—midwifery caseload indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Midwifery caseload indicator Synonymous names: Midwifery group practice; Midwifery continuity of carer METeOR identifier: 558582 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a model of maternity care is a midwifery caseload model of care, as represented by a code. Context: Used in maternal and perinatal healthcare settings. Data Element Concept: Maternity model of care—midwifery caseload indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Maternity model of care DSS DSS specific information: If the value for this data element is recorded as “CODE 1 Yes” then the value for Maternity model of care—extent of continuity of designated carer, code N[N] must be recorded as “CODE 5 Whole duration of maternity period - antenatal, intrapartum. and postpartum”. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes This code is to be used only if the model of care is midwifery caseload. This involves a midwife having a set number of women per month or per annum (full-time equivalent) for whom they are the primary midwife, providing and coordinating the majority of care throughout pregnancy, labour and after birth and acting as a backup midwife for another primary midwife. The primary midwife is usually on-call for 24 hours per day for a set period and is often paid on an annualised salary and not on shifts. This is different to team midwifery. CODE 2 No This code is to be used for all other models of care, including team midwifery. Although a team midwifery model may look after a set number of women per year, this number is shared among the team rather than having each midwife act as primary midwife for their own caseload of women. Collection methods: Data are gathered using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS) data collection questionnaire on an annual basis by every maternity service when classifying their models of care or when a new model of care is introduced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Maternity model of care—midwifery caseload size, number N[NN] Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Maternity model of care—midwifery caseload size, number N[NN] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Midwifery caseload size METeOR identifier: 558695 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: The total estimated capped number of women (caseload) who will be cared for per year by each full-time equivalent primary midwife working in a midwifery caseload model of maternity care, as represented by a number. Context: Used in maternal and perinatal healthcare settings. Data Element Concept: Maternity model of care—midwifery caseload size Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Total Data type: Number Format: N[NN] Maximum character length: 3 Data set specification specific attributes Maternity model of care DSS Conditional obligation: Reporting of this data element is conditional upon a 'yes' response to the Maternity model of care—midwifery caseload indicator, yes/no code N data element. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This should be the total number of women per year that a midwife looks after in the role of primary midwife as a full-time equivalent midwife. If a model of care includes part-time midwives working as primary midwife then the caseload should be recalculated to reflect their caseload if they were working full-time. Do not count the number of women that the midwife is also caring for as a back-up midwife. Collection methods: Data are gathered using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS) data collection questionnaire on an annual basis by every maternity service when classifying their models of care or when a new model of care is introduced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Maternity model of care—midwifery caseload indicator, yes/no code N Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Maternity model of care—extent of continuity of carer, code N[N] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Extent of continuity of carer METeOR identifier: 562423 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: The extent to which continuity of carer is provided across the continuum of maternity care within a model of maternity care, as represented by a code. Context: Used in maternal and perinatal healthcare settings. Data Element Concept: Maternity model of care—extent of continuity of carer Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Antenatal period only 2 Antenatal and intrapartum periods 3 Antenatal and postpartum periods 4 Intrapartum and postpartum periods 5 Whole duration of maternity period - antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum 6 No continuity of carer Supplementary values: 99 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Antenatal period only This code is to be used if the model of care provides continuity of carer throughout the antenatal period only. A single named designated carer provides the majority of care to each woman for the antenatal period only and not for intrapartum or postpartum care. CODE 2 Antenatal and intrapartum periods This code is to be used if the model of care provides continuity of carer throughout the antenatal and intrapartum periods only. A single named designated carer provides the majority of care to each woman for the antenatal period as well as intrapartum care but does not provide postpartum care. CODE 3 Antenatal and postpartum periods This code is to be used if the model of care provides continuity of carer throughout the antenatal and postpartum periods only. A single named designated carer provides the majority of care to each woman for the antenatal period and again in the postpartum period but not for intrapartum care. This may be the case for some remote or rural models of care where women are transferred to another hospital for birth but receive their antenatal and postnatal care in their local hospital or community. CODE 4 Intrapartum and postpartum periods This code is to be used if the model of care provides continuity of carer throughout the intrapartum and postpartum periods only. A single named designated carer provides the majority of care to each woman for the birth episode (intrapartum period) and postpartum period but does not provide care in the antenatal period. CODE 5 Whole duration of maternity period - antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum This code is to be used if the model of care provides continuity of carer throughout all stages of the pregnancy, labour and postnatal periods. A single named designated carer provides the majority of care to each woman for the antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum periods. CODE 6 No continuity of carer This code is to be used if the model of care does not provide any continuity of carer to women in the model. There is no named designated carer assigned to each woman and care is provided by any number of different care providers throughout the antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum periods. There may be a small team of maternity care professionals providing care to women within the same philosophical model (continuity of care). However, there is no primary or lead caregiver offering continuity of carer. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: When recording a value for this data element it is important to differentiate between continuity of carer and continuity of care. This data element measures 'Continuity of carer' which is a measure of whether relational continuity or 'one-to-one care' is provided by the same named caregiver being involved throughout the period of care even when other caregivers are required. A defining requirement of 'Continuity of carer' is that the care is provided or lead over the full length of the episode of care by the same named carer in a model of care. Continuity of care is a different concept that can be provided by a team of caregivers working within the same philosophy and framework and sharing information but there is an absence of a designated named carer. Collection methods: Data are gathered using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS) data collection questionnaire on an annual basis by every maternity service when classifying their models of care or when a new model of care is introduced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Maternity model of care—profession of collaborative maternity carer, code N[N] Obligation: Optional, Maximum occurences: 12 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Planned collaborative maternity carer METeOR identifier: 562413 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: The profession of other recognised and named collaborative maternity care professionals in a maternity model of care, as represented by a code. Context: Used in maternal and perinatal healthcare settings. Data Element Concept: Maternity model of care—profession of collaborative maternity carer Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Specialist obstetrician - public 2 Specialist obstetrician - private 3 General practitioner obstetrician 4 Midwife - public 5 Midwife - private 6 Midwife - privately practising 7 General practitioner 8 Maternal - fetal medicine subspecialist 9 Aboriginal health practitioner 10 Aboriginal maternal infant care practitioner 11 Nurse 12 Shared care 13 Multidisciplinary team 14 Perinatal mental health worker 15 Other allied health practitioner 16 Medical specialist other than obstetric 17 Public hospital medical officer 88 Other Supplementary values: 99 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Specialist obstetrician - public This code also includes accredited obstetric registrars. CODE 3 General practitioner obstetrician This code is used for General practitioners (GP) who have undertaken additional training in obstetrics and are holders of either the Diploma of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (DRANZCOG) or the DRANZCOG Advanced. CODE 4 Midwife - public Use this code for midwives employed in the public health system. CODE 5 Midwife - private Use this code for midwives employed in the private health system but not working independently. This may be in a private hospital or in an obstetrician's private practice. CODE 6 Midwife - privately practising Use this code for independent privately practising midwives working in either a private or public healthcare setting. This includes privately practising midwives with visiting rights to a public or private hospital to provide intrapartum care, privately practising midwives who provide privately funded homebirth services or private midwives providing antenatal and postnatal care independently. CODE 9 Aboriginal health practitioner This code is used for registered Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Workers with a minimum of a Certificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care (Practice) or equivalent. CODE 10 Aboriginal maternal infant care practitioner This code is used for registered Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Workers with a minimum of a Certificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care (Practice), or equivalent who have additional qualifications to specialise in the provision of clinical maternal and infant care. CODE 12 Shared care Use this code when the model of care is a formal shared care arrangement with no single designated carer (or the designated carer may change at different times of pregnancy or be shared). This could be between different combinations of maternity care professionals such as GP and midwife, GP and hospital RMO, GP and obstetrician, Midwife and Aboriginal health practitioner etc. CODE 13 Multidisciplinary team Use this code when the model of care has no individual designated carer and all care is provided by a team of clinicians that may include obstetricians and midwives. CODE 15 Other allied health practitioner This code is used for other registered allied health professionals not covered by other codes. This includes (but is not limited to): physiotherapists, dieticians, chiropractors, educators, occupational therapists, social workers, speech pathologists, pharmacists and podiatrists. CODE 17 Public hospital medical officer This code is used for medical practitioners mainly employed in a salaried position in a public hospital who do not have a recognised specialist qualification and who are not in training to gain a recognised specialist qualification. It includes interns, resident medical officers, career medical officers and other non-specialised medical practitioners. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Data set specification specific attributes Maternity model of care DSS DSS specific information: This data element allows for multiple values. Please code all relevant collaborative carer/s involved in a model of care that provide collaborative care with the designated (lead) carer. Do not code the profession of the designated carer as this is identified in a different related data element. Only code the profession of carers that have a planned role within a model of care for all women in the model. A collaborative carer may not necessarily provide direct clinical care for all women in the model but still has a formal established role and relationship with the designated maternity carer. For example a named obstetrician may be associated with a Midwifery Group Practice to provide consultations and advice and have a weekly case review with the midwives about the women being cared for in the model but may not see every woman. The obstetrician would be considered as a collaborative maternity carer in this model as they have a formal and planned role. Do not code healthcare professionals that women may be referred to on an 'ad hoc' basis. Do not record a value if there are no planned collaborative carers in a maternity model of care. If the value of the data element Maternity model of care—profession of designated maternity carer, code N[N] is 'CODE 12 Shared care' or 'CODE 13 Multidisciplinary team' then code the values for the different professions of carers who share the provision of care within the maternity model of care. The following values are excluded for use from this data element: CODE 12 Shared care CODE 13 Multidisciplinary team Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: Data are gathered using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS) data collection questionnaire on an annual basis by every maternity service when classifying their models of care or when a new model of care is introduced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Maternity model of care—profession of designated maternity carer, code N[N] Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Maternity model of care—routine relocation for intrapartum care and birth indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Routine relocation for intrapartum care and birth indicator Synonymous names: Planned transfer for birth indicator METeOR identifier: 562432 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a maternity model of care requires women to be routinely relocated from their community to another location prior to labour for intrapartum care and birth, as represented by a code. Context: Used in maternal and perinatal healthcare settings. Data Element Concept: Maternity model of care—routine relocation for intrapartum care and birth indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: This data element refers to planned relocation for all women prior to labour and not just for women who require a higher-level of care for birth or in an emergency. CODE 1 Yes This code is to be used if the intention of the model of care is that all women cared for in the model require routine relocation from their communities to another location prior to labour for intrapartum care and birth. While some women may give birth prior to relocation (unplanned), this is not the intention of the model. Do not use this code if the model of care only requires transfer of some women with increased risk factors to attend a hospital of higher role delineation (for example from a Level 4 facility to a Level 6 facility due to complications of pregnancy). For example, CODE 1 for any model of care where women who reside in a rural or remote community where there is no accessible appropriate birth facility are routinely relocated to a larger town or city some weeks prior to the birth. CODE 2 No This code is to be used for all other models of care where the intention of the model is that women can remain in their general area for birth and the model does not require women to leave their communities prior to the onset of labour for intrapartum care and birth. Collection methods: Data are gathered using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS) data collection questionnaire on an annual basis by every maternity service when classifying their models of care or when a new model of care is introduced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
Data type
Maternity model of care—expected setting for an antenatal care visit, code N[N] Maximum occurences: 11 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Expected setting for an antenatal care visit METeOR identifier: 558719 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: The expected setting for an antenatal care visit that is offered within a model of maternity care, as represented by a code. Context: Used in maternal and perinatal healthcare settings. Data Element Concept: Maternity model of care—expected setting for an antenatal care visit Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Hospital clinic - onsite 2 Hospital clinic - outreach 3 Clinicians' private rooms 4 Community facility 5 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service facility 6 Home 7 Birth centre - stand alone 8 Birth centre - in hospital 9 Hospital - excluding birth centre 10 Hotel or hostel 88 Other Supplementary values: 99 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 2 Hospital clinic – outreach This code is used for hospital clinics located at a different hospital facility to the usual place of employment of the maternity health care provider where intrapartum care is provided. For example an antenatal clinic at a Level 2 rural hospital facility conducted by midwives from a nearby Level 4 maternity service where the women will give birth. CODE 3 Clinicians' private rooms This code also includes Medicare Local facilities and GP surgeries. CODE 4 Community facility This code is used for community facilities outside of a hospital or primary healthcare setting covered by other codes. This may include facilities such as community health centres or community halls where antenatal or postnatal care visits can be conducted. CODE 5 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service facility An Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS) is a primary health care service initiated and operated by the local Aboriginal community to deliver holistic, comprehensive, and culturally appropriate health care to the community which controls it (through a locally elected Board of Management). (Reference CODE 9 Hospital - excluding birth centre This code is used for areas used for birthing in a hospital other than a birth centre (if one is present). These may be known by a variety of names such as a birth suite, delivery suite, labour ward, labour and delivery etc. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Data set specification specific attributes Maternity model of care DSS DSS specific information: Some models of care offer multiple options for where antenatal care is provided and all applicable codes should be used. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: Data are gathered using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS) data collection questionnaire on an annual basis by every maternity service when classifying their models of care or when a new model of care is introduced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
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Maternity model of care—expected setting of birth, code N[N] Maximum occurences: 6 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Expected setting of birth Synonymous names: Planned place of birth METeOR identifier: 558725 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: The expected setting for a birth offered by a model of maternity care, as represented by a code. Context: Used in maternal and perinatal healthcare settings. Data Element Concept: Maternity model of care—expected setting of birth Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 5 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service facility 6 Home 7 Birth centre - stand alone 8 Birth centre - in hospital 9 Hospital - excluding birth centre 88 Other Supplementary values: 99 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The code set for this value domain has been set to correspond with the codes used in the Setting of maternity care code N[N] value domain. CODE 5 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service facility An Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS) is a primary health care service initiated and operated by the local Aboriginal community to deliver holistic, comprehensive, and culturally appropriate health care to the community which controls it (through a locally elected Board of Management). (Reference CODE 9 Hospital - excluding birth centre This code is used for areas used for birthing in a hospital other than a birth centre (if one is present). These may be known by a variety of names such as a birth suite, delivery suite, labour ward, labour and delivery etc. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Data set specification specific attributes Maternity model of care DSS DSS specific information: Some models of care offer multiple options for where birth care is provided and all applicable codes should be used. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Collection methods: Data are gathered using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS) data collection questionnaire on an annual basis by every maternity service when classifying their models of care or when a new model of care is introduced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
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Maternity model of care—postnatal visits in a residential setting indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Postnatal visits in a residential setting Synonymous names: Postnatal home visits; Domiciliary postnatal visits METeOR identifier: 558729 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether a model of maternity care provides postnatal visits in a residential setting, as represented by a code. Context: Used in maternal and perinatal healthcare settings. Data Element Concept: Maternity model of care—postnatal visits in a residential setting indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: CODE 1 Yes This code is to be used if a model of maternity care provides women with access to postnatal visits by a maternity care health professional in a residential setting such as the woman’s own home, a hotel or hostel. These visits may be provided by the designated maternity carer who has provided care throughout the antenatal and/or intrapartum period or the visits may be provided as part of a “domiciliary” or “early discharge” midwifery home visiting program. CODE 2 No This code is to be used if a model of maternity care does not provide women with postnatal care in a residential setting and postnatal visits are only provided in a hospital, clinicians’ private rooms or a community/healthcare facility following discharge from the birth setting. Collection methods: Data are gathered using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS) data collection questionnaire on an annual basis by every maternity service when classifying their models of care or when a new model of care is introduced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
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Maternity model of care—group session status, individual/group session descriptor code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Individual or group care METeOR identifier: 558764 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: A descriptor of whether the model of maternity care offers antenatal and/or postnatal care in individual or group sessions, as represented by a code. Context: Used in maternal and perinatal healthcare settings. Data Element Concept: Maternity model of care—group session status Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Individual sessions 2 Group sessions 3 Combination of individual and group sessions Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Some models of care offer antenatal and/or postnatal care in group sessions, such as the Centering Pregnancy® model. Group sessions must include both education and clinical care in a group setting and does not refer to "parenting classes" or "antenatal education classes" only. Group sessions are sessions that consist of two or more women. CODE 3 Combination of individual and group sessions Use this code when a model of care offers a combination of individual sessions and group sessions. Collection methods: Data are gathered using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS) data collection questionnaire on an annual basis by every maternity service when classifying their models of care or when a new model of care is introduced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
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Maternity model of care—planned medical visit indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Planned medical visit indicator METeOR identifier: 558770 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether there are a minimum number of planned visits with a medical practitioner scheduled for all women in a model of maternity care, as represented by a code. Context: Used in maternal and perinatal healthcare settings. Data Element Concept: Maternity model of care—planned medical visit indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data set specification specific attributes Maternity model of care DSS Conditional obligation: Reporting of this data element is conditional upon the reported value of either Maternity model of care—profession of designated maternity carer, code N[N] or Maternity model of care—profession of collaborative maternity carer, code N[N] being one of the following: Code 1 Specialist obstetrician - public Code 2 Specialist obstetrician - private Code 3 General practitioner obstetrician Code 7 General practitioner Code 8 Maternal - fetal medicine subspecialist DSS specific information: Within a maternity model of care, a 'medical practitioner' refers to either an obstetrician or a GP. This includes obstetric registrars and GP obstetricians. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Some models of care include a minimum number of scheduled or planned visits to a medical practitioner for all women. These are planned as part of the model of care and not visits to a doctor as required for some women. Although the number of visits for individual women may vary depending on need, some models will have a minimum number of visits for all women (even 1 visit). CODE 1 Yes This code is used if a model of maternity care includes a schedule of planned visits to a medical practitioner. The number of visits with a medical practitioner may vary depending on the woman’s individual needs, however there is a minimum schedule of planned visits for all women intended within the model of care. These must be planned as part of the model of care and not referrals to a doctor as required for some women. CODE 2 No This code is used if a model of maternity care does not include a minimum number of planned visits to a medical practitioner. Women may still be referred to a doctor if needed but there is no minimum schedule of visits to a medical practitioner for all women included in the model of care. Collection methods: Data are gathered using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS) data collection questionnaire on an annual basis by every maternity service when classifying their models of care or when a new model of care is introduced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
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Maternity model of care—additional remote or rural services offered indicator, yes/no code N Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Additional remote or rural services offered indicator METeOR identifier: 579692 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: An indicator of whether or not additional remote or rural services are offered in a maternity model of care, as represented by a code. Context: Used in remote or rural maternal and perinatal healthcare settings. Data Element Concept: Maternity model of care—additional remote or rural services offered indicator Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Boolean Format: N Maximum character length: 1 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Yes 2 No Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: These additional antenatal/postnatal services are particularly for women in remote or rural areas who reside at a significant distance from a maternity service. Collection methods: Data are gathered using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS) data collection questionnaire on an annual basis by every maternity service when classifying their models of care or when a new model of care is introduced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Maternity model of care—type of additional remote or rural service, antenatal/postnatal service code N[N] Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
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Maternity model of care—type of additional remote or rural service, antenatal/postnatal service code N[N] Obligation: Conditional; Maximum occurences: 4 Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Type of additional antenatal/postnatal remote or rural service METeOR identifier: 558776 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: The type of additional rural and remote antenatal/postnatal service provided in a maternity model of care, as represented by a code. Context: Used in remote or rural maternal and perinatal healthcare settings. Data Element Concept: Maternity model of care—type of additional remote or rural service Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Fly-in-fly-out clinicians 2 Telehealth 3 Community-based remote-area clinicians 88 Other Supplementary values: 99 Not stated/inadequately described Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Data set specification specific attributes Maternity model of care DSS Conditional obligation: Reporting of this data element is conditional upon the reported value of Maternity model of care—additional remote or rural services offered indicator, yes/no code N being Code 1 Yes. DSS specific information: This data element allows for multiple values to be recorded. Please record all additional services provided for remote or rural women in a model of maternity care. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Report a permissible value indicating an additional service that is included specifically for remote or rural women in a model of maternity care. These additional services are provided for women who reside at a significant distance from a maternity service. CODE 1 Fly-in-fly-out clinicians This may include Medical Specialist Outreach Assistance Program (MSOAP) services or any maternity care clinician (midwife or doctor) who travels to a remote community from a metropolitan centre specifically to provide antenatal/postnatal care. CODE 2 Telehealth This code is for any model of care that includes visits with a clinician via telehealth technology. CODE 3 Community-based remote-area clinicians This code is for models of care where remote-area nurses, midwives and or doctors provide care to women in their local community. Collection methods: Data are gathered using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS) data collection questionnaire on an annual basis by every maternity service when classifying their models of care or when a new model of care is introduced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Relational attributes Related metadata references: See also Maternity model of care—additional remote or rural services offered indicator, yes/no code N Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
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Maternity model of care—expected length of time for postnatal visits in a residential setting, code N[N] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Expected length of time for postnatal visits in a residential setting Synonymous names: Length of time for postnatal home visits METeOR identifier: 558784 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: The expected length of time a model of maternity care provides access to postnatal visits in a residential setting, as represented by a code. Context: Used in maternal and perinatal healthcare settings. Data Element Concept: Maternity model of care—expected length of time for postnatal visits in a residential setting Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 1-3 days 2 4-7 days 3 8-14 days 4 15-28 days 5 29-42 days 6 More than 42 days Supplementary values: 99 Not stated/inadequately described Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Data set specification specific attributes Maternity model of care DSS Conditional obligation: Reporting of this data element is conditional upon the reported value of Maternity model of care - postnatal visits in a residential setting indicator, yes/no code N being Code 1 Yes. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Code the appropriate value that represents the length of time that a model of care provides the majority of women with access to postnatal visits by a maternity care health professional in a residential setting such as the woman’s own home, a hotel or hostel. These visits may be provided by the designated maternity carer who has provided care throughout the antenatal and/or intrapartum period or the visits may be provided as part of a “domiciliary” or “early discharge” midwifery home visiting program that is separate to the model of care the woman had been in up until she gave birth. Collection methods: Data are gathered using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS) data collection questionnaire on an annual basis by every maternity service when classifying their models of care or when a new model of care is introduced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
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Maternity model of care—Major Model Category, code N[N] Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Major Model Category Synonymous names: MMC code METeOR identifier: 559627 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: The overarching major category or group that a maternity model of care can be described by based on its characteristics, as represented by a code. Context: Used in maternal and perinatal healthcare settings. Data Element Concept: Maternity model of care—model of care category Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Code Data type: Number Format: N[N] Maximum character length: 2 Permissible values: Value Meaning 1 Private obstetrician (specialist) care 2 Private midwifery care 3 General Practitioner obstetrician care 4 Shared care 5 Combined care 6 Public hospital maternity care 7 Public hospital high risk maternity care 8 Team midwifery care 9 Midwifery group practice caseload care 10 Remote area maternity care 11 Private obstetrician and privately practising midwife joint care 88 Other Supplementary values: 99 Not stated/inadequately described Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Every model of maternity care can be allocated to one of ten broad Major Model Categories (MMC). While there will be variation between models of care in the same MMC these broad descriptors provide a common understanding and terminology about different categories of maternity models of care. CODE 1 Private obstetrician (specialist) care Antenatal care provided by a private specialist obstetrician. Intrapartum care is provided in either a private or public hospital by the private specialist obstetrician and hospital midwives in collaboration. Postnatal care is usually provided in the hospital by the private specialist obstetrician and hospital midwives and may continue in the home, hotel or hostel. CODE 2 Private midwifery care Antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care is provided by a private midwife or group of midwives in collaboration with doctors in the event of identified risk factors. Antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care could be provided in a range of locations including the home. CODE 3 General Practitioner obstetrician care Antenatal care provided by a GP obstetrician. Intrapartum care is provided in either a private or public hospital by the GP obstetrician and hospital midwives in collaboration. Postnatal care is usually provided in the hospital by the GP obstetrician and hospital midwives and may continue in the home or community. CODE 4 Shared care Antenatal care is provided by a community maternity service provider (doctor and/or midwife) in collaboration with hospital medical and/or midwifery staff under an established agreement, and can occur both in the community and in hospital outpatient clinics. Intrapartum and early postnatal care usually takes place in the hospital by hospital midwives and doctors, often in conjunction with the community doctor or midwife (particularly in rural settings). CODE 5 Combined care Antenatal care provided by a private maternity service provider (doctor and/or midwife) in the community. Intrapartum and early postnatal care provided in the public hospital by hospital midwives and doctors. Postnatal care may continue in the home or community by hospital midwives. CODE 6 Public hospital maternity care Antenatal care is provided in hospital outpatient clinics (either onsite or outreach) by midwives and/or doctors. Care could also be provided by a multidisciplinary team. Intrapartum and postnatal care is provided in the hospital by midwives and doctors in collaboration. Postnatal care may continue in the home or community by hospital midwives. CODE 7 Public hospital high risk maternity care Antenatal care is provided to women with medical high risk/complex pregnancies by maternity care providers (specialist obstetricians and/or maternal-fetal medicine subspecialists in collaboration with midwives) with an interest in high risk maternity care in a public hospital. Intrapartum and postnatal care is provided by hospital doctors and midwives. Postnatal care may continue in the home or community by hospital midwives. CODE 8 Team midwifery care Antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care is provided by a small team of rostered midwives (no more than eight) in collaboration with doctors in the event of identified risk factors. Intrapartum care is usually provided in a hospital or birth centre. Postnatal care may continue in the home or community by the team midwives. CODE 9 Midwifery Group Practice caseload care Antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care is provided within a publicly-funded caseload model by a known primary midwife with secondary backup midwife/midwives providing cover and assistance with collaboration with doctors in the event of identified risk factors. Antenatal care and postnatal care is usually provided in the hospital, community or home with intrapartum care in a hospital, birth centre or home. CODE 10 Remote area maternity care Antenatal and postnatal care is provided in remote communities by a remote area midwife (or a remote area nurse) or group of midwives sometimes in collaboration with a remote area nurse and/or doctor. Antenatal care may also be provided via telehealth or fly-in-fly-out clinicians in an outreach setting. Intrapartum and early postnatal care is provided in a regional or metropolitan hospital (involving temporary relocation prior to labour) by hospital midwives and doctors. CODE 11 Private obstetrician and privately practising midwife joint care Antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care is provided by a privately practising obstetrician and midwife from the same collaborative private practice. Intrapartum care is usually provided in either a private or public hospital by the privately practising midwife and/or private specialist obstetrician in collaboration with hospital midwifery staff. Postnatal care is usually provided in the hospital and may continue on in the home, hotel or hostel by the privately practising midwife. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Reference documents: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2014. Foundations for enhanced maternity data collection and reporting in Australia: National Maternity Data Development Project Stage 1. Cat. no. PER 60. Canberra: AIHW. Data set specification specific attributes Maternity model of care DSS DSS specific information: If the value for this data element is “CODE 1 Private obstetrician (specialist) care”, “CODE 2 Private midwifery care”, “CODE 9 Midwifery group practice caseload care” or "CODE 11 Private obstetrician and privately practising midwife joint care" then the value for Maternity model of care—extent of continuity of carer, code N[N] must be recorded as “CODE 5 Whole duration of maternity period - antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum”. Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: Although there is much variation in models of maternity care, all models of care can be grouped into one of the broad 'Major Model Categories' based on their characteristics, i.e. the characteristics of the women in the model, the carers working in the model and aspects of the care provided. The Major Model Categories have broad descriptions that describe the intent of a model of care, recognising that not all women in a model of care will necessarily follow the same journey or receive the same care pathway as the model intends (or was designed for) for the majority of women. CODE 2 Private midwifery care This code should be recorded for all models of care where the designated maternity carer is a privately practising midwife, even if the care is provided from a private midwifery caseload group practice. This code is not to be used if the model of care is "Shared Care" between a private midwife and a hospital as part of a formal arrangement. CODE 4 Shared care This code should only be used when there is an established shared care agreement between the community-based maternity carer (doctor or midwife) and the hospital. This would usually include an agreed schedule of antenatal care visits between the two providers. CODE 5 Combined care This code is to be used when antenatal care is provided by a private maternity carer in the community (doctor or midwife) and intrapartum care is provided separately by public hospital doctors and/or midwives without an established "Shared Care" agreement. There is no agreed schedule of visits between the two different providers and the community-based private maternity carer does not provide any care in the hospital. CODE 6 Public hospital maternity care This code can be used for models of care provided in public hospitals where antenatal care is usually provided in outpatient clinics by midwives or doctors (sometimes a multidisciplinary team) and may include specific purpose clinics such as diabetes clinics, next birth after caesarean (NBAC) clinics etc. This code should not be used for models of care for high risk pregnancies (Code 7) or models that are in the category of "Team midwifery" (Code 8) or "Midwifery group practice caseload care" (Code 9). CODE 7 Public hospital high risk maternity care This code is used for models of care provided in public hospitals by multidisciplinary specialists for complex maternal, medical and fetal conditions and limited obstetric conditions. This code is not to be used for specialised obstetric-led clinics such as those specifically for women with diabetes or with obstetric risk factors such as high BMI. Obstetric-led clinics or models requiring obstetric input but not multidisciplinary medical specialist care should be coded to “CODE 6 Public hospital maternity care”. Collection methods: Data are gathered using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS) data collection questionnaire on an annual basis by every maternity service, either when classifying their models of care or when a new model of care is introduced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Reference documents: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2014. Foundations for enhanced maternity data collection and reporting in Australia: National Maternity Data Development Project Stage 1. Cat. no. PER 60. Canberra: AIHW. Relational attributes Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
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Maternity model of care—identifier, NNNNNN Identifying and definitional attributes Short name: Maternity model of care identifier METeOR identifier: 573834 Registration status: Health, Standard 14/05/2015 Definition: A sequence of characters which uniquely identifies a maternity model of care, as represented by a number. Context: Used in maternal and perinatal healthcare settings. Data Element Concept: Maternity model of care—identifier Value domain attributes Representational attributes Representation class: Identifier Data type: Number Format: NNNNNN Maximum character length: 6 Data element attributes Collection and usage attributes Guide for use: The first character position should be the Australian state/territory identifier for the origin of the model of care. The remaining characters should be a unique number combination within each state or territory. Collection methods: Data are gathered using the Maternity Care Classification System (MaCCS) data collection questionnaire on an annual basis by every maternity service when classifying their models of care or when a new model of care is introduced. Source and reference attributes Submitting organisation: National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit Origin: National Maternity Data Development Project (AIHW and NPESU), Maternity Care Classification System subproject. Relational attributes Related metadata references: Is formed using Establishment—Australian state/territory identifier, code N Health, Standard 01/03/2005, Commonwealth Department of Health, Candidate 16/07/2015 Implementation in Data Set Specifications: Maternity model of care DSS Health, Standard 14/05/2015
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